Lectures psychology of extremism and terrorism. Lecture "Prevention of extremism and terrorism among youth

"Prevention of terrorism and extremism"

To the existing global security threats, such as infectious diseases, environmental degradation, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, transnational organized crime, socially negative phenomena such as terrorism and extremism. Despite the statistically small share of crime in general, acts of terrorism claim a huge number of innocent lives, instantly instill fear and horror in a resident of an entire country or even the world, destabilize everyday life for a long time, undermine the authority of state power and the law enforcement system, and cause enduring pain to thousands of people. ...

Humanity has always fought. Over the past five thousand years, about 15,000 large and small wars have been recorded, in which several billion people have died. 69 years ago, the battles of the Great Patriotic War died down. Pressing the Nazis, our fathers and grandfathers dreamed and firmly believed that after the victory on the planet there will be no more wars and an amazing time of universal brotherhood will come. The victory was won, but general peace never came.

Local wars, military conflicts related to religious, territorial and national disputes continue. Such an ominous phenomenon as terrorism is constantly intruding into our seemingly peaceful life. Terrorism is also a war. And no one is immune from him. Including us.

On December 10, 2013, a republican seminar on a topical topic: "Prevention of terrorism and extremism in the educational environment" was held at the BOU DPOPKS "KRIPKRO".The seminar was attended by 70 teachers of educational institutions of the republic, including teachers from the Yashkul region.

Munchinova L.D., Rector of KRIPKRO, addressed the participants with a welcoming speech, noting that it is necessary to form an activity environment in an educational institution that will allow students to socialize, integrate and skillfully reflect negative processes in society.

According to the information presented in the reports of representatives of law enforcement agencies in the republic, the Republican target program "On the prevention of extremism and terrorism in the Republic of Kalmykia" is being implemented, approved by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kalmykia No. 31 of February 15, 2013.

Special literature is actively disseminated in the republic, monitoring, decades, months and other events are being carried out aimed at preventing extremism and terrorism in the youth environment.

The main idea that sounded in all speeches was to strengthen educational work aimed at developing spiritual and moral values. An atmosphere of tolerance, respect for human rights and freedoms, the desire for consent, for an active dialogue should be created in the family, at school, at the university.

In the second part of the seminar, a master class was held by the teacher-organizer of the OBZH Gunzikova O.F. on the topic "Together against extremism." Then V.O. was introduced for discussion. Bovikova, Art. teacher of Kalmyk RIPKRO, educational cartoon "Zina, Kesha and terrorists", developed by the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

The role-playing game aroused particular interest among the participants of the seminar, as a result of which everyone fell into unforeseen conditions of "hostages". During the game, the participants of the seminar had to jointly find options for the correct behavior with the “terrorists.” Joint discussion of game situations revealed both practical and psychological understanding of the role of hostages in the hands of terrorists.

The participants of the republican seminar came to the unanimous opinion that terrorism and extremism are a large, complex problem, for the solution of which it will be necessary to take serious measures over a long period, but at the same time, order in this area can only be brought about by consolidated efforts, and called on those present to do everything possible so that this does not happen again anywhere and never.

Some time ago, such terrible words as"Terrorism" and "extremism". Now every child already knows what is hidden behind these concepts.

Terrorism "terror" is translated as "horror" (intimidation by death penalty, murder and all the horrors of fury).

(Slide 1)

Extremism Is a complex and heterogeneous form of expression of hatred and enmity. Distinguish the followingtypes of extremism:

  • political
  • National
  • religious

National extremismacts under the slogans of protecting "his people", its economic interests, cultural values, as a rule, to the detriment of representatives of other nationalities living in the same territory.

Under religious extremismunderstand intolerance towards dissenting representatives of the same or a different religion. In recent years, the problem of Islamic extremism has become aggravated.

Political extremism- these are movements or trends against the existing constitutional order. (Slide)

Today extremism is a real threat to the national security of the Russian Federation. There is an increase in informal youth movements of an extremist orientation. At present, members of informal youth organizations (groups) of extremist-nationalist orientation are young people aged 14 to 30, often minors 14 to 18 years.

Extremist crimes.

Extremist crimes include:

public calls for extremist activities; incitement to hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity, organization of an extremist community, etc.

Manifestations of extremist activity

  • Terrorism Is an extreme manifestation of extremism, a phenomenon associated with violence that threatens the life and health of citizens.
  • Nationalism Is a form of social unity based on the idea of ​​national superiority and national exclusivity.
  • Racism - This is a set of concepts, the basis of which are provisions on the physical and mental inequality of human races and on the decisive influence of racial differences on the history and culture of human society.
  • Fascism is an ideology and practice that affirms the superiority and exclusivity of a particular nation or race and is aimed at inciting national intolerance, discrimination, the use of violence and terrorism, and the establishment of the cult of the leader.

Criminal liability for these crimes arises from the age of 16. The degree of criminal liability depends on the severity of the crime - a fine from one hundred thousand rubles to imprisonment (from six months to life imprisonment).

The reasons for the emergence of extremism include the following:

This large property stratification of the population, it leads to the fact that society ceases to function as an integral organism, united by common goals, ideas, values.

This is an increase in social tension.

This is a decrease in the ideological component in the educational process, which led to the loss of moral values.

This lack of spirituality, the lack of clear ideas about the history and prospects of the country's development, the loss of a sense of belonging and responsibility for the fate of the motherland.

The social base of extremist groups is formed by people who have failed to adapt to new living conditions. Young people who are not able to critically approach the content of publications in the media, due to the lack of life experience, turned out to be the most susceptible to this influence. This is a very good environment for extremist groups. Most of the youth extremist groups are informal in nature. A number of their members have a vague idea of ​​the ideological background of extremist movements. Loud phraseology, external attributes and other accessories, the opportunity to feel like a member of a kind of "secret society" that has the right to commit reprisals against persons unwanted by the group with impunity, all this attracts young people.

The future of the country largely depends on who wins the "battle for the minds and hearts" of the younger generation. Only the efforts of the entire society can create a reliable barrier to the spread of extremism.

Whoever we take — Afghan and Iranian al-Qaeda fighters, Palestinian suicide bombers, Somali people who blew themselves up in the London subway, Chechen fighters, Pakistanis and Algerians weaving terrorist networks in Europe — all come from the most backward states. , which today have no chance to somehow approach the developed. But we must always remember that any terrorist act or the threat of its commission, no matter how they try to justify it, is evil, constitutes a crime. The threat of terrorist attacks can arise almost everywhere. Al Qaeda is an Islamic fundamentalist organization. Carries out military operations around the world.

Created in 1988. and was led by a native of Saudi Arabia Osama bin Laden

Swift and brilliant, cruel and indifferent XXI century. He can be safely called a monster with an iron heart, he does not want to hear moans, does not notice tears, often mistaking them for transparent dew on a person's face. The events in Chechnya are full of extremism. Hatred, anger, cruelty, extreme measures, extreme views, extreme actions. These are all the words that characterize these events. We were once again convinced that extremism is indeed cruelty based on hatred and anger, and sometimes stupidity, subject to blind faith.

The competent and systematic implementation of preventive organizational and technical measures can also prevent certain manifestations of terrorism. Minimize the number of victims when they occur.

I. Terrorism prevention activities

Training session on training personnel in safe behavior skills in the event of a terrorist attack threat - 2 times a year

Organization and conduct of briefing of school personnel

Organization and conduct of instructing school students on the rules of conduct in the event of a terrorist attack

Outreach to parents and students

Parental patrol duty during evenings, holidays, school-wide events

Decoration of the stand - corner "Rules of conduct in the event of a terrorist attack"

II. Activities to prevent extremism among students

Conducting days of the native language, days of Slavic writing and culture.

Conducting class hours aimed at preventing extremism.

Monitoring the level of education of students.

Spending a week of courtesy.

Carrying out a decade of tolerance.

Conducting thematic weeks "My Fatherland - Russia" on civic - patriotic education.

Conducting a thematic period "For a healthy lifestyle", on sports and health education.

Monitoring student attendance from problem semes her lessons, sports sections, circles.

Carrying out activities aimed at eliminating cases of ethnic hatred, aimed at fostering tolerance.

Provision of legal and informational assistance to students, parents at classroom hours, classroom and general school parenting meetings.

Lesson topic: Prevention of extremism and terrorism among young people.

Lesson objectives:


To intensify the thinking activity of students in assimilating the role of extremism and terrorism in modern life of society and to determine the degree of danger of these phenomena for human life;

Expand children's understanding of the youth subculture;


Promote the development of logical thinking, attention and independence;

Promote the development of a critical attitude towards the perception of various kinds of information;


Contribute to the formation of an irreconcilable attitude towards manifestations of extremism and terrorism;

To form a critical attitude towards fashionable youth movements with an extremist orientation;

Contribute to the formation of socio-cultural and civic identity of students.

Lesson Objectives:

  • determine the causes and goals of extremism and terrorism;

  • to foster a sense of responsibility among students for the fate of humanity.
Lesson equipment:

  • workbooks of students;

  • the text of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Countering Terrorism", the text of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;

Basic concepts and terms:

  • global problems of our time, terror, terrorism, extremism, youth subculture.
Lesson form:

Lesson plan

  1. Organizing time.

  2. Study of a new topic of the lesson.

  3. Group work with the text of documents.

  4. Summarizing.
Lesson outline

Mini-lecture by the teacher:

The mass media tell us about terrorist acts. Terrorism has long since turned from an abstract concept into a real nightmare, the threat of which is faced by all of humanity. Today terrorism is a factor of global importance that any government has to reckon with, both in its domestic and foreign policy. Terrorism as a socio-political phenomenon is far from young. Its history goes back at least one and a half centuries.

In recent decades, the entire Russian society has faced a challenge from the ideology and practice of extremism. A particular danger is the fact that extremist ideology actively uses the channels of information delivery that are most accessible to young people and easily penetrates the youth subculture, offering fairly simple and “radical” solutions to achieve goals by extreme measures of destruction or neutralization of all “alien”. Unfortunately, more and more cases of crimes committed by young people, which are qualified as extremist, are noted.

We will try to understand the causes and origins of extremism and try to search for a solution to this global problem of mankind.


Why do you think extremist sentiments are actively developing among young people today?

Stage 1. The notebooks record the reasons why, according to the students, are extremist sentiments actively developing among young people? You are given 5 minutes to complete this task.

Stage 2 work is that all the reasons that the students have identified are written on the board (without repetition and criticism, see "The rules for brainstorming").

Stage 3 work, a hierarchy of reasons is built from the most important to the least according to the students' opinion (Appendix 1.).

Summing up total teacher the importance of preventing extremist sentiments in the youth environment. It is young people who represent a risk group prone to aggressive and extremist actions. Due to their age, young people are characterized by such psychological characteristics as: maximalism and nihilism, radicalism and intolerance, recklessness and intransigence, a tendency to grouping, ideological instability and failures in the search for self-identity, which, under certain living conditions and the presence of a nutrient medium, can act as a trigger the mechanism of their antisocial activity.

Formation of basic concepts.

On the eve of the lesson, all students are given an anticipatory task to find in the reference literature the definition of the concepts of "extremism", "terrorism", "terror". In the lesson, these definitions need to be heard and compared, to highlight the essential features. It is advisable to record some concepts in notebooks. Based on the analysis, select several working concepts for further study of the problem.

Extremism(from Latin extremus - extreme) translates as adherence to extreme views and radical measures.

Extremist sentiments of young people- this is a reflection of the need to commit risky acts, to fight for justice in their understanding, as well as for the "purity" of their nation.

Terrorism is considered as the use of violence or the threat of its use against individuals, groups of individuals or various objects in order to achieve political, economic, ideological and other results beneficial to terrorists.

Terrorism Is an extreme form of manifestation of extremism.

Terrorism it is violence perpetrated by opposition groups.

Terror ( from lat. “Terror” - fear, horror) - it is a policy of repression by the state, relying on the power of its power institutions .

Terrorism there is motivated violence for political purposes (B. Crozier, director of the London Institute for Conflict Research).

Terrorism it is the use of non-state violence or the threat of violence with the aim of causing panic in society, weakening the position and even overthrowing officials and causing political change in society ”(Walter Lucker, foreign expert).

Terrorism it is a tactic of political struggle, characterized by the systematic use of violence, expressed in murder, sabotage, sabotage, abductions and other actions that threaten the life and safety of people ”(E.P. Kozhushko).

Students do conclusions that extremism as a socio-cultural phenomenon complex and heterogeneous, it is defined as adherence to extreme measures and views that reject existing social norms or a focus on their radical transformation, which are weapons of terror repression, a weapon of terrorism - terrorist act. In the name of achieving certain political, religious, socio-economic goals, terrorists use violent methods.

Discussion: The youth subculture is a springboard for the development of extremism.

For discussion, students are invited to take one of the following positions.

Yes, I agree

Agree, but with reservations


I don’t know, I’m not sure

After the participants have determined their position, each group is invited to defend their thesis using different facts and arguments in defense of their thesis.

When summing up the discussion, use approaches to the definition of youth subculture (Appendix 2.).

Group work with the text of documents

At this stage of the lesson, group work of students is organized with the text of the Federal Law "On Countering Terrorism" (March 6, 2006) and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The texts of the documents were prepared in advance for the participants of each working group. Working with the text, students make the necessary notes in notebooks. Students may be offered the following assignments:

Task for the first group. Working with the text of the Federal Law, define the concepts, legal basis and basic principles of countering terrorism in the Russian Federation. Based on the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, name the crimes of a terrorist nature.

Task for the second group. Determine the organizational foundations of countering terrorism, the goals, subjects carrying out this activity, their competence and functions.

Assignment for the third group. Show how the counter-terrorist operation is carried out, who manages it, what forces and means are involved for this, how the legal regime is implemented in the zone of the operation, and negotiations with terrorists.

Task for the fourth group. Determine how compensation for harm caused as a result of a terrorist act is carried out, the social rehabilitation of victims, their legal and social protection, the responsibility of organizations for involvement in terrorism.

At the end of the discussion, the groups are offered whatman and markers for a graphical presentation of the results of the work.

At the end of the work, the participants announce the results, exchange the information received, and draw conclusions.

Development and protection of projects

At the final stage of the second lesson, each group is invited to develop projects "The role and opportunities of youth subcultures in the formation of anti-extremist ideology of young people."

Group "Theorists" presents a research project, the final product of which may be reference books "The main youth subcultures of the southern region", etc.

Group "Press Center" presents a creative project in the form of a special issue of the school computer ha s eta dedicated to the problem of prevention of extremism and terrorism in the modern world.

Group "Politicians" carries out the presentation of applied projects in the form of rules of conduct for schoolchildren, the Program of the youth organization "Youth against terrorism".

Group "Psychologists" carries out a presentation of applied projects in the form of a program of psychological and pedagogical support of young people, protection of the main directions of support.

Materials for project development: Internet resources, applications 1 - 3.

This stage of the lesson is devoted to the presentation of group projects of students. In advance (1-2 weeks) the formed groups choose the topic and type of projects, think over the sources of information collection, options for the design of the work, the form of the project presentation.

After defending the projects, the teacher completes the lesson and gives homework.

Annex 1.

The reasons for the development of extremism among young people

  1. Age features of young people and the peculiarities of the conditions for their development. Uncertainty of social status, marginality of social positions, psychophysiological changes that accompany the growing up of a young person, the processes of personality formation make young people vulnerable to various forms of discrimination. First of all, we are talking about age discrimination, when boys and girls feel the limitations of their rights in various spheres.

  2. Volatility of desires, ambiguity of goals, intolerance of dissent and the impulsiveness inherent in young people is the specificity of adolescence. Such features alienate a young person from his parents and from other adults, and force him to take steps in the direction of looking for his own kind. Young people are united into groups that are homogeneous in age and social belonging, in which their typical needs for leisure, communication, grouping are satisfied.

  3. In associations of young people, their own cultural norms and attitudes are naturally formed, peculiar values ​​are cultivated, generation factors act that can become the basis of the psychological opposition "we" and "they».
Researchers identify four main sources of terrorism and extremism:

At first, terrorism and extremism are manifested in societies that have embarked on the path of transformations, abrupt social changes, or in modern postmodern societies with a pronounced polarization of the population along ethnic and social grounds. Marginal and immobile groups of the population become participants in terrorist actions.

Secondly, social contrasts, a sharp stratification of society into the poor and the rich, and not just poverty or a low level of socio-economic status provoke aggression and create the basis for terrorism.
Thirdly, manifestations of extremism are growing in the initial periods of social modernization. At the final stages of successful changes, the manifestations of extremism and terrorism decline sharply.
Fourth, incomplete urbanization, specific forms of industrialization, changes in the ethno-demographic structure of society, especially unregulated migration, give rise to extremism and intolerance in society.

Fifth, an important role in the spread of ethnic and religious extremism and terrorism in the Islamic world is played by the predominance of authoritarian political regimes. They provoke violence as a form of resolving political contradictions and give it the character of a cultural norm.

Appendix 2.

youth subculture- this is the culture of a certain young generation with a common lifestyle, behavior, group norms, values ​​and stereotypes. Youth subcultures can be defined as a system of meanings, means of expression, lifestyles. Subcultures created by groups of young people at the same time reflect attempts to resolve contradictions associated with a broader social context. Subcultures are not some kind of foreign entity, on the contrary, they are deeply accelerated, in the general socio-cultural context.

Under subculture small cultural worlds are understood - a system of values, attitudes, ways of behavior and lifestyle, which is inherent in a smaller social community, spatially and socially more or less isolated. At the same time, subcultural attributes, values, rituals and other stable patterns of behavior, as a rule, differ from the values ​​and patterns of behavior in the dominant culture, although they are closely related to them.

One side, youth subculture- this is an active desire of young people for self-realization, self-affirmation, on the other side Is a kind of spontaneous protest against the values ​​and stereotypes of behavior prevailing in society, as well as the lifestyle, from a third party- for the majority of young people, the subculture becomes a psychological defense against numerous problems, transformations that are incomprehensible to them. The most voluminous and most appropriate is the definition of youth subculture given by S.I. Levikova.

Appendix 3.

The most important life plans of young people are associated with life-meaning orientations. Life-meaning orientations are influenced by the value system that dominates in the immediate environment. And the closest environment of a young person is those young people who are carriers of a special culture, a subculture of modern youth. The success of the construction of psychological and pedagogical influence and psychological and pedagogical support of young people depends on how much the issues of social and existential meanings of the youth subculture, the features of the structure of the value-semantic sphere of youth, as well as possible deformations of life-meaning orientations will be studied.

Young people in the conditions of Russian modernization are forced to "try on" the existing standards of behavior, proclaimed spiritual values. The formation of life-meaning orientations and moral preferences is rather difficult, it cannot be limited to declarations and volitional decisions, this process takes place against the background of existing traditions and against the background of innovations.

Modern youth has different value orientations and we can talk about their mobility, the dependence of the dynamics of value orientations of young men and women on the level of their socialization, on a number of external factors. In this ambiguity, diverse life positions are realized. Some young people succeed in adapting successfully, for someone it is very difficult for self-determination and choice of their own path.

The need to provide psychological and pedagogical influence and psychological and pedagogical support for young people is relevant for a number of reasons. First of all, it should be said that young people are the most important demographic group on which the future of Russian society depends. And the development of the personality of a young person takes place against the background of ever more complicated social, economic, political conditions, which cannot but leave an imprint on the system of values, on moral norms. The most important life plans of young people are connected with their life-meaning orientations.

The representation in the mind of a young person of the need to spend energy and abilities of young people in the spheres of activity necessary for society and the subsequent changes in the style of behavior are the more real, the more thought out the conditions for the provision of psychological and pedagogical influence and psychological and pedagogical support.

In particular, in our opinion, the creation of formal (official) youth associations will contribute to adequate psychological and pedagogical education of young people, which will be expressed in the formation of an adequate value-semantic sphere and directing the potential of young people in the right direction for society.

Unfortunately, it should be noted that today there are almost none or there are, but in very small numbers, organizations that would be able to purposefully, systematically and in optimal ways to solve the problems of spiritual and moral education of young people. The ideal of success and prosperity is emerging in society more and more vividly, the ways of behavior of young people that do not fit into stereotypes, and the peculiarities of their youth culture irritate the adult generation. But if, instead of irritation, indignation, psychologists, teachers, parents and all those representatives of the older generation who directly exert a conscious or unconscious influence on young people begin to show patience, love, unite their efforts, then it is possible to organize complex psychological and pedagogical work with young men and women. ... It is necessary to create a model of pedagogical interaction between teachers and parents at the stage of schooling with the aim of the mutual influence of the educational institution and the family on each other.

The basis of all work on psychological and pedagogical support, of course, should be based on a systematic approach, in the logic of which the process of accompanying young people can be carried out at various levels of interaction between the state, society and specific organizations and institutions.

Psychological and pedagogical influence should be directed to: the formation of a system of values ​​among young people that would make it possible to develop promising life positions, a strategy in their professional, cognitive, social activities;

the formation of a culture of thinking - spiritual education, which characterizes the measure of social development and a sense of responsibility;

the integration of value attitudes, the penetration of which will form the way of life that will ensure guaranteed reliability in various fields of activity and will benefit the society of which the young person is a member.

It would be possible to single out a number of directions in psychological and pedagogical influence and psychological and pedagogical support of young people:

socio-pedagogical direction, involving the implementation of a system of educational and pedagogical activities addressed to various strata of modern youth;

programmatic and structural direction, including the organization of joint activities of young people;

economic direction, which would include the identification of objects and sources of material incentives and financing of youth organizations, sports clubs, etc .;

an innovative direction, which, instead of the usual pedagogical education in an edifying form, moves to a model for the development of an active moral consciousness, the formation of value and meaningful orientations.

  1. Bashkatov I.P. Psychology of informal adolescent and youth groups. M., 2000.

  2. The concept of countering terrorism in the Russian Federation.

  3. Levikova S.I. Place in the value system of youth culture // Social sciences and modernity. 2001. No. 4.

  4. Sergeev S.A. Youth subcultures in the republic // Sociological research. 1998. No. 11.

  5. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Countering Terrorism"

  6. Khrienko T.V. Dynamics of spiritual values ​​of modern youth // Sotsial.-humanitarian. knowledge. 2005. No. 1.

  7. Chuprov V.I., Zubok Yu.A., Williams K. Youth in a risk society. M., 2001.

Section 7. Sample Promotional Material"Plan-development of a lesson on life safety (grade 11)" - 2

Lesson topic: The role of the media in the formation of anti-extremist attitudes among high school students.

Lesson objectives:

Show the capabilities and role of the media in countering the ideology of extremism and terrorism.

Lesson Objectives:

  • to deepen the knowledge of students about the global problems of our time;

  • determine the role of the media in the life of a modern person;

  • to determine the opportunities and dangers of the media in the formation of attitudes and worldview of young people;

  • search for ways to solve this problem;

  • promote the development of a critical attitude towards the perception of various kinds of information;

  • improve the skills of working with reference, political, legal literature, develop critical thinking of students;

  • continue the formation of skills to work in groups, represent and defend their own position, make a presentation of the project;

  • foster a sense of responsibility among students for their future.
Lesson equipment:

  • workbooks of students;

  • a computer and a multimedia projector for demonstrating student presentation projects;

  • texts describing the forms of media activity;

  • specially designed chalkboard.
Basic concepts and terms:

  • Mass media, ideology of extremism and terrorism, anti-extremist attitudes, critical thinking.
Lesson form: group work of students, defense of projects.

Lesson plan

  1. Organizing time.

  2. Motivation of students for educational activities. Goal setting.

  3. Actualization of students' ideas about the problem.

  4. Generalization and systematization of basic knowledge.

  5. Learning a new lesson topic

  6. Formation of basic concepts.

  7. Group work with texts.

  8. Presentation of student projects.

  9. Summarizing.


Slide captions:


To use the preview of presentations, create yourself a Google account (account) and log into it: https://accounts.google.com

Slide captions:


"The rule of four" not ":

Not talk to strangers and keep them out of the house.

Not go with them into the elevator and staircase.

Not get into the car with strangers.

Not stay outside after school, especially after dark.

And what if a stranger just asks to show you the right street or to bring a bag, to escort to the store?

Tell me anyway - NO!

Explain how to find the street, but in no case should you be persuaded to conduct. And even if a stranger says that he is an acquaintance of your parents, whom they sent to you, you must say that your parents did not warn you, and in no case should you see off anywhere.

In what situations do you always answer “NO!”:

If you are offered to visit or give a ride to the house, even if it is neighbors.

If a stranger came to school or kindergarten for you, and the parents did not warn about this in advance.

If, in the absence of parents, an unfamiliar person came, let him into the apartment or go somewhere with him.

If a new acquaintance treats you with something.

Very often, criminals take advantage of the gullibility of children. They offer to give you a ride home or watch an animal, play your favorite game.

In no case should you agree to this!

What you need to know to avoid becoming a victim:

If they ask you how to find the street, explain how to get there, but under no circumstances escort.

If they try to persuade you, answer that you need to go home and warn your parents, tell them where and with whom you are going.

If a stranger offers you to watch something or help you carry a bag, promising to pay, answer


If you are offered to act in films or participate in a beauty contest, do not agree right away, but ask when and where you can go with your parents.

If a car slows down next to you, move away from it as far as possible and in no case get into it.

If a person does not lag behind you, go to any house and pretend that this is your house, wave your hand and call your relatives, whom you seem to see in the window.

The offender does not always have a scary face. Any maniac knows how to transform and become a kind and sweet uncle for a while.

Therefore, our advice:

All persuasions to go somewhere to watch something, or to play, must be answered “No!”, Even if it is very interesting. And when you come home, you must definitely tell the adults about this person.

But what if the adult is very persistent?

If he says to you: "I thought you were already big, but it turns out that your mother does not allow you!"

It is very dangerous!

One must run away from such a person at breakneck speed. And when you come home, be sure to tell your parents about it.Rules of conduct on the street:

If you have to walk alone in the evening, walk quickly and confidently and show no fear; you can approach a trustworthy woman or an older couple and walk alongside them.

On a bus, tram, metro, train, sit closer to the driver or driver and get out of the car at the last moment, without showing in advance that the next stop is yours.

Do not go to remote and deserted places.

Rules of conduct in your home:

Before opening the door, be sure to look through the peephole. Let only people you know well into the apartment.

When leaving the apartment, also look through the peephole. If there are people on the landing, wait until they leave.

If a plumber or electrician comes in without a call, call your home's dispatcher and make inquiries before letting him in.

If, returning home, you feel that you are being persecuted, do not enter the house, but return to a crowded place and ask for help.

Before opening the front door with the key, make sure that there is no one nearby.


Prevention of extremism

Extremism Is a complex and heterogeneous form of expression of hatred and enmity. Distinguish the following

types of extremism:

  1. political
  2. National
  3. religious

National extremismacts under the slogans of protecting "his people", its economic interests, cultural values, as a rule, to the detriment of representatives of other nationalities living in the same territory.

Under religious extremismunderstand intolerance towards dissenting representatives of the same or a different religion. In recent years, the problem of Islamic extremism has become aggravated.

Political extremismAre movements or

Currents against the existing constitutional order.

Today extremism is a real threat to the national security of the Russian Federation. There is an increase in informal youth movements of an extremist orientation. At present, members of informal youth organizations (groups) of extremist-nationalist orientation are young people aged 14 to 30, often minors aged 14 to 18.

Extremist Crimes.

Extremist crimes include:

public calls for extremist activities; incitement to hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity, organization of an extremist community, etc.

Manifestations of extremist activity

  1. Terrorism Is an extreme manifestation of extremism, a phenomenon associated with violence that threatens the life and health of citizens.
  2. Nationalism Is a form of social unity based on the idea of ​​national superiority and national exclusivity.
  3. Racism - This is a set of concepts, the basis of which are provisions on the physical and mental inequality of human races and on the decisive influence of racial differences on the history and culture of human society.
  4. Fascism is an ideology and practice that affirms the superiority and exclusivity of a particular nation or race and is aimed at inciting national intolerance, discrimination, the use of violence and terrorism, and the establishment of the cult of the leader.

Criminal liability for these crimes arises from the age of 16.The degree of criminal liability depends on the severity of the crime - a fine from one hundred thousand rubles to imprisonment (from six months to life imprisonment).


Questionnaire on the attitude of citizens to manifestations of extremism

In modern society.

1. Do you know what extremism is?

1. I know

2. Rather I know

3. Rather, I don’t know

4. I don't know

5. I am at a loss to answer.

2. What, in your opinion, are the main causes of extremism?

  1. The multinationality of the population living on the territory of Russia
  2. In the low legal culture of the population and insufficient tolerance of people
  3. In the purposeful "incitement" of nationalist aggression by representatives of extremist-minded organizations
  4. Insufficient legal education of citizens in the field of countering (preventing) extremism
  5. The insufficient number of leisure centers and special leisure programs for adolescents and adults
  6. In the crisis of school and family education
  7. In the deformation of the value system in modern society
  8. Other __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

3. What methods of preventing extremism are most acceptable from your point of view?

  1. Radical, allowing for tougher criminal liability for extremism, preventing the creation and functioning of new religious and national associations, total censorship
  2. Methods based on the experience of civilized foreign countries in the prevention of extremism
  3. Liberal, assuming only administrative responsibility for extremism, allowing the creation and functioning of new religious and national associations, the absence of any censorship.

4. How relevant, in your opinion, is the problem of extremism for Russia in general, for the Chelyabinsk region and your village in particular?



Rather relevant

Rather not relevant

Not relevant

I find it hard to answer


Chelyabinsk region

Your city / town

5. Have you come across manifestations of extremism in your daily life?

  1. I bump into quite often
  2. Collided once
  3. Did not have to face
  4. I am at a loss to answer.

6. Have you faced discrimination on the basis of nationality, religion or other grounds in relation to your person?

  1. I bump into quite often
  2. Collided several times
  3. Collided once
  4. Did not have to face
  5. I am at a loss to answer.

7. Have you personally participated in conflicts on ethnic grounds?

  1. I am at a loss to answer.

8. Some people feel irritated or hostile towards representatives of one or another nationality. Do you personally experience similar feelings towards representatives of any nationality?

  1. I am experiencing
  2. Rather, I feel
  3. I rather do not feel
  4. Do not feel
  5. I am at a loss to answer.

9. How do you feel about the actions of representatives of extremist organizations?

  1. I condemn such actions
  2. Rather condemn
  3. I approve of such actions
  4. Rather approve
  5. I am at a loss to answer.
  1. Do you know where you should contact if you discover the facts of manifestation of extremism?
  1. I am at a loss to answer.

11. Are you ready to provide assistance to law enforcement officers in countering extremism?

  1. Ready
  2. Rather ready
  3. Not ready)
  4. Rather not ready
  5. I am at a loss to answer.

12. In your opinion, the introduction of what legislative initiatives will contribute to the eradication of extremist manifestations in society?

  1. Introduction of criminal liability for concealing information about manifestations of extremist behavior or connivance in the creation of an extremist community (organization)
  2. Introduce criminal liability for organizing or facilitating the dissemination of extremist information in the media
  3. Introduction of responsibility for inaction of officials obliged to carry out prevention or suppression of extremist behavior or activities of extremist communities (organizations)
  4. Other ___________________________________________________________________


13. On whom, in your opinion, does the solution of extremism problems depend to the greatest extent?

  1. From the general population
  2. From law enforcement
  3. From local (municipal) authorities
  4. From regional (regional) authorities
  5. From federal authorities
  6. From myself.

14. How great is the danger of the spread of extremism in modern Russia in general, in the Chelyabinsk region and in your village, in particular?


Quite large

Rather great


not great



Difficulty answering


Arkhangelsk region

Your city / town

15. Your suggestions for improving the activities of public authorities in the field of countering and preventing extremism:


16. How long have you lived in the Arkhangelsk region?

  1. Less than 5 years
  2. 5 to 10 years old
  3. 10 to 20 years old
  4. Over 20 years
  5. All my life, I was born here.

17.Your age:

  1. 18 - 30 years old
  2. 30 - 45 years old
  3. 46 - 55 years old
  4. 56 - 65 years old
  5. 65 - 75 years old
  6. Over 75 years old.

18. Your education:

  1. Lower secondary
  2. The average
  3. Specialized secondary
  4. Incomplete higher education
  5. Higher.

19. What are your professional interests?

  1. Health care, education, culture
  2. Housing and utilities
  3. Trade, catering and consumer services
  4. State, municipal service
  5. Military service, Ministry of Emergency Situations, police
  6. Communication, transport
  7. Industry
  8. Agriculture
  9. Small business
  10. Public organization (NPO)
  11. Student (student)
  12. Retired (not working)
  13. Unemployed (housewife)

14. Other __________________________________________________________________

20. Where do you live?

1. In the city

2. In the village

3. In the village

Thank you for your cooperation!


"What is extremism?"


Educational:find out the reasons for the emergence of extremism and terrorism; reveal the varieties of terrorism.

Developing: develop public speaking skills through performances prepared by students; instill the skills of independent work; teach children to analyze events, draw conclusions, be able to convincingly and reasonably prove their point of view.

Educational: to form patriotism; foster a sense of rejection of violence, terrorism and extremism.

Event form: oral journal.

Method: research.

Event progress

Teacher introduction:

Humanity has always fought. Over the past five thousand years, about 15,000 large and small wars have been recorded, in which several billion people have died. 60 years ago, the battles of the Great Patriotic War died down. Pressing the Nazis, our fathers and grandfathers dreamed and firmly believed that after the victory on the planet there will be no more wars and an amazing time of universal brotherhood will come. The victory was won, but general peace never came.

Local wars, military conflicts related to religious, territorial and national disputes continue. Such an ominous phenomenon as terrorism is constantly intruding into our seemingly peaceful life. Terrorism is also a war. And no one is immune from him. Including us.

Student message:

Some time ago, such terrible words as"Terrorism" and "extremism". Now every child already knows what is hidden behind these concepts. From the explanatory dictionary, the etymology of the term"extremism" reveals its roots in Latin, translated as "extreme" (views and measures).

Terrorism "terror" is translated as "horror" (intimidation by death penalty, murder and all the horrors of fury).

The rise of extremism is a serious threat to stability and public safety. International terrorism is a set of socially dangerous acts on an international scale that entail senseless death of people, disrupt the normal diplomatic activities of states and their representatives and hinder the implementation of international contacts and meetings, as well as transport links between states. Let's try to understand the causes of extremism and terrorism. Let us find out who constitutes the social base of extremism and terrorism.

Student message:

The reasons for the emergence of extremism include the following:

This large property stratification of the population, it leads to the fact that society ceases to function as an integral organism, united by common goals, ideas, values.

This is an increase in social tension.

This is a decrease in the ideological component in the educational process, which led to the loss of moral values.

This lack of spirituality, the lack of clear ideas about the history and prospects of the country's development, the loss of a sense of belonging and responsibility for the fate of the motherland.

The social base of extremist groups is formed by people who have failed to adapt to new living conditions. Young people who are not able to critically approach the content of publications in the media, due to the lack of life experience, turned out to be the most susceptible to this influence. This is a very good environment for extremist groups. Most of the youth extremist groups are informal in nature. A number of their members have a vague idea of ​​the ideological background of extremist movements. Loud phraseology, external attributes and other accessories, the opportunity to feel like a member of a kind of "secret society" that has the right to commit reprisals against persons unwanted by the group with impunity, all this attracts young people.

The future of the country largely depends on who wins the "battle for the minds and hearts" of the younger generation. Only the efforts of the entire society can create a reliable barrier to the spread of extremism.


Is terrorism and extremism a spontaneous act or is there someone behind it?

Student message:

Whoever we take — Afghan and Iranian al-Qaeda fighters, Palestinian suicide bombers, Somali people who blew themselves up in the London subway, Chechen fighters, Pakistanis and Algerians weaving terrorist networks in Europe — all come from the most backward states. , which today have no chance to somehow approach the developed. But we must always remember that any terrorist act or the threat of its commission, no matter how they try to justify it, is evil, constitutes a crime. The threat of terrorist attacks can arise almost everywhere. Al Qaeda is an Islamic fundamentalist organization. Carries out military operations around the world.

Created in 1988. and was led by a native of Saudi Arabia Osama bin Laden

The organization's goal is to overthrow secular regimes in Islamic states and establish an Islamic order. Al - Qaeda views the United States as the main enemy of Islam. He created construction organizations that build roads and tunnels in the interests of the Islamic opposition. At the same time, Ladan was directly involved in military operations. He recruited and trained volunteers around the world to take part in the jihad against the USSR. But by 1988. Ladan's interests are less and less associated with Afghanistan and more and more with the international struggle of the Islamists. Subsequently, the majahideen began to appear in various terrorist organizations in the Middle East, took part in the wars on the territory of Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya, and Tajikistan. Al-Qaeda views all conflicts in the Middle East as a struggle between devout Muslims on the one hand and heretics and atheists on the other. The enemies of Islam include both moderate Islamic regimes (Saudi Arabia and the like) and the United States. The presence of US troops is viewed by Ladan as a new crusade of the Christian West against the Muslim East, as an occupation of holy places.

"Terrorism" is one of the most impressive myths obsessed with by the mass consciousness. Let's try to define terrorism in the most general terms and highlight its main types.

Student message:

I repeat, I will say that terrorism is the deliberate use of illegitimate violence (most often with a deliberate orientation towards a spectacular, dramatic effect) on the part of some group, thus striving to achieve certain goals that are deliberately unattainable in a legitimate way.

Ideological terrorism.The presence of two camps (the government and the revolutionaries dissatisfied with it are terrorists). For example: Russian populists, French anarchists, German conservatives, Bolsheviks, fascists, terrorist attacks by neo-fascists in Italy in the late 70s, Red Brigades and the Red Army in Germany, etc.

Ethnic terrorism.Ethnic minorities view terrorism as the only way to voice their demands in an environment where full political participation in determining their own destiny is otherwise impossible... Ethnoterrorism may be racial. The most striking examples are Sicilian separatists, Irish, Kurds, Karabakh Armenians and Chechens.

Religious terrorism.Religious minorities or an active avant-garde that has learned the hostile influence of the authorities are speaking. The basis for belittling "infidels", representatives of a different religion. The most extreme formulations are “chosen”, “saved”, “damned”. Classic examples of such terrorism are Zionist terrorism in Palestine and modern Islamic terrorism.

Criminal terrorism.Most often, such terrorism is accompanied by a semi-political demand. For example: providing vehicles to leave a certain area, freeing prisoners, and so on. Examples: Bolshevik and anarchist raiders and robbers, ethnic US mafias (Jewish, Sicilian and Chinese), bank taking by extremists, etc.

Individual terror.This is not a loner - a revolutionary, not a loner - a nationalist, not a loner - a religious fanatic, not a loner - a criminal, but a person, regardless of his ideological orientation, harming society.


Swift and brilliant, cruel and indifferent XXI century. He can be safely called a monster with an iron heart, he does not want to hear moans, does not notice tears, often mistaking them for transparent dew on a person's face. The events in Chechnya are full of extremism. Hatred, anger, cruelty, extreme measures, extreme views, extreme actions. These are all the words that characterize these events

We were once again convinced that extremism is indeed cruelty based on hatred and anger, and sometimes stupidity, subject to blind faith.


Live conversation on this topic:

Why do conflicts arise? How are they resolved at school? Class?

How do you feel about terrorism and extremism?

What forms and methods of combating terrorism can you suggest.

Is terrorism and extremism a manifestation of hatred or stupidity? Give reasons for your answer.


Class hour: "Terrorism is a threat to society" in grade 8


  1. explain the essence of terrorism, its types and goals;
  2. improving students' knowledge of terrorism;
  3. the basics of safety in emergencies;
  4. formation of public consciousness and civic position of the younger generation.


  1. Study the rules of conduct during a terrorist attack;
  2. Develop the skills of search, research work;
  3. Formation of the ability to work in groups.


  1. video recorder,
  2. television,
  3. multimedia projector,
  4. posters with the words “Terrorism is a threat to society”, “War against the defenseless”,
  5. magnetic board,
  6. blanks for memos.

(First, the students look at the footage of the chronicle about the actions of terrorists in Budenovsk, Moscow, Beslan, USA).

Conversation progress

Teacher. Terrorism is a serious crime when an organized group of people strives to achieve their goal through violence. Terrorists are people who take hostages, organize explosions in crowded places, and use weapons. Innocent people, including children, often become victims of terrorism. Over the past decade, major terrorist attacks in our country have been the explosions of residential buildings in Moscow and Volgodonsk, the explosion during the parade in Kaspiysk on May 9, the seizure of the theater on Dubrovka, during the performance of "Nord-Ost". September 2004. For two days, teachers, students, and their parents - more than 1200 people in total - were held in the gym of school No. 1 in the city of Beslan (Republic of North Ossetia). The explosion killed 331 people, including 172 children. 559 people were injured. These are terrible pages of history ...

The current international situation can hardly be called stable. And one of the reasons for this is the scale of terrorism, which today is acquiring a truly worldwide character. Significant changes in the forms of terrorism and in the practice of combating it have taken place in our country as well. Russia is faced with egregious facts of its manifestation, both on its own territory and in the near abroad. The events of recent years have clearly proved that Russia, like the entire world community, is unable to resist the scale of terrorism. It was precisely these circumstances that prompted the need to develop the Federal Law “On Combating Terrorism,” adopted in July 1998.

Today we have gathered to discuss the problem, which is stated as follows: “Terrorism is a threat to society”. A representative of the Narym detachment of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (full name) is taking part in our conversation.

So what is terrorism? Where does this word come from? What does it carry? And how to behave in such a situation? These are the questions of the conversation, to which we will try to provide answers.

Terror - intimidation, suppression of opponents, physical violence, up to the physical destruction of people by committing acts of violence (murder, arson, explosions, hostage-taking).

The concept of "terrorism", "terrorist" appeared in France at the end of the 18th century. This is what the Jacobins called themselves, and always with a positive connotation. However, during the French Revolution, the word "Terrorism" became synonymous with the criminal. Until very recently, the term "terrorism" already meant a range of different shades of violence.

In 1881, Tsar Alexander II was killed by the Narodnaya Volya with the help of an improvised bomb. In 1911, the chairman of the Council of Ministers was killed by an agent of the secret police

P.A. Stolypin. In the period 1902-1907. terrorists in Russia carried out about 5.5 thousand terrorist acts. Their victims were ministers, deputies of the State Duma, gendarmes, police and prosecutors.

In the USSR, terrorism was a very rare phenomenon before the aggravation of national conflicts. The only sensational case was the explosion in a Moscow metro carriage in January 1977, which claimed more than ten lives. At that time, the situation in the country was different, and potential terrorists knew that they would not achieve their goals by such actions.

Our country seriously faced terrorism during the "perestroika". Already in 1990, about 200 explosions were committed on its territory, in which more than 50 people died. In 1991, in the then USSR, more than 1,500 people died as a result of bloody clashes, more than 10 thousand citizens were injured, and 600 thousand became refugees. During the period 1990-1993, approximately one and a half million firearms were illegally imported into Russia. The question is: what for?

Since 1992, such a phenomenon as contract killings of unwanted persons has become widespread in Russia. Journalists, deputies of the State Duma, entrepreneurs, bankers, mayors of cities, businessmen have become their victims ...

What is happening strikes consciousness, but here's the paradox: at the beginning of the third millennium, the population of Russia began to get used to reports of regular contract killings, shootings on the streets of cities.

Teacher. What is the essence of terrorism?

The dictionaries define the concept of "terrorism" as violent actions of criminals with the aim of undermining the existing government, complication of international relations, political and economic extortion from states. This is the systematic use or threat of violence against civilians as blackmail of the existing authorities in order to achieve certain political, social or economic goals.

Types of modern terrorism:

  1. Nationalist
  2. Religious
  3. Political

A terrorist act does not know in advance its specific victims, for it is directed primarily against the state. Its task is to subordinate the state, its organs, the entire public, to force them to fulfill the demands of the terrorists and the persons and organizations behind them.

1999 two residential buildings were blown up in Moscow. 200 people were killed.

  1. Pyatigorsk, Kaspiysk, Vladikavkaz, Buynaks, Budenovsk, Kizlyar, Beslan, where many and many innocent citizens of Russia suffered.
  2. October 2002 - hostage-taking in Moscow - Theater Center on Dubrovka.
  3. February 6, 2004 - an explosion in a Moscow metro carriage killed about 50 people.
  4. An outbreak of terrorism occurred in 2003. Among the most ambitious and bloody are:
  5. May 12 - an explosion near residential buildings in the Nadterechny district of Chechnya. 59 people were killed, 320 were injured;
  6. On July 5, an explosion in Moscow (Tushinsky market) killed - 17 people, 74 were injured;
  7. On December 5, an explosion in an electric train in Yessentuki - 32 people were killed, 150 were wounded.
  8. December 9 - Moscow explosion on Manezhnaya Square (7 people were killed, 13 wounded.)
  9. In 2004, the whole world was made to shudder by a new series of terrorist attacks: the simultaneous explosions of two passenger planes on August 24, killing 90 people.

The rampant terrorism is today not only a Russian, but already an acute international problem. This is evidenced by many facts, but especially eloquent are the explosion in New York of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, which claimed the lives of 3.5 thousand people; terrorist attacks in Israel, the Philippines, in other countries.

Students hang up posters on a magnetic board:

Teacher. How not to become a victim of a terrorist attack? About this, about the basic rules of behavior in the face of the threat of terrorist acts.

(Answers: You should avoid visiting regions, cities, places and events where terrorist attacks are possible. Such a region, for example, the North Caucasus. Crowded places are crowded events. Caution and civil vigilance should be exercised here.)

What is Civil Vigilance? (Answers: for example, a suspicious item left by someone (package, box, suitcase, etc.))

What actions should be taken when suspicious items are detected? (Answers: do not touch, do not open, fix the time, notify the administration, wait for the arrival of the police.)

If you heard gunshots while at home, what are your first steps? (Answers: do not enter the room from which the shots are heard, do not stand by the window, report by phone).

If you received a threat over the phone, you need to (answers: remember the conversation, estimate the speaker's age, speech rate, voice, fix the time, contact the law enforcement agencies after calling).

If there is an explosion nearby, what are your actions? (Answers: fall to the floor, make sure that you have not received serious injuries, look around, try, if possible, to provide first aid, follow all orders of the rescuers).

If you were among the hostages? (Answers: remember the main goal is to stay alive, not to allow hysterics, not to try to resist. Do nothing without permission, remember that the special services have begun to act).


Based on the results of the conversation, the students are given such an assignment.


“During the disco, a violent scuffle began, accompanied by a crush ...” (Your actions).

“You were taken hostage by a man who robbed a store ...” (your actions). Students offer their projects of actions from these situations, there is a discussion.

Group of students "Experts" (leader: representative of the Ministry of Emergencies, supervises the group members, the actions of students to get out of these "situations")

Cards are issued to groups of students.

“Complete sentences, text” For example:

Card number 1 "In case of terrorist acts can ..."

There was a shooting, you ended up on the street, your actions ……………

Card number 2 "If you were taken hostage ..."

Remember: …………… ..

Card number 3 "If you received threats over the phone"

You should:…………………………………..

Card number 4 "You found a suspicious item"

Your actions: …………………………..

Card number 5 "If you heard shots while at home"

You need:

Card number 6 "If an explosion thundered nearby"

Your actions…………………

Teacher. What conclusion can be drawn from the conversation that took place?

(Student responses)

Thus, we can conclude that terrorism in Russia is caused by social contradictions. They have a negative impact on all aspects of the country's social life. The most important prerequisite for an effective fight against terrorism, along with the measures of the law enforcement agencies of the special services, is the ability of citizens to resist terrorist attacks, to behave correctly in the face of this danger.



Chairman of the Trade Union Committee Director of the MOU Ural Secondary School

______________________ ____________________________

"___" ___________ 20__ "___" ___________20__

Job description

responsible for security.

1. Job responsibilities and powers

1. The person in charge of ensuring safety is obliged to :.

1 . 1. Know and be guided in their activities by the requirements of legislative and regulatory legal documents to ensure safety, labor protection, prevention and prevention of terrorist acts, to combat manifestations of terrorism and extremism.

1.2. Organize work in an educational institution to ensure security, anti-terrorist security, counter extremism, fire safety and electrical safety, prevent industrial injuries, comply with the internal regime and maintain social discipline.

1.3. Develop planning documents, security measures, anti-terrorist security and civil defense, draft orders, orders, instructions, memos, visual campaigning and other documents.

1.4. Participate in the development of annual and monthly plans for educational work in the part related to the preparation and implementation of measures to instill resistance to the involvement of students and staff of the institution in extremist organizations and illegal actions.

1.5. Plan and conduct training sessions for teaching staff, service personnel on issues related to security, anti-terrorist protection, civil defense and emergency response in an educational institution.

1.6. Organize work to comply with the requirements within the object regime, internal regulations, prevention of antisocial behavior of students in an educational institution.

1.7. To organize the work of children's public organizations and the parental community (parental committees, groups, student body of self-government, organizations "Young Druzhinnik", "Young Firefighter", "Young Inspector for Safe Traffic", etc.) to ensure public order in an educational institution.

eighteen. Organize and maintain interaction with the internal affairs bodies, the FSB, civil defense and emergency situations, the prosecutor's office on matters of ensuring law and order and security. Coordinate work plans of the institution, other documents related to ensuring security in an educational institution with law enforcement agencies.

1.9. Provide assistance to teachers in ensuring safety and public order during cultural events.

1.10. Develop documents and conduct special exercises (training) on ​​the actions of students and teaching staff in emergency and extreme situations, training according to the civil defense plan.

1.11. Control the maintenance in a safe state and in proper order of basements, utility, utility, technical, attic premises, require responsible officials to keep them closed and sealed, and fire hydrants, fire extinguishing equipment, emergency exits are ready for use.

1.12. Provide preliminary control of the preparation of places for holding public events, the constant presence of students and employees (classes, offices, a gym, production workshops and other premises) for their safety.

1 . 13. Personally monitor the accounting, storage status of personal protective equipment, medical products, chemicals, pesticide liquids to ensure their reliable safety and prevent unauthorized access to them.

1 . 14. Observe the established internal regulations, regulations and requirements of job descriptions, maintain a level of qualifications sufficient to perform assigned job duties.

1 .15. The safety officer organizes:

Work in an educational institution to ensure security, anti-terrorist protection of all categories of employees and students, to perform civil defense tasks, requirements for ensuring law and order and maintaining public discipline;

Educational and explanatory work on the implementation of the requirements of public and personal safety, vigilance towards all facts and manifestations that pose a danger to the life and health of employees and students while they are in an educational institution, to prevent manifestations of extremism and antisocial behavior;

Work on planning and conducting events (classes, trainings) with the teaching staff trained in actions in cases of emergencies (GO) in an educational institution.

The safety officer has the right to:

1 . 16 . Require all officials and students in the institution to accurately and rigorously comply with the provisions of the guidelines for ensuring security in an educational institution, for preventing and preventing terrorist acts, maintaining public order, established rules and discipline.

1.17. Conduct checks on the state of the on-site regime and the implementation of the established schedule. Within the limits of their authority, make decisions on the organization and implementation of measures to ensure security, anti-terrorist protection, civil defense, coordinating them with the head of the institution.

1.18. Make proposals for improving the activities of an educational institution to ensure the public and personal safety of students and personnel, the correct operation of equipment and property, the development and improvement of the material and technical base.

1.19. To make additions to the instructions on safety measures, the use of equipment, premises within the limits of his competence.

1.20. Give orders to the staff of the institution and students on security issues, compliance with the requirements for ensuring law and order, established safety rules.

1.21. Take urgent measures to identify, prevent and suppress all prerequisites that pose a threat to the life and health of students and staff of the institution, to protect against terrorism and other dangerous manifestations.

P. Qualifications required

2.1. To fulfill the position of a security officer in charge of an educational institution on security issues, countering terrorism and extremism, you must have:

a) by the level of professional education: higher professional education in the specialty "public administration" or military, legal, historical, political science, philosophical or education considered equivalent;

b) by seniority and work experience in the specialty:

Work experience in the specialty for at least three years;

c) according to the level of knowledge of legislation:

Knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal legislation and regulations governing security issues, countering terrorism and extremism, civil defense;

d) by the level of computer literacy:

Possession of computing equipment at the level of a personal user.

S. Responsibility

3. 1. The person in charge of ensuring the security of an educational institution on security issues, countering terrorism and extremism is appointed and dismissed by the head of the educational institution.

3.2. The head of the educational institution is the immediate supervisor who issues orders and instructions for the security officer of the educational institution on security issues, countering terrorism and extremism.

3.3. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of official duties, the person responsible for ensuring the security of an educational institution on security issues, countering terrorism and extremism is brought to disciplinary responsibility in the manner determined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


Approved by: _____________________

Director of the Ural School

Action plan for the implementation of the program

“Prevention of extremism, ethnic separatism.

Formation of tolerance "

for the 2012-2013 academic year





Holiday "Traditions and customs of my country"



Deputy Director for BP

Photo contest "Beauty will save the world"



Fine art teacher

"Extremism and patriotism" communication hour



History teachers

Drawing competition on the wall "We are different, but we are together"


Fine art teacher

Month of the formation of tolerance (work according to the plan of the month)



Deputy Director for BP

Essay competition "Who do I consider a tolerant person?"



Teacher of Russian language

Pedagogical Council "Russian as a language of interethnic communication"



Russian language teachers, librarian

School Leader Competition



Deputy Director for BP

Parents' meeting "Raising humanity in adolescents"



Class teachers

Hour of communication "Who is a well-mannered person?"


Primary school teacher

Issue of newspapers "How to save the planet Earth?"



Deputy Director for BP

Photo exhibition "A world without violence"

Holiday "Family Day"



Deputy Director for BP

Contest of drawings on asphalt "Peace is the basis of life on earth"



Fine art teacher

Essay competition for Victory Day



Teacher of Russian language

Participation in events dedicated to Victory Day



Deputy Director for BP

Best student team



Deputy Director for BP


Approved by: _____________

Director of the Ural Secondary School









REPLACE. BP director

- Checking the serviceability of the warning system, alarm system, fire alarm and other engineering life support systems

Inspection of the building, territory, sports grounds for the detection of suspicious objects

Inspection of fences, gates, gates, emergency exits, locks, locks, grilles for their integrity and serviceability


Duty administrator, caretaker, watchman

Consideration of issues related to extremism at meetings, Ministry of Defense, industrial meetings

During a year


Study of regulations, instructions, checklists and other documentation on ensuring school safety with newly arrived employees within a week of admission


Deputy director for water resources management, manager

Documentation support (publication of the necessary orders and instructions, approval of plans, schedules, etc.) for the safety of public events


Director, Deputy Director


Designated persons

Instructing school staff and teachers on countering extremism and terrorism

Twice a year

Deputy Director for Security

During a year



Seminar for class teachers "Tolerance of the teacher"


Deputy BP director

Participation in district events for teachers on the prevention of extremism

During a year

Pedagogical staff



Deputy VR directors, class teachers

Conducting thematic class and communication hours to counter extremism and build tolerance in students

During a year

Class teachers

Lessons on the basics of legal knowledge aimed at the formation of tolerant attitudes among students.

Responsibility for participating in groups inciting ethnic hatred

During a year

History and law teachers

Familiarization of new arrivals with safety aids and instructions within a week of enrollment


Classroom teacher

Familiarization of participants (employees, students and their parents) of mass events with the necessary documentation to ensure safety


Designated persons

During a year

Deputy BP director

During a year

Deputy VR directors, class teachers

Design Competition


Deputy BP director

Conversation with students about the consequences of false reports of impending terrorist attacks


Deputy BP director

Conducting planned evacuation of students

2 times per year

OBZH teacher

Studying normative documents on countering extremism in social studies lessons

During a year

Social studies teachers

During a year

Pedagogical staff

Practical orientation of life safety classes on safety measures, actions in extreme situations

During a year

OBZH teacher

Events dedicated to the Day of National Unity


Deputy BP director

International Day for Tolerance Events


Deputy BP director

Thematic exhibitions

During a year


Deputy BP director

Approved by: _____________

Director of the Ural School

(Mokrushina Z.A.)






Cool hours and social hours:

“Extremism and patriotism”, “We are all different, but all equal”, “Children of different nations, we live with the dream of friendship”, “What does it mean to respect another”….

(Grades 1-11)

Class teachers

Parents' meeting "Problems of extremism among adolescents"

Class teachers

Intellectual game "Good deeds are one"

9-11 grade

Shishkina L.L.

Competitive intellectual game for the Day of National Unity "Canvas of the World"

5-8 grade

Lyalina T.M.

Photo contest "Favorite corner of my area"

Natfullina Z.A.

Program name

"Prevention of extremism, ethnic separatism and strengthening of tolerance at school for 2012-2014"

Program Developer

Head teacher

Deputy Director for BP

teacher-organizer of life safety

Date of Program approval

Pedagogical Council of the MOU Ural Secondary School Protocol No.

Objectives of the Program

Creation of a tolerant environment at school based on the values ​​of the multinational Russian society, all-Russian civic identity and cultural self-awareness, principles of observance of human rights and freedoms.

Objectives of the Program

  1. Fostering tolerance through the education system.
  2. Strengthening tolerance and preventing extremism among young people.
  3. Promotion of ethnic and cultural interaction at school.
  4. Maintaining interfaith peace and harmony among students and teachers
  5. Improving the mechanisms for ensuring the rule of law and law and order in the field of interethnic relations at school.
  6. Facilitating the adaptation and integration of migrants into the cultural and social space of the school.
  7. Improvement of the mechanism of international and interregional cooperation in the formation of a culture of peace and tolerance at school.

Expected direct results of the Program implementation

1.Increase in the number of students and pupils covered by additional educational programs for the study of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia and the world by 5%.

2.Increasing the number of thematic exhibitions of students' works aimed at the development of interethnic integration and the prevention of manifestations of extremism
up to 4 exhibitions.

3.Increase in the number of specialists covered by advanced training courses on the formation of tolerant attitudes by 10%

4.Increase in the number of participants in events for the study and exchange of experience in regulating interethnic and interfaith relations by 10%.

5.Increase in the number of museum expositions dedicated to national cultures of ethnic groups living in the Autonomous Okrug by 5%.

Terms of implementation of the Program

2012-2014 years

Expected outcomes of the program

  1. Increasing the proportion of young people participating in events aimed at preventing manifestations of xenophobia and extremism from the total number of young people.
  2. An increase in the number of socially significant projects (actions) aimed at the development of interethnic and interfaith tolerance.

Description of the problem

The program is aimed at strengthening a tolerant environment at school based on the values ​​of a multinational Russian society, respect for human rights and freedoms, and maintaining interethnic peace and harmony.

At school, a lot is done in order to form in children and youth attitudes towards a positive perception of ethnic and confessional diversity, interest in other cultures, respect for their inherent values, traditions, and the uniqueness of the lifestyle of their representatives. The existing system of work with students is largely aimed at fostering tolerant consciousness and behavior, rejection of nationalism, chauvinism and extremism.

At the same time, the education system does not provide the entire range of measures, the implementation of which could effectively form the foundations of a tolerant worldview in preschoolers, schoolchildren and students. This is evidenced by the facts of manifestation in the youth environment of national and racial intolerance, the increase in the number of conflicts on ethnic grounds among adolescents.

Young people represent a special social group that, in the context of ongoing social transformations, most often turns out to be the most vulnerable from an economic and social point of view. A growing number of adolescents identify themselves as informal youth movements. A significant separation of the youth subculture from the cultural values ​​of the older generations, national traditions and mentality threatens to undermine the fundamental culture of society.

The mass media of district significance publish materials onprevention of manifestations of extremism, incitement of racial and religious hatred.To establish the facts of publications of information of extremist content, the monitoring of mass media and information resources of the Internet is carried out. These measures are clearly not enough. It is necessary to create a single information space to promote the values ​​of peace and harmony in interethnic and interfaith relations, the potential of the media is not fully used to promote a free and open dialogue, discuss existing problems, overcome indifference towards groups and ideologies that preach intolerance.

Tolerance presupposes not only understanding, but also acceptance of the fact that the surrounding world and the peoples inhabiting it are very diverse. Moreover, each ethnic group is unique and inimitable. Only recognition of ethnic and religious diversity, understanding and respect for cultural characteristics inherent in representatives of other peoples and religions, in combination with the democratic values ​​of civil society, can contribute to the creation of a truly tolerant atmosphere in the life of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra.

The program for the prevention of extremism, the harmonization of interethnic and intercultural relations, the prevention of manifestations of xenophobia, the strengthening of tolerance at school is intended to strengthen the foundations and systematize the methods of the long-term process of forming a tolerant consciousness and behavior of schoolchildren.

Mechanism for the implementation of the target program

The program is designed for phased implementation during 2011-2013:

Stage I (2012) - development of methodological, scientific, methodological and technological foundations of harmonization of interethnic and intercultural relations, prevention of manifestations of xenophobia and extremism, education of a culture of peace, formation of tolerant consciousness and behavior; generalization and development of the constructive experience of the formation of tolerant consciousness, prevention of manifestations of xenophobia, education of a culture of peace, which is available in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra; monitoring of the existing mechanisms for the prevention of ethnic extremism and xenophobia; development of criteria for assessing their effectiveness; development of a methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the level of ethnocultural tolerance among schoolchildren.

Stage II (2012-2014) - implementation of a system of measures to create a tolerant environment in areas related to interethnic, intercultural and interfaith interactions at school; creation and improvement of the control system for the implementation of the decisions made and the implementation of the Program activities; implementation of the experience accumulated by the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra in the formation of tolerant consciousness, prevention of xenophobia, education of a culture of peace; introduction of developed effective technologies for the formation of a tolerant environment, tolerant consciousness and behavior; monitoring of the existing mechanisms for the prevention of ethnic extremism and xenophobia; generalization of the achieved experience and assessment of the results of the Program implementation.

The real mechanisms for implementing the Program are comprehensive measures aimed at developing civil society, fostering civic solidarity, patriotism and internationalism, maintaining peace and harmony, and countering any manifestation of extremism and xenophobia.

The coordinator of the Program is the school administration, which manages and monitors the implementation of the Program, and provides, if necessary, the adjustment of activities.

Under the current management of the Program Coordinator, the following main tasks are performed:

analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of program activities;

adjustment of the Program activities

monitoring of the implementation of the Program indicators, collection of operational reporting information, preparation and submission of reports on the progress of the Program implementation in accordance with the established procedure.

The following activities are planned for the programs:

annual adjustments based on the results of the implementation of the Program of Measures and the amount of funding;

informational, organizational-methodological and expert-analytical support of ongoing events, research work, analytical and expert monitoring of public opinion, media coverage of the processes and results of the Program implementation;


Familiarization with the action plan for the prevention of extremism

Deputy BP director


Consideration of issues related to extremism at meetings, Ministry of Defense, industrial meetings.

During a year



Accumulation of methodological material on countering extremism.

During the year


Studying by teachers of normative documents on countering extremism.



Homeroom teacher seminar

"Tolerance of the teacher"

Deputy BP Director


Participation in district events for teachers to prevent extremism.

During a year

Pedagogical staff

  1. Working with parents
  1. Working with students


Diagnostic work with the aim of studying the personal properties of tolerance in students

Deputy VR directors, class teachers.


Conducting thematic classroom hours of communication with the aim of countering extremism and building tolerance among students

during a year

Class teachers


Lessons on the basics of legal knowledge aimed at the formation of tolerant attitudes among students. Responsibility for participating in groups inciting ethnic hatred.

during a year

History and law teachers.


Charitable events "Children to Children"

during a year

Deputy BP director


Activities for the study of the culture and traditions of other peoples

during a year

Deputy VR directors, class teachers.


Design Competition

Deputy BP director


Identification of children belonging to various kinds of extremist groups.

during a year

Pedagogical staff


Practical orientation of life safety classes on safety measures, actions in extreme situations.

Types and purposes of terrorism. Terrorism as a state policy. Terrorism in Russia. Methods of fighting terrorism.

Organization of first aid for victims of terrorism. Action by the population when terrorists are held hostage.

According to Federal Law No. 35-FZ (dated 06.03.2006; last edition dated 31.12.2014) "On Countering Terrorism",terrorism - This is the ideology of violence and the practice of influencing decision-making by state authorities, local authorities or international organizations associated with intimidation of the population and (or) other forms of unlawful violent actions.

Concept of countering terrorism in the Russian Federation (approved by the President of the Russian Federation on October 5, 2009).

The main features of modern terrorism:

1) change in motivation : if earlier terrorist acts were committed against political and class enemies, now terror has become a means of resolving national and religious contradictions.

2) peaceful people become victims of terror;

3) the emergence of new types of terrorism;

4) the change the dynamics of terrorist acts and the increase in the number of victims of terror;

5) terrorism becomes anonymous;

6) international terrorism came to the fore.

7) the use of new means to intimidate people and entire states.

Features of terrorism in the Russian Federation:

    the presence of a long history (the activities of the "Narodnaya Volya" organization, a series of assassination attempts and the assassination of Tsar AlexanderIIin 1881);

    availability of the world spectrum;

    different assessments of terrorist activities by various strata of society;

    the "mixed" nature of terrorist actions;

    long duration of the fight against terrorist groups.

The reasons for the emergence of terrorism should be considered:

    the collapse of the USSR, the formation of independent states;

    revision of the post-war world order;

    lack of success in promoting the idea of ​​a multipolar world

    the unification of Europe, political and ethnic crises in the Middle East and the Balkans;

    the growing role of the United States;

    the advancement of the NATO military bloc to the borders of Russia;

    an increase in the number of local conflicts.

Types of terrorism:

Bymeans , used in the implementation of terrorist acts:

      • traditional when firearms and edged weapons, explosives, poisons and other means are used to commit a terrorist act:

        technological when the latest advances in science and technology in the field of computer and information technology, radio electronics, genetic engineering, etc. are used to commit a terrorist attack.

        1. By the nature of the subject of terrorist activity:

    • Unorganized or individual (lone terrorism) - in this case, a terrorist attack (less often, a series of terrorist attacks) is committed by one or two people who are not backed by any organization (Dmitry Karakozov, Vera Zasulich, Ravashol, etc.);

      Organized, collective - terrorist activities are planned and implemented by some organization (the Socialist Revolutionaries, Al-Qaeda, IRA, ETA, state terrorism). Organized terrorism is the most widespread in the modern world.

Depending on the criminalmotivation :

    Nationalist - pursues separatist or national liberation goals;

    Religious - may be associated with the struggle of adherents of religion among themselves (Hindus and Muslims, Muslims and Christians) and within the same faith (Sunni Shiites), and is aimed at undermining secular power and establishing religious power;

    Ideologically driven, social, political - pursues the goal of a radical or partial change in the economic or political system of the country, drawing public attention to any acute problem. Sometimes this type of terrorism is called revolutionary. Anarchist, Socialist-Revolutionary, fascist, European "left" terrorism, etc., are examples of ideologically defined terrorism.

    Criminalterrorismcarried out by criminal elements or criminal groups in order to obtain certain concessions from the authorities, to intimidate the authorities and the population of the country with the help of methods of violence and intimidation borrowed from the practice of terrorist organizations.

    Domestic terrorism - pursues the goal of destabilizing the family, capture, redistribution between families. This type of terrorism is also called family terrorism. An example of domestic terrorism is the systematic influence of one family member on another with the help of scandals, reproaches, and the simulation of a morbid state. As a rule, household terrorism is fueled in families through psychological treatment of younger members, older ones.

    Technological terrorismconsists in the use or in the threat of the use of nuclear, chemical or bacteriological weapons, radioactive and highly toxic chemical, biological substances, as well as the threat of seizure of nuclear and other industrial facilities that pose an increased danger to human life and health. As a rule, technological terrorism sets political goals for itself.

    Cyber ​​terrorism - actions to disorganize automated information systems, creating a danger of death of people, causing significant material damage or the onset of other socially dangerous consequences.

Terrorism targets

    Depending on the subject of terrorism and the direction of its activities:

    internal political:

    changes in the political regime and social structure of the country;

    undermining or hindering democratic reforms;

    destabilization of the internal political situation;

    obstruction and disorganization of the activities of government and administrative bodies or rival political parties and organizations;

    provoking state authorities to commit actions that could compromise it in the eyes of the population or raise the authority of terrorists;

    disruption of certain measures taken by the authorities and administration (to consolidate internal political forces, ensure security and order in areas where crisis and conflict situations spread, etc.).

    foreign policy:

    the weakening of international relations or the deterioration of the country's relations with foreign states;

    disruption of international actions to resolve international or internal political conflicts;

    creation of unfavorable conditions for the activities of citizens and institutions of the country abroad; expression of condemnation or protest against certain actions of the country in the international arena or within the country;

    compromising the country as a source of international terrorism in the eyes of the world community, etc.

    Depending on the scale and content:

    strategic(for example, preparing conditions for overthrowing the existing system, destabilizing the situation in the country, recognizing a terrorist organization by the authorities and the public as an independent political force, etc.);

    tactical(popularizing the ideas and goals of a terrorist organization, ensuring the rallying of members of the organization itself, obtaining material resources to continue its activities, freeing individual terrorists serving sentences, expressing a negative attitude towards individual leaders or organizations of the country, towards law enforcement agencies, towards the armed forces, etc. ).

For the organization and implementation of specific terrorist actions subordinate to the strategic and tactical goals of terrorism, extremist structures work out tasks that are determined by the domestic and foreign political goals of terrorism of one direction or another and serve to create conditions for their achievement. For example, the goal of destabilizing the internal political situation in the country may cause the setting of tasks to carry out murders and explosions to intimidate the population of certain regions, to carry out violent acts against high-ranking officials of government and law enforcement agencies, against leaders of public organizations that support the authorities. In order to achieve the goal of disrupting international actions to resolve acute interethnic conflicts, terrorists can put forward tasks to create a danger for representatives of international organizations in a certain region, to provoke new outbreaks of interethnic enmity, etc. before a terrorist organization has tasks to seize diplomatic and other representatives of the country as hostages, to interfere with the normal activities of its institutions (by exploding their premises, organizing alarming messages about impending violent acts, etc.), etc.

In accordance with the tasks put forward, the terrorist organization identifies specific targets for terrorist attacks, determines the need for forces and means to carry out a violent act, the procedure for their use, etc.

Ways to achieve the goals of terrorism:

The fear of terrorism is actively used to introduce the "enemy image" into the mass consciousness.

Fear of terror is an effective tool in the struggle to change public opinion in favor of expanding intelligence services, their powers and funding.

The process of group manipulation is divided into three stages:

First stage - "emotional actualization of xenophobia". Such psychological processing, carried out with the help of special literature and the media, is aimed at touching the most sensitive strings of the human psyche, affecting the honor and personal dignity of each representative of a given religious group or ethnic group.

Second stage - “practical orientation of groups”. The mass consciousness (of "compatriots" or "fellow believers"), warmed up by the propaganda of "popular indignation", is directed towards concrete accomplishments with the help of attractive political goals and programs.

Third stage - the goals set for the implementation, specific program guidelines and practical steps must be morally sanctioned by the prevailing public opinion in the given environment, after which any actions of this national movement, even if they are associated with inevitable riots and bloodshed, will certainly be perceived as morally justified, corresponding to the highest interests of the nation or confession.

Objects of terrorism:

The first group - general - thisabout objects of weakening and detonation:

    internal and external security of the country;

    international relations, positions and interests;

    independence and sovereignty of the state;

    the foundations of the social system;

    political organization of society;

    state power and its institutions;

    safety of citizens.

The main object of terrorist activity against the Russian Federation and in the Russian Federation is its constitutional order.

The second group - objects of direct violent (terrorist) influence - the safety of people and various material objects; life, health, freedom of specific individuals or their personally indeterminate groups; normal functioning and physical integrity of certain objects and structures (for example, property belonging to terrorized persons, institutions, etc.).

By using violence in various ways, or by threatening to use it in relation to persons or specific material objects, terrorist organizations ultimately count on achieving their goals and objectives of weakening and undermining common objects of terrorism.


Taking into account the method of achieving the goals and objectives set by the terrorists and the nature of the objects, four groups of methods can be distinguished:

    organizational nature,

    methods of physical influence,

    material impact (on inanimate objects),

    and psychological impact.

The methods of an organizational nature include, first of all, those that are used to create terrorist structures and prepare acts of direct violent influence (instigation of terrorist activities by attracting people to participate in it, their organizational cohesion, preparation of terrorist actions, organization of interaction with other extremist organizations, etc. etc., as well as stimulating terrorist activities by providing financial, material and other support to terrorist organizations, groups, individuals - terrorists).

Physical methods on people are associated with direct physical damage to life, health and freedom of people. Among them, one can single out the unlawful deprivation of life (the use of firearms and edged weapons, explosives, poisons and toxic substances, strangulation, radioactive damage, infection, etc.); damage to their health (beatings, the use of methods used to deprive people of their lives); deprivation or restriction of their freedom (seizure and abduction of people, forcible deprivation of their ability to communicate with the outside world, retention at the place of stay - in a vehicle, office building, etc. fulfillment of the terrorists' demands).

Material impact methods on inanimate objects are varied and are mainly associated with the destruction or damage of objects of this group. These include predominantly the use of explosives and flammable substances, mechanical damage or rendering these objects unusable. In other words, these are, first of all, explosions, arson, pogroms.

The methods used in these cases are in some part similar to those that belong to the first group of methods.

Methods of psychological influence ("psychological terror") occupy an increasing place in terrorist activities. This is explained, on the one hand, by the essence of terror as a method of coercion and intimidation, which, first of all, is achieved by using the above three groups of methods, and on the other hand, by the desire in some cases to simplify the mechanism for achieving terrorist goals, by the wide spread of political extremism in various circles of the population. This group of methods includes two subgroups. The first is formed by actions that are directly physical in nature, but mainly designed to achieve a psychological result. These include attacks on certain individuals, damage to their property, pogroms in their homes, etc. The second subgroup is made up of actions that are also mostly demonstratively threatening, but not associated with direct infliction of any physical harm on a person or his relatives. These are, first of all, threats (open or anonymous) to officials, institutions, public figures, etc. Such threats are usually transmitted orally, in writing, by telephone and, as a rule, contain threats of reprisals and other adverse consequences for the addressees. There are frequent cases of such threats in leaflets, publications in the press. Terrorist organizations, in certain cases, may organize targeted and massive campaigns to intimidate their opponents or other terrorist targets of their choice by further escalating terrorist activities. The current political and operational situation in the CIS countries and a number of regions of the Russian Federation is characterized by the widespread use of methods of "psychological terror".

Terrorism as public policy

On the world map, there were (are) many countries in which terror has been turned into state policy, such as, for example, in South Africa. The International Commission of Inquiry into the Crimes of Racism and Apartheid in Southern Africa has declared the South African government a state terrorism regime.

In March 1981, 50 African UN member states issued a statement emphasizing that Washington's open support for the South African regime (and this is a well-known fact) is an encouragement of the policy of "state terrorism" carried out by the Pretoria authorities and aiding the racial oppression of the indigenous population of South Africa. Africa. In South Africa, there were many terrorist organizations consisting of a white population. They organized bombings in offices, theaters and many other places where representatives of all races were allowed, and they threatened prominent African figures.

To date, this hotbed of terrorism has been “extinguished”. As a result of the country's first free general elections, an outstanding African leader, Nelson Mandella, came to power, and now the reorganization of the old political system is in full swing.

Another two countries in which terrorism is widely used as a state policy are located in the Middle East. These states are Israel and Iraq.

Israel waged wars of conquest aimed at conquering and subjugating its neighboring countries. For example, the invasion of Lebanon and the capture of Beirut, Palestine. In all cases, especially in Palestine, Israeli troops carried out "cleansing" of the Arab population, forcing the survivors to leave their lands. In Palestine, this led to the fact that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) began to resist in all possible ways, including terrorism. Although, as the similar experience in Northern Ireland, the Chechen Republic and Palestine itself shows, the process of reconciliation is very difficult. There are forces that hinder the development of the peace process in various ways.

Iraq is also another hotbed of instability in that region. The head of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, is pursuing an aggressive policy towards his neighbors. He tried to take over a small but oil-rich state - Kuwait. The reasons for this takeover are clear. If Iraq had retained ownership of Kuwait's oil fields, it would have received enormous economic benefits and would have been able to carry out aggression further. It’s not for nothing that they say “oil is the blood of war”. But Iraq's insidious designs were thwarted by NATO intervention. Iraq was defeated in the war and so far has suspended the policy of terrorism and aggression.

There are many states that use terrorism to one degree or another. I have listed only a few of the "brightest" representatives. I hope the world community will keep an eye on such countries with unflagging attention and prevent their aggression. Although, generally speaking, terrorism is used by all countries of the world. Only some are so obvious that everyone can see it, while others are less obvious. The task of the world community is to suppress (at least at the first stage) the most aggressive states and to resolve old conflicts.

The terrorism situation in Russia takes a lot of place in the daily news. Terrorist acts in Russia took place immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union, in 1994-1995, and did not stop even later. The most ambitious act in recent years in the Russian Federation was the terrible seizure of Beslan in North Ossetia, when children became victims. Terrorists are people who do not have any morality, which is why they infringed on the lives of children. In the school, which was seized by criminals on September 1, 2004, there were about 1200 people in total, 326 died in three days of terror. According to an investigation by the special services, 32 people took part in that terrible act, 31 of whom were killed in the process of liberating people. Only one of the bandits remained alive. You can also remember about Nord-Ost, the capital's palace of culture, which was mined by terrorists along with 700 spectators and employees of the institution. The terrorists kept the hostages for three days, morally mocking the relatives of the poor people. The act ended with an assault, which, according to the official version, began after the bandits began to shoot people. In this fight, the special forces against the terrorists performed professionally, but they had to use a deadly gas. Unfortunately, many innocent people died from its impact. Another terrorist threat to modern Russia is the Arab Wahhabis. This group carries out acts of religious terror, from which Russians can suffer. Terrorists, whose photos are in the files of international and Russian services dealing with this problem, can live among us and at the same time plan their atrocities. Methods of Combating Terrorists There is a lot to be said about the fight against terrorism in the current situation. First of all, I would like to say about which bodies are directly fighting in Russia with criminal groups or individual terrorists. The main fighter is the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. In addition to this service, there are departments for the fight against terrorism in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense of Russia. Anti-terrorist units have been created in the Russian Federation, the main of which are the Alpha and Vympel groups. Also, special services that are fighting terrorism have been created under the army, under the Ministry of Internal Affairs ("Vega" group), under the security forces. Terror can only be avoided by joint efforts of different countries, which are determined to seriously resolve the problem. It is necessary to develop an integrated approach to combating this phenomenon by not only legal and forceful impact, but also by identifying the main causes of its occurrence. The most important thing is not to look for excuses for terrorism, not to divide it into right and wrong. It is necessary to fight against any of its manifestations. At the legislative level, in all countries, it is necessary to strengthen the criminal liability for an act of terror. The law on countering terrorism and criminal legislation must be tightened, up to the introduction of the death penalty.

The system of measures to combat terrorism

The counter-terrorism program appears to consist of the following subsections or blocks:

Legal measures to combat terrorism, including legislation, as well as international conventions on the fight against terrorism and organized crime;

General preventive measures, including the establishment of control over the "markets" of weapons and other weapons of mass destruction;

Administrative and regime measures, which should include measures for interstate cooperation in the field of combating terrorism;

Special (operational, search, technical and security) measures to prevent terrorist manifestations.

It seems that the development, adoption and subsequent control over the implementation of such counter-terrorism measures is one of the urgent tasks of the activities of Russian state authorities.

But along with state bodies, a significant role in the fight against terrorism can be played by the public, including the scientific community, the media, social and political parties, organizations and movements. The refusal of all socio-political forces and subjects without exception from violent and armed methods of struggle for the realization of their goals can become very effective. The most important condition is the elimination of all illegal paramilitary groups in the country. Public authorities could also help end conflicts, internecine clashes, confrontation, reduce social tension in cities and regions of Russia, which is a breeding ground for terrorism and extremism.

Only joint actions of state structures and civil society can become an effective factor in countering the spread of terrorism in Russia, achieving and preserving genuine civil peace in society.

Features of medical and sanitary support in case of terrorist acts

Based on the existing system of medical and sanitary support in emergencies, the provision of medical assistance to the population during terrorist acts is organized as follows.

At the local and territorial levels, the duty teams of the nearest stations (departments) of ambulance are initially sent to the zone of a terrorist act. If their number is insufficient, ambulance teams on duty from neighboring stations (departments) are involved. If necessary, emergency ambulance teams, operational teams of the center for the treatment of acute poisoning and other formations of the disaster medicine service are involved. Specialized medical care, BEMP

Before the arrival of medical units in the zone of a terrorist act (explosion), the territory for their deployment (deployment) and the adjacent territory must be checked by experts-explosives specialists for the presence of explosives.

When taking hostages, it is necessary to expand the nearest medical facilities and prepare them to receive victims. If necessary, reinforce them with teams of specialized medical care, medicines and other medical equipment. When terrorists with hostages move to the escort group, ambulance medical teams are assigned, prepared for emergency first aid measures.

The content of specific first aid measures depends on the damaging factors of the emergency and the nature of the damage. So, in an emergency with a predominance of mechanical damaging factors (they prevail in terrorist acts), they include:

removal or release of destroyed buildings, structures, damaged vehicles from under the rubble;

restoration of patency of the upper respiratory tract, artificial ventilation of the lungs by the "mouth-to-mouth" or "mouth-to-nose" method;

indirect heart massage;

temporary stop of external bleeding by all available methods;

giving the victim an optimal physiological position;

the imposition of dressings on wound and burn surfaces;

immobilization of extremities in case of fractures, extensive burns, crushing of soft tissues, fixation of the body to the board or shield in case of spinal injuries;

pain therapy;

plentiful warm drink with the addition of 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda and table salt per 1 liter of liquid;

plentiful sweet drinks with the addition of alcohol.

The scope of medical assistance to victims with severe trauma on the spot is limited to the provision of first medical, pre-medical, and emergency first aid measures with the subsequent evacuation of the injured to the nearest hospitals for the provision of qualified, and, if possible, and according to indications, specialized medical care.

When loading injured persons onto unadapted vehicles, medical workers must necessarily control the correct placement of injured persons in the vehicle in order to prevent deterioration of the injured person's condition during transportation.

In some cases (significant remoteness, seizure of the nearest medical institution by terrorists, etc.), as the first stage of medical evacuation in the zone of a terrorist act, a hospital (detachment) of a disaster medicine center is deployed in full or in part. Subsequently, if necessary, by ambulances or helicopters, the affected are evacuated to a specialized medical institution (regional, regional, republican hospital, etc.), where they are provided with medical assistance in full, treatment and rehabilitation are carried out until the final outcome. During the evacuation, the capabilities of the air ambulance are used to the maximum.

The injured with the most severe and complex injuries (diseases), who are in a transportable state, can be evacuated, mainly by air, to federal clinics and hospitals.

After the provision of first medical and first aid, those affected by sanitary or additionally allocated vehicles are urgently evacuated to the nearest medical institutions - the first stage of medical evacuation, where the first medical, qualified, and, if possible, specialized medical care is organized and provided.

Taking hostage

In recent years, hostage-taking has become more frequent throughout the world. These crimes, as a rule, are accompanied by an insult to the honor and dignity of the captured citizens, causing them moral and physical suffering, bodily harm or even death.

Therefore, if you are taken hostage by criminals, then the following security measures should be applied:

    do not expose yourself to unnecessary risk and limit any contact with criminals, especially if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs;

    be docile, calm, and as peaceful as possible. Watch closely the behavior of criminals and their intentions;

    at the first opportunity, try to inform your relatives or the police about your whereabouts;

    do not lose heart and in case of a convenient and safe opportunity, flee;

    during the release by the capture group, it is best to lie on the floor away from windows and doors or take cover (hide).

To reduce the risk of theft, the following precautions should be taken:

    know well the area where you live, its secluded areas;

    change the time and route of travel as often as possible;

    choose a route for movement passing through busy and well-lit streets, while avoiding the shortest paths through forests, wastelands, landfills;

    while walking along the route, try to keep your distance from entrances and gateways, as well as from strangers who look suspicious;

    if you feel like someone is stalking you, feel free to turn around and check your suspicions. In the event that these suspicions were confirmed, change the direction, pace of walking or flee;

    do not get into the car with strangers and unfamiliar people;

    if you are attacked with the intent of kidnapping, make as much noise as possible to attract the attention of others and try to fend off the attackers.

It is possible to become a hostage not only as a result of abduction, but, for example, when terrorists seize an airplane, ship, bus or other vehicle.

In a vehicle hijacked by terrorists, stay where you are and try not to draw attention to yourself. Do not react to the provocative actions of terrorists, do not ask them questions and try not to look them in the eye. Follow the terrorists' demands without bickering and ask them for permission for any of your actions. Fake symptoms of illness or feeling unwell if necessary, but avoid rash actions that could endanger your life and the lives of other passengers.

When storming a vehicle with a grab group, immediately lie down on the floor and lie down until the end of the operation. Get up from the floor and leave the vehicle only after the command. Get out as quickly as possible, obey all the commands of the capture group without question.