When to apply to universities. There will be no more choice of five universities

From this academic year, it officially comes into force changed procedure for admission to universities... Now, to enroll, the applicant will need to practically blindly provide original certificate to an educational institution. Otherwise, his place will be taken by another, more daring candidate, who may be inferior to him in the number of points for the Unified State Exam (USE). Despite the fact that last year, due to the use of such a system in some universities, a shortage was formed, the Ministry of Education confidently decided: the new order will be permanent, the correspondent reports.

From now on, enrollment will be carried out in two stages: the first wave - August 1-3, the second - August 6-8. First, 80% of applicants who submitted the original of the certificate and got to the top of the list by the number of points will be enrolled, then the remaining 20%.

"The procedure will be in effect starting with admission for the 2016/17 academic year. Previously, the admission procedure was approved for a period of one year, but the existing document will be permanent. This means that the norms for admission are basically will not change annually and applicants will be informed in advance about all the details upon admission to the university, "the Ministry of Education commented on the publication of the order on the procedure for admission to training.

Now, in order to enter a university, a student must not only submit an application, for example, to five universities for three specialties in each and 15 positions may "appear" as a potential applicant, but also is obliged to provide the original of the certificate to the university, as well as write consent to enroll.

The new system was not appreciated in Petrozavodsk State University, where last year 50 state employees were expected in engineering specialties, but received only five.

"The reception system approved by Lebanon, makes it even more difficult for schoolchildren to enter engineering specialties. Until the certificate is presented to the university, until a statement of consent to enrollment is written, it does not participate in the competition. In the list of applicants a mass of dead souls, they create the illusion that "Vasya" does not pass, but in reality he passes, and he cannot determine it himself. Because according to this list, he does not know who will pass, who will not. Nobody knows that. He wants to go to Moscow from his provincial city, but sees that he is on the 150th list, and he decides not to take his certificate there, and as a result, he does not go anywhere. As a result, this Moscow university will be left with a shortfall. There are many applicants, but no one brought a certificate. Because everyone is afraid. We experienced this last year: there were a lot of applications, and when they began to enroll, there were five people for 50 places. The rest were simply afraid to bring their certificates ", - On the eve.RU Professor, Head of the Department of Geometry and Topology of the Mathematical Faculty of Petrozavodsk State University Alexander Ivanov.

Note that, by order, the admissions committees of universities must update data daily on the submitted applications of applicants. The lists must indicate: the number of USE points, the number of points for personal achievements (applicants are encouraged for victories in olympiads, certificates with honors, participation in the TRP, and so on), the presence of a pre-emptive right to enrollment and the presence of an application for consent to enrollment... The original of the certificate is attached to the latter when submitting documents.

However, as practice shows, universities do not always have the opportunity to promptly update the lists, and, as a result, applicants remain in the dark until the last moment.

Unsurprisingly, this creates additional concerns for prospective students. According to Chairman of the All-Russian Student Union Oleg Tsapko, they are not unfounded.

“Last year students were worried about this, about how the procedure would be held, they say, suddenly they did not bring the originals, and someone would take their place. Indeed, there were such fears. Such a system is more convenient for universities than for students. And also for students with low scores: they went to the university, submitted originals, they had to go through the first wave of enrollment. And applicants who had more points could choose between universities. This procedure itself is not entirely convenient for students, it rather plays into the hands of admissions committees. It often happened that they had shortfalls, but now they have several waves of enrollment. The main part - 80% falls into the first wave, and the rest - into the second wave. There are universities in which they could not understand this system, and, of course, they had a shortage, "said On the eve.RU Oleg Tsapko.

According to him, universities daily posted lists of "recommended for admission" on their websites, which indicated which of the applicants brought originals and who did not. But as a result, they accepted people who were not previously "recommended" for enrollment.

"There was such a case: a girl in one of the prestigious universities was not included in the list of recommended for admission and decided to go to another prestigious university, where she was recommended. Although she wanted more to the first university. When she submitted the originals to the second university, she was called back and told that despite the fact that at first she was not recommended, there was a shortage and therefore she was invited for enrollment. But it was already too late. There were such precedents, there is no need to go far for examples, "Tsapko added.

With the fact that such a system is beneficial to universities, and not applicants, I agree and co-chairman of the interregional trade union "Teacher" Andrei Demidov.

"It is not profitable for schoolchildren. It is more profitable for schoolchildren to have more wide choose. It is clear that in this case this decision of the Ministry is dictated rather by the desire to please universities, so that they are sure that if a person has submitted the original, then he will come to them as a result. A certain stability is being created, which is beneficial for universities, but, of course, graduates in this case lose some additional opportunities and mobility of choice, "he shared his opinion with On the eve.RU Demidov.

Meanwhile, applicants retain the opportunity to choose. They can still apply a maximum of five universities, a maximum of three specialties... But at the same time, they will have to constantly keep their finger on the pulse: keep track of the number of competitors who submitted originals, and hope for luck.

By adopting the new order, the Ministry of Education and Science is limiting the mobility of graduates, said Dmitry Trynov, co-chairman of the central council of the interregional trade union of higher school workers "University Solidarity".

"Any changes that reduce the freedom of movement and opportunities for applicants are, of course, bad. In this case, the Ministry listened to the opinion of the university leadership. It is clear that it is unprofitable for the leadership of universities to wait for several waves of enrollment and think about who will eventually come to them. Today, documents can be submitted to several universities, send the results of the Unified State Exam. On the one hand, the management of universities can be understood. But, in my opinion, the main party, whose interests should be taken into account in the first place, is applicants. It seems to me that this is all - so it restricts their rights and freedoms, "Trynov told the correspondent Nakanune.RU.

It turns out that by its actions the Ministry of Education unwittingly cancels one of the main ideas of the Unified State Examination (USE), which was to allow a student from any corner of Russia to enter the country's prestigious universities?

This is so, Dmitry Trynov believes; he notes that the tendency to abandon the USE postulates has already begun.

"This is a continuation of a past trend that has already begun. Last year we had an influx of Ukrainian students, primarily in southern universities. They also did not have any exam. Foreign students who come to us from the CIS and non-CIS countries do not take any Unified State Exam either. Today, a number of leading universities, including Moscow State University and the Higher School of Economics, have practically defended their right to admit applicants not according to the results of the Unified State Exam, but according to the results of their own exams. There is one more innovation in this order of Livanov - graduates of secondary specialized educational institutions can now also not take the exam! This process is underway and it will gain momentum in the future. My forecast is that universities will be able to defend their right to their own recruitment. But this is a gradual departure from this benefit, because from the point of view of applicants it is a blessing that they have the opportunity to submit documents to any university and be enrolled, "- said Trynov.

The mention of HSE in this vein is all the more surprising since the rector of this particular university Yaroslav Kuzminov is considered the ideologist of the introduction of the Unified State Exam in Russian education.

According to experts, the initiators of the "test" system for passing exams in Russia are already forced to make efforts to eliminate the damage it is inflicting on it.

The exams have been passed, the graduation has passed, the student life is ahead of yesterday's schoolchildren! It's time to apply to the university. How to do this without unnecessary worries?
Applicants can apply to five universities at the same time, to 3 faculties. This increases your chances of admission fifteen times. In addition, you can choose different forms of study: daytime, evening or part-time.
Where to begin?

How to apply to the university - call the admissions office or go to the website

Find out the deadlines for submission of documents, which documents you need to provide and the deadlines for acceptance tests.

How to apply to the university - required documents

The complete list of documents for different educational institutions may differ, but the main documents are:

  • passport,
  • photocopies of a passport with a photograph and a record of the place of residence,
  • a certificate of complete secondary education,
  • certificate of passing the exam,
  • 6-8 photos 3 * 4,
  • certificate of registration or military card (for those liable for military service),
  • medical certificate form 086-y (for those entering the daytime department),
  • if you decide to enter a creative university, then most likely you will need to provide some of your works,
  • diplomas, gratitude, certificates of completion of courses, diplomas of victory or participation in olympiads and competitions. In general, everything that characterizes you from the best side.

How to apply to the university - visit the admissions office

So, with a folder of collected documents, we are moving towards the university. The selection committee deals with the applicants. They accept documents and answer questions. Often 2-3 year students work in the admissions office, so don't be shy.

At the admissions office you will be asked to fill out an application for admission and will complete all your documents. Perhaps you will sit in line for more than one hour, be prepared for this. Carefully check that you have all the necessary documents on hand, be sure to make a couple of extra photocopies and photographs, just in case.

The application for admission can also often be downloaded from the university website and filled out at home, this will save you time. Sometimes the admissions committee skips applicants with all completed documents skipping the line.

After receiving your documents, you will be given a receipt, according to which you can pick up your documents. You are now officially a university entrant.

How to apply to the university - dates and times of entrance examinations

During the consultation, you will be told in detail how the exam will be held and what you need to be prepared for.
If there are no exams for your specialty, and you have already passed all the disciplines necessary for admission to the Unified State Exam, then you do not need to do anything else. Rest and calmly await results.

How to apply to the university - new ways

If before the personal presence of the applicant was necessary, now you can submit documents by mail or via the Internet.

If you plan to enroll in another city, it will be more convenient to send documents by mail than to spend money on travel and accommodation. Choose express delivery with notification so you can be sure that your documents arrive on time.

You can also submit documents electronically. To do this, you need to download the application for admission, print it, fill it out, sign it, scan it and all the necessary documents and send it by e-mail. A convenient way, but sometimes it happens that due to a large number of applications, sites do not cope with the work. Please bear this in mind.

Follow the results

If you have applied to several universities, especially if you want to get to the budget department, then after the announcement of the results you need to very quickly find out where you still want to study. Because without the original documents I cannot enroll you in the university! Make a rating of universities for yourself, it will help you quickly decide in the future. As soon as you have decided, quickly take your original certificate to the admissions office or send it by express mail to be sure to meet the deadline.

For successful admission to a university, you should realistically assess your capabilities. But you shouldn't underestimate yourself too much! Choose a specialty you like, and then submitting documents and entrance tests will be an interesting quest for you.

List of documents:

  • Statement
  • A document on complete general education (original or copy);
  • Original or photocopy of documents proving his identity, citizenship;
  • 6 photographs measuring 3x4 cm (black-and-white or color photograph on matte paper, taken this year);
  • Applicants who have special rights upon admission to higher educational institutions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation provide, at their discretion, the original or a photocopy of the relevant documents.
  • Medical certificate in the form 086-U or 026-U *

* Upon admission to specialties and areas of training that require preliminary medical inspection. You can get acquainted with the list of these specialties

Admission rules Some universities require male applicants who have reached the age of 17 to provide a military ID or a certificate of a citizen subject to conscription (certificate of registration).

Disabled citizens provide, at their discretion, an original or a photocopy of one of the following documents:

  • the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;
  • a certificate on the establishment of disability, issued by the federal institution of medical and social expertise.

Disabled children, disabled people of I and II groups , provide, at their discretion, the original or a photocopy of a certificate of disability and a conclusion on the absence of contraindications for studying at a university, issued by a federal institution of medical and social expertise.

Applicants to the magistracy also represent a bachelor's degree, a specialist's degree or a master's degree.

Persons entering target places , submit the originals of the education certificate, target direction or confirmation from the department for work with target groups about the presence in the list of target groups of the corresponding region.

For applicants part-time (evening) and part-time forms of study:

  • a document on complete general education (original or copy);

For applicants of the part-time (evening) form of study under the program of the second higher education:

  • a copy (in 2 copies) of the document on the first higher education (copies certified by a notary or at the selection committee);
  • for applicants who have different surnames in the educational document and in the passport, a copy of the document confirming the change of surname (notarized or certified by the admissions office);
  • passport or other document proving identity and citizenship.

Having accepted the documents from the applicant, the employees of the selection committee must issue him a corresponding receipt. Until the enrollment order is issued, the applicant can pick up the documents within 1 day by writing an application.

Documents by mail

Applicants can send to the admissions office by registered mail an application and the necessary documents, as well as documents in digital form (if such an opportunity is provided at the university). The application for admission must be drawn up in accordance with the standard application form.

An application for admission to the first year, as well as the necessary documents, are sent by applicants through public postal operators. The date of sending the documents (no later than July 10) is determined by the postmark of the post office. Acceptance of documents sent through the operators of the postal service of general use is completed within the time frame specified for each form of training.

In the case of an incomplete set of necessary documents or writing an application not in the prescribed form, documents from the applicant are not accepted.

The 25th is the last day of submission of documents to universities. Ahead is the most nervous period: enrollment in students. In order for it to pass without particular damage to health, applicants must clearly understand both the enrollment procedure itself and the intermediate stages of this process.

So, on July 25, the admissions committees of Russian universities on the last day accept documents from late applicants. The next day they will process the received data, and already on July 27 at the information stand of the admissions committee and on the official website of the university, in accordance with the established procedure, a complete list of applicants will appear. In this case, the lists will be grouped into several conditional groups. At the very beginning, there should be the names of applicants eligible for admission without entrance examinations (winners and prize-winners of All-Russian Olympiads, as well as winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren included in the established one). They must be followed by the names of applicants entering out of competition. Further, the names of those who are going to the target enrollment, and at the bottom of the list are applicants entering on a general basis (based on the USE results). At the same time, universities are obliged to form lists in each of the conditional groups in descending order of the points scored by applicants.

The next stage starts on July 30th. On this day, the stand of the admissions committee should be replenished with new information - an order for admission to the first year of those who have the right to admission out of competition, admission without entrance tests and target places. Also (if there are vacancies), a list of persons recommended for admission on a general basis should appear at the stand. Similar information should be duplicated on the official website of the university. From this moment until August 4, inclusive, applicants recommended for admission can bring the originals of education documents to the educational institution. This stage ends on August 5, when an order is issued to enroll in the first year of those who provided the originals. Applicants who have not done this will automatically drop out of the competition and are considered to have refused enrollment.

If there are free places, further enrollment should be carried out from the remaining number of persons included in the full surname list. At the same time, the scheme will look like this: on August 5, a list of persons recommended for admission to vacant budget places is published on the university website and at the information stand of the admissions committee. These applicants are given 5 days to provide original documents, until August 9 inclusive. The stage ends with the fact that on August 10, on the official website of the university and on the information stand of the selection committee, the following order should appear on the enrollment of persons who have successfully passed the entrance tests and submitted the original document on education.

As for paysites, on August 5, a surname list of applicants should be announced, ranked in descending order of the number of points scored (with their indication), with the allocation of lists recommended for admission in each area of ​​study (specialty) to commercial places. At the same time, the actual enrollment of payers will take place only after all budget places have been filled, but it will be completed, however, no later than 10 days before the start of training sessions. At the same time, the enrollment of applicants entering the correspondence form of study ends.

Before submitting documents to an educational institution, it is better to familiarize yourself with how enrollment in a university takes place. With all the distinctive awards and solid knowledge, it is possible to fail by filing an application at the wrong time. It is also worth paying attention to the competitive conditions for the selection of applicants. Each educational institution has its own rules.

General principles

Different conditions affect how university enrollment takes place. Local characteristics, educational profile, as well as the acquired profession after graduation, contribute to this process. Even the material condition of both the applicants themselves and the place where they enter is influenced.

Still, the general conditions of selection are traced in all universities in the country. Among those there are:

  • School grade point average, USE results.
  • Knowledge on entrance exams, expressed in the received marks for them. (Additional testing is done at some universities.)
  • Availability of awards for participation in conferences, additional education (preparatory courses).
  • Having a referral to a preferential place or other privileges.
  • Competition during the period of submission of documents.

Not everyone understands how enrollment in a university takes place with a huge flow of beneficiaries. The streaming system also introduces difficulties when some of the places are already occupied even before the start of the exams. This is due to courses from the university, which are held annually on a material basis.

If you carefully consider how enrollment in a university takes place, you will notice that priority remains with those who have attended additional training with the teachers of the institution for a long time. In other words, all other things being equal, first of all, those who paid for additional classes are taken. This was previously called the admission of applicants from the first stream exams.

The competition on the second stream is often higher. The most prepared applicants are selected here. Some inequality can be traced for those entering the university. At this moment, "freeloaders" enter the ranks of applicants - with preferential directions. To be enrolled, it is enough for them to have a rating comparable to the top three in all subjects.

Calculation of indicators

Consider how enrollment in a university takes place based on the results of schooling - points for the exam. For this, several indicators are used, tabulated for ease of calculation. However, the results of the ranking of applicants can be seen only after the submission of documents to the selection committee and the calculation of all data. So, the lists are posted after July 27 every year. But you can submit copies of documents. However, there are some peculiarities, the original will still be needed before the results are announced.

To understand how admission to a university on a budget takes place, it is necessary to compare the following indicators of applicants:

  • The total score for all indicators.
  • Separately, the grades for the three entrance exams are compared.
  • Points for individual achievement are taken into account.
  • Often, admission to a university is influenced by whether the applicant has submitted an original document of education or a copy.
  • All other things being equal, they take into account the existence of a preemptive right (these are target areas, benefits, and others).

The list above determines how admission to the university takes place according to priorities. If strong applicants have gathered in the stream, it may happen that the excellent student will be left out of work. The Troechnik will go to another department, where at that moment the requirements were lower.

Often, with good indicators, the rector of a university can make an extraordinary decision and open several additional budget places. This is quite rare. After all, the institution itself, and not the Ministry of Education, will pay for the education.

Selection procedure

It is important to remember the date of enrollment in the university. The original educational document must be submitted no later than the following dates:

  • Applicants in targeted and preferential areas - no later than July 29. Documents will no longer be accepted after 4 pm on that day.
  • For budgetary seats - no later than August 3. Reception ends at 4 pm that day.

How to assess the chances of admission?

Let's consider how the process of admission to a university takes place, using an example. So, we will assume that there are 30 budget places. Of these, only 8 are allocated to beneficiaries and target groups.

Of all the places, applicants will be able to take 22. Confidence in enrollment can be given by a position in the ranking that will be above 80% of 22 budget places. The lucky ones are those whose surnames will be higher than the position 22 * ​​80% = 17.6 = 17th line.

If your last name is higher, you can safely carry the original document. There will be guaranteed admission to the selected university. It is important to be in time before 4 pm on August 3 for admission on a general basis.

How are the recruitment stages different?

Let's take a closer look at how admission to a university takes place. The first wave provides for the allocation of 80% of places for state employees, the rest are given for targeted applicants. Beneficiaries expect a low passing score, the lack of consideration of other priorities when submitting original documents.

The second wave accommodates only 20% of all available budget places. At the same time, for the rest of the state employees, the passing score often becomes higher due to the growing number of applicants who did not get into the first wave.

Who are the beneficiaries?

To understand how enrollment to a university takes place in waves, it is recommended not to panic immediately after you find the name below the boundaries given in the example. After all, beneficiaries may not submit documents. To do this, the rating lists should be monitored daily.

If the target audience has copies of documents, then these places go under the budget. Your last name may be among them. Beneficiaries may include:

  • Olympiads.
  • Applicants with targeted directions from certain schools, gymnasiums.
  • Participants in educational projects.

Control rules

Once on the list of the lucky ones, you need to monitor your position every day. It is especially important to check when trying to enroll in two universities at once. Those beneficiaries who have indicated a copy of the documents always have a chance to bring the original before 4 pm on July 29.

For budget applicants, this period is even longer - until August 3, 16.00. Therefore, constant monitoring of your position will help you to correctly assess your chances and transfer the original to another university in time, where the probability of admission will be much higher. It should be remembered that for those who failed the first wave there is a second one.

When re-selecting, you can also throw the original documents over to the selection committee. Together with them, they must submit an application with a request to enroll in a university. Special proof of awards and achievements is also provided.

Conditions for beneficiaries

Documents are submitted to the target places in the first wave. Medalists and other beneficiaries have the right to enroll in two universities at the same time, submitting a copy to one place and the original to another. If the applicant does not pass somewhere in the rating, then he has the opportunity to participate in the second wave of admission.

However, the resubmission of documents will already take place on a general basis. Students will be selected according to a new, higher rating. This approach allows you to choose the most literate guys from the entire stream.

Second run

The first stage of selection ends on August 3, and on the 4th the enrollment order is already issued and the lists are posted. 80% of budget places have already been taken. By the number of applications submitted, the second wave of applicants is gathering.

At this stage, all the same rules for selecting the most successful guys apply. The originals of the documents are required to be brought before August 7. On this day, the second enrollment order will be issued.

At the second stage, the remaining budget places are filled - 20%. If you did not find your last name on the lists, then you were not lucky to become a student. However, this is not the only way to get education opportunities.

Did not work out. What's next?

Without going through the competition of the first and second waves of admission to budget places, you can get an education on a paid basis. The recruitment of applicants is also carried out by competition from the remaining lists. The rules are similar to the previous ones: you will need to bring the original documents and an application asking for admission to the university.

The number of places is determined by the manager of the university and is limited only by the technical capabilities of the institution. The competition here is significantly lower than for budget places. If this option is not suitable, there are still two possibilities to graduate from the university: extramural budgetary education or a similar paid one.

Dates of acceptance of documents:

  • Under the contract, applications are accepted until August 27. There are preferential loans for students to study at universities. You can also pay expenses from the parental capital of the parents.
  • You can apply for part-time studies until August 10 for budget-funded places.
  • For correspondence under the contract is served until September 29.

Considering all the possibilities, only the lazy does not go to university. To correctly assess your capabilities, you need to constantly look through the lists and do not despair if your surname is not found in the boundaries of the lucky ones. It is not easy to withstand the competition for prestigious places, but with a great desire, you can find a suitable training option.

Was the admission order passed?

This, of course, is good news if the surname is found on the list of the lucky ones. But what happens after enrolling in a university? It is imperative to visit the HR department and find information on the required documents.

Those who are enrolled in the university need to prepare photographs for their personal files and student IDs. Size - 3x4 cm, no corner required. The next stage is a medical commission, the result of which should be a certificate 086U.

Persons liable for military service hand over attribution certificates for reporting. Recently, documents can be submitted through the university website or by mail. The date of the meeting will appear on the notice board soon.

Freshmen will be gathered to get acquainted with the group, a headman will be appointed. A little later, they will announce the day of issuance of student, test records. And a week before the start of classes, you can see the schedule.

For many, the housing issue will have to be resolved before classes begin. You will have to write a statement asking you to allocate a room in a dormitory if you have the right to do so. Details of this action can be found in the educational department. It is worth starting immediately to resolve this issue after the issuance of the enrollment order.

The problem of purchasing travel cards remains urgent. After all, they are produced in limited quantities. It is also worth picking up literature before class.