Independent parts of speech.

8.Choose a composing union on your own, which should stand at the place of the pass in

the third (3) sentence of the text. Write this union down.

(1) One of the ways to obtain essential oils is enfleurage, which is based on the use of

refined fat that allows essential oils to be absorbed. (2) The good thing about this process is that it can be learned

essential oil, without exposing the plants themselves or objects containing odorous substances to thermal

processing. (3)<...>currently, enfleurage is not used in perfumery, as it requires large

cost of time and raw materials.

9.Select the drug yourself, which should be in place of the pass in the third (3)

sentence text. Write this adverb down.

(1) At the end of the eighteenth century in Philo with fia and art, a trend emerged known as "romance

tism ". (2) Instead of the cult of common sense, reason romanticism began to assert the cult of the human ve what feelings.

(3)<…>in the field of art, romanticism highlighted the genre of landscape vivid pi si: pictures of nature

dy calls wah there is a brow in the soul ve ka advantage shte an essentially non-rational, emotional response.

10.Choose a combination of words yourself, which should be in place of the pass in the third

(3) sentence text. Write down this combination of words.

(1) In the sea around the volcano nor what sky crater, on walking shte th Xia on by top nosti vul ka on or shallowly under water, ob-

once no Xia reef -howls she ring-shaped. (2) It consists of the skeletons of coral-microscopic mor-

creatures, millions of which live in warm sea water at a shallow depth. (3)<...>volca nor what sky

island of destruction no Xia and omission no under water, coral reef under nor ma is higher and higher.

11.Pick up the union on your own, which should stand at the place of the pass in the third (3)

sentence text. Write this union down.

(1) Ra auto di ator mo bi lya is a closed system, and therefore, in winter, fuss ka it's hard -

sti. (2) At temperatures below freezing, ordinary water freezes and roof wah no branch pipes pa di atom ra, from- why

motor overheating no Xia, and, even worse, the frozen water expands row no and may blow up the pipes. (3)<...>

mix water for the sake of ato ra wah uti with antifreeze - with a sugar-holding liquid, not pos in la flowing water

vra thrash in the ice even with a mine with set the temperature.

12.Pick up the index particle yourself, which should be at the place of the pass in

the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down this piece.

(1) The plumage of owls is usually “protective,” meaning it blends in with the environment, helping

the bird to remain unnoticed during the day's rest. (2) Wood owl feathers are usually brownish

color, while in species that live in coniferous forests, a grayish tint is noted. (3)<...>owls who

live in the desert, and their relatives living on flat terrain are lighter, almost

red color; polar owls have snow-white plumage.

13.Choose the introductory word yourself, which should be in place of the pass in the second (2 )

sentence text. Write down this introductory word.

(1) In recent years, much has been written about the outstanding intelligence of the dolphin for animals, about its rare

learning ability. (2)<...>dolphins are very smart: in the seas they save their wounded

fellows, together or alone, pushing them out of the water so that the victims can breathe; saved more than once

these animals and people. (3) Dolphins' intelligence is also evidenced by the fact that in captivity they learned to do a lot

different tricks, but the fact that the intellect and abilities of a dolphin are equal to that of a human is unlikely to be

Theory for Task # 2 Unified State Exam 2019 in Russian

Changes in 2019:

    The wording of the assignment has changed: there are no answer options, it is necessary to independently select and write out a means of communication.

    The amount of theory you need to know to successfully complete the assignment has changed.

The wording of the task from the demo version of the exam 2019:
“Pick a subordinate union on your own, which should be in place of the pass in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write this union down. "

Execution algorithm:

  • Read the assignment and the required piece of text carefully.
  • Establish a logical connection between parts of the text.
  • Pay attention to the desired part of speech: it is important to choose a word that will correspond to the declared characteristic. For example, if the assignment indicates that a subordinate union should act as a missing word, it is important not to confuse it with a compositional one.

Logical connections in the text can be of the following character:










consistency, connection of thoughts;

way of forming thoughts;

expression of the speaker's feelings;

confidence / uncertainty about something;

the confirmation;



As means of communication, they act as service parts of speech ( prepositions, conjunctions, particles) and independent ( pronouns, adverbs), and introductory words and phrases.


Now in more detail about the parts of speech.

Service parts of speech

1. Preposition

- This is a part of speech that serves to connect words in a sentence. Prepositions put the next word in the required case.

Prepositions are:

  • Derivatives(originated from other parts of speech): thanks, for a reason, in spite of, during, in effect, etc.
  • Non-derivatives: oh, oh, without, by, over, in, etc.

2. Particle

- This is a part of speech that adds shades of meaning (amplification, clarification, negation, indication, restriction) to words and serves to form some forms of the word (conditional and imperative mood of the verb, the degree of comparison of adjectives and adverbs).

Particles are:

Form-forming: would, come on (those), let, let, yes.

Do not confuse the particle "yes" with the conjunction "yes".
Union: old man and old woman (can be replaced with "and")
Particle: Long live the sun!

- Negative: neither nor

- Interrogative: is it, is it, is it
- Modal: how, what, hardly, hardly, only, just, here, out, after all, after all, even, the same, and, precisely, just, right

Do not confuse particles with other parts of speech!

Something like a movie (preposition) - Did you like it? Kind of good (particle)
Let it be funny, but honest (union) - Let it speak (particle)
The problem is easy to solve (adverb) - You are just ignorant (particle)

3. Union

- This is a part of speech that is necessary for the connection of words in a sentence or for the connection of simple sentences in a complex one.

Unions are divided into:

- Writing unions(connect homogeneous members of a sentence and parts of a compound sentence (SPP))

Can be divided into:

and, yes (in the meaning of and), not only, ... but also, too, and ... and, neither ... nor, as, ... and; how much ..., so much and.

but, but, yes (in the meaning of but), but, however, however, nevertheless.

or, or ... or, or, or ... or, then ... then, or ... or, not that ... not that

Comparative (gradational):

not only but; both ... and, not so much ... as; not that ... but


also, also, and, moreover, moreover, and.


that is, namely.

- Submissive unions(connect parts of a complex sentence)

IMPORTANT! The division of subordinate unions into groups is conditional, since the name depends on the question we ask to the subordinate part of the SPP.

For example, the conjunction "HOW" can be explanatory in one sentence: and comparative in another sentence. Therefore, be careful.

Explanatory: what, how, to .. et al.

Time: when, only, barely, as soon as ...

Objectives: in order, in order, in order, in order to ...

Consequences: so ...

Conditions: if, if, time ...

Concessions: although, at least, let, in spite of the fact that ...

Comparisons: as, as if, as if, as if, as if, as if ...

Reasons: because, because, because, because ...

Places: where, where, from where ...

Mode of action and measure, degree: so much, so much, so, to such an extent, before, so.

Independent parts of speech

1. Pronouns


Personal: me, you, he, she, it, we, you, they - in all cases (me, him, etc.)

Possessive: mine, yours, ours, yours, him, her, them - in all cases (mine, yours, etc.)
Possessive pronouns her, him, them coincide in form with personal pronouns he she They in R. p. and V. p. They can be easily distinguished in the text. Compare:
Her book was on the table. (Whose book?) - hers. This is a possessive pronoun.
I know her well. (Do I know who?) - her. This is a personal pronoun.

Returnable: myself

Indicative: one, those, this, such, so many, this, this, etc.

Definitives: himself, most, all, everyone, each, different, any, other, etc.

Undefined: someone, something, some, some, someone, something, etc.

Negative: nobody, nothing, nothing, nobody, nothing, etc.

Interrogative: who, what, how much, whose, what, what, what, to whom, whom, etc.

Relative:(interrogative in affirmative sentences, usually found in the second part of the SPP)


- This is an unchanging independent part of speech, which denotes a sign of an action, a sign and an object, answers questions where, how, where, why, why etc.

Adverbs are:

- Circumstantial
-image of action (how, how?) (so, summer-like, comradely ...)
-measures and degrees (how much, to what extent, by how much) (very, enough, a little bit, a little ...)
-places (where, where, from) (in the distance, here, somewhere ..)
-time (when, how long, since when, how long) (now, the day after tomorrow, always, then ...)
- goals (why, for what purpose) (in spite, in spite of, on purpose ...)

- Definitive
-quality (naturally, scary, cold, monstrous, fast ...)
-quantitative (a lot, a little, a little bit ...)
- method and mode of action (running, galloping, walking, idling, for sure, swimming ...)
-comparisons and assimilations (masculine, bearish, in our opinion, still ...)
-the aggregate (together, three, publicly, together ..)

3. Introductory words and phrases

- separated by commas
- are not members of the proposal
- you cannot ask a question to them

Introductory words and phrases are not members of the sentence (you cannot ask a question to them), are highlighted with commas, do not change the information in the sentence, they can be excluded without distorting the meaning.

Groups of introductory words by meaning:

- The speaker's feelings (joy, anger, regret, etc.)
Fortunately, unfortunately, to horror, to shame, to misfortune, to joy, etc.

- Degree of confidence (assumption, possibility, uncertainty, etc.)
Maybe, maybe, apparently, in essence, it seems, it would seem, indisputable, however, one must assume, in essence, certainly, etc.

- Communication of thoughts, sequence of presentation
So, therefore, by the way, firstly, secondly, on the other hand, for example, the main thing, thus, by the way, means the other way around, etc.

- Message source
According to rumors, they say, in the opinion of someone, in my opinion, in my opinion, according to legend, I remember, they report, convey, etc.

- Techniques and ways of forming thoughts
In other words, in other words, simply to say, to put it mildly, in one word, etc.

- Appeal to the interlocutor or reader in order to attract attention
Do you know (do), know (do), understand, excuse me, excuse me, listen, believe me, agree, imagine, please, etc.

- Assessment of the measure of what is being said
Perhaps, literally, as if, in addition, to top it off, all of a sudden, after all, in the final analysis, it is unlikely, after all, even, hardly, exclusively, just, as if, as it were, just, moreover, meanwhile, I suppose, by proposal, by resolution, by decision, approximately, approximately, moreover, almost, therefore, simply, decisively, as if, allegedly.

“Completing the assignment requires










Make a gain value.


USE-2019 Task 2

“Completing the assignment requires identifying the relationship between the sentences of the text and determining the means of communication between the sentences… The examinee must choose this word on his own.

Introductory word, union, particle, adverb

When is it used? (relationship between sentences of text)



It is used when it is necessary to supplement what has been said with some, in the author's opinion, important thoughts or circumstances.





Indicate the order in which the arguments are presented.

Despite this, although, despite this

"Contrary to the circumstances indicated in the previous part of the text."




Used to clarify what was said earlier.


Used to contrast the meaning of one sentence to another.


Introduce clarification and emphasize the importance of thought.


Make a gain value.


Means "for this reason."

    Connecting: too

    Separating: whether

    Adverse: but, but, yes (= but), however, but

    Graduation: a

    Explanatory: that is, and exactly

    Connecting:also, too, and, moreover, moreover

    also, yes and, that is, and exactly.

    Temporary: only

    Causal: what

    Conditional: soon

    Target: to

    Consequences: So what

    Introductory notes: although despite the fact what

    Comparative: (obsolete)

    Explanatory: what how, to

    At the beginning of a sentence, conjunctions are not used: to.

Algorithm for completing the task:

    1. text.





Proposition 3 explains



Semantic relations expressed by creative unions:

    Connecting: and, yes (= and), and ... and ..., not only ... but also, like ... and, also, too

    Separating: or, either, then ... then, not that ... not that, or ... or, either ... then whether

    Adverse: but, but, yes (= but), however, but

    Graduation: not only, but also, not so much ... how much, not that ... a

    Explanatory: that is, and exactly

    Connecting:also, too, and, moreover, moreover

    At the beginning of a sentence, conjunctions are not used:also, yes and, that is, and exactly.

Semantic relations expressed by subordinate unions:

    Temporary: when, for now, barely, only, while, only, just, slightly, slightly only

    Causal: because, because, because, because, because, because, because, because (obsolete), in connection with that what

    Conditional: if (if only, if, if - outdated.), if, if, how soon

    Target: in order that, in order that (obsolete), in order that, in order that, then to

    Consequences: So what

    Introductory notes: although despite the fact what

    Comparative: as if, as if, exactly, than, as if, just as, rather than (obsolete)

    Explanatory: what how, to

    At the beginning of a sentence, conjunctions are not used:so what, than, and also explanatory conjunctions: what, how, to.

Algorithm for completing the task:

1. Carefully read the text, understand the author's logic.

    1. Find out (according to the table) the meaning that the introductory word, construction, union, particle or adverb bring into the reasoning of the author of the original text.

      By substitution, find the right word or a combination of words that do not break the logical correspondence between suggestions.



(1) It turns out that any sound source performs complex non-sinusoidal oscillations. (2) They can be observed using a well-known instrument - an oscilloscope. (3)… if you connect a microphone to it and sing a melody, then a more complex curve will appear on the oscilloscope screen.


Choose the introductory word yourself, which should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down this introductory word.

Proposition 3 explains what was said in Proposition 2 (how can you observe

non-sinusoidal sound vibrations usingoscilloscope?)

When the author wants to explain what he was talking about before, introductory words are used: FOR EXAMPLE, SO.


USE-2019 Task 2

1.Choose the introductory word on your own, which should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down this introductory word.

(1) The geological processes that shape the appearance and internal structure of our planet are extremely slow and not amenable to direct observation. (2) The only exception is volcanic activity - a grandiose and impressive phenomenon: during volcanic eruptions, the appearance of individual parts of the Earth can change beyond recognition in a matter of days (and sometimes hours or even minutes). (3)<...>that this alone and the possibility of direct contact with the "inner content" of the planet make scientists take a special interest in the process of volcanism.

  1. Choose the union on your own, which should stand in the place of the pass in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write this union down.

(1) Volcanic magma consists of many components: calcium, magnesium, iron and some others, it contains water vapor and gases. (2)<...>the main constituent of magma is silicon oxide. (3) The properties of magma depend on the amount of this element, the nature of the eruption is calm or explosive, the shape of the volcano.

  1. Choose the demonstrative pronoun yourself, which should be in place of the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down this pronoun.

(1) All substances that we meet in the world around us are either liquid, or solid, or gaseous. (2)<...>states of substances are called their states of aggregation. (3) Many substances, when cooled or heated, can be transferred from one state of aggregation to another, and at the same time they suddenly acquire completely different properties.

4. Select the introductory word yourself, which should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down this introductory word.

(1) According to the calculations of scientists, the verb ranks second after the noun in terms of frequency of use in speech. (2) But in texts of different styles, the verb is assigned a different role: for example, in the official business style, about 6% of verbs, in the scientific style - about 10%, while in literary texts, verbs are used much more often, because with their help writers and poets can describe the action vividly and figuratively. (3)<...>, the imperative forms of the verb serve as a means of creating emotionally bright incentive structures.

5.Choose the word yourself, which should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write this word down.

(1) The creation of a well-protected computer system is impossible without a thorough analysis of potential threats to its security. (2) Experts have compiled a list of actions that must be carried out in each specific case in order to present scenarios of possible attacks on a computer system. (3)<...>that when analyzing potential threats to the security of a computer system, the expert put himself in the shoes of an attacker trying to penetrate this system, that is, the specialist needed to understand what the attacker was from whom he needed to be protected.

6.Choose the union on your own, which should stand at the place of the pass in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write this union down.

(1) The well-being of the economy of our country and of all Russians depends on the work of the oil and gas fields in Western Siberia - after all, the export of hydrocarbons gives more than 60% of Russia's foreign exchange earnings and most of the budget revenues. (2) High oil and gas prices in the 2000s. contributed to the rapid economic growth of the country, and budget revenues from their exports allowed to increase the salaries of public sector employees and pensions. (3)<...>Such dependence of Russia on oil and gas exports carries with it a constant threat of a new economic recession due to the fall in world energy prices, which is impossible to predict.

7.Choose a subordinate union on your own, which should be in place of the pass in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write this union down.

(1) For the Antarctic voyage under the command of Bellingshausen, the Admiralty equipped two ships: the sloops Mirny and Vostok, which turned out to be not the best choice and negatively affected the plans of the expedition. (2)<...>"Mirny", built according to the project of Russian engineers Kolodkin and Kurepanov and reinforced by captain Lazarev before the start of the expedition, brilliantly showed itself in the ice campaign, then

The Vostok, designed by British engineers, was qualitatively inferior to the Mirny and was so weak for sailing in polar ice that by the end of the expedition the condition of the sloop was unsatisfactory. (3) This prompted Bellingshausen to think about the early termination of the expedition, and then forced him to decide to return.

8.Choose a compositional union on your own, which should be in place of the pass in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write this union down.

(1) One of the methods for obtaining essential oils is enfleurage, which is based on the use of refined fat, which allows the absorption of essential oils. (2) This process is good in that you can extract the essential oil without subjecting the plants themselves or objects containing odorous substances to heat treatment. (3)<...>at present, enfleurage is not used in perfumery, as it requires a lot of time and raw materials.

9.Choose the adverb on your own, which should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write this adverb down.

(1) At the end of the eighteenth century, a movement known as “romanticism” arose in philosophy and art. (2) Instead of the cult of common sense and reason, romanticism began to assert the cult of human feelings. (3)<…>in the field of art, romanticism brought to the fore the genre of landscape painting: pictures of nature evoke in the human soul a predominantly non-rational, emotional response.

10.Choose by yourself the combination of words that should be in place of the pass in the third

(3) sentence text. Write down this combination of words.

(1) In the sea, around a volcanic crater on the surface of a volcano or shallow under water, a reef forms - a ring-shaped eminence. (2) It consists of the skeletons of corals, microscopic sea creatures, millions of which live in warm sea water at shallow depths. (3)<...>the volcanic island collapses and sinks under the water, the coral reef rises higher and higher.

11.Choose the union on your own, which should stand at the place of the pass in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write this union down.

(1) The radiator of a car is a closed system, which makes it difficult in winter. (2) At temperatures below freezing, ordinary water freezes and blocks the radiator pipes, which causes the motor to overheat, and, even worse, the frozen water expands and can explode the pipes. (3)<...>water for the radiator is mixed with antifreeze - a liquid containing sugar that does not allow water to turn into ice even at sub-zero temperatures.

12. Pick up the index particle on your own, which should be in the place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down this particle.

(1) Owl plumage is usually “protective,” meaning it blends in with the environment, helping the bird stay undetected during daytime rest. (2) The feathers of forest owls are usually brownish in color, while species inhabiting coniferous forests have a grayish tint. (3)<...>cows that live in the desert and their relatives living in flat areas are distinguished by a lighter, almost reddish color; polar owls have snow-white plumage.

13.Choose the introductory word yourself, which should be in place of the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down this introductory word.

(1) In recent years, much has been written about the outstanding intelligence of the dolphin for animals, about its rare ability to learn. (2)<...>dolphins are very quick-witted: in the seas they save their wounded fellows, together or alone pushing them out of the water so that the injured can breathe; these animals and people have been rescued more than once. (3) The fact that in captivity they learned to do many different tricks also speaks about the mind of dolphins, but the fact that the intellect and abilities of a dolphin are equal to those of humans will hardly ever be proven.

14.Choose the amplifying particle by yourself, which should be in place of the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down this particle.

(1) There were many skilled craftsmen and craftsmen, excellent hunters and brave fishermen, brilliant architects, icon painters, musicians in Russia; our land was famous for its warriors, wise statesmen. (2)<...>the main occupation of the Eastern Slavs for many centuries was agriculture. (3) Therefore, the ancient Russian culture as a whole reflected the worldview of the farmer.

15.Choose the clarifying particle on your own, which should be in the place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down this particle.

(1) The consequence of the incessant struggle for existence in the animal world is natural selection - a process that eliminates less adapted organisms and favors more adapted organisms. (2) In this competitive struggle, the advantage is gained by those representatives of the species that are the most viable, that is, adapted to specific habitat conditions. (3)<...>they are more likely to leave behind full-fledged offspring.


1-naturally, of course, certainly 2-but


5-it turned out, it turned out 6-despite this


8 - however, but 9 - no coincidence

10- as

11. - so 12 - here

    undoubtedly of course

    - after all

    After all

Statement of the assignment:

Choose a subordinate union on your own, which should stand in the place of the pass in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write this union down.

(1) According to the na-blu-de-ni-yam of modern-day studies-to-va-te-lei in humans, on-lu-cha-yu-shche-go basic in-form-ma-tion on the web, me-nya-sya "nature" of reading. (2) Development of the skills of superficial, ska-ni-ru-yu-shche-th reading, and the remaining skill of attention long textual reading disappears, like any ability that is not trained. (3)<...>consciousness, when-you-get-necked to work with small-ki-ku-soch-ka-mi and some fragments that are not connected with each other, bad right - yes, with a lot of texts, time-consuming and attention.

Correct answer: therefore<ИЛИ>therefore

A comment:

The word "therefore" and others like it do not fit, since after them it would be necessary to put a comma, these are introductory words that are an output from the chain of evidence. We are required to find a subordinate union.

The word “therefore” can be replaced by “therefore”.

What you need to know:

Sentences in the text are related both in meaning and grammatically. Grammatical connection means that the forms of words depend on other words in a neighboring sentence, which are consistent with each other.

Lexical means of communication:

1) Lexical repetition - repetition of the same word

Around the city on the low hills stretched forests, mighty, untouched. In forests came across large meadows and deaf lakes with huge old pines along the banks.

2) cognate words

Of course, such a master knew his own worth, felt the difference between himself and not so talented, but he knew perfectly well another difference - the difference between himself and a more gifted person. Respect for the more capable and experienced is the first sign talent. (V. Belov)

2) Synonyms. In the forest we saw moose. Elk walked along the edge and was not afraid of anyone.

3) AntonymsNature has many friends. Foes she has much less.

4) Descriptive phrases

Built highway. The noisy, rushing river of life connected the region with the capital... (F. Abramov)

Grammatical means of communication:

1) personal pronouns, possessive pronouns

1.And now I am listening to the voice of an ancient stream. He coos with a wild dove. 2.The call for the protection of forests should be addressed primarily to youth. Her live and farm on this land, her and decorate it. (L. Leonov). 3. He unexpectedly returned to his native village. His arrival delighted and frightened the mother. (A. Chekhov)

2) demonstrative pronouns(this, that, that)

1.A dark sky with bright, spiky stars floated over the village. Such the stars are only in the fall.(V. Astafiev). 2. With a distant, sweet twitch they shouted corncrake . These corncrake and the sunsets are unforgettable; they were preserved by pure vision forever.(B. Zaitsev) - in the second text means of communication - lexical repetition and demonstrative pronoun "these".

3) pronominal adverbs(there, so, then, etc.)

He [Nikolai Rostov] knew that this story contributed to the glorification of our weapon, and therefore it was necessary to pretend that you did not doubt it. So he did(Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace").

4) unions ( mostly compositional)

It was May 1945. Spring thundered. People and the land rejoiced. Moscow saluted the heroes. AND joy soared into the sky like lights.(A. Alekseev). With the same talk and laughter, the officers hurriedly began to gather; again they put the samovar on dirty water. But Rostov, without waiting for tea, went to the squadron "(Leo Tolstoy)

5) particles

6) introductory words and constructions (in a word, so, first of all and etc.)

Young people spoke Russian about everything with contempt or indifference and, jokingly, predicted the fate of the Rhine Confederation to Russia. In a word, society was pretty nasty... (A. Pushkin).

7) the unity of the temporal forms of verbs - the use of the same forms of grammatical tense, which indicate the simultaneity or sequence of situations.

Imitation of the French tone of the times of Louis XV It was in fashion. Love for the fatherland seemed pedantry. The then smart ones extolled Napoleon with fanatical servility and joked over our failures.(A. Pushkin) - all verbs are used in the past tense.

8) incomplete sentences and ellipsis, referring to previous text elements:

Gorkin cuts the bread, distributes slices. Puts me too: huge, cover your whole face(I. Shmelev)

9) syntactic parallelism - the same construction of several adjacent sentences. To be able to speak is an art. Listening - culture... (D. Likhachev)

Task 2 in the Unified State Exam in the Russian language requires a search for the missing word that connects the previous sentence with the given one. These can be different parts of speech (particle, union, adverb), as well as introductory words or constructions.

Usually these are words that express certain meanings:
- explanation of what was said and emphasizing the importance: in other words, so, for example, that is, exactly, after all, according to this, by the way, at the same time, also, in connection with this;
- the order of presentation of thoughts: first, first, first of all, on the one hand, starting with ...;
- indication of the reason: because, because, because;
- opposition: but, in contrast to ..., on the contrary, however, on the other hand;
- reinforcement of what has been said: moreover, even, undoubtedly, that ..., as a rule, moreover, moreover;
- the meaning of the concession: in spite of…, in spite of anything, and although;
- uncertainty: probably, maybe, probably;
- confidence: of course, indeed, indisputable;
- condition: only if, if not;
- expression of feelings and emotions: unfortunately, fortunately;
- summing up: so, thus, therefore, therefore, from here, finally, and therefore, as a result, so, as a result.

Sequence of execution

  • read the text carefully and find out the essence of the author's thoughts;
  • determine the value in the gap (in italics);
  • substitute a suitable word;
  • check yourself again, making sure you make the right choice.

Examples of tasks and their analysis

Example 1

1. The character of any person is formed not from the period of conscious age, but from the first months of existence. 2. This process occurs as a result of the child's interaction with the outside world and under its influence. 3. (…) the baby copies the behavior and expression of emotions, focusing on significant adults.

- therefore
- probably
- in other words
- vice versa

The author does not oppose (on the contrary), does not draw premature conclusions (therefore) and does not express the meaning of uncertainty (probably). Sentence # 3 clarifies content # 2: How does character formation take place? Correct answer: in other words.

Example 2

Which of the words or their combinations should be in the place of the pass?

1. The sun, according to scientists, produces a huge stream of light. 2. By the age of 8 billion years, it will become so bright that the result will be the death of our planet. 3. (...) its significance as the only star in our solar system is undeniable from the point of view of the possibility of life, because only thanks to the uniform radiation of energy, the comfortable existence of all life on Earth becomes real.

- despite
- one side
- by the way
- that's why

There is no concessional meaning (despite), explanations of what has been said (by the way), a certain order of presentation is not assumed (on the one hand). The third sentence sums it up. Correct answer: that's why.

Example 3

Which of the words or their combinations should be in the place of the pass?

1. Cats are wonderful animals that amaze everyone not only with their beauty, but also with their grace, even in the most unexpected situations. 2. When falling from a height, unlike other helpless representatives of the fauna, unable to do anything, they (...) can reflexively turn their body over, while landing on their paws. 3. This distinctive feature provides them with a large number of muscles, tendons and elastic connections between the vertebrae, which contributes to the incredible mobility of the skeleton.

- for example
- Also
- Certainly
- vice versa

There is no example (for example), no confidence expressed (of course) and no clarification of the statement (moreover). The second sentence contains the meaning of the opposition of cats to other animals. Correct answer: vice versa.

Task 2 is a little more difficult than, but - as you can see from the examples, it is quite doable.