Ruslan Gelaev. Ruslan Gelaev died with a chocolate bar in his hand

Ruslan (Khamzat) Germanovich Gelaev(April 16, 1964, Komsomolskoye village, Chechnya - February 28, 2004, near the Bezhta village, Dagestan) - Chechen terrorist; an active participant in the Chechen conflict in the 1990s - 2000s on the side of the separatists, “one of the most famous field commanders of the highest echelon,” the newspaper Spetsnaz Rossii noted after his death, held high positions in the Armed Forces of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, right up to to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces (from May 2002 until his death), he held the rank of divisional general. He is also known by his nicknames and radio call signs "Angel", "Black Angel" and "Old Man".


The education he received was three classes of a rural school, although there were rumors about the alleged higher education he had.

In the 1980s, after the death of his father, he went to work in the Omsk region, where he married a local resident of Gubkina Larisa Petrovna. In 1988, their son Rustam was born (died in Syria in 2012). When Gelayev left for Chechnya, his wife Larissa and her son came there and showed the child to her husband's relatives. She wrote to her native village that she would stay in Chechnya, but returned with the start of the second Chechen war. Gelayev worked as a builder, was an employee of the Grozny oil depot, responsible for the sale of petroleum products.

According to the newspaper Spetsnaz of Russia, by the time of the collapse of the USSR Gelayev had three convictions - two for robbery and one for rape.

Since the early 1990s, he began to call himself by the Islamic name Khamzat.

Georgian-Abkhaz conflict

In 1992-1993, together with Shamil Basayev, he participated in the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict as part of the detachments of the Confederation of Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus. By the end of the war, he became one of the most authoritative commanders. Gelayev fought in Abkhazia together with his relative Khamzat Khankarov. In honor of him, he took the name Khamzat. In 1992, he trained under the guidance of Russian officers of the 345th Parachute Regiment. Gelayev showed success in military disciplines. Combat Khamzat Khankarov appointed him platoon commander.

The brutality of Gelayev became known when the inhabitants of Abkhazia on TV identified him as the leader of the bandits and applied to the checkpoints of the Russian peacekeepers in this regard. In 1995, in response to the Shatoy bombing, he personally executed the captured military pilots, throwing them into the abyss.

First Chechen war

Since 1993 he commanded the Borz special-purpose regiment. Returning to Grozny as a winner in 1993, he formed from the veterans of Abkhazia Dudaev's personal bodyguard - the Abkhaz battalion. However, Gelaev soon handed over this unit to Ruslan Labazanov. And he himself began to form and train the first Chechen special forces - the 6th battalion "Borz" ("Wolf"). Jackets with a grinning wolf on the chevrons were worn by both Abkhazian veterans and criminal elements. Having made friends with Salman Raduyev, close to Dudayev, the Siberian poured into his unit the best of Raduev's Presidential berets. As a specialist in petroleum products, Gelayev became Raduev's partner in illegal export of fuel. The lion's share of the profits went to Dudayev, but what was left was enough even for foreign business trips: Gelayev twice took part of his fighters to study in Afghan camps. By the end of 1994, the battalion had grown to a regiment bearing the same name and armed with the most modern weapons, and by no means Chechen Borzoi (submachine guns of a primitive design, handcrafted from low-quality steel). A powerful sniper team was even created, which included, in addition to well-aimed Chechens, snipers from the Baltic states.

Doku Umarov, who was a distant relative of Doku Umarov, who later became the first Emir of the Caucasus Emirate, recalled that when he came to Chechnya before the start of the war, he immediately went to Gelaev: “I came to him in a Mercedes, in shoes and with a cigarette in my mouth and offered my help ... Gelaev looked at me and asked if I was doing a prayer? "

In May 1995 Gelayev was in charge of the Shatoi defense sector. In the war Gelayev entered the rank of lieutenant colonel of the armed forces of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. In 1995, the Borz regiment in the amount of 900 people defended the Shatoisky region. Sniper fire and minefields did not allow the feds to take the city, as well as the villages of Itum-Kala and Khalkina. But the militants were damaged by bombing and rocket attacks. Gelayev announced a large cash bonus to anyone who shoots down a Russian helicopter or plane. In addition, he dispatched small capture teams to hunt down servicemen with blue buttonholes and wings. When a group of captured Russian pilots ended up in his hands, Gelayev promised the federal command to drop them into the gorge if the missile and bomb attacks did not stop. And he kept his word: after another raid on Shatoi, the militants pushed the bound officers onto the sharp rocks. The scene of the execution was filmed with a video camera, and the tape was thrown to the feds with a promise to execute the rest of the prisoners in the same way. The bombing stopped.

Today the FSB officially announced the death of the most famous of the Chechen field commanders, Ruslan (Khamzat) Gelayev. As the head of the Center for Public Relations of this organization Sergei Ignatchenko said, yesterday the corpse of the "Black Angel" was identified by members of his group - by the scars on the body and personal belongings.

Reports of Gelayev's death have appeared in the press several times in recent years - and each time they were subsequently refuted by the Russian military themselves. However, now in the biography of this "outstanding figure" one can finally put an end to it.

Let us remind you that Gelayev was in charge, which in December roamed the Tsuntinsky district of Dagestan, robbing civilians and capturing their villages. In addition, they killed ten soldiers of the border detachment. The operation to neutralize this group lasted two weeks. In the course of it, information appeared that Gelayev, who was at the head of the international detachment of militants, but the command of the Russian troops did not confirm it.

According to the testimony of the captured militants, Gelayev was indeed among them, but immediately after the execution of the border guards, he left the gang. For more than two months he was hiding in an abandoned hut, and last Saturday he decided to leave the territory of Dagestan and go to his base in Georgia.

Two of his accomplices (they are now on the wanted list) took the commander by car to the Chaekha gorge, leading to the Georgian border. Then he went alone. But he was not destined to get to his native Pankisi Gorge: on the way of Gelayev he met a squad of two border guards - A. Kurbanov and M. Suleimanov.

The "Black Angel" was the first to open fire from a machine gun, killing Suleimanov on the spot and seriously wounding his comrade. However, Kurbanov, mustering his last strength, fired at Gelayev, crushing his left arm. After that, the militant, bleeding to death, tried to continue on his way, but the strength was gone. To stop the bleeding, Gelayev cut off his wounded arm himself and tied the stump with a tourniquet. Then he tried to get something to eat: he ate a dry bag of instant coffee, opened it and took a bite of a chocolate bar. With her in the hand of the field commander and found death.

All the details of the tragedy that unfolded in the mountains were read by the police officers on the tracks in the snow after the bodies of its participants were found. Gelayev's body was taken to Makhachkala, where his identity was finally established during the forensic examination and identification by former associates who were under arrest.

Ruslan Gelaev was born in 1964 in the village of Komsomolskoye in the Urus-Martan District of Chechnya. For 30 years he had three convictions, and after the collapse of the USSR he joined the separatists, in particular, he participated in the Abkhaz conflict. In 1996, he was already a well-known commander; under his command, up to a thousand Chechen fighters fought. In 1997-1998 he held high posts in the government of independent Ichkeria. The last major battle under the leadership of Gelayev was the capture of his native village in March 2000.

Ruslan Gelaev. Strokes for the portrait

Nature generously rewarded Ruslan Gelayev - tall, oblique fathoms in the shoulders and huge hands. Such palms are found either in excavators or in pathological killers. A native of the Chechen village of Komsomolskoye, considered an honest labor, let the Komsomol members earn a piece of bread. And he fell in love with a completely different life, fun and full of dangerous adventures. Fate did not play a giveaway with the robber Ruslan for a long time, and after a while his thieves' share firmly blended into the classic scheme: "stole - drank - in prison."

During his three "prison universities" the recidivist thief Gelaev firmly mastered the main Zon law, according to which man is a wolf to man. How many times during the bloody gang warfare his trained bestial instinct helped to emerge victorious!

He had never had any friends in his life. Only temporary travel companions. Whom did he mercilessly surrender, whom he substituted, whom he deceived. In prison, as in the forest, the strongest and cunning survives.

Having rewound another term, the representative of the Chechen mountain teip, Gukhoi, went, as he put it, to “poke around” at the Abkhaz war. He liked the fighting atmosphere. Here the militants did not live according to the laws, but according to the usual thieves' notions. Each is his own prosecutor and lawyer. To the extent of moral licentiousness.

The "jackal" Gelaev also liked the taste of human blood. Therefore, when he returned to his homeland, he was happy to try on the wolf skin of the battalion leader of the self-proclaimed Ichkeria.

The strong-willed and stubborn godfather Gelaev rather quickly put together a gang of criminals released by Dudayev. Soon the gang became known as the Galanchosh Special Forces Regiment. Its commander did not miss the opportunity to stake out a plot for himself in the oil business during the redistribution of property in the republic. Business people, white-collar politicians, and lords drank cognac together and made plans for the future. Chechen gangsters flocked to Chechnya to smell of profit. The Moscow crowned thief in law named Khoza (Sparrow) Suleimanov marched in the forefront, then the Krasnodar-Rostov tandem of the Lobazanov brothers (Ruslan and Said), followed by many others. Among them loomed a figure and our hero. But unlike some, he did not make noise, he waited. Waited in the wings.

"New Chechens" at the next meeting went even further than President Dudayev. They made a truly brilliant decision: if the mafia cannot be defeated, it must be led; and since Dudayev, as it seemed to them, had fulfilled his task, it was necessary to ... move him away from the "trough of power."

But the cunning Dzhokhar got ahead of the criminals and struck first. In August 1994, the presidential guards arrested the leader of the conspirators, Khoza Suleimanov. Gelayev saved him from the massacre. Evil tongues, however, say that Khozu passed ... all the same Gelayev.

Dudayev appreciated the political farsightedness of the recidivist Ruslan and assigned him one of the most "chocolate" points in Chechnya - the Commodity and Production Office (TPK) Grozneftiorgsintez - a kind of oil storage of the republic. From here every day, despite the irreconcilable confrontation between Moscow and Grozny in the eyes of the Russian public, railroad trains with "left" Chechen gasoline and diesel fuel went past the domestic government purse.

They went abroad through the Tuapse and Novorossiysk oil terminals controlled by the Chechen mafiosi. They left, judging by some information, even through the Far Eastern ports - right under the noses of the yawning transport police, the Ministry of Railways, customs, border guards.

And near the golden faucet, at the headwaters of the left gasoline rivers from Chechnya, Ruslan Gelayev did not sleep, he was spinning for three. One can only guess what kind of explosive information he was carrying.

The Gelayev farm worked properly for a whole month and a half after the outbreak of hostilities. In early January 1995, stubborn battles were going on, hundreds of people were killed on both sides, and gasoline car caravans, as if nothing had happened, drove past Russian checkpoints and sailed to the north and east. Guarded in the outer ring of the Gelayevsky TPK "Grozneftiorgsintez" tough guys with insignia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia!

They shut down Gelayev's shop only when the outer guard ring did not come to an agreement with the inner ring of the militants on a new rate for the transit of oil products. In general, the TPK was blown up. According to the Russian version - from injustice, according to the Chechen - foolishness. The fun of Gelayev ended, the harsh working days began.

In that first war, his gang settled in the villages of Komsomolskoye, Alkhazurovo and Goyskoye. She was in no hurry to fight. Many militants are addicted to vodka and drugs. Discipline in the detachment did not just limp, but fell on both legs. And Gelaev at times had to bring his subordinates to life with draconian measures. After "sentimental" conversations with the commander, "lanterns" appeared on the faces of the violators.

To the east of the Gelayevites, on the left bank of the Argun, near the village of Duba-Yurt, in the summer of 1995, paratroopers from Novorossiysk were stationed. At one of the meetings, their senior chief, Lieutenant Colonel Yegorov, summoned the militants to a competition - in full gear, make a march across the mountains for several kilometers. Gelayev accepted the challenge. Then he was very sorry. The "Blue Berets" did not leave any chance for the militants, having outplayed those in all respects. Therefore, Gelayev did not particularly want to fight with the paratroopers, and under various pretexts he dodged the conduct of hostilities.

With Egorov, Gelaev made a secret peace. On the day of the Airborne Forces, the so-called commander of the western front of Ichkeria even treated the landing party with vodka. But they refused. I had to drink vodka only with my own. Learning about the special relationship between Ruslan and the Russian paratroopers, Dudayev was enraged and dismissed Gelayev from his post with a formulation humiliating for the Chechens - for cowardice.

Gelaev woke up from hibernation in the spring of 1996. For the defense of Bamut he even deserved the highest Ichkerian awards. But the war marked him not only with medals. The gunshot wound left marks on the right cheek and throat, and the vocal cords were damaged. It was because of this injury that Gelayev never spoke to journalists.

After the first military campaign Gelayev changed. I quit drinking and grew a beard. Ruslan changed his name to a more Muslim one - Khamzat. The criminal, who always believed only in himself and in the devil, became a Wahhabite.

The guys from Iran (Pakistani military intelligence) looked closely at Gelayev for a long time. Painfully he is tough, quarrelsome, power-hungry, but what a wonderful bouquet of qualities for a politician - hypocrisy, cynicism, treachery! In a word, Gelayev signed a good contract with the Pakistanis. And soon in three controlled villages, he introduced a new religious fashion - Wahhabism. In each courtyard there appeared the Wahhabi Book of Monotheism by the theologian Favzan, typed in the Makhachkala publishing house "Badr" and printed in the Moscow publishing house "Polygran", which prohibits dhikrs (Chechen ritual dances), the cults of saints, sheikhs.

For Gelayev, the age-old Chechen customs (adats), the authority of the elders, and teip kinship seem to have ceased to exist. He obeyed only his changeable mood, his quirks. Those who disagree were immediately declared enemies of Islam.

Using Pakistani money, he organized and led the Wahhabi movement "Tablikhi", became an imam.

This is how the associate professor of the Chechen University Iriskhanov describes what was happening then: “Although the constitution of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria says“ a secular democratic republic ”, the media more often say that we have an Islamic state or“ we are building an Islamic state ”, and you will never hear that we have a democratic ... Who benefits from such a free treatment of status, which creates an image of an Islamic state in the form of what Ichkeria is today? Only to the enemies of Islam. They have the opportunity to say: “Look what is happening in the Islamic state. Lawlessness that never dreamed of. "

But the intellectual Iriskhanov did not know that lawlessness is exactly what is needed by such ignorant imams as the criminal Gelaev. Indeed, in the lawlessness, when the fist replaces the laws of Islam, it is easier to hide your ignorance, to hide moral licentiousness: after all, evil is becoming the norm.

Gelaev always felt when it was necessary to reel the fishing rods. He is one of the few field commanders who slipped unharmed through the open crack of a trap from Grozny in February 2000. He slipped out of Komsomolskoye, got out of the water in the Kodori Gorge of Georgia ... But he did not leave the border guards in Dagestan. He did not manage to deceive death.

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Touches to the portrait Born: 24 (11 old style) July 1904 in the village. Medvedki of the Votlozhemskaya volost of the Veliko-Ustyug district of the Vologda province (now the Arkhangelsk region) Father: Gerasim Fedorovich Kuznetsov (c. 1861-1915), state (state) peasant, Orthodox

From the author's book

Ruslan Aushev. Touches for the portrait In March 1993, Aushev was elected President of Ingushetia. More than 95 percent of voters voted for him. In the republic, despite fresh wounds after the tragic events of the fall of 1992 (when the armed Ossetian-Ingush

From the author's book

Vladimir Chub. Touches for the portrait I met Vladimir Fedorovich in 1995. I was then the commander of the 58th Army, and he headed the administration of the Rostov region, although he was not yet considered a "political heavyweight". But besides this, Chub was a member of the Military Council

From the author's book

Ruslan Gelaev. Sketches for the portrait Nature generously rewarded Ruslan Gelayev - tall, oblique fathoms in the shoulders and huge hands. Such palms are found either in excavators or in pathological killers. Honest labor, considered a native of the Chechen village of Komsomolskoye,

From the author's book

Touches for a portrait of Pierrot I met the artist Vasily Mikhailovich Shukhaev in the early sixties. It was in Tbilisi, where he settled after the war. Our acquaintance was not close, but at the same time it was extremely significant for me. Shukhaev was a man

He worked in Grozny at a petroleum storage depot, was in charge of the distribution of petroleum products.

1992 - 93 together with Shamil Basayev he fought in Abkhazia.

Under Dzhokhar, Dudayev commanded the "presidential" special forces regiment, he was entrusted with the protection of the "special zone" around the oil plants in Grozny.

During the first Chechen war, he was a field commander in the western regions of Chechnya.

In 1995, in response to the bombing, Shatoy executed captured military pilots by throwing them into a quarry.

On May 27, 1995, Gelayev's people shot Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Zryadny and Senior Lieutenant Yuri Galkin in the village of Kharsenoy. In total, 8 people were killed by Gelayev's decision.

In March 1996, he led a raid on Grozny (the capture of the city lasted 3 days). Leaving the Chechen capital, Gelayev took more than 100 civilians hostage.

Best of the day

After Khasavyurt (1996) Gelayev made the Hajj to Mecca and took the Arabic name Khamzat.

With the support of Salman Raduyev, he created the organization "Movement of Patriotic Forces", which was in opposition to Maskhadov.

Since April 1997 - Deputy Prime Minister of Ichkeria.

Since January 1998 - Minister of Defense.

On July 28, 1999, he was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of the Chechen government (he was entrusted with overseeing the security forces).

During the second Chechen war (1999), he headed the northwestern defense front of the republic, then the southwestern defense sector of Grozny, and then became the head of the defense of the entire capital.

In March 2000, he headed the defense of the village of Komsomolskoye, where he lost about 1200 of his "fighters". He declared jihad to Barayev for not sending reinforcements to the Komsomolsk. Soon after that, the media began to report about armed clashes between Barayev and Gelayevites: in July 2000 there was a battle in the region of the village of Shalazhi, and earlier there was a clash of militants in the suburb of Grozny Chernorechye - about 40 "fighters" were killed.

At the end of 2000, information appeared that Gelayev had retired from active hostilities and was looking for contact with the Kadyrov administration.

According to the FSB, since April 2001 Gelayev, together with his detachment (about 500 militants) has been in Georgia.

According to the Georgian special services, Gelayev and his detachment are in Ingushetia.

Gelayev left Georgia twice: in 2001 it ended with the defeat of militants in Abkhazia, in 2002 - in Ingushetia.

On November 9, 2001, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office sent Georgia a demand for Gelayev's extradition. Tbilisi, however, claims that Gelayev is not on the territory of Georgia.

In May 2002, he was appointed commander-in-chief of the armed forces of Ichkeria.

Third-party assessments, characteristics

In May 2001, on ORT, the Russian presidential aide Sergei Yastrzhembsky showed an episode of Shamil Basayev's video message to Ruslan Gelayev, who was allegedly in Georgia, made in late winter - early spring of this year and at the disposal of the Russian special services. According to the video letter, Basayev says that he and Khattab have prepared a plan to confront the federal forces for the spring and summer period, have bought 1,500 grenade launchers and a lot of cartridges. .. Basayev asks Gelayev to help with the purchase of Strela missile systems and anti-tank guided missiles. It is becoming clear, writes Nezavisimaya Gazeta, that the figure of Gelayev, who came into conflict with almost all the leaders of the gangs after the crushing defeat in Komsomolskoye, cannot be underestimated and he remains one of the most influential separatist leaders. ("Nezavisimaya Gazeta", May 2001)

At the end of 2000, information appeared that Gelayev had retired from active hostilities and was looking for contact with the Kadyrov administration. Indeed, Kommersant writes, Gelayev's voluntary surrender would mean a complete moral victory over the militants, since they have no other such authoritative commander and ideological fighter. The rest are either Wahhabis, whom few people love in the republic, or simply bandits. Gelayev is respected in Chechnya.

Gelayev became one of the most popular Chechen leaders and at the same time favorably distinguished himself from many of his "colleagues", who also had considerable weight in Chechnya. If, for example, Basayev and Raduev were not so much respected (although at first they were very popular), as they were afraid or, at best, were forced to endure, then Gelayev was a truly authoritative figure. He was not involved in terrorist attacks or kidnappings, and in general, his interests were far from war. After the first Chechen campaign, he devoted himself entirely to religion and said that he would take up arms only in the face of a new external danger. ("Kommersant", 2000)

In August 2000, Brigadier General Dalkhan Khozhaev was killed in Chechnya. He commanded a special brigade with Ruslan Gelayev and, they say, was extremely loyal to him ... The Chechens decided that the murder was a blow to Gelayev himself ... Baraev are old enemies. The other day, for example, their units clashed in the mountains near the village of Shalazhi - even mortars were used. The losses, however, were not very great: seven people were killed and about a dozen wounded. But it is possible that among those killed there were people close to Barayev. So, perhaps, the death of Khozhaev is revenge. ("Kommersant", 2000)

One of the most ruthless field commanders. As a rule, he did not take prisoners. During the Abkhazian war (1992-1993) he personally cut the throats of 24 captured Georgians when his comrades refused to shoot them. The cruelty of Gelayev became known when the inhabitants of Abkhazia on TV identified him as the leader of the bandits and addressed the checkpoints of the Russian peacekeepers in this regard. In 1995, in response to the bombing, Shatoy executed captured military pilots by throwing them into a quarry. Twice, together with his detachment, flew to training bases in Pakistan. Ruslan Gelayev's detachment, along with the "Abkhaz battalion" of Shamil Basayev, is considered one of the most efficient units in the armed forces of Ichkeria. (Izvestia, 1999)

Gelayev is known as one of the opponents of Wahhabism, and therefore could not find a common language with many field commanders. After fierce fighting in the village of Komsomolskoye in March last year, where he lost about 1,200 of his fighters, the leader managed to get into Ingushetia. Finally, relations with the Wahhabis soured after he vowed to take revenge on Barayev. The latter, despite sworn assurances, never sent help to the militants surrounded in Komsomolsk. Today, a not entirely clear attitude has developed towards Gelayev. At the end of last year, information appeared that this field commander was actively seeking contact with the new administration of Chechnya. Akhmad Kadyrov did go to Ingushetia to negotiate with several of Gelayev's subordinates. Maskhadov, in his address to the militants, even branded Gelayev with shame and once again demoted him. The fact that negotiations with Gelayev are possible was hinted at in the apparatus of Viktor Kazantsev. But the plenipotentiary himself denied these allegations a few days later. It is likely that there is some kind of agreement between Gelayev and representatives of Akhmad Kadyrov. Perhaps the field commander was simply persuaded to retire. This can explain the "general's" retreat in the mountains of Georgia. ("", January 2001)

According to Russian intelligence, it was Gelayev who was appointed as a kind of supervisor of the operation to transfer mercenaries from Arab countries to Chechnya. According to operatives, the Afghan Taliban are rendering special assistance to him in this. ("Vremya MN", 1999)

Introducing the First Deputy Prime Minister (1999) Maskhadov said that "the general will lead the fight against crime in Chechnya and stable criminal groups." Gelayev's powers also included the fight against corruption in the highest echelons of power. With the arrival of Ruslan Gelayev to a new position, Aslan Maskhadov, as his press secretary noted, "hopes to turn the tide in the fight against crime and especially oil kidnapping and drug trafficking." (RIA Novosti, 1999)

Additional Information

After Komsomolskoye, Gelayev had an aura of some kind of mystical holiness. Ordinary Chechens presented him as an incorruptible and honest mujahid, defending the independence of their homeland. The Chechens leading the republic also considered the field commander a fighter for the idea and called him the most coveted figure in the ranks of their supporters. (Magazine Kommersant-Vlast, 2002)

Unlike other field commanders, Gelayev never killed Chechens. Even traitors. In Komsomolsk, when several militants came to him and said that they wanted to surrender, he replied: "Everyone who wants to, let them go and surrender. The most loyal remain with me, and we are declaring jihad."

Gelayev quickly converged with people, but remained only with those who he needed. For example, he became friends with Salman Raduyev at a time of active social activity of the latter, organizing together with him the "Movement of Patriotic Forces" opposition to Maskhadov. But six months later, he quarreled with Raduev and, at the suggestion of Maskhadov, became Deputy Prime Minister of Ichkeria, and in 1998 - Minister of Defense. Soon after that, he met Arbi Barayev, already then a well-known slave and drug dealer. They say that Gelayev did not approve of Barayev's "business", but he trusted him as a field commander with combat experience.

After Gelayev was all abandoned in Komsomolskoye, Barayev's bandits were the first to suffer in the internecine squabbles at the hands of the Gelayevites. Then Gelaev, as it turns out now, was hiding in Ingushetia for a long time and in May 2000 he moved to the Pankisi Gorge of Georgia. In a short time, he managed to unite under his banners quite a few small Chechen field commanders and make real competition to the gangs of Basayev, Maskhadov and then still living Khattab. This competition boiled down to the interception of drug trafficking channels, the sale of weapons and the delivery of foreign financial aid. ("Rossiyskaya Gazeta", 2002)

Yesterday in Makhachkala, captured militants identified the corpse of, perhaps, the most authoritative of the Chechen field commanders Ruslan (Khamzat) Gelayev. The famous militant was eliminated not by the special forces of the GRU or the FSB, but by two young border guards who accidentally met him near his native village. The FSB is convinced that the death of Ruslan Gelayev, who was forming detachments for the Chechen war in Georgia, will have a significant impact on the situation in the republic. The Chechen leadership does not think so. With details - SERGEY DYUPIN.

The corpse was guarded by the entire department

“You were exactly three minutes late,” the police officer on duty interrupted the Kommersant correspondent, who called the police department in the village of Bezhta. “He was just sent, thank Allah. Look, even a "turntable" in the window is visible.
- Who did they send? Where to?
- Gelayeva, to Makhachkala, - the policeman explained. - And glory to Allah, because now I will finally go to bed. After all, the whole day was guarded by almost all personnel.
The policeman, as it turned out, was not talking about the living, but about the dead Ruslan Gelayev. The corpse of the field commander was brought to Bezhta about noon last Sunday. On the same day, he was supposed to be sent to Makhachkala, but the ambulance helicopter could not take off because of the fog in the mountains, and the evacuation had to be postponed to Monday. Local militiamen could not decide for a long time where to leave the body of Ruslan Gelayev for the night - they received information that the militants would try to recapture it.
In Bezhta, they well remember the last, December meeting with Gelayev's detachment, during which a whole squad of border guards was shot, so the corpse was guarded like a living fighter.
The most reliable and fortified place in the village was, of course, the "monkey house" of the local police department, but the officers on duty flatly refused to spend the night in the company of the dead militant. In addition, the police building is heated, which could adversely affect the body. Therefore, a concrete garage-bunker was taken under the morgue, in which there are usually four police "UAZs". The corpse was laid directly on the concrete floor between the cars. Then they closed and sealed the metal doors, which had never been closed since the garage was built. A dozen of the most experienced militiamen with machine guns were placed around the perimeter of the courtyard - they did not sleep a wink until the body of the "Black Angel" (Gelayev's call sign on the radio) was taken by the "Black Tulip" (military ambulance helicopter).
“Formally, Gelayev’s corpse remains unidentified,” the Dagestan prosecutor’s office told Kommersant. his death and remove his data from the federal and international search bases. In the meantime, Gelayev is legally alive, but in fact dead. The fact is that the corpse of the field commander was identified by eight militants who spent the last few years side by side with Gelayev. "

The commander abandoned his

Ruslan Gelayev was identified by militants arrested on charges of shooting the border guards of the Khunzakh border detachment. Let us remind you that in December last year, a brigade of about 60 armed militants under the general leadership of Ruslan Gelayev penetrated from Chechnya into the territory of the Tsuntinsky district of Dagestan. For several days, the militants rested and stocked up on provisions in the village of Shauri, and then their reconnaissance patrol, which included Commander Gelayev, accidentally went to the border post. The militants could calmly retreat and hide - it was not difficult to do this at night, in a blizzard, but the Black Angel ordered a fight. Commander Gelaev, according to the arrested, setting an example for them, went out on the road with a Degtyarev machine gun at the ready and riddled the border GAZ-66 - the soldiers sitting in the back were killed without even having time to understand what was happening. The tenth victim of this massacre was a young Avar militant. Gelaev gave him a bayonet-knife and ordered to cut off the head of his fellow countryman - the wounded commander of the border post, Captain Rahim Khazikov. The militant refused and immediately received a bullet from the Black Angel.
After the execution of the border guards against Gelayev and his people, a large-scale military operation began with the involvement of artillery, aviation and armored vehicles. Dividing into detachments, the militants ran for almost a month through the Dagestan mountains, from time to time capturing and liberating small mountain villages. As a result, most of the Gelayevites were killed, some of them managed to escape through the passes to Georgia and Chechnya. Eight bandits from Gelayev's inner circle - the very ones who shot the border guards - were taken prisoner.
During the pursuit of militant detachments, representatives of the federal command several times reported the liquidation of Gelayev himself, but in the end he was never found either among the living or among the dead. As it turned out later, the Black Angel eluded the special forces, and at the same time from his subordinates immediately after the execution of the border guards, and all the chases and skirmishes were nothing more than a distracting maneuver of the militants in order to get their commander out of the blow. While the rest froze in mountain caves, perished under avalanches and federal air strikes, actually causing fire on themselves, the Black Angel, with a faithful bodyguard named Bull, sat in a shepherd's barn near the village of Shauri.
The Dagestani operatives still hope to meet with the Bull and the shepherd, the owner of the koshara, who are now on the run, so they asked not to give their names. On Saturday, February 28, presumably Bull and a shepherd in a UAZ took Ruslan Gelayev to the lower reaches of the Chaekha gorge, which runs from the village of Bezhty to the Pankisi Gorge of Georgia.
There the Black Angel was left alone. Saying goodbye to his accomplices, he moved up the gorge. Having lost all his army during an unsuccessful Dagestan raid, the commander decided to leave through the passes to the main base in the Pankisi Gorge, where his wives, children and other numerous relatives still live. Let us recall that the field commander organized most of his sorties from Pankisi, gathering for them detachments of volunteers from almost all over the CIS. However, this time, the Black Angel could not return to the gorge, which had already become native for him.

The last meters on all fours

As they say in the police department of the village of Bezhta, at the same time two 22-year-old local residents were walking down the Chaekha - privates Abdulkhalik Kurbanov and Mukhtar Suleimanov. After serving urgently at a small, unnamed frontier post, the guys stayed to guard the border on a contract basis. Since the outpost is located only ten kilometers from their native village, the contractors could afford to run home from time to time - to get food, meet with friends, and sometimes spend the night on weekends. So it was last Saturday - Abdulkhalik Kurbanov, who got married just a couple of months ago, decided to visit his wife, and the unmarried Mukhtar Suleimanov went to see off his friend.
Perhaps even an experienced border guard would not recognize Khamzat (the Muslim name of Ruslan Gelayev) in a peasant walking towards him. A tousled beard, black Adidas sweatpants with stretched knees, a shabby Alaska jacket, knee-high rubber boots and a knitted hat made him look more like a bum than a formidable field commander. How events developed further, now it will never be possible to establish. Most likely, one of the border guards called out or tried to check the documents of the counterpart - in response, a burst of automatic weapons was heard. The fire was conducted almost point-blank - apparently, until the last moment Gelayev hid a short-barreled Kalashnikov assault rifle under his jacket, so both border guards immediately fell, bleeding. A bullet hitting the head, Private Suleimanov was killed on the spot. Abdulkhalik Kurbanov, wounded in the chest, managed to fire back. His bullets shattered Gelayev's left elbow and practically severed his arm. But the wounded militant was not stopped. As the Dagestani militiamen say, the death of Private Kurbanov also came from a bullet wound in the head - Gelayev finished him off with two shots at point-blank range. And he shot, holding a machine gun in one hand.
However, the Black Angel himself did not have long to live. The way the field commander spent the last minutes of his life was eloquently testified by the footprints in the snow. Immediately after the execution of the border guards, Gelaev rushed up the gorge, but ran only about fifty meters - his strength was melting with every step, since blood was gushing from the commander's hand. Gelaev fought for life to the last. Judging by the pool of blood, he stopped, cut off his left hand and threw it into the snow along with a knife. Then he took out a rubber tourniquet from the first-aid kit, put it on the bleeding stump, took a few more steps, fell, got up again. The Black Angel walked another fifty meters and stopped again. He pulled a can of instant Nescafe out of his pocket and chewed the powder, apparently hoping it would give him strength. Then he took out and took a bite of the Alenka chocolate bar. The field commander crawled on all fours towards the Georgian border for the last meters. He died in this position with a chocolate bar clenched in his fist. His body was found by militiamen who went to search for border guards who did not reach their native village. In addition to chocolate and coffee, a piece of dried lamb fat, $ 200, a package of Rollton vermicelli, a notebook with a long list of mobile phone numbers and a map of the Tsuntinsky district of Dagestan, which marked the path of his grouping in December last year, was found in the things of the late commander.
The FSB announced yesterday that the death of Commander Gelayev would have a very significant impact on the situation in the republic. “He not only formed detachments of militants in Georgia, sending them to Chechnya, but also personally led major operations against federal forces,” noted the Chekists working in Chechnya. Kert (today it is four years since those events - Kommersant), then 84 paratroopers were killed. " In turn, the President of Chechnya Akhmat Kadyrov is sure that with the death of Gelayev there will be no fewer terrorist attacks and murders in the republic. “Earlier,” noted Mr. Kadyrov, “Khamzat was indeed a key figure among the militants. However, after the defeat in Komsomolskoye and other unsuccessful raids, Maskhadov demoted him to the rank and file. Thus, Gelayev was left with only one name, promoted by the media.”