PM 03.01 organization of the work of the structural unit. PM03 Organization of the activities of structural divisions in the implementation of construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures

for students of extramural education


38.02.05 Merchandising and quality examination of consumer goods

Perm, 2016

The work program of industrial practice was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialty of secondary vocational education 02/38/05 Merchandising and examination of the quality of consumer goods and regulations on educational and industrial practice of students mastering the basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 291 of 18 April 2013 and the work program of the professional module:

PM.03 Organization of work of a structural unit

Organization-developer: Technical school PI (f) REU named after G.V. Plekhanov

Compiled by: teacher of the technical school of the Perm Institute (f) of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Semyonov D.V.

Methodological instructions were considered and approved at a meeting of the CMC of general, humanitarian, social, economic and natural - scientific disciplines of the PI (f) PRUE named after G.V. Plekhanov

Minutes No. ______ "___" ______________ 2015

Chairman of the CMC ____________ I.V. Zhdankova

Industrial practice program passport

Scope of the program

The industrial practice program is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty SPO 38.02.05 Commodity research and examination of the quality of consumer goods in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity (VPA) of an expert commodity expert "Organization of work in a subdivision of an organization" and corresponding professional competencies ( PC).

PC 3.1. Participate in the planning of key performance indicators of the organization.

PC 3.2. Plan the execution of work by performers.

PC 3.3. Organize the work of the labor collective.

PC 3.4. Monitor the progress and evaluate the results of the work performed by the performers.

PC3.5. Draw up accounting and reporting documentation.

1.2. The purpose and objectives of the industrial practice:

the formation of general and professional competencies in students, the acquisition of practical experience in the specialty.

Requirements for the results of mastering industrial practice

As a result of the industrial practice, implemented within the framework of the OBOP VET modules for each of the types of professional activities provided for by the FSES VET, the student must master the specified type of professional activity and the corresponding professional competencies, gain practical experience:

1.4. The number of hours for mastering the program of industrial practice:

PM.03. - 108hours

The results of mastering the program of industrial practice

The result of the industrial practice is the development of professional and general competencies by students within the framework of the OBEP VET modules.

Code Name of the result of training in the specialty
PC 3.1. Participate in the planning of key performance indicators of the organization. Analyzes the internal and external environment of the enterprise, determines the main indicators of the organization (at least 5), carries out rational planning (long-term, current) of the main indicators of the organization
PC 3.2. Plan the execution of work by performers. Determines the main performance indicators of performers, plans their implementation in dynamics (month, week, day)
PC 3.3. Organize the work of the labor collective. Applies in a complex the basic methods and functions of management, uses the elements of NOT, determines the duties of various categories of personnel, develops job descriptions, makes effective management decisions.
PC 3.4. Monitor the progress and evaluate the results of the work performed by the performers. Determines indicators, criteria and frequency of control, applies the appropriate type of control for each indicator and type of activity, uses an effective system for evaluating the results of work.
PC 3.5. Draw up accounting and reporting documentation. Uses accounting and reporting documentation corresponding to the specifics of the enterprise, draws up accounting and reporting documentation in accordance with GOST for accounting and reporting documentation.
OK 1. Understanding the essence and social significance of your future profession, the manifestation of a stable interest in it. Demonstrates interest in his future profession
OK 2. Organization of their own activities, the choice of standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, assessment of their effectiveness and quality. He independently organizes his own activities, chooses standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, objectively evaluates their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3. Making decisions in standard and non-standard situations and taking responsibility for them Makes decisions independently in standard and non-standard situations, realizes the level of responsibility of each decision
OK 4. Implementation of the search and use of information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development. Searches for information necessary for the effective fulfillment of professional tasks, professional and personal growth, uses it to increase efficiency.
OK 5: Possession of information culture, analysis and assessment of information using information and communication technologies Owns information culture, analyzes and evaluates information using information and communication technologies.
OK 6. Teamwork and teamwork, effective communication with colleagues, management, consumers. Knows how to work in a team and team, communicates effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7. Development of responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates) and the result of assignments. Realizes and is ready to take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates) and the result of assignments.
OK 8. Self-determination of the tasks of professional and personal development, self-education, conscious planning of professional development. Determines professional and personal development independently, self-educates, plans professional development.
OK 9. Orientation in conditions of frequent changes in technologies in professional activities. He orients himself in the face of frequent changes in technologies in professional activities, adapts to changes.

Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region

State autonomous professional educational institution

Saratov region

"Engels Industrial and Economic College"


Chairman of the State Electricity Commission

LLC "Stroy-Service -2",

Chief Project Engineer

V.E. Ostroverkhov

"____" ____________ 201

______________/ /

"_____" ______ 20 ____



______________ / M.A. Kukushkin /

"_____" ______ 20 ____

working PROGRAM of practice


08.02.01 "Construction and operation of buildings and structures"

Professional module


Practice type

Educational UP 03

Practice name


Engels 2015

Practice work programdeveloped on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) in the specialties of secondary vocational education (SVE) ___

Organization-developer: State Autonomous Professional Institution of the Saratov Region "Engels Industrial and Economic College"

Developer: Davydova Tatiana Mikhailovna, teacher



2.the results of mastering the practice

3. STRUCTURE and content practices

4 conditions for the implementation of the program practices

5. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the program of practice


Attestation sheet

Practice assignment


1.1. Scope of the internship program

The work program of the internship is part of the training program for mid-level specialists in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty SPO 08.02.01 Construction and operation of buildings and structuresin terms of mastering the main type of professional activity PM03 Organization of the activities of structural divisions in the implementation of construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures: PC 3.3.PC 3.4.The internship program can be used in additional vocational education and training of workers in the fieldtraining of workers in the field of construction and operation of buildings and structures in the presence of secondary (complete) general education.

    1. 1.2. Goals and objectives of the internship - requirements for the results of internship

In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the corresponding professional competencies, the student in the course of mastering the practice must:

have practical experience:

    planning the activities of structural units in the construction and operation of buildings and structures;

    ensuring the activities of structural divisions;

    control over the activities of structural units;

    ensuring compliance with the requirements of labor protection, life safety and environmental protection during construction and installation, repair work and work on the reconstruction of construction facilities;

be able to:

    plan the sequence of execution of production processes in order to efficiently use the available resources;

    fill out an application for the provision of construction and installation work with materials, structures, mechanisms, vehicles, labor resources;

    determine the content of constituent functions at each stage of production;

    to draw up proposals for increasing the grades of workers, recruiting the quantitative professional and qualifying composition of teams;

    to arrange the brigades and individual workers who are not part of them on the site;

    set production targets;

    conduct production briefing;

    to issue and distribute production tasks between the performers of work (teams and units);

    divide the scope of work into grabs and plots;

    assign the scope of work to the teams;

    organize the execution of work in accordance with the schedules and terms of the work;

    to provide workers with tools, devices, means of small mechanization, transport, overalls, protective equipment;

    provide conditions for the development and implementation of the established production standards by workers;

    ensure compliance with the rule of law in production;

    protect their civil, labor rights in accordance with legal and regulatory documents;

    organize operational accounting of the execution of production tasks;

    to draw up documents for the accounting of working hours, production, downtime;

    use the basic regulations on labor protection and environmental protection;

    analyze traumatic and harmful factors in the field of professional activity;

    use eco-bio-protective equipment;

    ensure that workers comply with labor protection and safety requirements at workplaces;

    carry out certification of workplaces;

    develop and implement measures to prevent industrial injuries;

    supervise the correct and safe use of technical equipment at the construction site;

    conduct instruction on labor protection of workers at the workplace in the amount of instructions with an entry in the instruction log;

1.3 The number of hours for mastering the work program of the practice:

Total __________ week, ___72_____ hours.

2.results of the development of PRACTICE

The result of mastering the practice program is the mastery by students of the type of professional activity: PM03 Organization of the activities of structural divisions in the implementation of construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structuresrelevant professional competencies, including professional competencies (PC) and general competencies (GC):


Name of the learning outcome

PC 3.1.

Carry out operational planning of the activities of structural divisions during construction and installation works, current maintenance and reconstruction of construction objects

PC 3.2.

PC 3.3.

Monitor and evaluate the activities of structural units.

PC 3.4.

Ensure compliance with the requirements of labor protection, life safety and environmental protection when performing construction, installation and repair work and work on the reconstruction of construction facilities

OK 1

To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.

OK 2

OK 4

Search and use the information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5

Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6

Work in a team and in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.

OK 7

Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), for the result of tasks.

OK 8

To independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development.

OK 9


3.1 Thematic plan of practice

Professional competency codes

The amount of time allotted for mastering the practice

number of hours

number of weeks





PC 3.1

To carry out operational planning of the activities of structural divisions during construction and installation works, current maintenance and reconstruction of construction objects.

PC 3.2.

Ensure the work of structural units in the performance of production tasks.

PC 3.3.

Monitor and evaluate the activities of structural units.

PC 3.4.

Ensure compliance with the requirements of labor protection, life safety and environmental protection when performing construction, installation and repair work and work on the reconstruction of construction facilities


3.2 Content of the practice

Practice section names

Types of work performed /


Content of work / activity

Number of hours

(for each type of work / activity)

1. To carry out operational planning of the activities of structural divisions during construction and installation works, current maintenance and reconstruction of construction projects.

1.1 planning the activities of structural units in the construction and operation of buildings and structures;

1.1.1 Operational planning of the sequence of execution of production processes of construction and installation works.

1.1.2 general principles of operational planning of construction and installation works.

1.2 ensuring the activities of structural divisions

1.2.1 issue and distribute production tasks between the performers of work (teams and links).

1.2.2 organize operational accounting of the execution of production tasks.

2 ............

2.1 control over the activities of structural units;

2.1.1 organize operational accounting of the execution of production tasks.

2.1.2 draw up documents for the recording of working hours, production, downtime.

2.2 ensuring compliance with the requirements of labor protection, life safety and environmental protection during construction and installation, repair work and work on the reconstruction of construction facilities

2.2.1 conduct instruction on labor protection of workers at the workplace in the amount of instructions with an entry in the instruction log.

2.2.2 use the basic regulations on labor protection and environmental protection.


4.conditions for the implementation of the Practice Program

4.1 Requirements for minimum logistic support

The implementation of the professional module presupposes the presence of a study room "Organizationoperational management of the activities of structural divisions ”.

Equipment of the classroom and workstations of the study

    a set of reference, regulatory, technical documentation;

    a set of educational and methodological documentation;

    visual aids (tablets, models of buildings, layouts of structural units).

    office and professional software;

    a set of educational and methodological documentation.



The implementation of the module program assumes equipment and technological equipment of workplaces: computer, telecommunication and other technical means.

4.2 Information support of training. List of recommended educational publications, Internet resources, additional literature

Main sources:

    Baglai M.A. Constitutional law of the Russian Federation. Study guide - M., FORUM: INFRA-M, 2011.

    Life safety: A textbook for students of secondary vocational educational institutions / S.V. Belov, V.A.Devisilov, A.F. Koziakov and others; Under total. ed. S.V. Belova. - M .: Higher school, 2012.

    Life safety. Industrial safety and labor protection: Textbook. manual for students of secondary vocational educational institutions / P.P. Kukin, V.L. Lapin, N.L. Ponomarev and others - M .: Higher. shk., 2012.

    Gordienko Yu.F. Management / Yu.F. Gordienko, D.V. Obukhov, M.S. Zainalabidov. - M .: JSC "Moscow textbooks"; Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2011 - (Secondary vocational education).

    Devisilov V.A., Labor safety (labor protection): A textbook for students of secondary vocational schools. - M .: Forum-Infra-M, 2010.

    Zhilinsky S.E. Legal foundations of entrepreneurial activity - M., Yurist, 2010.

    Kazantsev V.I., Vasin V.N. Labor law - M., Omega-M, 2010

    Korshunov Yu.N. Commentary on labor protection legislation –M, .Omega-M, 2010.

Kurennoy A.M. Labor disputes. Practical commentary - M., "Academy", NMC SPO, 2011

Additional sources:

    Alekseev S.V., Usenko V.R. Occupational hygiene. - M .: Medicine, 2008.

    Safety and labor protection: textbook for universities / N.E. Garnagin, N.G. Zanko, N.Yu. Zolotareva and others; Ed. HE. Rusaka. - 2006.

    Life safety. Safety of technological processes and production (Labor protection): Textbook for universities / P.P. Kukin, V.L. Lapin, E.A. Podgornykh and others - M .: Higher school, 2009.

    Belov S.V., Morozova L.L., Sivkov V.P. Life safety. Lecture notes, Part 1. - M .: V AOOT, 2006.

    Belov V.G., Kozyakov A.F., Belov S.V. and other Safety of life. Lecture notes, Part 2. - M .: VASOT, 2007.

    Belyaev V.I. Management: study guide / V.I. Belyaev. - M .: KNORUS, 2009.

    Means of protection in mechanical engineering: Calculation and design: Handbook / S.V. Belov, A.F. Koziakov, O.F. Partolin and others; Ed. S.V. Belova. - M .: Mechanical Engineering, 2009.

    Semenov A.K. , Nabokov V.I. Fundamentals of Management: Workshop. - 3rd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Publishing corporation "Dashkov and K", 2008.

    Collection of contracts in economic activity / Avt.sost. A.L. Kozhevnikov and others - M., TK Welby, Publishing House "Prospect", 2009.


    Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    The Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2002 No. 95-FZ // SZ RF - 2002- No. 30 - Art.3012.

    Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part one) of November 30, 1994. No. 51-FZ // SZ RF - 1994 - No. 32 - Art. 3301.

    Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part two) of January 26, 1996. No. 14-FZ - 1996 - No. 5 - Art.410.

    The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001. No. 195-FZ // SZ RF - 2002.

    The Law of the Russian Federation "On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation" as amended by the Federal Law of April 20, 1996. No. 36-FZ // SZ RF - 1996 - No. 17 - Art.1915.

    Federal Law of November 23, 1995 No. 175-FZ "On the Procedure for Resolving Collective Labor Disputes" // SZ RF - 1995.

    Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. No. 181-FZ "On the basics of labor protection in the Russian Federation" // SZ RF - 1999 - No. 29 - Art.3702.

    Federal Law of October 26, 2002 No. 127-FZ "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" // SZ RF - 2002 - No. 43 - Art.4190.

    GOST 12.1.001-89 SSBT. Ultrasound. General safety requirements.

    GOST 12.1.002-84. Electric fields of industrial frequency with a voltage of 400 kV and above. General safety requirements.

    GOST 12.1.003-83 * SSBT. Noise. General safety requirements.

    GOST 12.0.004-90 SSBT. Employee safety training.

    GOST 12.1.005-88 SSBT. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air in the working area.

    GOST 12.1.006-84 SSBT. Radio frequency electromagnetic fields. General safety requirements.

    GOST 12.1.012-90 SSBT. Vibration safety. General requirements.

    GOST 12.1.038-82 SSBT. Electrical safety. Maximum permissible levels of touch voltages and currents.

    GOST 12.1.040-83 SSBT. Laser safety. General Provisions.

    GOST 12.1.045-84 SSBT. Electrostatic fields. Workplace tolerances and inspection requirements.

    GOST 12.2.003-91 SSBT. Manufacturing equipment. General safety requirements.

    GOST 12.2.032-78 SSBT. Workplace when performing work while sitting. General ergonomic requirements.

    GOST 12.3.002-75 SSBT. Manufacturing processes. General safety requirements.

    GOST 12.4.026-76 SSBT. Signal colors and safety signs.

    GOST 14202-69. Signal painting of pipelines.

    GOST 21889-76. Human operator's chair. General ergonomic requirements.

    GN Maximum permissible levels (MPL) of contamination of the skin with harmful substances. Hygienic standards. Ministry of Health of Russia, 1996.

    GN Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of chemical substances in the water of water bodies for domestic and drinking and cultural and domestic water use. Hygienic standards. - Ministry of Health of Russia, 1998.

    GN 2.2.4 / Hygienic requirements when working with sources of air and contact ultrasound for industrial, medical and household purposes. Hygienic standards. - Ministry of Health of Russia, 1996.

    GN Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of harmful substances in the air of the working area. Hygienic standards. - Ministry of Health of Russia, 1998.

    GN Approximate safe exposure levels (OSL) of harmful substances in the air of the working area. Hygienic standards. - Ministry of Health of Russia, 1998.

    MU No. 4425-87. Methodical instructions of the USSR Ministry of Health. Sanitary and hygienic control of ventilation systems in industrial premises. - M .: Ministry of Health of the USSR, 1998.

    NPB 105-95. Fire safety standards. Determination of categories of premises and buildings for explosion and fire hazard. - M.: VNIIPOMVD, 1995.

    OND-86. Methodology for calculating the concentration in the atmospheric air of harmful substances contained in the emissions of enterprises.-Leningrad: Gidrome-teoizdat, 1987.

    OND-90. Methodology for calculating the dispersion of gaseous emissions in the atmosphere.-Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat, 1990.

    Remote control 1742-77. Maximum permissible levels of exposure to permanent magnetic fields when working with magnetic devices and magnetic materials. Ministry of Health of the USSR, 1977.

    Interindustry Labor Protection Rules (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations. - M .: NTs ENAS, 2001.

    PB 10-115-96. Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels.- M .: Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia. IPO MBT, 1994.

    R 2.2.755-99. Hygienic criteria for assessing and classifying working conditions according to indicators of harmfulness and danger of factors of the working environment, the severity and intensity of the labor process. - M .: Federal Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of Russia, 1999.

    SanPiN Requirements for water quality in decentralized water supply. Sanitary protection of sources. Sanitary rules and regulations. M: State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia, 1996.

    SanPiN Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control. - M .: Goskomsanepidnadzor of Russia, 1996.

    SanPiN 5804-91. Sanitary rules and regulations for the device and operation of lasers. - Ministry of Health of Russia, 1991.

    SanPiN Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal computers and work organization, Moscow: Goskomsanepidnadzor of Russia, 1996.

    SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises.- Moscow: Ministry of Health of Russia, 1997.

    SanPiN 2.2.4 / Electromagnetic radiation of radio frequency range. - M .: Goskomsanepidnadzor of Russia, 1996.

    CH 2.2.4 / Noise at workplaces, residential, public buildings and residential areas. - M .: Ministry of Health of Russia, 1997.

    CH 2.2.4 / Industrial vibration, vibration in residential and public buildings. - M .: Ministry of Health of Russia, 1997.

    CH 2.2.4 / Infrasound at workplaces, in residential and public buildings and on the territory of residential buildings. - M .: Ministry of Health of Russia, 1996.

    SP 1042-73. Sanitary rules for the organization of technological processes and hygienic requirements for production equipment. - M .: Ministry of Health of the USSR, 1974.

    SN 2971-84. Maximum permissible levels (MPL) of the intensity of the electric field created by overhead power lines. Ministry of Health of the USSR, 1984.

    CH 4557-88. Sanitary standards for ultraviolet radiation in industrial premises. - Ministry of Health of the USSR, 1988.

    SNiP 21-01-97. Fire safety of buildings and structures. - M .: Gosstroy of Russia, 1997.

    SNiP 3.05.02-88 *. Organization, production and acceptance of works. Gas supply. - M .: State Committee for Construction, 1991.

    SNiP 3.05.03-85. Organization, production and acceptance of works. Heat supply. - M .: State Committee for Construction, 1985.

    SNiP 2.09.04-87. Administrative and household buildings. - M .: TsITP Gosstroy USSR, 1989.

    SNiP 23-05-95. Design standards. Natural and artificial lighting. - M .: Ministry of Construction of Russia, 1995.

    SanPiN 5802-91. Electromagnetic fields of industrial frequency currents. Sanitary rules and regulations. - Ministry of Health of Russia, 1991.

    SP 2.6.1-758-99. Radiation Safety Standards, NRB-99.-M .: Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Regulation, Hygienic Certification and Expertise of the Ministry of Health of Russia, 1999.

Internet resources: - teaching aids. - complex solutions in the field of CAD

    http:// google. ru

4.3 General requirements for the organization of practice

Educational practice is carried out in training and production workshops, laboratories, training grounds and other structural divisions of an educational institution, or in organizations in specially equipped premises on the basis of agreements between an organization carrying out activities on an educational program of the corresponding profile (hereinafter referred to as an organization) and an educational institution.

Industrial practice according to the profile of the specialty (profession) is carried out in organizations on the basis of agreements concluded between the educational institution and organizations.

During the period of internship in the field of specialty (profession), students can be enrolled in vacant positions if the work meets the requirements of the internship program.

The terms of the practice are established by the educational organization in accordance with the OBOP VET of the specialty08.02.01 Construction and operation of buildings and structures

Educational practice and industrial practice according to the profile of the specialty (profession) are carried out both continuously and by alternation with theoretical lessons on days (weeks), provided that there is a connection between theoretical training and the content of practice.

4.4 Staffing the internship process

Educational practice is carried out by masters of industrial training and (or) teachers of disciplines of the professional cycle.

The organization and management of industrial practice according to the profile of the specialty (profession) and is carried out by the heads of the practice from the educational organization and from the organization.

5. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of the development of PRACTICE


(mastered professional competencies)

(practical experience and skills)

PC 1.1. Carry out operational planning of the activities of structural divisions during construction and installation works, current maintenance and reconstruction of construction objects

expert assessment of the performance of the production assignment (certification sheets, diary) and practice assignments (report);

practice test;

qualifying exam;

expert assessment of portfolio

(attestation sheets, certificates, performance certificates, reviews, letters)

PC 1.2. Ensure the work of structural units infulfillment of production tasks

the work of structural divisions when performing production tasks in compliance with the basic rules

PC 1.3. Monitor and evaluate the activities of structural units

PC 1.4. Ensure compliance with the requirements of labor protection, life safety and environmental protection when performing construction, installation and repair work and work on the reconstruction of construction facilities

Dangerous zones in the construction of the general plan are located in accordance with SNiP 12-03-2001 Labor safety in construction

Development of fire-prevention measures at the construction site complies with SNiP 12-03-2001 Labor safety in construction

The forms and methods of monitoring and assessing learning outcomes should allow checking not only the formation of professional competencies in students, but also the development of general competencies and the skills that provide them.


(mastered general competences)

Main indicators for assessing the result

Forms and methods of control and evaluation

OK.1 Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it

Demonstration of interest in a future profession

expert assessment of the results of observations of the student's activities in the process of practice

OK.2 Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

    selection and application of methods and methods for solving professional problems in the field of preparation and conduct of engineering surveys, in the development and design of structural and space-planning solutions, organization of construction and preparation of technological solutions for buildings and structures;

    assessment of the effectiveness and quality of implementation

OK.3 Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them

    solution of standard and non-standard professional tasks in the development of projects for buildings and structures

OK.4 Osearch for and use the information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

Effective search for the necessary information;

The use of various sources, including electronic

OK.5 Possess an information culture, analyze and evaluate information using information and communication technologies

Analysis of information using information technology

OK.6 Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.

Interaction with students and teachers during training

OK.7 Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of assignments

Self-analysis and correction of the results of one's own work

OK.8 To independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development

Organization of self-study while studying the professional module

OK.9 To navigate in the face of frequent changes in technology in professional activities.

analysis of innovations and priority areas in the development of technical regulations for buildings and structures

Practice certificate

1. Name of student______________________________________________________________________

Well ______group _________, speciality/ profession08.02.01 Construction and operation of buildings and structures

2 ... Index, name of practicePP.03 PM.03 Educational practice

Index, name of the professional modulePM03 Organization of the activities of structural divisions in the implementation of construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures relevant professional competencies _____________________

3. Place of practice( organization), Name, legal address_____________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Dates of the practicefrom ___________________ to ____________________

5.Types and scope of work, performed by students during practice:

Types of jobs

Content of work


Signature of the head of practice from the enterprise

    Management of service conflicts: analysis and analysis of production situations containing a conflict, identifying the causes and methods of resolving them.

Analysis of the production situation, containing a conflict, identifying the causes of the conflict, applying methods to resolve them.

    Management Decisions: Choice Alternatives and Consequence Analysis.

Analysis of the consequences of the adopted management decisions.

Rules for the organization of the labor protection service.

First aid in case of accidents.

    Civil contracts: conditions, order of execution. Drawing up a power of attorney for the transaction.

Registration of civil contracts.

    Drawing up a statement of claim to an arbitration court. Claim. The answer to the claim.

Drawing up a statement of claim.

Registration of an employment contract

8. Types of employee liability.

Analysis of legal situations

9. Determination of the amount of damage.

The solution of practical problems ondetermination of the amount of damage.

10. Preparation of the practice report.

Systematization, processing.

Conclusions on the results of the work done.

6. Feedback on tothe quality of the student's internship

Evaluation criteria

Complianceinternal labor regulations of the enterprise,labor discipline and technological discipline

Not really

Compliance with labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety requirements

Not really

Compliance of the content with the types of work under the internship program

matches /

partially matches /

does not match

Assessment of the completeness of the program in terms of gaining practical experience

fully implemented / partially implemented /

not implemented

Formation of competencies:

PC 3.1. To carry out operational planning of the activities of structural divisions during construction and installation works, current maintenance and reconstruction of construction objects.

PC 3.2. Ensure the work of structural units in the performance of production tasks.

Not really

(evaluate each competency)

Practice leaderfrom the enterprise ________________________________________________

(Signature) (Date) (Full name)


Grade ____________________

Practice manager from GAPOU SO "EPET" ___________________________________________

(Signature) (Date) (Full name)


cyclic methodological commission

specialties _________________

Minutes dated ________ 20___ No. ___

Chairman of the CMC _______________


Deputy Director for UPR


20 ___


for practical training according to the profile of the specialty

« Organization and planning of construction and installation works

by professional module

specialty 08.02.01 Construction and operation of buildings and structures

Student (s) _______________________________________________________________________


Course ____________________ group ___________________________________________________

place of practice _____________________________________________________________________

a common part

    Safety briefing.

    Service conflict management.

    Management decisions.

    Compilation, solution, analysis of production situations to motivate labor personnel.

    Organization of labor protection service.

    Accident. First aid in case of accidents.

    Civil contracts: conditions, order of execution.

    Types of employee liability.

9. Determination of the amount of damage.

Special part

        1. Registration of an employment contract.

2. Claim production. Drawing up a statement of claim to an arbitration court.

3. Forms and methods of incentives for workers on the site

4. Requirements for certification of workplaces: plasterer, painter, bricklayer

Start of practice _______________ 20 _____.

End of practice _______________ 20 _____.

Practice leader ____________________________________ / _____________________ /

The program of the professional module (hereinafter the program) is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty SVE (basic training) in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity (VPA): Organization of the activities of structural divisions during construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction buildings and structures and related professional competencies (PC):

PC 3.1. Implementation of operational planning of the activities of structural divisions during construction and installation works, current maintenance and reconstruction of construction projects.

PC 3.2. Ensuring the work of structural units in the performance of production tasks.

PC 3.3. Control and assessment of the activities of structural units.

PC 3.4. Ensuring compliance with the requirements of labor protection, life safety and environmental protection when performing construction, installation and repair work and work on the reconstruction of construction sites.

The professional module program can be used in additional vocational education for advanced training of construction technicians.



Department of secondary vocational and primary vocational education of the Tomsk region

secondary vocational education

"Tomsk Municipal Construction College"


Deputy Director of SCPI


HE. Kudryashova

"____" ______________ 20__



in the specialty of secondary vocational education 08.02.01 Construction and operation of buildings and structures

Tomsk - 2014

The program of the professional module "Organization of the activities of structural units in the performance of construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures" was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialty of secondary vocational education 08.02.01 Construction and operation of buildings and structures.

Organization-developer: OGBOU SPO "Tomsk Municipal Construction College"


Shachneva OA .. - teacher of OGBOU SPO "Tomsk Municipal Construction College"

at a meeting of the subject-cycle commission of special disciplines in the specialty 08.02.01

(Minutes No. __ of 2014)

Chairman of the Commission ______________________ S.I. Kurylenko

© Regional state budgetary educational institution

Secondary vocational education "Tomsk Municipal Construction College"

© Shachneva Oksana Anatolyevna


page 4

page 7


page 8


page 18


page 20



"Organization of the activities of structural units in the performance of construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures"

1.1. Scope of the program

The program of the professional module (hereinafter the program) is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty of secondary vocational education08.02.01 Construction and operation of buildings and structures(basic training) in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity (VPA): Organization of the activities of structural units in the implementation of construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structuresand relevant professional competencies (PC):

PC 3.1. Implementation of operational planning of the activities of structural divisions during construction and installation works, current maintenance and reconstruction of construction projects.

PC 3.2. Ensuring the work of structural divisions when performing production tasks.

PC 3.3. TO monitoring and evaluation of the activities of structural units.

PC 3.4. O ensuring compliance with the requirements of labor protection, life safety and environmental protection during construction, installation and repair work and work on the reconstruction of construction facilities.

The professional module program can be usedin additional vocational education with advanced training of construction technicians.

1.2. Goals and objectives of the module - requirements for the results of mastering the module:

In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the corresponding professional competencies, the student in the course of mastering the professional module must:

Have practical experience:

  • planning the activities of structural units in the construction and operation of buildings and structures;
  • ensuring the activities of structural divisions;
  • control over the activities of structural units;
  • ensuring compliance with the requirements of labor protection, life safety and environmental protection during construction and installation, repair work and work on the reconstruction of construction facilities

Be able to:

  • fill out an application for ensuring the production of construction and installation works
  • materials, structures, mechanisms, vehicles, labor resources;
  • determine the content of constituent functions at each stage of production;
  • to draw up proposals for increasing the grades of workers, recruiting the quantitative professional and qualifying composition of teams;
  • to arrange the brigades and individual workers who are not part of them on the site;
  • set production targets;
  • conduct production briefing;
  • to issue and distribute production tasks between the performers of work (teams and units);
  • divide the scope of work into grabs and plots;
  • assign the scope of work to the teams;
  • organize the execution of work in accordance with the schedules and terms of the work;
  • to provide workers with tools, devices, means of small mechanization, transport, overalls, protective equipment;
  • provide conditions for the development and implementation of the established production standards by workers;
  • ensure compliance with the rule of law in production;
  • protect their civil, labor rights in accordance with legal and regulatory documents;
  • organize an operational record of execution
    production assignments;
  • to draw up documents on accounting of working time, production, downtime;
  • use the basic regulations on labor protection and environmental protection;
  • analyze traumatic and harmful factors in the field of professional activity;
  • use eco-bio-protective equipment;
  • ensure that workers comply with labor protection and safety requirements at workplaces;
  • carry out certification of workplaces;
  • develop and implement measures to prevent industrial injuries;
  • supervise the correct and safe use of technical equipment at the construction site;
  • conduct instruction on labor protection of workers at the workplace in the amount of instructions with an entry in the instruction log;


  • scientific and technical achievements and experience in organizing construction production;
  • scientific organization of workplaces;
  • principles and methods of planning work on the site;
  • techniques and methods of management of structural divisions, when they perform production tasks;
  • normative, technical and administrative documentation on the organization of the activities of construction sites;
  • forms of organization of workers' labor; general principles of operational planning of construction and installation works;
  • civil, labor, administrative legislation;
  • the rights and obligations of employees in the field of professional activity;
  • the current regulation on remuneration of employees of the organization (norms and prices for the work performed);
  • regulatory documents defining the rights, duties and responsibilities of managers and employees;
  • forms and methods of stimulating collectives and individual workers;
  • main normative and legislative acts in the field of labor and environmental protection;
  • engineering solutions for safety in the use of construction machinery and equipment;
  • requirements for certification of workplaces;
  • basics of fire safety;
  • methods of rendering first aid to victims in case of accidents; safety precautions in the production of work; organization of industrial sanitation and hygiene.

total - 306 hours, including:

maximum study load of a student - 289 hours including:

Compulsory classroom teaching load of a student - 176 hours;

Student's independent work - 77 hours;

educational practice - 36 hours.


The result of mastering the program of the professional module is the mastery by the students of the type of professional activity (VPA)« Organization of the activities of structural units in the performance of construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures ",including professional (PC) and general (OK) competencies:


Name of the learning outcome

PC 3.1.

Carry out operational planning of the activities of structural divisions during construction and installation works, current maintenance and reconstruction of construction objects

PC 3.2.

Ensure the work of structural units in the performance of production tasks

PC 3.3.

Monitor and evaluate the activities of structural units

PC 3.4.

Ensure compliance with the requirements of labor protection, life safety and environmental protection when performing construction, installation and repair work and work on the reconstruction of construction facilities

OK 1.

To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.

OK 2.

Organize your own activities, choose standard

methods and ways of performing professional tasks, assessing their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3.

Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.

OK 4.

Search and use the information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5.

Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6.

Work in a team and in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.

OK 7.

Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), for the result of tasks.

OK 8.

To independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development.

OK 9.

To navigate in the face of frequent changes in technology in professional activities.


3.1. Thematic plan of the professional module


professional competencies

Names of sections of the professional module *

Total hours

Amount of time allotted for mastering the interdisciplinary course (s)


Compulsory classroom study load of the student

Student's independent work




(according to the profile of the specialty),**




incl. laboratory work and practical exercises,





including, term paper (project),


PC 3.1

Section 1. Planning and management of construction and construction and installation organizations.

PC 3.1 - 3.3

Section 2. Provision of work, control and assessment of the activities of structural units in the performance of production tasks.

PC 3.1

Section 3. Labor protection in the organization of construction production

PC 3.4

Section 4. Ensuring the rule of law in the field of professional activity

Educational practice, hours


3.2. Training content for the professional module (PM.03)

The names of the sections of the professional module (PM), interdisciplinary courses (MDC) and topics

Clock volume

Development level

Section 1 . Planning and management of construction and construction and installation organization

Topic 1.1. Construction and construction management

Organizational forms and construction management system in Russia:

  • Basic principles of organizing construction management and methods of its implementation;
  • General construction management system in Russia;
  • Specialization, cooperation, combination and integration in construction as a form of its organization.

Organizational and legal forms of construction and installation organizations:

  • The main features of an enterprise (organization) and their general characteristics in construction;
  • Forms and types of construction and installation organizations as legal entities;
  • Licensing of activities in the field of design and construction;
  • Creation, reorganization and liquidation of enterprises in construction.

Functions and methods of construction production management:

  • Concepts about the functions of production management;
  • Construction production management methods.

The production and organizational structure of the construction and installation organization:

  • The production structure of the construction and installation organization;
  • Organizational structure of the construction and installation organization;
  • Formation and improvement of the organizational structure of management of construction production.

Techniques and methods of management of structural divisions, when they perform production tasks.

Workforce management:

  • Scientific organization of managerial work;
  • Forms of organization of work of workers
  • Normative documents defining the rights, duties and responsibilities of managers and employees;
  • Basic requirements for the design of job descriptions.

Practical work

Drawing up job descriptions.

Making a proposal for increasing the grades of workers and recruiting the quantitative professional and qualifying staff of brigades.

Arrangement of teams and individual workers outside of them on the site.

Scientific and technical achievements and experience in organizing construction production.

Registration of regulations on remuneration

Forms and methods of stimulating collectives and individual workers.

Registration of documents for accounting of working time, production, downtime.

Organization of the workplace for construction workers. Dividing the work front into grappling and plots, assigning the scope of work to the teams, organizing the work in accordance with the schedules and deadlines for the work.

Topic 1.2. Operational planning of construction and construction production.

Objectives of operational planning and types of operational plans. General principles of operational planning of construction and installation works.

Drawing up weekly and daily work schedules.

Monitoring the implementation of operational plans for construction production.

Dispatching management of construction production.

Principles and methods of planning work on the site.

Practical lessons

Drawing up a diagram of the relationship between the dispatching service of a construction and installation organization with its production units and service areas

Design assignment, execution of a contract for design and survey work.

Planning the sequence of execution of production processes in the construction and installation organization.

Independent work in the study of section 1. Planning and management of construction and construction and installation organizations.

MDK 03.01 Management of the activities of structural units in the implementation of construction and installation works and reconstruction of buildings and structures.

Approximate topics of extracurricular independent work:

Writing abstracts on topics:

  • Trends in the development of management structures for construction and installation organizations.
  • Essence and nature of management decisions.
  • Motivation and stimulation of personnel in the process of work.
  • The concept of strategy and strategic management of construction and installation organizations.

Preparing messages on topics:

  • Organizational forms of construction (contract, economic, "turnkey").
  • Operational planning principles.
  • Types of operational plans.

Registration of practical work.

Section PM 03.02 Organization, control and assessment of the activities of structural units in the performance of production tasks.

MDK 03.01

Topic 1.3. Control and assessment of the activities of structural units.

Contract documentation in construction:

  • Purpose and procedure for holding contract bidding in construction;
  • Content, procedure for concluding and structure of the work contract;
  • Execution , changes in the terms of implementation and termination of the work contract.

Material and technical support for the production of construction and installation works:

  • Provision of workers with tools, devices, small mechanization means, transport, overalls, protective equipment;
  • Providing conditions for the development and implementation by workers of established production rates.

Construction control during construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction objects:

  • Organization of construction control;
  • Requirements for construction organizations exercising construction control;
  • Construction control procedures.

Determination of the content of constituent functions at each stage of production.

Practical work

Registration of applications for the provision of construction and installation work with materials, structures, mechanisms, vehicles, labor resources.

Registration of normative, technical and administrative documentation on the organization of the activities of construction sites.

Distribution of production assignments between work performers;

Registration of a task order for construction and installation work.

Independent work in the study of section 2 Control and assessment of the activities of structural units in the performance of production tasks.

MDK 03.01 Management of the activities of structural units in the implementation of construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures

Section PM 03.03 Labor protection in the organization of construction production

MDK 03.01 Management of the activities of structural units in the performance of construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures

Topic 1.4.

Occupational Safety and Health

Basic concepts of labor protection.

Labor protection requirements.

Organization of labor protection in construction.

Industrial injuries:

  • Causes of industrial injuries;
  • Personal and collective protective equipment.

Special assessment of working conditions.

Fire safety basics:

  • Basic concepts;
  • Classification of objects by fire and explosion hazard;
  • Organizational and technical measures to ensure fire safety;
  • Construction safety signs

Main regulatory and legislative acts on labor and environmental protection

Organization of industrial sanitation and hygiene

Electrical safety at the construction site.

First aid in case of accidents:

  • First aid for injuries, burns, fainting.
  • First aid for electric shock.
  • First aid for fainting, poisoning, heat and sunstroke.
  • First aid for bleeding.
  • First aid for fractures, dislocations, bruises and sprains.
  • Carrying and transportation of victims.

Practical work

№1 Registration of the report on the investigation of a group accident.

Registration of the act of form N-1 on an accident at work

No. 2 Registration of documents for a special assessment of working conditions.

No. 3 Registration of the order - admission to the performance of construction and installation work associated with increased danger.

# 4 Development of measures to prevent industrial injuries.

No. 5 Conducting instructions on labor protection for workers at the workplace.

No. 6 Drawing up standard instructions on labor protection for construction workers

Independent work when studying section 3 "Labor protection in the organization of construction production"

MDK 03.01 Management of the activities of structural units in the implementation of construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures

Writing abstracts on this topic:

Report on the topic: "Investigation of accidents at work."

Abstract writing on this topic:

"Safe organization of work at the construction site."

"The use of ecobioprotective equipment and personal protective equipment."

Prepare presentations on topics:

"First aid for electric shock",

"First aid for injury", "First aid for burns",

"First aid for fainting, poisoning, heat and sunstroke",

"First aid for frostbite",

"First aid for fractures, dislocations, bruises and sprains",

"First aid for bleeding"

"Carrying and transportation of the victim."

"Injury at work and its socio-economic consequences."

"Environmental protection in the production of construction and installation works."

"Safety precautions when using manual electrical machines and equipment."

"Safety precautions when using construction machinery and equipment (at the choice of students)"

Compilation of test items from 20 questions onthe topic "Labor protection".

Registration practical work.

Systematic study of lecture notes, work with normative and reference literature.

Section PM 03.04 Ensuring the rule of law in the field of professional activity

MDK 03.01 Management of the activities of structural units in the performance of construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures

Topic 1.5.


Providing professional


1. Legal regulation of economic activity:

The concept and types of economic relations.

Entrepreneurial activity. Insolvency (bankruptcy).

2. Basics of civil legislation:

The legal status of subjects of civil law.

Ownership and other property rights.

General provisions on contracts.

3. Labor and social protection:

Labor dispute.

Working hours and rest time.


Material liability.

Legal regulation of employment of the population.

4. Administrative law.

Administrative responsibility. Administrative offenses and administrative penalties.

Practical lessons

Economic disputes. Drawing up a claim and a statement of claim to an arbitration court.

Legal entities as subjects of civil law.

Contracts in the construction industry.

Ways to protect civil rights.

Drawing up an employment contract. Drawing up a resume.

The procedure for bringing to disciplinary responsibility.

The procedure for bringing to financial responsibility.

The procedure for considering labor disputes.

The procedure for attracting the unemployed.

The procedure for bringing to administrative responsibility.

Independent work in the study of section 4. "Ensuring the rule of law in the field of professional activity"

MDK 03.01 Management of the activities of structural units in the implementation of construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures

1. Execution of test tasks.

2. Fulfillment of an individual project assignment: "Drawing up a statement of claim to an arbitration court."

3. Solving problems using normative literature ("Consultant Plus").

4. Fulfillment of an individual project assignment: 2Completing an agreement on full material responsibility. "

Registration practical work.

Systematic study of lecture notes, work with normative and reference literature.

Educational practice (Organization of the activities of structural units)

Types of jobs: Study of regulatory documents defining the rights, duties and responsibilities of managers and employees; Participation in the planning and organization of management of the activities of structural units in the construction and operation of buildings and structures; control over the activities of structural divisions: organization and accounting of work performance in accordance with schedules; registration of documents for the accounting of working hours; placement of brigades; distribution of production tasks; production briefing; registration of applications for the provision of construction and installation works; study of norms and prices for the work performed;

Study of civil, labor, administrative legislation;

Study and use of the main regulatory documents on labor protection and environmental protection; Analysis of traumatic and harmful factors in the field of professional activity; participation in activities for certification of workplaces; Registration of orders - permits for construction and installation work.



4.1. Minimum Logistics Requirements

The implementation of the module program assumes the presence of classrooms:

Management, labor organization, labor protection and law.

Equipment for the classroom and workplaces:

Computer desk, interactive whiteboard (or projector) for the teacher;

Computer tables for students;

Layouts, posters;

Reference and normative documentation;

Educational literature

4. 2. Information support of training

Main sources:

1. Sukhachev AA, Labor protection in construction: textbook - 2nd ed., Ster. - m .; KNORUS, 2013.-272s. - (Secondary vocational education).

2. Dracheva E.L .; Yulikov L.I. Management: workshop, textbook SPO - M .: Academy, 2012 - 304 p.

3. Aleksunin V.A. Marketing: SPO textbook - M .: Dashkov and K, 2012 .-- 216 p.

4. Romanina V.V. Legal support of professional activity: textbook / SPO. - M., 2013 .-- 224 p.

5. Biryukov A.N., Bulanov A.I., Ivanovskiy V.S., S.G. Richel and other Fundamentals of organization, economics and management in construction: textbook, Federal Agency for Special Construction. - M: - 2012

6. SNiP 12.03-01, 02 “Labor safety in construction.

7. SNiP 21-01-97 "Fire safety of buildings and structures."

Additional sources:

  1. Abashin E.A. Arbitration: debts of legal entities. Textbook for universities. Infra-M, M; 2006.
  2. Bazarov T.Yu. Personnel management: Textbook SPO - M: ITs Academy, 2012. - 224 p.: textbook - M .: Dashkov and K, 2008.-556 p.

Additional sources:

1. Polukarov V.L. Management Basics : textbook - M .: INFRA-M, 2008.-240s.
2. Semenov A.K., Nabokov V.I.
Management Basics : textbook - M .: Academy, 2008.-556s.
F.Ya. Kibanov Personnel management: textbook - M: Knorus, 2008. - 208s.

4. Ershova I.V. Business Law: Textbook - M., 2005

5. Ershova I.V., Ivanova T.M. Business law: diagrams and comments. - M., 2006

6. Abashin E.A. Arbitration: debts of legal entities; M; 2006 year

Normative material:

Constitution of the Russian Federation

Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation

Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation

Federal Law "On the procedure for resolving individual labor disputes"

Federal Law "On employment in the Russian Federation"

Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)"

Federal Law "On the basics of labor protection in the Russian Federation"

Federal Law "On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation"

Federal Law "On the basics of labor protection in the Russian Federation"

Internet resources: (date of circulation 08/19/2014)

Reference and legal system "Consultant plus"

4.3. Staffing of the educational process

Requirements for the qualifications of teaching (engineering and teaching) personnel providing training in an interdisciplinary course (s):availability of higher professional education corresponding to the profile of the module "Organization of the activities of structural units in the performance of construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures."

Requirements for the qualifications of teaching staff who manage practice

Engineering and teaching staff:certified specialists - teachers of interdisciplinary courses, as well as general professional disciplines: "Labor protection", "Law", "Organization and management of construction production"



(mastered professional competencies)

PC 3.1. Carry out operational planning of the activities of structural divisions during construction and installation works, current maintenance and reconstruction of construction objects

Demonstrate skills based on the knowledge gained:

- to use scientific and technical achievements and experience in organizing construction production;

- plan the sequence of execution of production processes in order to efficiently use the available resources;

- use the principles of operational planning of construction and installation works;

-determine the content of constituent functions at each stage of production;

- use scientific methods

organization of workplaces and forms of organization of workers' labor;

Current control



Final control:

PC 3.2. Ensure the work of structural units in the performance of production tasks

Demonstrate the ability to draw up applications for the provision of construction and installation work with materials, structures, mechanisms, vehicles, labor resources;

- placement of teams and individual workers on the site; distribution of production assignments between performers of work; production briefing;

-organization and accounting of work performance in accordance with the schedules and terms of work;

- registration of documents for accounting of working time, production, downtime;

Current control



Final control:

Written / peer review in the qualifying exam

PC 3.3. Monitor and evaluate the activities of structural units

Demonstrate skill using acquired knowledge

- use techniques and methods of monitoring the activities of structural units;

- use forms and methods of stimulating collectives and individual workers;

Current control



Final control:

Written / peer review in the qualifying exam

PC 3.4. Ensure compliance with the requirements of labor protection, life safety and environmental protection when performing construction and installation and repair work and work on the reconstruction of construction facilities

Demonstrate skills:

- to develop and implement measures to prevent industrial injuries;

- supervise the correct and safe use of technical equipment at the construction site;

- to carry out certification of workplaces;

To apply knowledge

- basic regulations on labor protection and environmental protection;

- the basics of fire safety

Current control



Final control:

Written / peer review in the qualifying exam

The forms and methods of monitoring and assessing learning outcomes should allow checking not only the formation of professional competencies in students, but also the development of general competencies and the skills that provide them.


(mastered general competences)

Main indicators for assessing the result

Forms and methods of control and evaluation

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it

-demonstration of interest in the profession of a construction technician



OK 2. Organize your own activities, choose standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

-selection and application of methods and methods for solving problems related to the organization of the process of construction of buildings and structures



OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them

- making decisions in planning and organizing the management of the activities of structural units in the construction and operation of buildings and structures;



OK 4. Search and use the information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development

-selection and study of information on modern methods of management of structural units, when they perform production tasks;



OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities

- the use of information and communication technologies in the development of operational planning for the production of construction and installation works; ensuring the activities of structural divisions;



OK 6. Work in a team and in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers

- the ability to find a common language with colleagues, friendliness, willingness to complete the task



OK 7 Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), for the result of assignments

- the ability to make a decision, interest in the result, the ability to organize and set up a team for work



OK 8. To independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development

choice of topics for self-education, for deepening knowledge in the field of management of the activities of structural units and the construction process



OK 9. To navigate in the conditions of frequent change of technologies in professional activity

- to follow the achievements in the development of the construction industry, innovation, analyze, compare, evaluate existing and new management technologies



The assessment of individual educational achievements based on the results of current control and intermediate certification is carried out in accordance with a universal scale (table)

Percentage of success

(correct answers)

Qualitative assessment of individual educational achievements

Score (mark)

Verbal counterpart










less than 70



At the stage of intermediate certification by the median of qualitative assessments of individual educational achievements, the examination board determines an integral assessment of the development of professional and general competencies by students as the results of the development of a professional module.

* A section of a professional module is a part of the program of a professional module, which is characterized by logical completeness and is aimed at mastering one or several professional competencies. A section of a professional module can consist of an interdisciplinary course or part of it and the corresponding parts of educational and industrial practice. The name of the section of the professional module should begin with a verbal noun and reflect the totality of the acquired competencies, skills and knowledge.

** Industrial practice (according to the profile of the specialty) can be carried out in parallel with the theoretical studies of the interdisciplinary course (dispersed) or in a specially allocated period (concentrated).


STATE autonomous professional





PM 03. "Organization of the activities of structural units in the performance of construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures"

for the specialty of secondary vocational education

(basic training)


(name of the company / organization,

Full name of the head)

"___" ______ 201


at the meeting of the PCC of economic disciplines

Minutes No. __ dated "___" __________ 201

Chairman of the PC ______ / I.A. Varnakova

Director of GAPOU SO "VTK"


A.G. Naumlyuk
"___" ______ 201

The program of educational (industrial) practice was developed on the basis of: Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty08.02.01 Construction and operation of buildings and structures(basic training) , 04/15/2010

AS Lebedev, teacher of GAPOU SO "VTK";

I. Varnakova, lecturer at GAPOU SO "VTK";

(Full name, position of the program developer)

Passport of the educational practice program


Study Practice Report


1. Scope of the program

The program of educational practice is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the VET specialty 08.02.01 "Construction and operation of buildings and structures" in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity (VPA):
organization of the activities of structural units in the performance of construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures

2. Objectives of educational practice: formation of students' professional competencies.

3. Requirements for the results of educational practice:

As a result of passing training practice on VFD, the student

Must master:

PC 1. To carry out operational planning of the activities of structural units during construction and installation works, current maintenance and reconstruction of construction objects.

PC 2. Ensure the work of structural units in the performance of production tasks.

PC 3. Monitor and evaluate the activities of structural units.

PC 4. Ensure compliance with the requirements of labor protection, life safety and environmental protection when performing construction, installation and repair work and work on the reconstruction of construction facilities.

Must gain practical experience:

ON. 1. NSlaningactivities of structural divisions during construction and installation works, current maintenance and reconstruction of construction sites;

PO.2. Ensuring the work of structural divisions when performing production tasks;

PO.3. Control and assessment of the activities of structural units;

Software 4. Ensuring compliance with the requirements of labor protection, life safety and environmental protection when performing construction, installation and repair work and work on the reconstruction of construction sites.

4. Forms of control: differential credit.

5. The number of hours for mastering the program of educational practice: Total 36 hours, including:

as part of the development of PM.03"Organization of the activities of structural units in the performance of construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures" educational practice36 hours.


PC code

Study practice

Name of topics and sections of practice

Clock volume

Development level

Practice format (dispersed / concentrated) with an indication of the practice base

Types of work that ensure the formation of a PC

PC 1.


Topic 1. Labor resources of the organization.


1.1. The concept, composition and structure of the organization's workforce.

1. Acquaintance with the normative documentation.

2. Drawing up the staffing table of the organization

3. Drawing up the job description of the employee.

4. Selection and selection of personnel.

5. Conducting interviews with candidates for vacant positions.

1.2. Business communication and psychology of relationships

1. Selection and justification of the leadership style for a particular unit.

2. Resolving conflicts in the work collective.

PC 2.

Topic 2. Assessment of the economic efficiency of the production activities of the labor collective.

2.1. Labor rationing

1. Determination of the norms of time, service and production.

2. Analysis of labor productivity and the number of employees of the organization

3. Drawing up the optimal balance of working hours. Calculation of the actual and maximum possible funds of time

2.2. Organization of accounting of working hours and wages at the enterprise

1. Filling out the timesheet.

2. Registration of a permit for repair work.

3. Calculation of wages when using different systems of remuneration

Topic 3.Requirements of the rules of labor protection and industrial safety.

3.1. Ensuring compliance with the requirements of the rules of labor protection and industrial safety

1. Preparation and briefing of personnel on the rules of operation of heating equipment and heat and fuel supply systems during adjustment and testing.

2. Organization of measures to protect workers from the negative effects of harmful and hazardous production factors.

3. Implementation of measures to prevent emergencies in the process of production, transport and distribution of heat and energy resources.

4. Study of priority actions in case of emergencies at the production site.

5. Analysis of the causes of accidents, traumatic and harmful factors in the field of professional activity.

To characterize the level of development of the type of work, the following designations are used:
2 - reproductive (performing activities according to the model, instructions or under the guidance);
3 - productive (planning and independent performance of activities, solving problematic tasks).


At the end of the entire educational practice within one module, the student submits a report for verification within 5 days to the head of the practice from the college.

The report must submit an explanatory note of 15-20 A4 sheets, description is a prerequisiteall calculations made in the work, references to the used normative documents.The completed report is submitted to the head of the practice from the college,is assessed taking into account the student's work during the educational practice.

The approximate structure of the report on educational practice.

    Title page.

    Table of contents of the report (page by page).

3. Objectives of practice (from the work program).

4. Work plan of practice (from the work program).

5. Comments, conclusions and suggestions for the passage of practice.

9. List of used literature.

10. Individual task.

During the period of practice, it is necessary to collect and prepare materials in accordance with the thematic plan of educational practice.

Practice leader: _________________________________





Specialty 08.02.01

"Construction and operation of buildings and structures"
on the organization of independent work of students with lecture notes and a glossary, instructions for the implementation of practical work with assignments
PM 03 Organization of the activities of structural units in the performance of construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures
MDK 03.01 Management of the activities of structural units in the performance of construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures

part 1
Bratsk, 2015

Compiled (developed) by T.A. Varyukhina, teacher of the Department of E and SD

(energy and construction disciplines)

Considered at a meeting of the Department of E and SD
"_____" _____________ 20__ _______________________

(signed by the head of the department)

Approved and approved by the editorial board of the BPPM FSBEI HPE "BrGU"

(signature of the RS Chairman)
"_____" _____________ 20__ No. _____________________

1 List of reporting works that determine the type, scope

student's independent work and reporting form on PM 03

Organization of the activities of structural units at

performance of construction and installation works, operation and

reconstruction of buildings and structures MDK 03.01 Management

activities of structural units when performing

construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction

buildings and structures 7 7

2 Structure and design of settlement works 8

3 Criteria for assessing student performance of reporting work 9

4 Lecture notes on PM 03 Organization of activities

structural divisions when performing construction and installation

works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures

MDK 03.01 Management of the activities of structural divisions

when performing construction and installation works, operation and

reconstruction of buildings and structures 10

4.1 Fundamentals of the organization of construction production, preparation

construction production 10

4.2 Fundamentals of networked planning and management 18

4.3 Construction schedules of individual buildings and structures 21

4.4 Design of construction master plans and temporary

devices on the construction site 24

4.5 The main provisions for the organization of material and technical

construction bases 28

4.6 Providing construction production with structures

and materials 32

4.7 Organization of the construction machinery park and its operation 35

4.8 Reconstruction 39

4.9 Management of construction production. The essence of management

construction 43

4.10 System of construction organizations 51

4.11 Technology and control technology 53

4.12 Preparation, adoption and optimization of management decisions 56

4.13 Operational planning and accounting in construction 60

4.14 Supervisory control in construction 63

4.15 Organization of control in construction, commissioning

completed buildings and structures 67

4.16 Research fundamentals in organization, planning and

construction management 77

5 Instructions for the performance of reporting work 83

5.1 Network Simulation 83

5.2 Planning for mechanization and logistics

provision of construction production 91

5.3 Determining the need for technical means of the system

packaging and containerization 94

5.4 Organization of the construction machinery park and its operation 97

5.5 Technical re-equipment and reconstruction of enterprises 100

5.6 Calculation of the organizational and technical level of construction 103

5.7 Calculation of the construction management level 105

6 Topics, composition and tasks for reporting work 107

6.1 Building network diagrams based on raw data 107

6.2 Calculation of the required fleet of cars. Efficiency of capital

investments 107

6.3 Calculation of the required number of containers at the construction site

site 108

6.4 Calculation of the complex mechanization of construction production.

Organization of quality control 108

6.5 Calculation of the effectiveness of capital investments for reconstruction 109

6.6 Definition of leadership styles. Consideration of practical

situations 109

6.7 Calculation of the control factor. Analysis of the results obtained 109

6.8 Calculation of the numerical strength. Management coefficients

8 Sample Security Questions 127

9 Glossary 132

Conclusion 139

List of sources used 140

A highly qualified specialist must know well the needs of production, be able to use the accumulated experience, have a broad scientific outlook and own methods for improving the organization, planning and management of construction based on modern scientific achievements.

For the successful implementation of these tasks, special training is required, a significant role in which belongs to PM 03 Organization of the activities of structural divisions during construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures MDK 03.01 Management of activities of structural divisions during construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and facilities

When studying this discipline, the student must: study the main directions of scientific and technological progress and problematic issues for improving construction production; master modern methods of system analysis and research work on the organization, planning and management of construction production; learn the amount of knowledge and practical skills necessary for independent work.

This discipline is related to PM 01 Participation in the design of buildings and PM 02 PM 02 Implementation of technological processes in the construction, operation and reconstruction of construction objects.

As a method of presenting the discipline, a systematic approach has been adopted, which provides for the consideration of issues of organization, planning and construction management in conjunction and interaction with specific conditions.

The current level of construction requires the implementation of significant capital investment programs in a short time.

The concentration of production through the creation of large construction organizations, the deepening of specialization and the development of cooperation allow individual construction and installation organizations to be classified as large systems.

While developing this manual, the author tried, on the one hand, to link it with the PM 03 program. Organization of the activities of structural units during construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures MDK 03.01. Management of the activities of structural units during construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction. buildings and structures and, on the other hand, to provide material for self-study in addition to educational material.

The practical orientation of training is provided by practical exercises and the content of assignments for the student's independent work. Independent work provides for the completion of practical tasks.

This manual presents a group of tasks that contribute to the correct design and processing of regulatory documents, which is very important for future technicians - builders.

The principle of constructing the manual is very simple before the start of solving the problem, methodological instructions are given, and an example is given, having disassembled which the student can easily solve this variant problem.

1 List of reporting works that determine the type, volume

student's independent work and reporting form on

PM 03 Organization of activities of structural divisions

when performing construction and installation works, operation and

reconstruction of buildings and structures MDK 03.01 Management

activities of structural units when performing

construction and installation works, operation and reconstruction

buildings and structures

Table 1 - List of reporting works

Self-study topic

Planned volume of independent work

1 Fundamentals of the organization and planning of construction production. This work includes the results of practical work No. 1.

80% is planned to be completed in a practical lesson,

and 20% completion at the expense of hours for independent extracurricular work

2 Organization of material and technical support for construction. This work includes the results of practical work No. 2,3,4.

3 Modeling the organization of construction production. This work includes the results of practical work No. 5.

70% is planned to be completed in a practical lesson,

and 30% completion at the expense of hours for independent extracurricular work

4 Features of design, preparation of construction production during the reconstruction of buildings and structures for various purposes and their complexes. This work includes the results of practical work No. 6.

70% is planned to be completed in a practical lesson,

and 30% completion at the expense of hours for independent extracurricular work

5 Organization of quality management of construction products. This work includes the results of practical work No. 7.

70% is planned to be completed in a practical lesson,

and 30% completion at the expense of hours for independent extracurricular work

6 Functional organization of SDA in construction. This work includes the results of practical work No. 8.

70% is planned to be completed in a practical lesson,

and 30% completion at the expense of hours for independent extracurricular work

7 Methods of making management decisions

100% fulfillment at the expense of hours for independent extracurricular work, synopsis, conversation.

8 Construction management methods.

100% completion at the expense of hours for independent extracurricular work: synopsis, conversation.

2 Structure and design of settlement work
The reporting work is carried out with the aim of systematizing and consolidating knowledge and practical skills, as well as the formation of the ability to use reference normative literature.
Settlement work includes:

Title page, indicating the subject, faculty, student's full name, group number, teacher's full name;
- table of contents (end-to-end numbering);

Problem statement and background information (task);

Explanations for the solution using professional vocabulary;

Calculated part: survey results, calculation tables;

Conclusions, explanations of the performer;

Notes (examples of the preparation of the necessary documentation, etc.);

The conclusion of the teacher about the work, drawn up in accordance with the proposed criteria for evaluating the work.

3 Criteria for assessing student performance of reporting work
Table 2 - Boundary evaluation criteria

Skills assessed

Assessment method

Boundary evaluation criteria



Attitude to work

Supervisor's observations. View material

All materials were submitted on time, do not require additional time to complete the work.

The time allotted for work did not meet

Ability to perform calculations

View material

Performs calculations in statements clearly without difficulty.

Not able to use even the simplest arithmetic operations to obtain a specific result. A large number of errors in calculations, a thorough check of the results is required.

Ability to use previously acquired knowledge and skills to solve specific problems

Supervision of the head, viewing materials

Without additional explanations (instructions), uses the skills and abilities obtained in the study of special disciplines in the profile of training specialists

Unable to use knowledge from one section when solving problems in sections of related disciplines

Registration of work

View material

All materials are designed according to standard requirements and instructions.

The work is extremely careless. The demonstrated calculation records simply cannot but lead to additional errors.

Ability to answer questions, use professional and general vocabulary when passing (defense)


Competently answers the questions posed using professional vocabulary. Can substantiate his point of view on the problem. Sees the goal clearly.

Shows ignorance of the subject when answering questions, low intelligence, narrow horizons, limited vocabulary.

4 Lecture notes on PM 03 Organization of activities

structural divisions when performing construction

installation works, operation and reconstruction of buildings and