Is it possible to get rich. How to get rich in Russia

For example, for a certain enterprise you need 50 thousand dollars, but you have only 10. If you have at least 10 thousand, then you fill the difference of 40 thousand dollars with faith and effort, acting in the direction of the required figure. But if you have round zero instead of 10 thousand dollars, then it is very difficult to fill this gap between zero and 50 thousand. A person believes only with an eye to the past and only with an eye to what can be felt. It is much easier to give birth to a second child, not only because the birth canal is prepared, but also because there are past experiences and memories that I "left my grandmother, I left my grandfather and I will leave you." True, the kolobok let down this position, precisely because he acted the same in all situations, that is, typical, banal and did not show flexibility.

Flexibility in relation to money lies in the fact that loving it is not good, it is not beautiful, it is not healthy, it is even disgusting. But it is also impossible to treat them with disdain. There should be no two extremes: love of money or contempt and hatred. Money is soldiers, every ruble is a soldier whom we direct to achieve our goals. Whatever our earthly goals may be, we still need money.

Everyone wants to realize their ideas, to achieve everything that was conceived. Here such a concept as "money pump" is important, which gives us hope for the future. The money pump secret is simple. There is a goal, and there are some funds in insufficient quantities. So the pump itself turns on and brings the necessary money only if you, having an insufficient amount of money, understanding how much more is needed, nevertheless begin to act. For example, you don’t have enough money for a two-room apartment, but only for a one-room apartment. If at this moment you begin active steps to find a two-room apartment, then in this case it may well turn out that this pump will start working more actively. New contacts will appear, old customers will remember you, large orders will appear, thoughts will come to mind about how to earn extra money. That is, if only you have a serious motivation for the goal, then the missing funds begin to instantly increase, increase. Likewise, if you just abstractly wanted a car, that's one thing. But if you went, got your license, then the idea of ​​a car is already somehow starting to approach you. You have saved up some money to buy a car, but not the one you would like. You start looking for a little better than what you have the funds for, then the money will immediately come in a fairly foreseeable period of time. This is called the money pump principle. You can just save, and when you accumulate this amount, go and buy. But in order for the pump to work and incomes to begin to grow, you need to actively act towards the set goal.

There was such an example. The woman wanted to place the child in an expensive kindergarten. The kindergarten cost 18 thousand rubles a month, while her salary was only 20 thousand rubles. She is a single mother, and at the time when it was necessary to send the child to kindergarten, the first installment was 6 thousand (this is all that she had in her arms), and then every month for 18. She thought: "But I want my child to be in this particular kindergarten, here I am satisfied with everything geographically and in terms of service, I will do it." She contributed the 6 thousand, and she had nothing left. A powerful motivation appeared to find another job within 3 days. And she found a job for 70 thousand rubles and is doing an excellent job with this kindergarten. If she had said to herself: “We’ll wait for nothing, first send out a resume, go to interviews,” it would have been a completely different level of motivation, most likely the deadlines would have passed, and the child would have ended up in a cheaper kindergarten.

For everything that is visible and essential, for the embodiment of dreams, a financial resource is absolutely necessary. If you really do not have powerful motivation, if you do not want to buy an apartment, but just heard somewhere that living in a good apartment is great, you probably will never have this apartment. Motivation determines 90% of your income. The universe has everything, doesn't it have a certain amount of bricks to build you a two-room apartment ?! It makes no sense to think so - this world has everything.

So, 10 ways to get rich.

1. One has to marry money or marry money. This method has not changed since the days of my grandmother.

2. Crime and fraud in all its forms. In principle, it cannot be considered a business and cannot be considered a way to get rich, because criminals do not play by the rules. In business, there are always some rules, maybe these rules change often, but they change for everyone. If you are dealing with a scam, then you must be prepared that sooner or later you will become a victim of these scams. Crime is one way to get rich, but the average survival age in these structures is 28.

3. Exceptional greed. The problem is that greed ultimately leads to way number 2, which is crime. There is so much money in the world and it is so easy to earn that there is no point in taking the risk of ending up in prison and ending your life not very well, just because you are too lazy to think about how to make money legally. Most countries have all the conditions for you to do business and become rich. And the basis of any state is people who have something.

4. Extreme economy (not to be confused with greed). You can save on everything. Remember how Plyushkin's story ended.

5. Hard work. You can resist all your life and work 12 hours a day. The famous writer Jack London has a wonderful story in which a fifteen-year-old boy is tired of movement. He worked from the age of 8 in a factory that produced bottle caps and the like. When he was 15 years old, he sat down and counted how many movements he made. And he went into the field, lay down and did nothing, because by his 15 years he made too many movements. An ordinary person had to make so many movements for retirement. In the end, hard work will lead you to the fact that after spending 50 years on impeccable service, you will receive a gold watch, and spend the rest of your time in search of the necessary medicines. You can't work hard without a goal.

6. Intelligence, talent and giftedness. This is one of the more enjoyable ways. You can become rich thanks to your intelligence, talent and your giftedness. 20% of all athletes earn 80% of the money. A brilliant golfer named Tiger Woods said: “Becoming a golf millionaire is very easy - you only have to hit the ball 2 million times. The more you train, the luckier you get. " This method is insanely good, because once the work is done, thanks to your mind and talent, it becomes a source of your well-being many times over. This is the so-called copyright investment.

7. Luck. Eternal companion of loafers. Once on the radio I happened to hear an interesting story that one woman won the big New York lottery twice, something on the order of $ 60 million the first time and about $ 20 million the second. About 20 years have passed between these events, but, nevertheless, such people exist. The problem is that the probability of getting such a lucky number is very low. For one person who won $ 20 million, there are 100 million who lost $ 10 each. 70% of people who become rich through luck become poor again after 2 years. In order to become rich, you must first start thinking like a rich person. The greatest boxer Mike Tyson received $ 12-15 million per fight. Today he works as a doorman in one of the casinos and attracts visitors to this casino with his boxing article. The reason is that while earning that kind of money, he remained within himself the boy who did not have this money and could not change.

8. Inheritance. By the age of 18, everyone should have a rough list of relatives who are ready to leave you some money and real estate. And if you do not have such a list, then you will have to look for some other way to get rich.

9. Investment. By investing money, you are not working yourself, you are making your money work. But in order to invest something, you need to earn money in one of the 8 previous ways.

10. Create your own business. The most time consuming and most rewarding way to get rich. By starting your own business, you will not only get rich, but also change internally.

The greatest tragedy in the world is the tragedy of unfulfillment. There are words like purpose, predestination, mission, meaning of life, purpose. Something in all these words has something in common. The formula for life is to find your main talent; bring it to perfection, invest in it your time, your efforts, education; get moral and other maximum dividends from him. There can be many meanings of life, it is like a polyhedron, which has separate facets and each of them is important. For example, to be loved and loving, to be; be meaningful; self-realization; procreation. It is surprising that when a person focuses on one thing, for example, believes that the meaning of his whole life is children or creativity, he has a certain imbalance in his inner state and he begins to suffer. When a person's attention is focused on one thing, then the person is not realized in all his other manifestations. And in this polyhedron of the meaning of life, everything is important.

In order to realize everything that we want, we definitely need energy. However, the amount of energy decreases with the course of life. We rush around school quickly, our eyes are burning. And when, after 5 years, we go to our native school, it becomes scary - they would not be knocked down. In older people, the rate of speech, the rate of thinking, and the speed of walking slow down. Our task is to remember that success means being in time, we must have time to accomplish something great. Nothing is possible without this energy. Some people say charisma, some say bioenergy or vitality, there can be many synonyms. The point is that if a person has no energy, then this person is hopeless. Neither financial resources, nor time, nor the participation of any other people will help him. There is such a thing as the mobilization of one's strength, that is, a state in which a person can give time, strength and skill. In the resource state, it has much more pluses than minuses.

Many people have the desire to get rich, or at least not to count money from paycheck to paycheck. But, unfortunately, for most, dreams remain dreams. Mostly because people do not see the path that leads to wealth. They see the opportunity to get rich as marriage to a rich man, an unexpected inheritance, or winning the lottery. But in reality, marriages that were contracted with difficulty end in failure after a few years, huge inheritances are often squandered, and people, having won millions in the lottery, sometimes find themselves head over heels in debt after a few years.

If you look at the Forbes list of wealthy people, it becomes clear that most of them were not born in luxury. And nobody got their first million by buying a lottery ticket. To be a rich person means to have a special mindset, to abandon the stereotypes followed by the rest of the mass, and to be able to manage money.

Wealth is freedom. 5 Ways to Roll Back to Financial Freedom

Instead of referring to fate and looking for those to blame for your failures, it is better to think about: what am I doing wrong, and what needs to be done to change my life and gain financial independence? A financially independent person with sufficient funds can afford not to go to work every day that he does not like, travel the world, do what he loves, and finally - provide real help to other people.

So maybe you shouldn't put off your dreams until later, but start realizing them today? Then it is likely that tomorrow you will have what you have long dreamed of. So, to get off the beaten track of millions of feet and get into a car, which is driven by a few, there are five most common ways.

  1. Find your dream business and start working in this direction. History shows that people who were passionate about their ideas achieved success.
  2. Invest... The people who made the fortune were not afraid to invest in various projects and often won.
  3. Come up with an unusual idea... Sometimes it was with an unusual idea that the most ambitious projects began, on which millions were later earned.
  4. Create a business to sell it later... It can be a beauty salon, cafe, business or just a website. It takes more than a year of hard work to make a business profitable, but this is the most realistic path to financial independence and wealth.
  5. Become an unrivaled specialist in your field. Then employers will no longer dictate the terms to you, but you will be able to offer your own.

7 shackles to break

To become a wealthy and successful person, you first need to learn to think like a millionaire. Those stereotypes that were laid down in childhood often interfere with changing life for the better. Therefore, you need to start with a rethinking of those postulates that previously seemed correct.

  1. Money is evil
    The phrase that many hear in childhood often haunts people then their whole life. You shouldn't be afraid of money, but you shouldn't make a cult out of it either. Money is simply a means to obtain material wealth and financial freedom.
  2. You have to work for the money
    As a rule, we work to have money. And if you look at the situation from a different angle: to work to develop your skills, and the money will come in the process of development? The more skills and the better they are honed, the more opportunities a person has to make money.
    Those who work only for the sake of money become their slave. But those who develop their skills can make money work for them, since handling money is also a skill to be learned.
  3. You have to agree with everything that life has to offer.
    Many people are forced to agree to uncomfortable conditions: cramped apartments, low salaries, unloved jobs. At first they hope that someday everything will change, then they begin to grumble, then they humble themselves, and continue to live as they did.
    You need to look for your comfort zone, do what you like, even if at first you cannot earn anything from it. Over time, you will find a way to capitalize on your hobby and enjoy life.
  4. I am no different from others
    Reasoning in this way, a person cuts off oxygen for himself. In fact, each of us is unique. And in order to succeed in something, he needs to understand how he differs from others, and improve his originality. When it becomes clear to you that no one can do the job like you, another stereotype will be destroyed, and therefore, you will have the opportunity to move on.
  5. Now I work in order to rest later.
    Often we cherish the dream that after working for five, ten, fifteen years, and having earned passive income, we will be able to rest the rest of our lives without worrying about anything. But a man is a man because he is not satisfied with aimless existence and inaction. Set the bar low to begin with, and then move on. You have to act constantly.
  6. Circumstances are against me
    There is no need to shift your indecision to subjective factors. We are responsible for ourselves and for what we do. Do not think that the millionaires' life went like clockwork. They also had to fall, but they got up and started again.
  7. To make good money, you need to study a lot.
    It is really necessary to learn, but not theory, but action. You can have several higher educations and at the same time earn a penny. All millionaires, above all people of action.
    Change your mindset and take action without delay, because success doesn't like to wait.

3 exercises for those looking to get rich

  1. Getting rid of doubts. You need to imagine that you are a rich person and you have everything that you desire. Imagine that money goes to you and that money goes to other people whom you envied. The more money goes to them, the more you get. In the end, wish everyone good luck and success.
  2. Wealth programming. When negative thoughts begin to enter you, try to change them into positive ones. Tell yourself that you are trading poverty for wealth or fear for confidence.
  3. Focus from zero or change perception of value. Imagine that you are offered to buy a watch for 40,000, and you have a check for only $ 1,000. That is, it is unrealistic for you to make such a purchase. Now imagine that $ 1000 turns into $ 100,000. Then the purchase value drops sharply: two zeros are removed and instead of $ 40,000, it turns out $ 400. A watch for such an amount does not seem so expensive anymore, but, nevertheless, in order to decide on a purchase, you need to think. We increase the amount of the check to 1,000,000. The value of the purchase in this case decreases by one more zero and is already $ 40 - mere kopecks. Almost anyone can afford such a purchase.

The more money you have, the more you spend. Therefore, there is always not enough money. Try doing the exercise the other way around. And you are already thinking whether to buy the thing you like, or you can do without it. This will help you avoid unnecessary waste.

Where to study to be a millionaire: 20 minutes that will change the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bmaking money

Getting started with financial independence and learning how to manage money takes learning. It is clear that such knowledge cannot be obtained at the university, but it is possible to have the necessary information. There are many courses and trainings for this. In particular, every spring and autumn in London there is an intensive Millionaire Mind (Think like a millionaire), which is conducted by the author of the book of the same name, Harv Ecker. Representatives of dozens of countries gather for it. But, unfortunately, not everyone can afford a trip to London. In addition, the training takes place in English, which you need to speak at a good level.

We have prepared an easier way for you, and we offer you to take the course of Nikolai Mrachkovsky “How to make and multiply money. Techniques of the rich "

But you need not only to learn theory, in parallel you need to act and make money, choosing the most acceptable way for yourself. Not a bad way - investments, including investments in cryptocurrency: bitcoin and alts.

The collapse that we have seen lately does not mean that the cryptocurrency has no future. As practice has shown, after the recession, bitcoin soared up again. The process of cryptocurrency leaps resembles the process of opening and closing umbrellas.

If the rate has dropped almost as much as possible, the umbrellas are closed.

The course is gradually risingreaches the previous level of the opening of the investment umbrella.

Have you ever wanted to get rich quick? This article will help you analyze several safe ways to get rich with minimal risk. In addition, we will tell you about long-term methods to help you capitalize on the amount of money you already have.


Part 1

Get rich quick methods

    Take part in the state lottery. The lottery is not entirely risky, but a very successful method in the struggle for wealth, although the chances of winning are close to zero. But someone has to win. That is why there can be no lottery without a win.

    • Each lottery has a different principle of operation. Some provide instant winnings, while others ask you to guess the combination of winning numbers that will be revealed later. Strike-out lotteries have a lower jackpot for the winner than lotteries that require guessing the combination of numbers.
  1. Try doing OTC trades. Investments increase the amount of potential income and financial loss by multiplying your initial capital. In fact, transactions in the over-the-counter market are a rather risky way to make money, so it is important to analyze the available information and make a choice where and in what way it is worth investing.

    • Most exchanges limit the amount of initial capital. OTC market transactions, on the other hand, give depositors a chance to take money as collateral for investment in order to conduct transactions with all available funds.
  2. Play games of chance. If you can afford to lose a certain amount of money, gambling will be the easiest way for you to make a big permanent income. To minimize the risk of financial losses, play those gambling games where the winnings depend not only on the case, for example, in a casino. There is also an option to place bets on sweepstakes and horse racing. You have the opportunity to get basic information and determine the approximate result of the competition.

    Resell homes. Resale homes involves the process of buying a home at a low price, renovating it and selling it outright. You profit from renovation work. The most important thing in this business is speed. Most investors try to renovate and put a house up for sale within six months. The only problem with this scheme is that you must have start-up capital.

    • Ideally, investors should buy dilapidated homes in a good neighborhood. Thus, they will be able to purchase a house at the lowest price and sell it at the highest rate.
    • Due to the past foreclosure crisis, the demand for home purchases in 2013 increased. That is why the real estate market has expanded its activities. Now the resale of homes is at the peak of its popularity.
  3. Create a viral YouTube video. YouTube videos are very easy and cheap to create (most of the popular videos were shot using iPhones). When your video gets popular, it can generate income for you. The best way to create a viral video is to deliver content that is unique and engaging to your audience.

    • Common topics for a viral video are: animals that do interesting and funny things; athletes doing incredible stunts; people saying / doing funny or weird things. The most important thing is to create a short video, as long videos will not attract people's attention and will not be popular with a wide audience.

    Part 2

    Easy ways to earn extra money
    1. Recycle scrap metal. If you have unwanted metal objects lying around the house or garage, take it to a scrap metal collection point to get a small fee for it. Look for unwanted items made of steel, brass, aluminum, and iron.

      • Typically, these items include old car parts, toasters, plumbing fixtures, Christmas lights, cans, and old musical instruments.
      • There are different prices at different points of reception of scrap metal. In some locations, only certain metals are accepted, so look around the area for the best option.
    2. Sell ​​plasma. If you are in good health, you have the right to donate plasma, the colorless liquid in your blood, and receive additional income. Contact your local donor center or Red Cross organization.

      • Reimbursement for donating plasma depends on the plasma receiving center, but, as a rule, the price ranges from $ 20- $ 30 per visit. First time donors can receive additional rewards.
      • Be aware that donating plasma is time consuming. This is especially true for the first visit to the donor center, since you will have to do a full examination of the body before the procedure.
    3. Donate sperm. Healthy men aged 18-35 are eligible for sperm donation. This method can fetch up to $ 1,000 per month.

      • Remember that semen donation is a highly selective procedure. Be prepared for inquiries and thorough examinations. Some sperm banks select candidates for height, hair color, eye color, ethnicity, and specific medical conditions.
    4. Do household chores. Taking care of your baby, walking the dog, and cleaning the house are great ways to make money in no time. Skilled nannies are in the greatest demand. Check with friends, family, and neighbors to see if they need any of the above services.

    5. Give things back that you don't use. If you recently bought items you don't need and they are in good condition, return them to the store where you purchased them. This is a great way to make money on a regular basis.

      • Please note that each store has a different return policy. You may need to return items with price tags and / or a receipt. Some shops offer credit, but not cash.
    6. Resale tickets. The resale process involves buying tickets for a concert or sporting event and reselling them at an inflated price. This way you will be able to make a profit. You must be careful. Selling tickets at par is considered acceptable, but speculation is illegal in some states. Make sure your state is doing well.

      • Resale of tickets only works for events for which all tickets have been sold. Otherwise, you will have to sell the ticket at a par or a lower price.

In a world ruled by money, everyone seeks to accumulate capital and become wealthy. However, few achieve this goal: the problem is that most people dream of acquiring wealth instantly and without any effort. Therefore, their activity, aimed at improving their own well-being, is expressed in following folk signs, acquiring "money" talismans or using "magic" rituals from various occult techniques.

Wealthy people argue that there are no secret and magical ways in this area: almost everyone knows how to get rich from scratch in Russia in 2020. Even a schoolchild can say that hard work, knowledge and a small amount of luck are inevitably behind any large capital. However, only a few consider this information to be a guide to action and make changes in their lives that could potentially lead them to prosperity.

The principles of rich people

Trying to find out what exactly prevents people from getting rich, you can find that the main reason for poverty lies in a certain pattern of behavior: even with obvious opportunities to improve their own financial situation, the average person continues to perceive the world as a hostile environment in which he must work daily for a penny.

So how can you get rich from scratch in Russia without winning the lottery and inheriting from wealthy relatives? People who have solved this problem give approximately the same answers: first of all, you should change your attitude not only to wealth, but also to life in general. It is important to stop seeing yourself as a failure who does not deserve a good reward for your efforts: it is known that money comes in abundance only for those who consider themselves worthy of receiving it. Therefore, wealthy people prefer:

  1. Do what you love. It is difficult for any person to achieve success in a field that does not arouse his ardent interest. Successful business people try to make the most of their talents and passions;
  2. Dream. It is believed that thoughts tend to be embodied in reality, and therefore, imagining any outcome of the case, a person on a subconscious level strives for it. Successful people turn their dreams into concrete goals;
  3. To plan. Any action must be orderly and meaningful. People who know how to get rich from scratch make plans not only for the current day, but also for longer periods - months and years;
  4. Divide global goals into components. Too large-scale and complex, at first glance, the goal can be achieved by dividing into several simple and understandable tasks that can be fully solved in the current environment;
  5. To carry it through to the end. Any unfinished business turns into a load that pulls a person down. Many do not achieve success simply because they do not dare to take the last step on the path to it;
  6. Live within your means. In a difficult financial situation, people spend much more than they earn. A wealthy person, on the other hand, sets aside 15–20% of the profits earned and tries to balance his requests with the remaining amount;
  7. Take responsibility for your actions. You can't make big money without taking responsibility for your actions and mistakes. Considering someone else to be guilty of failures, it is difficult to adequately assess the correctness of one's own decisions;
  8. Explore the world of finance. Often it is financial illiteracy that prevents poor people from improving their situation. Studying how the richest people in Russia got rich, you can see that they all know the basic laws of economics quite well;
  9. Develop your talents. Everyone has a certain talent, however, the average person prefers a thoughtless existence to his development. Meanwhile, it is precisely improved abilities that can become the basis for future well-being;
  10. Master time management. Rational distribution of time, combined with planning, turns into an effective tool that eliminates senseless fuss and significantly increases labor productivity;
  11. Choose the right motivation. Many people think that business is only a stage at which you need to work hard before actually getting rich in Russia. However, your business is not an easy job, but a way of life for a successful person;
  12. Think positively. The world around us is full of negative information. Constantly comprehending it and trying on yourself, you can only increase the likelihood of failure and start the implementation of a negative scenario;
  13. Work hard. Someone who works from nine to six with a lunch break is unlikely to ever get rich. Wealthy people start business earlier than others and stop only after solving all the planned tasks;
  14. Constantly learning something new. Any knowledge in the modern world is rapidly becoming obsolete and losing its relevance. Wanting to remain among the leaders, a rich person must constantly learn and master new directions;
  15. Choose the right environment. Being in society, a person adapts to the psychological attitudes and complexes of others, copies their behavior. If you are going to achieve success, you should communicate with the same successful people.

Basic laws of prosperity

The average person, assessing his unsatisfactory financial situation, is inclined to look for the reasons explaining it in external factors. At the same time, some blame the state, parents, low-paid work or the absence of wealthy relatives for their poverty, and therefore consider any actions aimed at improving the situation useless in advance. Others, on the contrary, convince themselves that money is an entity that can be attracted in an irrational way, after which they begin to carefully copy the habits of millionaires, resorting to magical rituals or meditative techniques to visualize their desires.

Obviously, none of these paths can lead to the desired result. The only way to get rich in Russia is to take active steps to change the current state of affairs: looking for a new job, developing your own business, and improving the qualifications of a freelancer. You just need to remember the basic rules, the observance of which determines the possibility of success:

  • Money is not a goal. They represent only a means intended for exchange for other material and non-material benefits. By focusing on money, a person loses sight of all the other positive aspects of life;
  • Wealth is enough for everyone. Today, there are enough free resources in the world to turn everyone who wants it into wealthy people. It is enough just to take the necessary actions to master them;
  • You have to be honest. Not a single fortune, accumulated by fraud, is capable of bringing satisfaction to its owner for a long time. Usually such figures lose their capital rather quickly;
  • Perseverance is more important than luck. Since only a few successful entrepreneurs are capable of getting rich quickly from scratch in Russia, the rest have to rely solely on their own perseverance and perseverance;
  • Wealth is not measured in money. If you give a million dollars to some poor man, then it is very likely that he will soon be left empty-handed. The main capital is not money, but knowledge and experience that helps to earn it;
  • Specific goals are needed. The abstract desire "I want to get rich" usually does not lead to anything. Another thing is the intention to earn 100 thousand rubles a month: the actions necessary to achieve this specific goal are more understandable;
  • Time has a cost. Every wasted minute is a lost profit. The average working person deals directly with business no more than three hours a day, the wealthy one - at least twice as much;
  • Saving is more important than earning. It doesn't matter how much a person earns if he immediately spends everything he has. The ability to manage money wisely is more important than the ability to receive good remuneration for your work;
  • Money should work. People who got rich from scratch know that the money under the pillow is rapidly depreciating under the influence of inflation. Any capital must work and be profitable;
  • In order to receive, one must give. Helping people in need financially, one can not only do, undoubtedly, a good deed, but also subconsciously create in oneself a sense of one's own wealth, abundance and well-being.

How can you get rich in Russia?

Of course, it is almost impossible for an ordinary person in Russia to break into the ranks of billionaires: for this you need to have appropriate connections in government, financial and other structures. However, everyone can achieve a certain well-being and ensure a comfortable old age: for this, first of all, it is necessary to change their psychological patterns, habits and beliefs.

People with such qualities inevitably have an interest in what they can get rich on in Russia. There are many ways to improve your well-being, but all of them equally require not only theoretical reasoning, but also active action.

Own business

Speaking about how an ordinary person can get rich in Russia, any specialist in the field of finance means, first of all, his own business. Indeed, there is no other way to get several hundred percent per annum on the invested capital. You can find a suitable idea for creating your own business at.

In this case, you should not count on making a profit from scratch, since, one way or another, you will have to invest some amount in your company. However, there are several areas that require initial investment in the amount of one or two average salaries: a working person is able to accumulate such capital in about a year. Moreover, a novice entrepreneur has the right to count on financial assistance from the authorities. However, before that, it is necessary to develop and submit to the competition committee a high-quality business plan.

To begin with, you should pay attention to one of the following, the resources for the implementation of which almost everyone has at their disposal:

  • Renovation of apartments and commercial premises;
  • Repair of household appliances;
  • Private car instructor services;
  • Baking cakes to order;
  • Cleaning of household and commercial premises;
  • Furniture restoration;
  • Tutoring and Consulting.


Investing is another way to demonstrate how you can get rich from scratch with a minimum start-up capital. Of course, when investing, money makes money, but many effective tools allow you to get started with literally a few thousand rubles.

Such activity requires some preparation: the investor must understand the peculiarities of the chosen methodology, understand the laws of the financial market, have patience and psychological stability. It is better to get the necessary knowledge in practice, operating with small amounts and trying your hand in such directions as:

  • Investments in someone else's business. On specialized sites on the Internet, there are many where you can invest money. Some of them have the potential to generate thousands of percent of the profit;
  • Stock market operations. Every day, millions of people make money by buying and selling shares on stock exchanges. A trained investor has great chances of success: it is enough to purchase securities of a rapidly developing company in order to double your capital in a short time;
  • Currency trading. To work effectively on the Forex currency exchange, you need to predict the change in the exchange rate in time, placing bets on its increase or decrease. To do this, you will have to perfectly master such tools as fundamental and technical analysis, trading strategies and signals. However, a beginner can transfer his money to an experienced trader in trust and earn up to 60% per annum on this.

Real estate operations

The Russian housing market is still far from its final formation, and therefore domestic entrepreneurs believe that huge capital is needed to earn money on real estate. Meanwhile, many wealthy people started their activities in this area with relatively little funds. How you can get rich:

  1. Rent out real estate. Many owners of apartments, garages and houses rent them out, receiving a stable monthly income. However, even those who do not have their own real estate, it is quite possible to make money by subletting housing. For this, an apartment located in an area with good transport accessibility is rented for a long time, and then rented out by the day;
  2. Invest during the construction phase. Housing in a new building at the excavation stage is quite cheap. When construction is completed, the price of apartments increases depending on the location of the house, its remoteness from transport routes and the availability of the necessary infrastructure. In particularly successful options, after the sale of the object, you can double the initial investment;
  3. Resell housing in poor condition. The essence of the method is as follows: first of all, you need to find a very cheap apartment in disrepair, located in a popular area of ​​the city. The premises should then be put in order, renovated and resold at market prices. The profit, even taking into account the cost of building materials, sometimes reaches 35-50%;
  4. Invest in investment funds. To get rich in this way, you do not need to take active steps, look for cheap apartments and bargain with homeowners. Real estate investment funds, investing in the purchase of land plots, reconstruction, construction or leasing of objects, bring shareholders up to 50% per annum on the invested capital.


Among people learning how to get rich from scratch, the idea of ​​being hired is usually not overwhelmed with enthusiasm. Meanwhile, the amount of the monthly remuneration of an experienced specialist in the largest cities of the country sometimes significantly exceeds the income of a self-employed private entrepreneur. Of course, it is not easy to find such a job: firstly, a person must be truly a master of his craft, in demand in the labor market, and secondly, it is not easy to work from year to year in the same place, but pay considerable attention to building a career, choosing among the offers of employers the most profitable and promising.

With the exception of top managers, the highest salaries are for real estate agents, dentists, accountants, IT specialists and lawyers: with some experience and a responsible attitude to work, an employee of a large company in such a position can earn over two million rubles a year.


The owner of any intellectual property has the right to count on regular deductions or one-time remuneration from businesses and individuals wishing to purchase or use this product. Most often we are talking about books, videos, paintings, computer games, training courses. Of course, talent is most often needed to create such a work, however, sometimes it is enough to study current trends and successfully copy popular products.

Another, somewhat unusual for Russia, opportunity to get rich involves the patenting of any engineering development, scientific invention or new technology. Such a product can be created in almost any field - from agriculture to the manufacture of microcircuits: the main thing is that manufacturers see in it a real potential and a source of income.

Using your talents

As mentioned above, everyone has a certain talent. However, not every person sees in their abilities a worthy source of income. The easiest way to get rich is for those whose talents are in demand by society - actors, pop performers, athletes, film workers, comedians and other public figures who receive huge royalties for their performances.

However, this does not mean that other people are deprived of the opportunity to receive rewards for their creativity. You can also build a profitable business based on your hobby or hobby: you do not need expensive machines to produce handmade products, and the growing demand for such goods allows anyone who knows how to knit, embroider, make toys or souvenirs to make good money.

Earnings on the Internet

  • Publishing videos. If you have an original idea, you can create and publish on YouTube a viral video that will be watched by a large number of people. The income from each thousand views will be approximately 2-3 dollars: therefore, the product should generate interest among millions of visitors;
  • Mobile application development. Along with the increase in the number of users of smartphones and tablets, the market for mobile applications is growing: many of them are becoming extremely popular. An app worth $ 1-2, downloaded by thousands of people, can bring wealth to its creator;
  • Creation of your own website. On a site with high traffic, you can earn by placing ads. To create a resource with minimal investment, use a free template, and then fill it with self-written articles. In the future, the income will allow attracting professional copywriters and designers to fill the site with content;
  • Earnings on the dissemination of information. Teaching other people is a good way to make money for those who have some useful information or knowledge. The Internet provides unlimited opportunities for conducting trainings and seminars, distributing training courses.

Ways to get rich for the lazy

Some people do not want to bother acquiring good habits or learning the rules of financial discipline, hoping to acquire capital solely through luck or a gift of fate. The happy accidents that they expect clearly demonstrate how to get rich quickly in Russia:

  1. Winning the lottery. Many Russian lotteries provide an opportunity to win the main prize of several million rubles. However, the real chance to become a winner among millions of applicants is approaching zero: you can buy tickets all your life, but still not hit the jackpot;
  2. Successful marriage. Marriages of convenience are back in fashion: young girls, possessing good external data, expect to exchange their beauty for the tight wallet of their future husband - by all means a big politician or a successful businessman. However, even guys in search of rich ladies spend time in European resorts or social events;
  3. Inheritance. Among those who want to get rich at someone else's expense, it is practiced not only to search for wealthy relatives, but also to care for single elderly people in order to inherit an apartment or house. However, such wealth is lost even faster: a person who is unable to make a fortune on his own, most often does not know how to preserve it and properly manage money;
  4. Gambling. This method is much more dangerous than the lottery. Nevertheless, gamblers are persistently trying to get rich in conventional and virtual casinos, becoming regular customers of bookmakers. However, it is extremely easy to lose what little you have accumulated in this way.

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Money handling rules

Working people are rewarded for their work, and therefore, theoretically, everyone has the opportunity to lay the foundations of their future well-being. However, at this stage, difficulties begin: only a few are able to save their money and use it wisely. There are several rules that describe how you can get rich from scratch without wasting your earnings:

  1. Do not invest in the absence of knowledge. If you are going to invest in a business, securities or real estate, in order to avoid losing capital, you must carefully understand the principles of this tool;
  2. Make a financial plan. Without budget planning, it is impossible to effectively manage your money. In addition, when carrying out any operations with funds, it is necessary to clearly understand the final result;
  3. Plan purchases. A person is inclined to make spontaneous purchases by purchasing unnecessary things or overpaying for goods. To save money, you need to make a list of the necessary goods and spend time looking for cheaper options;
  4. Set aside some of the profits. In fact, absolutely anyone can put aside 10% of their profits with minimal inconvenience, thereby creating the basis of their capital. In order to avoid temptations, it is better to keep money on a deposit;
  5. Avoid debt. Paying off debt and credit obligations requires tremendous financial discipline. In addition, attracting other people's money to a certain extent demotivates a person, forcing him to work less efficiently;
  6. Create passive sources of income. In the presence of only active sources of income, a person's well-being depends on his ability to constantly work. Passive earnings are the path to greater financial freedom;
  7. Study financial legislation. When studying how to get rich from scratch in Russia, the methods should be analyzed not only in terms of profitability, but also in terms of compliance with the law - otherwise, fines cannot be avoided;
  8. Increase the number of sources of income. By creating several sources of income, you can secure your capital in the event of the loss of one of them. A person who receives money in the only way is always in danger of bankruptcy.


Except for a few happy occasions, the state cannot appear from scratch. Successful accumulation of capital requires hard work, self-development and the formation of certain personal qualities in oneself: wealth requires a change in one's own psychological attitudes and attitude towards the world as a whole.

In addition, you need to accept the idea that everyone has the right to count on wealth. Limiting aspirations to the minimum wage and considering yourself unworthy of big money, it is impossible to improve your well-being.

Books have been written about how to become rich, trainings have been created, courses have been filmed. People strive for a successful, happy life, but are confused by the abundance of information. In this article, we will reveal the secrets of what you need to do to get rich and rise from scratch. We'll also show you how successful celebrities became such.

10 ways to get rich

Here are 10 working ways to become a wealthy and successful person. The list is far from exhaustive. Perhaps he will push you to other options.

Investments in real estate

Investments in real estate will make you successful and rich forever, but a rather big initial investment is required. Ways of working with real estate:

  • purchase during construction and sales;
  • buying and renting.

Currency trading

People become very rich, successful, trading on the Forex currency market.

It will require perseverance, constant analysis, willingness to take risks, nerves of iron. Trade currency on the Russian or American market if you are confident in your abilities. You can only switch to cryptocurrency when you feel confident in yourself.

Purchase of securities

Earning on the purchase of stocks, bonds is similar to the previous method. It is more often used for long-term investments than speculative trading. US stocks are the safest and least risky, especially if you are using popular stocks. For example, you can buy shares of the largest companies during the decline stage if you are confident that the company will move up.

Bankruptcy bidding earnings

There are Internet sites where they organize auctions for the sale of the property of bankrupt organizations. They buy cheap equipment, furniture, land plots, real estate, cars and resell them at market value. Another way to get rich.

Starting a business

Starting a business is a way to make money with an initial investment. It will take a lot of nerves, but it will teach you how to be really rich and successful gradually. Your company will help you realize yourself, it will be a matter of life.

Patenting an invention

Obtaining a patent is a difficult, long-term path to wealth. But if you invent a worthwhile thing, you will be successful, you will become famous... You can earn money by trading in inventions, selling licenses. Try to come up with something new. Consider different areas of life: home, agriculture, work moments.

Trading on the Binance cryptocurrency exchange

Cryptocurrency trading is becoming a famous way to make money. It is run on online exchanges like Binance. This profitable site ranks first in the ranking in terms of daily trading volume.

Working as a money changer at is an international bitcoin trading service.

Working as a money changer assumes constant employment, creating your own ads. Earnings are proportional to the volume of investments, the degree of willingness to take risks. To get started, register on the exchange and proceed to trading.

The risky entrant will be very rich and successful thanks to the platform.

Winning bets

Sports betting is a popular income for individuals who want to get rich without doing anything. Large non-random winnings require knowledge of sports, achievements of sports teams. You need to understand the history of victories and defeats of the team you are going to bet on.

Winning at slot machines

This activity is prohibited in Russia, but machines are still popular among people who want to get rich without giving up loans. The method will help you become a millionaire only if you are lucky.

How to rise and get rich from scratch in Russia

The above ways to get rich are appropriate for Russia. They will help even an ordinary person from the hinterland of the Russian Federation to get up from scratch. It is enough to be purposeful. We add that in the era of social networks, only the lazy does not make money. With the help of "VKontakte" and "Instagram", those who wish come to income.

  1. Sell ​​the services that you provide in life (manicure, massage, etc.).
  2. Resell goods from Chinese sites, other manufacturers. Online business, like offline business, will gradually teach you how to be a successful person.
  3. Sell ​​your own online trainings, such as the How to Get Rich Quickly from Scratch in Russia course.
  4. To promote other successful individuals - to make money by maintaining social networks. This will help you become a fairly wealthy person.
  5. Blog, earn advertising. Successful bloggers say blogging is a way to be rich and happy at the same time.

Video: How billionaires rose from scratch.

How to get rich fast - 5 minutes to 1 day

Long-term ways of earning money are not suitable for the impatient. Consider the following options for getting rich quick:

  • lotteries are a popular way to quickly become very rich;
  • TV shows will be successful and famous in one day;
  • online casinos - earnings for brave, gambling individuals who want to get rich without doing anything;
  • slot machines can add money in 1 minute;
  • sports betting - if you really want to, you will win millions.

If you are not striving for wealth, but you just need money for free, we have written a separate article for you.

People with financial wealth claim that the secrets of wealth lie in habits... Here are some of the tricks of billionaires and successful people.

  1. “Pay yourself first,” successful financiers advocate. The main engine is American entrepreneur Robert Kiyosaki. The goal of the method is to deposit funds as soon as money appears. This is how funds are accumulated to create a financial safety cushion and investments.
  2. Treat problems like chances. John Rockefeller, who became the first dollar millionaire, argued that there is no achievement without failure. If you deal with problems correctly, you gain experience.
  3. Try one more time. The inventor, entrepreneur Thomas Edison urged people not to stop when they fail, but to get up and try again.
  4. Avoiding loans is a rich people's credo promoted by global investor Warren Buffett.
  5. Invest in yourself. The council is also designated by Warren Buffett. Buffett argues that by investing in themselves, rich people become rich.
  6. Bill Gates urged to find the right environment. Only individuals who strive for success are able to inspire achievement.

These tips on how to become rich should be listened to, and not asked for money from the wealthy.

The psychology of money: how to change speech and thinking

Wealthy and poor people are distinguished by a way of thinking. Let's compare some of their beliefs in the table.

The worldview of the rich The outlook of the poor
The rich set goals The poor go with the flow
The wealthy value their time Beggars are wasting time
Millionaires talk confidently The poor constantly question
Wealthy people don't procrastinate Poor people waste their lives on unnecessary little things
Successful people think about how to become richer and more successful, derive practical benefits from their studies The poor study for a diploma
The lucky ones act on the brink of ability, means Losers think, "I want to be successful."
The rich do not panic, analyze a lot The poor follow the crowd in money matters
The rich share knowledge, understanding that the psychology of money is about the transfer of experience The poor keep the secret of how to get rich

Another difference is that the wealthy provide assistance to orphanages; people who do not have money are looking for a sponsor in order not to work.

List of books to help you become successful and wealthy

More than one book has been written about wealth.

The foundational literature remains, which teaches to tune the mind to victory:

  • "Rich dad, poor dad";
  • Cash Flow Quadrant;
  • "Rich Dad's Guide to Investing."

It is useful for those wishing to earn their first million to familiarize themselves with the works of the famous coach of our time - Anthony Robbins. The book “Money. Master of the game. 7 steps to financial freedom " based on research, Robbins interviews with the world's wealthy. John Kehoe's book "The Subconscious Mind Can Do Anything" aimed at working with your own thoughts. Techniques help to achieve success, wealth, change lives. For those who are looking for ways to improve the quality of life, financial situation, Kehoe's work will be a good find.

Is there any benefit from info-training?

Trainings are useful because here you get to know common goals, individuals who have already achieved success. Here they share experience, useful information, discuss working techniques of earning money, receive support, find partners.

In addition to live trainings, there are offers on the network for online courses on how to become successful and rich. Courses are organized by experienced experts, provide an opportunity to meet successful and wealthy coaches in currency trading, making money on buying securities, investing in real estate, trading in bankruptcy. On such information trainings, they get skills, master ways to make money.... And teachers successfully become mentors.

Attending such events, you should not expect a miracle, easy money, that investments will be repaid instantly. We'll have to work. The courses are designed to teach you how to make money and form the right habits. If you want to get rich in 5 minutes, then trainings will not work.

Can you get rich without education?

Surprisingly enough, education and wealth are not in any way interconnected. Contrary to the statements of parents, teachers, money is not the result of school grades. Money is the result of a mindset.

Successful individuals who got rich without education:

  • Steve Jobs;
  • Roman Abramovich;
  • Michael Dell;
  • Mark Zuckerberg;
  • Henry Ford.

These bright personalities became rich without higher education, dropping out of universities. Henry Ford confined himself entirely to the church school.