Take a self-confidence test. Emigration and emigrants

Another name for this test is the Raidas test. It offers 30 statements describing different types of behavior. For each statement, the degree of compliance should be noted:

5 - "very typical for me, the description is very correct",

4 - "quite typical for me - rather yes than no",

3 - "partly characteristic, partly not characteristic",

2 - "rather uncharacteristic for me - rather no than yes",

1 - "not at all typical for me, the description is not correct".

Questionnaire text

*1. Most people seem to be more aggressive and more confident than me.

* 2. I hesitate to make dates and accept date invitations because of my shyness.

3. When the food served in the cafe does not satisfy me, I complain about it to the waiter.

*4. I avoid hurting other people's feelings, even if I am offended.

*5. If a salesperson took a significant amount of effort to show me a product that doesn't quite suit me, it's hard for me to say no to him.

6. When I am asked to do something, I definitely find out why it is.

7. I prefer to use strong arguments and arguments.

8. I try to be among the first, like most people.

*nine. To be honest, people often take advantage of me. 10. I enjoy communicating with strangers.

*eleven. I often don’t know what to say to an attractive woman (man).

*12. I feel hesitant when it comes to making a phone call to the institution.

*13. I would rather apply in writing to hire me or enroll me than go through an interview.

*fourteen. I am embarrassed to return a purchase.

*15. If a close and respected relative annoys me, I would rather hide my feelings than be irritated.

*16. I avoid asking questions for fear of sounding stupid.

* 17. In an argument, I sometimes fear that I will worry and tremble.

18. If a well-known and respected speaker expresses a point of view that I believe is wrong, I will force the audience to listen to my point of view as well.

*19. I avoid arguing and bargaining over the price.

20. After doing something important and worthwhile, I try to let others know about it.

21. I am frank and sincere in my feelings.

22. If someone is gossiping about me, I tend to talk to him about it.

* 23. I often find it difficult to say no.

* 24. I tend to hold back my emotions rather than stage scenes.

25. I complain about poor service and clutter.

* 26. When someone compliments me, I don't know what to say in return.

27. If in the theater or at a lecture I am disturbed by conversations, I make a remark.

28. Anyone who tries to get in the line in front of me will be rebuffed.

29. I always express my opinion.

*thirty. Sometimes I have absolutely nothing to say.


1. Find the total score for questions not marked with an asterisk (numbers 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28, 29).

2. Find the sum for the questions marked with an asterisk (numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26, 30).

3. Add 72 to the first amount and subtract the second amount.


0 - 24: very insecure

25 - 48: rather unsure than sure;

49 - 72: Average Confidence

73 - 96: self-confident;

97 - 120: too self-confident.

The essence of confidence of any kind, sooner or later, in addition to self-esteem, comes down to the question of what people will think of me. Read the new material from the happiness psychologist about the essence of self-confidence, what pillars it holds, and take the 10-question self-assessment test of self-confidence.

The simple essence of self-confidence

The essence of confidence, like the meaning, is simple: self-confidence, like belief in higher powers, does not require outside evidence.

Click on TEST!

A short checklist "How to improve your self-esteem"

  • Stop berating and blaming yourself, and praise yourself instead.

  • Stop comparing yourself to other people, compare yourself to yourself.

  • Try to do what you like, create your reality.

  • Connect with positive people, surround yourself with confident friends.

  • Create lists of your positive qualities, achievements and victories.

  • Start helping and giving yourself to other people.

  • Act and learn new things in the world around you and in yourself!

  • Make a list of statements that can help boost your self-esteem and read it every morning.

Concentrate the focus of inner attention on your merits, achievements, and pride.

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  • Every day we are exposed to psychological pressure from all sides, so it is important for us to know how strong our inner position is.

    Take this test and find out the level and degree of self-confidence at the moment!

    Choose from each block one image that you like the most. Do not analyze, choose what you focus on in the first place.

    Calculate the number of points scored and see the results.

    View your results

    8 to 13 points

    Now your style of behavior depends primarily on the opinions of others. You easily become discouraged and with great difficulty you can force yourself to do what you do not like. The word "must" unsettles. Suspiciousness interferes with building relationships with people. This is not to say that you are the master of your decisions. At the same time, you are too sensitive, follow the lead of your emotions. Low self-confidence.

    14 to 20 points

    You strive to find your way, although so far you are drifting more and more with the flow. They are able to critically assess their actions. So others cannot influence you if they do not have arguments that are convincing enough for you. If common sense dictates that the position you defended is harmful to you, then you can refuse it. Good balance and sufficient self-confidence.

    21 to 27 points

    Deep down, you consider yourself always right and infallible. But you are also subject to external influences. There are two or three people who are significant to you, in front of whose opinion you give in and give up your position. And yet, possessing rational and analytical thinking, strive to find a middle ground between your own views and the situations that life puts in front of you. It helps that you instinctively choose the right path. Self-confidence is above average.

    28 to 34 points

    It is very difficult for you to give up your views and principles, even if you see that you are wrong. The more someone seeks to influence you, the stronger the resistance. But, most likely, your outward stubbornness hides not so much self-confidence as the fear of getting into an unpleasant situation and "calling fire on yourself."

    35 to 40 points

    If you have hammered something into your head, it is impossible to change your mind. You are a tough person who recklessly moves towards your goals. But sometimes you burn bridges in vain and then slowly regret it. But someone who knows you well and anticipates your reaction can skillfully and discreetly guide your actions. So less stubbornness and straightforwardness, more intelligence and flexibility!

    Based on materials from the site psychojournal.ru