Appeal on the results of the exam sample. Appeal to the exam in social studies

The USE participant has the right to file appeals:

Violation of the established procedure for the USE - on the day of the exam after passing the USE forms before leaving the PPE
about disagreement with the results of the exam - within 2 working days after the official announcement of the results of the exam and familiarization with them of the participant of the exam

Appeals not accepted:

An appeal on violation of the established procedure for holding the exam

Actions of the USE participant:
at the end of the exam, without leaving the PPE, receive from the organizer in the audience a form (two copies), according to which the appeal is made
transfer both copies to the authorized representative of the State Examination Board, who is obliged to accept and certify them with his signature, give one copy to the USE participant, and transfer the other to the conflict commission
get the result of the appeal consideration in your educational institution or in local government bodies exercising powers in the field of education (ISEM) no later than 3 calendar days after its submission Possible decisions of the conflict commission:
If the appeal is upheld, the USE result is canceled and the participant is given the opportunity to take the USE in this subject on another (reserve) day. He is assigned the date and place of the re-examination of the Unified State Examination in the relevant subject.

The decision to cancel the USE results can be made:
if the official investigation of the SEC confirms the fact of violation of the established procedure for holding the Unified State Exam
if the conflict commission satisfied the appeal on violation of the established procedure for holding the exam
if an authorized representative of the State Electoral Commission, a public observer or authorized representatives of Rosobrnadzor, as well as prosecutors and law enforcement agencies have established violations of the USE procedure at the USE point, which could have a significant impact on the USE results

Appeal of disagreement with the results of the exam

Actions of the USE participant:
within 2 workers after he officially got acquainted with the results, obtain from the executive secretary of the conflict commission (for graduates of the current year - from the head of his educational institution) a form in 2 copies, according to which the appeal is drawn up (it is possible to draw up an appeal in any form)
draw up an appeal in 2 copies
transfer both copies to the above persons (who are required to accept and certify them with their signature, give one copy to the USE participant, transfer the other to the conflict commission)
get information about the time and place of the appeal
if possible, come to the procedure for considering appeals to the conflict commission, having with you a passport and a pass with a seal - the Unified State Exam Forms have been handed over - (or stamped with a PPE)
confirm in the minutes of the appeal that he was presented with copies of his forms and that his answers in the forms were correctly recognized
participate in an appeal
sign the minutes of the appeal

Possible solutions to the conflict commission:
rejection of the appeal due to the absence of technical errors in the processing of USE forms and errors in the assessment by experts of answers to tasks in free form and preservation of the assigned points;
satisfying the appeal and giving other points.

An appeal is filed for disagreement with the results of the exam as a whole. What part is not indicated in the application. The USE participant who filed an appeal is given the opportunity to make sure that his examination work has been checked and evaluated in accordance with the established requirements.

When considering the appeal, instead of the USE participant or with him, his parents (legal representatives) may be present, who must also have passports with them (the legal representative must also have other documents confirming his powers).
In the event that the USE participant or his parent (legal representative) did not appear for the appeal, the correctness of the recognition of the answer forms is confirmed by the members of the conflict commission.
Drafts will not be considered as appeal materials.

The scanned image of the examination paper can be presented to the USE participant (legal representative) only during the appeal procedure. He is given the opportunity to make sure that his examination work is checked and assessed in accordance with the established requirements. The work is not handed over to the hands.

A few years ago, it was better not to meddle in appeals on the USE estimates. It was more than problematic to see your own works plainly; accompanying persons, even if they were the parents of the appellant, were mercilessly cut off from their presence on the commission.

And in order to finally discourage children from complaining about injustice, the appeal commissions were allowed not only to refuse to raise points, but these points downgrade... And in a number of cases they did just that, after which the movement of the appellants did not quite “get stumped,” according to Radishchev, but for several years it quieted down noticeably.

The new appeal rules are more comfortable for children. Now in Moscow, you can look at your work in your personal account, analyze it, consult with the teacher and parents, and only then decide whether to appeal. In addition, public observers have been present at the appeal for the second year now. But...

It is not difficult to write an appeal for violations of the procedure: the main thing is to remember that this can be done only immediately, without leaving the exam. It should be noted that this is exactly what the guys who did not have enough additional forms on the Unified State Exam in literature did this during the current campaign. And their appeals were upheld.

But with an attempt to raise the marks, the situation is more complicated. Especially in humanitarian subjects with their inevitable interpretive bias: “In the exact sciences,” teachers of mathematics and physics assured MK, “there are no problems with evaluating works, including with appeals, since a number is a number, and a formula there is a formula - either they are correct or not. "

The bulk of this year's appeals are yet to come. However, a couple of typical situations can be seen on the example of last year.

This is a very nervous and unpleasant procedure: the children do not understand why their score was lowered, and sob, and the members of the commission sit with stone faces, do not listen to explanations and insist on their own, - Olga, the mother of last year's graduate, told MK. they are sure that they have an unspoken order not to raise their ratings: they say that in this case they will be deprived of their bonuses.

And this is very similar to the truth: my daughter, for example, was reduced the score for the fact that she used not two quotes, but five in the mini-essay in the exam in the Russian language. And at the appeal they said: "You will download the rights, we will count one more quote and generally lower the score." And in general they behaved very tough. The child sobbed and we left.

I filed an appeal in the Russian language, - says a graduate of the last year, an excellent student Liza. - I wrote samples for 100 points, and got only 82.

In particular, it seemed to me unfair to lower the score for the speech turn "to listen to persuasion" (it was about the dialogue between Lopakhin and Ranevskaya in "The Cherry Orchard". - "MK"). But they didn’t add a single point to me: the members of the appeal commission stated that “they had not heard such a speech turnover,” although I consulted with the teachers, and they confirmed that it was quite possible. At the same time, there was not a single public observer at the appeal - only two members of the commission ...

Nikita's problem at last year's USE in Russian turned out to be typical. He, like many other alumni, had his grades lowered for the wrong, according to the version of the assessors, the definition of the problem and the topic of the texts they received.

So, in the case of Nikita, it was believed that the correct answer was “the ecology of speech,” and not just “ecology,” as he wrote. True, the members of his appeal committee were polite and benevolent. And they even recognized the reason for Nikita's mother's reference to the phrase from the keys to the assignment, which allows interpreting the ecology in question in the literal sense of the word. But the appeal was still rejected, advising to file a complaint with Rosobrnadzor. Mom did just that. And there the score, albeit partially, was raised.

However, this happened only at the end of July, when Nikita, with his initial points, was already forced to enter Moscow State University for paid education ...

The main fear of graduates is to get lower than planned scores for the Unified State Exam. But the wrong answer is far from the only reason for the low rating. We figure out in what cases it is worth filing an appeal and how to defend your points in 2018.

There are only two official reasons to appeal

Firstly, this is a violation of the exam procedure - for example, if there were not enough draft sheets for everyone in the audience, or the repairmen were noisy in the corridor. In such cases, the appeal must be filed on the same day, without leaving the school where the exam took place.

Secondly, there is disagreement with the points assigned. For example, if the computer misread the words and letters in the test part of the answer, or if the experts, in your opinion, underestimated the written part or essay. Here you need to apply for an appeal within 2 working days after the official publication of the results on the subject. That is, you do not have to wait for the school to post lists with points on the bulletin board (it can do this even after a week), but check the results yourself in your personal account on the official portal of the Unified State Exam.

Deadline for filing a complaint with the conflict commission

If a controversial situation arose during the exam, and the graduate is not happy with the mark, it is possible to solve this problem with the participation of a special conflict commission.

There are certain deadlines for filing an application by a GIA participant. On the day of the exam, immediately after passing the examination form, you can file a complaint about the violation of the GIA in the academic subject

Within two working days, after receiving the results of the exam, you can challenge the score obtained as a result of the assessment.

The commission does not deal with issues related to the content of examination tasks. Does not consider complaints in the event of a short answer from the graduate, if the graduate violates the current procedure, or if the paperwork does not meet the requirements of the USE. Students' drafts are not counted as arguments for appeal.

The procedure for appealing the results of the exam 2018

  1. Within 2 workers after having officially familiarized himself with the results, obtain from the executive secretary of the conflict commission (for graduates of the current year - from the head of their educational institution) a form in 2 copies, according to which an appeal is drawn up (it is possible to draw up an appeal in any form).
  2. Draw up an appeal in 2 copies.
  3. Transfer both copies to the aforementioned persons (who are required to accept and certify them with their signature, give one copy to the USE participant, and transfer the other to the conflict commission).
  4. Get information about the time and place of the appeal.
  5. Come to the procedure for considering appeals to the conflict commission, having a passport and a pass with a seal with you.
  6. Confirm on the appeal record that you have been shown copies of your forms and that your answers on the forms were recognized correctly.
  7. Participate in the consideration of the appeal.
  8. Sign the minutes of the appeal.

What should be done before the day of the appeal?

It is quite understandable that going through such an exciting procedure as an appeal will require a certain amount of moral and psychological preparation. In this case, you will be helped by a few effective tips:

refresh your work. After the announcement of the scores, students' work is displayed in their personal accounts. Read carefully the scoring criteria in order to understand how objective you think the commission's decision on each item;

go to the subject teacher or tutor with whom you were preparing for the exam - they will help you sort out ambiguous points and give recommendations on how to behave and explain your opinion. In some cases, teachers can prove to you that there is no mistake, so there is no need to waste time and nerves on appeal procedures;

for each point with which you disagree, formulate the exact question to the commission in advance, so that the conversation is substantive, and you can explain why you used this or that argument, quote, analogy or characteristic.

Argumentation backed up by concrete facts looks more compelling.

The USE procedure provides for the USE participant the opportunity to appeal in two cases.

An appeal on violation of the established procedure for holding the exam

Such an appeal is filed on the day of the exam immediately after it ends. If the USE participant wants to appeal, he must do so before leaving the PPE (examination point).
The intention to file an appeal must be communicated to the exam organizer and an appeal form must be obtained.
The appeal is written in two copies and transmitted to the authorized representative of the State Examination Commission (state examination commission), who must affix both copies with his signature, after which one copy must be given to the USE participant, and the other must be submitted to the conflict commission.
The result of consideration of the appeal must be provided to the graduate no later than 3 calendar days after its submission. When filing an appeal, you need to find out where you can get an answer about its consideration. Usually, the outcome of the appeal can be found at your educational institution (educational institution) or at the ISEO (local educational authority).

An official investigation is underway on the fact of the appeal. If violations of the established procedure for conducting the exam are confirmed and it is recognized that they could have a significant impact on the result of the graduate's work, then the appeal is upheld.


The appeal is not accepted if the violation of the exam procedure and the established rules was committed by the USE participant himself.

What is the outcome of the appeal if it is upheld?

The Unified State Exam result is canceled and the participant is given the opportunity to pass the Unified State Exam in this subject on another day. Another day is a reserve day for passing an exam in this subject. The date and place of re-taking the exam are determined for all persons taking the exam on a reserve day.

Appeal of disagreement with the results of the exam

How and when is the appeal filed?

Such an appeal can be submitted within two working days after the official announcement of the USE results and familiarization with the result of the work.
If the USE participant does not agree with the result and intends to file an appeal, then within two working days he must draw up an appeal in any form or in the form received from the head of his educational institution (educational institution) - for graduates of the current year, or the executive secretary of the conflict commission - for graduates of previous years.
The appeal is drawn up in two copies and transmitted to the above persons, who must accept it, certifying both copies with their signature. After that, one copy is returned to the USE participant, and the other is transferred to the conflict commission.
The USE participant must receive information about the time and place of consideration of his appeal.

How is the appeal handled?

The USE participant has the right to be present at the procedure for considering his appeal. You must have a passport and a pass with the "Unified State Exam Forms Submitted" stamp (or with a PPE stamp).


If the USE participant is not yet 18 years old, his parents or legal representatives may be present instead of him or with him during the consideration of the appeal, who must have passports with them (legal representatives must have documents confirming their authority).
Teachers or tutors of the USE participant are not allowed to consider the appeal.

The USE participant confirms in the appeal protocol that copies of the forms have been presented, the answers in the forms are recognized correctly, and signs the appeal consideration protocol.

If the USE participant or his parent (legal representative) did not appear for consideration of the appeal, then the correctness of the recognition of the forms is confirmed by the members of the conflict commission.


  • Appeals on the content and structure of CMMs are not accepted for consideration.
  • Drafts cannot be appeal material.

During the consideration of the appeal, subject experts show the USE participant the work, explain why the points were awarded or not.


When considering an appeal, only the fulfillment of the task of part C (essay) by the USE participant is taken into account.
Only technical claims are possible for the test part.

As a result of consideration of the appeal by the conflict commission, the score can be changed for the better by only 1-2 points. Since when considering an appeal, the work is checked again, it is possible that the experts will consider it necessary not to increase, but to reduce the points for the work.

In order to ensure the right to an objective assessment of knowledge, the current legislation gives USE participants the right to submit a written appeal on violation of the established procedure for the USE in a general education subject and (or) on disagreement with the points to the conflict commission. The conflict commission does not consider appeals on the content and structure of control and measuring materials in general education subjects, as well as on issues related to the violation by the USE participant of the established requirements for the performance of examination work. USE participants and (or) their parents have the right to be present during the consideration of the appeal. If the procedure for holding the Unified State Exam is violated, students submit an appeal on the day of the exam in the relevant general education subject to an authorized representative of the State Examination Commission, without leaving the point where the Unified State Exam is held. In order to verify the information on the violation of the established procedure for holding the USE, the authorized representative of the SEC creates a commission and organizes the inspection. The composition of this commission may include the head of the exam site, organizers, public observers, medical workers and representatives of law enforcement agencies. The results of the check are drawn up in the form of a conclusion of the commission. The appeal and the conclusion of the commission on the results of the check on the same day are transferred by the authorized representative of the SEC to the conflict commission. When considering an appeal on violation of the established procedure for holding the exam, the conflict commission considers the appeal and the conclusion of the commission on the results of the audit and makes one of the decisions: to reject the appeal; on the satisfaction of the appeal. If the appeal is satisfied, the USE result is canceled and the USE participant is given the opportunity to pass the USE in this general education subject on another day, provided for by the unified USE schedule for the current year.

Disagreement appeal can be served by a student within two working days from the date of the announcement of the results of the exam on the relevant general education subject. Students who filed an appeal must be informed in advance of the time and place for appeals. The head of the examination office or educational institution, who has accepted the appeal, must immediately transfer it to the conflict commission. When considering an appeal about disagreement with the points set, the conflict commission requests printed images of the examination paper to the regional information processing center, which are presented to the USE participant. The graduate must confirm that the images of the examination work performed by him are presented. Based on the results of consideration of the appeal on disagreement with the points set, the conflict commission makes a decision to reject the appeal and keep the points set, or to satisfy the appeal and set other points. In the event of errors in the processing or verification of the exam paper of the USE participant, the conflict commission transmits the relevant information to the RSCI for transfer to an authorized organization in order to recalculate the USE results. For all arising questions about the procedure for appealing the results of the exam, you can contact the education department of the administration of the municipal district, city. If you believe that your right to appeal a violation of the established procedure for holding the Unified State Exam or disagreeing with the points awarded for the Unified State Examination has been violated, you can apply to the prosecutor's office or to the court within the framework of administrative proceedings.