Summaries: Methods of teaching history as a science and academic subject. Methodological foundations of the school history course aleksashkina lyudmila nikolaevna Methodological foundations of teaching history


1 Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Novosibirsk National Research State University" (Novosibirsk State University, NSU) Faculty of Humanities The program is considered Approved at a meeting of the department Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Professor Head. Department, L. G. Panin The main educational program of higher education THE PROGRAM OF THE TRAINING COURSE METHODS OF TEACHING HISTORY IN HIGHER SCHOOL (72 hours, 2 c.u.) Direction of training History Qualification (degree) of the graduate Master's form of study full-time 2011

2 Annotation for the course "Methods of teaching history in high school" for masters studying in the specialty "History" The program of the course "Methods of teaching history in high school" ensuring the implementation of the educational process at NSU. The course "Methods of Teaching History in Higher Education" is organically included in the block of disciplines that make up the curriculum of the Master's program. Its goals and objectives stem from its relevance and significance in the formation of a competency-based approach to the training of a master-historian. In the system of social and humanitarian education: the course acts as an important factor in the formation of the necessary knowledge and skills of the graduate student in the field of university history teaching. In general professional training, the course refers to the cycle of general professional disciplines for training a specialist and allows you to ensure the formation of basic knowledge according to the methodology of university teaching. Purpose of the course: theoretical and practical professional training of graduate students for teaching the subject "History" in higher educational institutions. This goal is achieved through the study of the main trends in the development of higher history education, its content, methods of forming systemic professional thinking, knowledge about the technologies of organizing training for a broad-based specialist. In the course of studying the course, a number of important tasks are implemented: - the practical use of knowledge of the basics of pedagogical activity in teaching a history course at all levels of general and vocational education; - analysis and explanation of political, socio-cultural, economic aspects, the role of the human factor, the civilizational component of the historical process; - study of the possibilities, needs and achievements of students of educational institutions of higher professional education; - organization of the process of teaching and upbringing in the field of education using technologies that correspond to age characteristics and reflect the specifics of the subject area; - design of educational environments that ensure the quality of the educational process; - design of educational programs and individual educational routes; - mastering a variety of educational technologies, methods and techniques of oral and written presentation of subject material; - mastering by graduate students the methods of forming the skills of independent work, professional thinking and the development of students' creative abilities; - mastering by graduate students the basics of using computer technology and information technology in the educational and scientific process; - the formation of an idea among graduate students about the "kitchen" of the historian-researcher. Mastering by students the ability to comprehensively and deeply analyze historical sources and special scientific literature, instilling research skills, the ability to competently express their thoughts and conduct a discussion (which is especially important for teaching). The study of the discipline is based on general methodological training obtained in the course of studying the disciplines of the cycle of social sciences. The student's work here consists, first of all, of his study of his notes of lectures, special literature and sources. The scope and content of this course are determined by the work program. The total workload of the course is 2 credits, 72 hours. Of these, classroom studies - 36 hours (lectures 34 hours, consultations 2 hours), independent work of students 36 hours.

3 The program of the course "Methods of teaching history in higher education" is drawn up in accordance with the requirements for the mandatory minimum content and level of preparation of an academic master in the direction of History in order to ensure the implementation of the educational process at NSU. Author: Pikov Gennady Gennadievich, Doctor of Culturology, Professor 2. The list of planned learning outcomes in the discipline, correlated with the planned results of mastering the educational program. Purpose of mastering the discipline: The discipline is intended for masters of the history department of the humanities faculty. The course "Methods of Teaching History in Higher Education" is organically included in the block of disciplines that make up the curriculum of the Master's program. Its goals and objectives stem from its relevance and significance in the formation of a competency-based approach to the training of a master-historian. In the system of social and humanitarian education: the course acts as an important factor in the formation of the necessary knowledge and skills of the graduate student in the field of university history teaching. In general professional training, the course refers to the cycle of general professional disciplines for training a specialist and allows you to ensure the formation of basic knowledge according to the methodology of university teaching. Purpose of the course: theoretical and practical professional training of graduate students for teaching the subject "History" in higher educational institutions. This goal is achieved through the study of the main trends in the development of higher history education, its content, methods of forming systemic professional thinking, knowledge about the technologies of organizing training for a broad-based specialist. In the course of studying the course, a number of important tasks are implemented: - the practical use of knowledge of the basics of pedagogical activity in teaching a history course at all levels of general and vocational education; - analysis and explanation of political, socio-cultural, economic aspects, the role of the human factor, the civilizational component of the historical process; - study of the possibilities, needs and achievements of students of educational institutions of higher professional education; - organization of the process of teaching and upbringing in the field of education using technologies that correspond to age characteristics and reflect the specifics of the subject area; - design of educational environments that ensure the quality of the educational process; - design of educational programs and individual educational routes; - mastering a variety of educational technologies, methods and techniques of oral and written presentation of subject material; - mastering by graduate students the methods of forming the skills of independent work, professional thinking and the development of students' creative abilities; - mastering by graduate students the basics of using computer technology and information technology in the educational and scientific process; - the formation of an idea among graduate students about the "kitchen" of the historian-researcher. Mastering by students the ability to comprehensively and deeply analyze historical sources and special scientific literature, instilling research skills, the ability to competently express their thoughts and conduct a discussion (which is especially important for teaching). 3

4 The study of the discipline is based on general methodological training obtained in the course of studying the disciplines of the cycle of social sciences. The student's work here consists, first of all, of his study of his notes of lectures, special literature and sources. The scope and content of this course are determined by the work program. 2. Place of discipline in the structure of the educational program. The training course "Methods of Teaching History in Higher Education" belongs to the variable part of Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)" of the Master's educational program in the direction of History. The course occupies its own niche in the system of those disciplines that are taught at the faculty. Having close ties with other general courses, it provides an opportunity for comparative historical and historiographic analysis, developing them and at the same time forming its own specific area of ​​knowledge. The structure of the training course as a whole fully corresponds to the problems prevailing in this area and the required standard, which is reflected in the main sections and topics of the course. To study the discipline, knowledge, skills and competencies are required, acquired by students in the study of basic general cultural and historical disciplines: "History of the Middle Ages", "Methodology of History", "Political Science". Mastering the discipline is necessary as a prior or parallel in the study of the following courses: "History of Culture", "Philosophy". To study the discipline, knowledge, skills and competencies acquired by students in a secondary general education school are also required. As a result of training in the discipline, the student must achieve the following educational results: Know - current trends in the development of the educational system; - the fundamentals of pedagogical activity in teaching a history course in a general education school (at all levels), as well as in educational institutions that provide secondary specialized and higher education; - modern methodological principles and methodological techniques of historical research; - achievements of modern pedagogical science in the field of school and higher professional education; - criteria for innovative processes in education; - principles of designing new curricula and developing innovative methods of organizing the educational process; - principles of using modern information technologies in professional activities. To be able to - master the resources of educational systems and design their development; - to introduce innovative techniques in the pedagogical process in order to create conditions for effective motivation of students; - integrate modern information technologies into educational activities; - to build and implement promising lines of professional self-development, taking into account innovative trends in modern education; - to cooperate with representatives of other fields of knowledge in the course of solving research and applied problems; - independently acquire and use new knowledge in practice 4

5 and skills, including in new areas of knowledge that are not directly related to the field of activity, to expand and deepen their scientific outlook; - to use thematic network resources, databases, information retrieval systems in historical research. Have an idea - about modern methods and methods of teaching history in a higher professional school; - on the methods of analysis and critical assessment of various theories, concepts, approaches to building a system of lifelong education; - on ways to replenish professional knowledge based on the use of original sources, including electronic and in foreign languages, from different areas of general and professional culture; - about technologies for conducting experimental work, participation in innovative processes. - on the skills of searching for the necessary information in electronic catalogs and in network resources; - about the art of conducting a discussion, a logical and well-reasoned presentation of your thoughts. The acquired knowledge and skills are designed to form the student's ability to competently formulate and solve problems arising in the course of research and pedagogical activities in the field of medieval studies, to conduct independent research, creatively applying well-known and developing new methods and techniques. The listed results of education are the basis for the formation of the following competencies: general cultural competencies: 1) the ability to communicate in oral and written forms to solve problems of interpersonal and intergroup interaction (OK-5). 2) the ability to work in a team, tolerantly perceiving social, ethnic, confessional and cultural differences (OK-6). professional competencies (PC) in pedagogical activity: the ability to conduct training sessions on the history of the Middle Ages in general and professional educational organizations (PC-5); the ability to prepare teaching materials for classes and extracurricular activities based on existing methods (PC-6); in research activities: possession of the skills of preparing scientific reviews, annotations, compiling abstracts and bibliographies on the topic of ongoing research, methods of bibliographic description; knowledge of the main bibliographic sources and search engines (PC-3); possession of the skills of participation in scientific discussions, presentation of messages and reports, oral, written and virtual (placement in information networks) presentation of materials of their own research (PC-4). 5

6 Semester A week of a semester 4. Content of the discipline "Methods of teaching history in higher education", structured by topics (sections) indicating the number of astronomical hours and types of training allocated for them. The total labor intensity of the discipline is 2 credit units, 72 hours. Of these, 36 hours for contact work with the teacher. (lectures 36 hours), for independent work of students - 36 hours. n / a Section of the discipline 1. Modern development of higher education in Russia and abroad. 2. Designing the educational process. 3. Lecture as a form of organization of the educational process in higher education. 4. Seminars in higher education. 5. Innovative technologies for the implementation of the educational process. 6. Independent work of students (IWS). 7 Fundamentals of pedagogical. Types of educational work, including independent work of students and labor intensity (in hours) Le ktsii Form of intermediate certification (by semester) in total Seminars Samost. slave Forms of monitoring progress (by weeks of the semester) monitoring in higher education. 8 Psychology of higher education Consulting Total Test COURSE CONTENT 1. Modern development of higher education in Russia and abroad. The role of higher education in modern civilization. The place of the university in the Russian educational space. Fundamentalization of education in higher education. Humanization and humanization of education in higher education. Integration processes in modern education. Educational component in vocational education. Informatization of the educational process. The Bologna System and the Russian Higher School. 2. Designing the educational process. Stages and forms of pedagogical design. Classification of teaching technologies of higher education. Designing learning objectives based on diagnostic approaches. Teaching as an activity of the educational process. Designing training content. Educational and regulatory documents organizing 6

7 implementation of learning objectives. Designing the content of an academic subject as a didactic task. Designing the content of academic subjects in history. 3. Lecture as a form of organization of the educational process in higher education. The role and place of the lecture at the university. Lecture structure. Assessment of the quality of the lecture. Development of the lecture form in the system of higher education. New lecture forms: problem lecture, lecture for two, lecture-visualization, lecture-press conference. Basics of preparing lecture courses in history. Written text as a means of organizing and transmitting information. Designing a descriptive educational text for a lecture. Methodological aspects of the presentation of the lecture text. Psychological features of the teacher's activity during the preparation and reading of a lecture. The specificity of the teacher's communicative culture at the lecture. A culture of speech. The choice of grammatical forms and structures. The components of public speaking. Features of the psychology of oratory. The essence and genesis of pedagogical communication. Styles of pedagogical communication. Dialogue and monologue in pedagogical communication. The content and structure of pedagogical communication. Features of pedagogical communication at the university. 4. Seminars in higher education. The purpose of the practical training. The structure of practical training. Types of seminars and peculiarities of their organization, when studying courses in history. Proseminar. Seminar. Special seminar. Seminar as interaction and communication of participants. New seminar forms: research seminar, discussion seminar, round table seminar, carousel seminar, brainstorming, business game. Evaluation criteria for a seminar. 5. Innovative technologies for the implementation of the educational process. Information Technologies of Education (ITO). Brief historical background. ITO classification. Characteristics and methods of using automated training systems in training specialists at a university. The main types of software and methodological complexes (PMC) and their relationship with teaching methods. PMK support lecture course. PMK process modeling. Test and control PMK. Electronic textbooks. Expert PMK. Distance learning technology. Brief historical background. Possible approaches to solving the problem of distance learning. The main components of distance education technology. Possible models of distance learning. Didactic features of distance learning. Information and subject support of distance learning technology. Distance learning technology based on computer telecommunications. Virtual learning as an educational paradigm shift. 6. Independent work of students (IWS). Informational and methodological support of students' independent work. Out-of-class and classroom forms of the CDS. Individual and group forms of CDS. Colloquium. Three levels of CPC. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the success of the CDS. Individualization, activation of the CDS. Ways to further improve the CDS. Cognitive and research activities of students. Science and scientific research. Research activities of students as part of their professional training. Methods for obtaining and processing information. Stages of work on term, diploma and dissertation research. Project activities of students. Topic 7. Fundamentals of pedagogical control in higher education. Functions of pedagogical control. Forms of pedagogical control. Assessment and grade. Ways to improve the objectivity of control. Rating system for assessing the quality of assimilation 7

8 teaching material. Testing as a psychological and pedagogical means of assessing the academic abilities of students. Forms of test items. Stages of test development. Methods for evaluating test quality criteria. 8. Psychology of higher education. Features of student personality development. Psychological features of student learning. Problems of improving academic performance and reducing student dropout rates. Psychological foundations of the formation of systems thinking. Psychological features of student education and the role of student groups. 5. The list of educational and methodological support for independent work of students in the discipline This course is very important from the point of view of students studying the historical and cultural issues developed at the department of history. Its study will contribute to an increase in the general cultural and educational level of students, a more adequate understanding of the current level of development of science and the fulfillment of the task set in the NSU Development Program to familiarize students with the technology of processing, storing and transmitting information. Types of extracurricular independent work of students in the discipline "Methods of teaching history in higher education": work on lecture material; work on teaching aids; study and note-taking of sources; writing abstracts. The list of tasks for the student's independent work Themes of the essays The role of higher education in modern civilization. The place of the university in the Russian educational space. The Bologna System and the Russian Higher School. Designing the educational process. Designing the content of academic subjects in history. Lecture as a form of organization of the educational process in higher education. Seminars in higher education. Independent work of students (IWS) as the development and self-organization of the personality of students. Cognitive and research activities of students. Fundamentals of pedagogical control in higher education. Fundamentals of the teacher's communicative culture. Psychology of higher education. Innovative technologies for the implementation of the educational process. Information Technologies of Education (ITO). Information and subject support of learning technologies. Problem learning technology (problem lecture). Modular training technology (lecture-conversation, dialogic activities in practical classes). Differentiated learning technology (lecture-press conference). What is the role of higher education in modern civilization? How do you assess the place of the university in the Russian educational space? How do you assess the opportunities provided by the informatization of the educational process? eight

9 What problems does accession to the Bologna system pose for Russian higher education? List and describe the main stages of pedagogical design. List and describe the main forms of pedagogical design. What role do diagnostic approaches play in the design of learning objectives? Why design training content? What is the specificity of designing the content of academic subjects in history? What place does a lecture occupy in university education? Name and describe the main lecture forms? What are the psychological characteristics of the teacher's activity when preparing a lecture? Describe the features of the psychology of oratory? What is the specificity of the teacher's communicative culture at the lecture? What is the purpose of using practical training in high school? Describe the main types of history seminars? What is a Proseminar? What is the difference between a special seminar and a seminar? Describe the main new seminar forms. What is information technology training? Describe the main types of MVP. What is the specificity of distance learning technology based on computer telecommunications? What are e-textbooks? What place does the independent work of students take in higher education? Compare the out-of-class and classroom forms of CDS - what are their similarities and differences? What are the main ways to further improve the CDS. What is the role of student research in university history education? What are the main ways of obtaining and processing scientific information. Describe briefly the main stages of work on scientific research. What are the functions of pedagogical control? What is a rating system for assessing the quality of assimilation of educational material? How do you assess testing as a psychological and pedagogical tool for assessing students' academic abilities? Describe the main forms of test items. Describe the main methods for assessing the quality criteria of tests. What are the features of student personality development? Describe briefly the psychological characteristics of student learning. What place does the philosophy of history occupy in modern social thought? What are the psychological features of the formation of systems thinking. 6. Fund of assessment tools for intermediate certification of students Assessment of learning outcomes is carried out during the current and final control. Current control is carried out in oral and written form and is associated, among other things, with checking the independent work of students. Forms of current control: 1) collective / pair / group / individual interview on the topics covered, analysis of the results of students' independent work; 2) checking the outlined literature / prepared abstracts / prepared extracts, supporting abstracts, tables, diagrams, abstracts / fragments; 3) verification and discussion of the developed research literature; 4) abstracts, essays, messages. The form of the final control in accordance with the UP is offset. nine

10 7. The list of basic and additional educational literature necessary for mastering the discipline Basic literature: Vyazemsky EE Theory and methods of teaching history: Textbook for universities / EE Vyazemsky, O. Yu. Strelova. M., Smirnov S. D. Pedagogy and psychology of higher education: from activity to personality: a textbook for students. M., Stepanishchev A.T. Methods of teaching and learning history. In 2 hours: Textbook. manual for universities. M., Further reading: Bespalsko V. Pedagogy and progressive teaching technologies. M., Psychology of vocational training. St. Petersburg, Abdulina OA Student personality in the process of professional training // Higher education in Russia Avanesov V. Theoretical foundations of knowledge development in a test form. M., Aleksyuk A. Higher education pedagogy. Course of lectures: modular training. Kiev, Andreev A.A. Introduction to distance learning. M., Andreev G. Teaching and education in universities are inseparable // Higher education in Russia Arkhangelsky S.I. The educational process in higher education, its logical foundations and methods. M., Berak O., Shibaeva L. Setting on the development of a student's personality // Bulletin of higher school Berezhnova E.V., Kraevsky V.V. Fundamentals of educational research activities of students. M., Bershadskiy A.M., Krevskiy I.G. Distance education based on new IT. Penza, Bogomazov G. G. Methods of organizing cognitive and research activities of students: Teaching aid. SPb., Boyko VV Dialogue between the lecturer and the audience: psychological aspects. L., Verbitsky A.A. Active Learning in Graduate School: A Contextual Approach. M., Vorontsov G.A. Written work at the university: a textbook for students. Rostov n / a., Vyazemsky EE Theory and methods of teaching history: Textbook for universities. M., Gamayunov K. K. Independent work of students. Methodical recommendations for teachers. L., Gaponov P. M. Lecture in higher education. Voronezh, Gershunsky B.S. Russia: education and the future. The crisis of education in Russia on the threshold of the XXI century. M., Gershunsky B.S. Philosophy of education for the XXI century. M., Glikman IZ Management of students' independent work (systemic stimulation): Textbook. M., Gorlov O. A. Analysis of the use of free time by students in the days of independent studies // Bulletin of the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples. Series: Experimental, Preventive and Tropical Medicine Gromkova MT Andragogika: Theory and Practice of Adult Education. M., Dzhurinsky A. N. Development of education in the modern world: textbook. M., Distance learning and new technologies in education. M., Zhukov V.M. Criterion for assessing the activities of a university teacher // Veterinary medicine Zmeyev S.I. M.,

11 Zolotarev A. A. Theory and methodology of intensive informatized learning systems. Didactic foundations for creating effective learning systems: Textbook. M., Iudin A., Macrobyte M. Students of Russia and Canada (similarities and differences in attitudes) // Higher education in Russia Kirillov V.I. Logic in the lecturer's speech. M., Kovalchenko I. D. Methods of historical research. M., Kodzhaspirova G.M. Teaching aids and methods of their use. M., Kozarzhevsky A. Ch. Mastery of the lecturer's oral speech. M., Kozmenko V. M. The role and place of exams in the quality control system of education in the humanities and social sciences. M., Koni A.F. Advice to lecturers // Koni A.F. Selected works. M., The concept of creation and development of the distance education system in Russia. M., Lobachev S.L., Soldatkin V.I. Distance educational technologies: information aspect. M., Mashbits E.I. Psychological and pedagogical problems of computerization of education. M., Methods of teaching social studies at school: Textbook for universities / L. N. Bogolyubov; Ed. L.N. Bogolyubov. M.: VLADOS, Okomkov O.P. Modern teaching technologies at the university: their essence, design principles, development trends // Higher education in Russia Fundamentals of pedagogy and psychology of higher education / Ed. A. V. Petrovsky. M., Pavlova L. G. Active forms of teaching lecturers in polemical skills. M., Pedagogy and psychology of higher education: Textbook. Rostov n / a., Pidkasisty P. I. Organization of educational and cognitive activities of students. M., Problems of improving academic performance and reducing the dropout rate of students. L., Psychological and psychophysical characteristics of students. M., Rean A.L. Pedagogical features of interaction between a teacher and a student // Questions of psychology Reshetova ZA Psychological foundations of vocational training. M., Robert I. V. Modern information technologies in education. M., Rogonov P. Not by knowledge alone (about spiritual and moral preparation of students) // Higher education in Russia Rozman G. Organization of independent work of students // Higher education in Russia Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia: In 2 volumes. M., T. 1 , T. 2., Saveliev A.Ya. Teaching technologies and their role in the reform of higher education // Higher education in Russia Savkova Z. V. Lecturer and his voice. M., Stepanishchev A.T. Methods of teaching and learning history. In 2 hours: Textbook. manual for universities. M., Studenikin M. T. Methods of teaching history at school: textbook for universities. M., Khutorskoy A.V. Modern didactics. SPb., Chernilevsky D.V. Didactic technologies in higher education: a textbook for universities. M., Steinberg L.F. Speedy note-taking: Study guide. M., Encyclopedia of vocational education: In 3 volumes / Ed. S. Ya. Batysheva. M., Echo Yu. Written works in universities. M.,

12 The list of resources of the information and telecommunication network "Internet" necessary for the development of the discipline Chronos. World History on the Internet: World Digital Library: Electronic Library of the RSL: Library of Electronic Resources of the Faculty of History, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov: A single collection of educational resources ("Russian educational portal" (Portal "Humanitarian education" (Library of scientific literature "Gumer" (Runivers (Library of the site "Politnauka" (Branch of the State Public Library for Science and Technology SB RAS) Central Library of the Novosibirsk Academgorodok (LIBRARY OF MAXIM MOSHKOV) WORLD HISTORY HISTORY. RU Electronic portal "Educational and methodological kit" Social Science and History of Russia "(Biographical Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron (Great Soviet Encyclopedia" (Description of the material and technical base necessary for the implementation of the educational process in the discipline. slideshow, as well as an interactive whiteboard.At the disposal of the teacher and students there are also computer classes of the UHC, equipped with a minimum of computers each, united in a network structure with Internet access. th library and the Internet. Methodical instructions for students in the discipline. Methodological recommendations for writing essays In a written essay, the master must independently develop one of the proposed topics and show: to what extent general ideas on the history of religion have been mastered, how correctly and creatively this knowledge is applied to the topic under consideration; the ability to independently, based on the study and critical analysis of sources and special literature, determine the meaning of the chosen topic, highlight all issues as fully as possible and draw well-grounded conclusions; to what extent he has a literary style and knows how to correctly arrange a written work. A particularly important role is played by the development of the source, since only in this case it is possible to speak of research work. It should be noted that the purely abstract nature of the abstract reduces its level and takes the student away from the main task. Therefore, the abstract should in no way be a simple statement of information borrowed from the literature. It should analyze all the material related to this topic and contained in the recommended sources, taking into account the literature used. The work should include elements of scientific analysis and, ideally, in its content, strive for a scientific article, although this is not necessary. 12

13 Below are recommendations on how best to prepare the report. 1. Choosing a theme. The topics of the reports are original, not typical, so you should not waste time looking for a finished work on the Internet, even if you can find something consonant with the topic, it will not meet the requirements. The work should be an independent and, ideally, scientific research. Recommended literature is only a certain minimum, starting from which the student only gets acquainted with the topic, delves into the essence of the problem posed. For a full-fledged work, it is required to significantly expand the range of literature on the research topic. Moreover, the very process of searching for the necessary literature is a creative activity, on which the final result of the work largely depends. It is highly desirable that even when choosing the topic of the essay, the student showed maximum independence. Work will be much more effective if the student begins to work on a topic that meets his own interests and inclinations. The student should not strive at all costs to choose a topic that would allow him to make a scientific discovery. It must be remembered that an essay is a form of educational work. If the student is able to speak his mind, express fresh, original judgment, this will add value to the work, but this is not a basic requirement. The student must come to what others have already reached before him, but let him walk this path on his own, polish his ability to work with material, and master the techniques of research. The final formulation of the topic of the work, as a rule, is left to the student himself, but this can be done using lists of exemplary topics. Having chosen a topic, you should: familiarize yourself with the range of issues related to it, repeat the lecture material and view again, from a different angle of view, the special literature recommended for classes. As a result, the student should get a clear idea of ​​the essence of this topic, its place and significance in the subject of the course; get acquainted with the generalizing works. If there is no general literature on a topic or it is difficult to access, you can get by with textbooks. The result of this stage should be a preliminary outline of the abstract. It is better to draw up this plan immediately in its expanded form, without fear that in the future it will have to be repeatedly refined, and, perhaps, reworked. Drawing up a plan already at the initial stage of work on a topic is extremely necessary, because without it it is impossible to single out the range of issues to be studied, the sequence of their study, and finally, it will be difficult to determine the direction of work in the library. The plan should help: 3.1. expand the topic and find answers to the questions posed. Each subsequent point of the plan should logically develop the previous one.Using the problem-chronological approach, isolate the necessary particular problems and show what the studied phenomenon was, what changes it underwent over a given period of time and what it became as a result of these changes. All collected material is distributed in accordance with the work plan. In the process of analyzing the material, working hypotheses are developed - general (key idea) and particular ones - on individual issues of the topic. In the course of research, some hypotheses may go away as untenable and others appear. The result of the systematization and analysis of the material, the elaboration of hypotheses and the key idea on this basis is the development of the original concept of the author of the report. The student should constantly maintain contact with the scientific advisor, inform him about the results of his work, in case of difficulty, seek scientific and methodological help. If in the course of work it becomes necessary to clarify, correct, 13

14 and sometimes change the topic of research, all these changes are determined and introduced also with the help of the supervisor. 2. Compilation of bibliography. Most of the recommended books and articles are available in the university library. If they are not there, you can contact the State Public Scientific and Technical Library, the Regional Scientific Library. Literature can also be ordered by interlibrary loan (IBA), which is available in the university library. Those who have computer skills can successfully use the Internet system to prepare for classes. Literature search in the library is carried out according to the alphabetical and systematic catalog and the catalog of periodicals (magazines). Since the exact output data of the works are already known, it is possible to refer directly to the alphabetical catalog and the catalog of periodicals. It is possible and necessary to attract additional literature, in this case it is necessary to look for the corresponding section in the systematic catalog. The bibliographer on duty can help if you have any difficulties. The compilation of a bibliography of historical literature proper should begin simultaneously with a preliminary acquaintance with the issue. In addition to the recommended literature, library catalogs (you need to start with a systematic one), footnotes and bibliographic references in the studied works, both recommended and identified independently, will serve as sources for compiling a list of references; guided by them, you need to refer to the alphabetical catalog. You can refer to various bibliographic references and other indexes. Thus, as a result of a large and lengthy work on compiling a bibliography, many titles of books, articles, sources, etc. are accumulated. To be able to navigate this diverse bibliographic material, it is advisable to start a card index from the very beginning. It can be on paper or electronically. In the first case, it should become a rule that a separate card should be filled in for each monograph, article, source, etc. The card must indicate the name and initials of the author, the full title of the work, place of publication, publisher, year of publication; for magazine articles - year of publication, number of the magazine, pages. It is desirable that the cards are filled in uniformly and there is free space for notes about the book, article (its content, structure, what sources it is written on, etc.). 3. Study of literature and collection of material Study of literature: It is necessary to begin work with the study of literature, because this will allow the student to comprehend the range of those problems on this topic that have already been covered or touched upon by his predecessors. This will save him from the danger of making "discoveries" made before him. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the initial methodological guidelines of the authors of the studies under study. Academician N. M. Druzhinin advised “to distinguish three circles of problems that arise from a preliminary study of literature: 1) problems posed and resolved by previous authors, 2) problems posed but not resolved or resolved incorrectly, 3) problems that should be posed and resolved, but dropped out of sight of the previous authors. " thoughts of a historian. Moscow: Nauka, S

15 of the corresponding book or article to record your opinion about it. This can be done on a bibliographic card, and if there is not enough free space, continue writing on one or two cards and staple them. Subsequently, all these annotations made on bibliographic cards can serve as the basis for compiling a historiographic review. 4. Working with historical sources. If a student first gets acquainted with the problem, the analysis of the source is most often more effective after preliminary acquaintance with the recommended literature, but after entering this problem with the help of special literature, it is necessary to return to the analysis of the source, and the purpose of this work is to form their own ideas about the problem under study with support. to sources and special literature. In order to comprehend all, sometimes considerable, material, you need to correctly master the technology of work. The experience of a number of leading scientists convinces us that it is better to use cards for records of all kinds. There is no need to rewrite or outline the studied works (except for those containing guidelines, methodological provisions, where the outline is necessary). It is necessary to focus on the facts presented and on the most important conclusions. Extracts can be of a different nature, include various data, but it is desirable that each entry on the card be thematically limited. The format of the card does not really matter, but it is better to adhere to one standard, sufficient to make more or less significant extracts. And you should definitely leave on the cards the fields that you may need for your own comments, notes, etc. Free space on the cards is also necessary to designate the relevant thematic headings when organizing the collected material. When working with sources, it is imperative to record the following: a) the author; b) time of writing; c) the volume of the source; d) its type (legislative document, decree, manifesto, memoirs, diaries, office documentation, statistical materials, etc.); e) a form (whether the text has a certain structure or is it written in a "free style"). You can also keep a synopsis of the works read, which is a systematic record of the text, in general terms, reflecting its structure and content. Abstracts are short and detailed. In a short synopsis, the main provisions (theses) of the work are fixed, in an expanded, in addition to the theses, a detailed presentation of its individual parts is given. 5. Systematization of the collected material. After completing the study of sources and literature, work begins on the analysis and systematization of the collected material. After viewing the cards and abstracts, the necessary information is selected - they are distributed in accordance with the purpose and objectives of the report. At this point, the final work plan is determined. New plots appear, which are suggested by the material itself. It is necessary to draw up an extremely detailed plan, which may contain up to several dozen points. At the same time, the general structure of the main part is revealed - chapters, paragraphs. The grouping of accumulated materials is not a technical work. The selection of facts itself presupposes the development of working hypotheses (general and related topics). At the same time, it may turn out that not all paragraphs are fully provided with factual material (this will clearly be clarified when the cards are divided into chapters and paragraphs), then you will either have to turn to the sources again, or revise the structure of the report as a whole and its individual parts, or maybe , and revise the outlined hypotheses. Graduation - 15

16 The final result of the systematization of the material should be the development of an unambiguous, strictly tested, positive concept. 1. Writing an abstract. This is the final stage. If there is a well thought out plan, each point of which is provided with material, then writing a report should not cause especially great difficulties. It is necessary to start with the main part, but by no means with the introduction. Only in the process of working on the main part will it be possible to fully comprehend the sources and special literature. The creative process is subtle and individual, but the following rules are common to all authors: regularity of work, thoroughness, lack of haste. In order to write an essay of about pages in size, calculated for minutes, and for it to be thorough and arouse the interest of other students, you need to spend 1.5-2 months. First, a draft is written, and practice shows that it is better to write an abstract on separate sheets: it is easier to replace them when revising or revising the abstract after discussion or comments from the teacher. Pages should be numbered. It is also necessary to leave fields for the instructor's comments. Before submitting the abstract, the teacher should reread the entire text (including the outline and bibliography), correct mistakes, inaccuracies, stylistic errors, etc. by the time it was presented to the teacher, the abstract had been completed as much as possible in all respects. The structure of the abstract and the requirements for its design. The structure of the abstract. Structuring the work at the writing stage is necessary in accordance with the logic of the chosen topic. The written work should contain a title page, plan, introduction, main part, conclusion, list of sources and literature. 3) The plan of the abstract The plan should be detailed: it should indicate the main sections (chapters) and subsections (paragraphs). All points of the plan are accompanied by an indication of the corresponding pages of the work. Introduction. This is an obligatory and very important section of the report, already from it one can judge the overall level of work, how much the purpose of the essay is comprehended and how independent it is in its work. Its minimum volume is 2 pages. It is intended to identify the problematics of the entire work and its meaning is determined by the fact that it is here that the relevance of the chosen topic should be justified, the goals and objectives of the work are formulated, the object, subject and research methods, the degree of scientific study of this problem are indicated. The initial work on the introduction is done after the plan has been drawn up. At this stage, it is necessary to determine the significance of the problem or topic, goals, objectives, object, subject and research methods. In the process of writing the main part, the text of the introduction is being finalized. The final version of the introduction is drawn up after the completion of the main part. The introduction should contain the following main sections. Justification of the relevance of the selected topic. The student must determine the scientific historical significance of the topic, the place of the problem under consideration in the history of the period to which it belongs. In this section of the introduction, it is necessary to give a detailed answer to 16

17 question "Why is this problem necessary to study at the present time?" In each case, there must be found their own arguments corresponding to this particular topic. In the same part, it is necessary to clearly formulate the specific tasks of the report, indicate the range of issues to be considered, and outline the methodological principles. The subject of research, the territorial and chronological framework of the work are determined. Historiographic review. Determining the degree of study of a given problem or topic is the most important part of the thesis. This should be an analysis of the state of affairs in which this problem has been investigated in the specialized literature, and not a listing of works. It is necessary to trace the extent to which the problem as a whole is covered in the literature, in specific works, which aspects of it require understanding, which of the existing gaps to one degree or another fills this work. In this part, it is necessary to assess the literature studied during the preparation of the abstract from the point of view of how fully, comprehensively, correctly, etc., individual issues and the topic as a whole are covered in these works, than each of the works is important for the chosen topic. At the end of the section, you should summarize, formulate your assessment of the state of development of the topic in the analyzed literature. This section allows you to get an idea of ​​the degree of development of this topic in the literature, to judge the quality of the literature studied by the student and its quantity. Preparation for writing this part obliges the student to delve deeper into the content of the topic, contributes to the development of skills in working with scientific historical literature, its critical analysis. In no case should you slip into the path of annotating literature. Each book or article should be considered in the aspect of the topic being studied and evaluated accordingly. Here it is very important for the student to be completely independent and draw their conclusions only on the basis of independently developed literature. The structure of the section is determined by the peculiarities of the topic, the degree of its study, the availability of literature, the goals of the speaker, etc. Therefore, the literature review can be built according to some specific principle: chronological (allowing to trace the stages of the study of the problem) or problematic (according to which the literature is grouped thematically ). You can combine these two methods or find another that is more appropriate for the particular theme of your choice. The characteristics of the work should be specific, analytical and critical, i.e. examining their merits and demerits in essence and assessing their significance from the point of view of the topic's disclosure. As a result, it is necessary to show what is the general level of study of the topic, what plots need to be further developed and why, what debatable problems exist. It is fundamentally important that: a) the review includes only those works that were worked out by the student independently; b) the analysis of these works was carried out specifically on the chosen topic; c) not only the main ideas of the authors were accurately stated, but also their contribution to the study of the topic was shown. It is not worth entering into polemics with the authors in this section, this is done in the main part of the work, where you can expand the corresponding argumentation. Characteristics of sources. In this, also obligatory, part of the introduction, it is necessary to give a qualified analysis of the source base of the study, highlight the main groups of sources, give them a description, determine what each source gives to reveal the topic, show what the historical sources used in the development of the topic are. Sources - the main object of a student's research work - reach him already processed, often with rather thorough comments. The author of the report no longer has to find out the place, time, historical situation, conditions, reasons and goals of the appearance of each source. But the student needs to conduct a source analysis, that is, the definition of social belonging and political direction.

MINIBRANAUKI RUSSIA Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk National Research State University" Novosibirsk

The work program of the discipline "Fundamentals of educational and research work of students" Level of higher education Bachelor's degree Direction of training 03.03.01 Psychology Qualification Bachelor Profile

MINISTRY OF BRANCHING OF RUSSIA Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Gorno-Altai State University"

1 Contents Introduction. 3 1 General provisions 4 2 Purpose and objectives of the research work of the undergraduate ... 5 3 The content of the research work of the undergraduate .. 8 4 Terms and basic

MINISTRY OF CULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "PETROZAVODSKAYA STATE CONSERVATORY (ACADEMY)

To use in practice new knowledge and skills, including in new areas of knowledge that are not directly related to the defense industry-1 sphere; the ability to use knowledge of fundamental sciences in

CONTENTS 1. Objectives of mastering the discipline ... 6 2. The place of the discipline in the structure of the Bachelor's degree program ... 6 3. Competencies of the student ... 6 4. Structure and content of the discipline ... 9 5. Educational technologies ...

Abstract The discipline "Methods of writing a scientific text" is included in the basic part of block 1 ("Disciplines (modules)") of the training program in the direction of 48.03.01 "Theology" (bachelor's level). The purpose of mastering

The program of the discipline "Psychology and Pedagogy of Higher Education" regulates the issues of its organization and conduct for full-time postgraduate students in the areas of training 05.06.01 "Earth Sciences", 16.06.01

APPROVED at the meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Public Administration on 08.10.2019, minutes Chairman of the Academic Council V.A. Nikonov Pedagogical Practice Program for Program Students

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE RF Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tver State University" Faculty of Economics Work program

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University"

1. Place of the discipline in the structure of the postgraduate program The discipline belongs to the variable 3 disciplines of the postgraduate program. The complexity of mastering the discipline is 3 credit units (c.u.) or 108

CONTENTS 1. General characteristics of the main educational program of higher education ... 3 1.1. OBOR Objectives ... 3 1.2. Qualifications awarded to graduates -... 3 1.3. Characteristics of the professional

Features of religious and religious-philosophical thought of the West and the East, religious and secular philosophy, familiarity with the sacred texts of the religions of the world; OPK-8 the ability to independently analyze religious studies,

KSPEU MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education KAZAN STATE ENERGY

MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "KUBAN STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY"

WORKING WITH LITERATURE In order to learn and assimilate as much as possible from what you read with the least expenditure of effort and time, you need to read productively, using rational methods and techniques. Productive

1. Place of the discipline in the structure of the postgraduate program The discipline belongs to the variable 3 disciplines of the postgraduate program. The complexity of mastering the discipline is 6 credit units (w.u.) or 216


"Baikal State University" (hereinafter referred to as the Institute), establishes general requirements for the content, structure, design of the work program of the discipline (module), regulates the procedure for development and approval.

Substantively independent work of students is determined by Federal standards of higher education, work programs of academic disciplines (modules), educational and methodological complexes of disciplines

Annotations to the work programs of the OBOR practices "General history: global problems and regional aspects" in the field of training 46.04.01 History Name Types (types), forms and methods of conducting

Name Purpose of study Competencies CULTURE OF ACADEMIC TEXT Development objectives: development in the educational process of the skills necessary to create an academic text: scientific publication, synopsis

Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" Description of the educational program of higher education

APPROVED at the meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Public Administration dated 08102019, minutes Chairman of the Academic Council VA Nikonov Pedagogical practice program for students under the programs


RUSSIAN FEDERATION Moscow State Philosophical APPROVED of the Faculty of Moscow State University, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor V.V. Mironov 2012 Industrial practice program Pedagogical practice Direction

K G E U MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "KAZAN STATE ENERGY


1 2 3 Contents INTRODUCTION ... 4 1 EXPLANATORY NOTE ... 5 1.1. Requirements of the state educational standard of higher professional education to the structure and content of the discipline "Scientific

Methodological instructions for students Methodical instructions for full-time students are presented in the form of: methodological recommendations when working on a lecture notes during a lecture; methodical

RUSSIAN FEDERATION Moscow State University. Philosophical faculty of nosov APPROVED of the Faculty of Moscow State University, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor V.V. Mironov 2012 Industrial practice program

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Togliatti State University" HUMANITARIAN AND PEDAGOGICAL INSTITUTE (name of the institute) Department "History

Religious organization spiritual educational organization of higher education "Tambov Theological Seminary of the Tambov Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church" APPROVED Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs "18"

MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Kuban State Agrarian University

Name Research and production practice Course 1, 2 Semester 2, 4 Labor intensity 12 c.u. (432 h.) Forms of intermediate attestation test with assessment Place of practice in the EP structure Practice is included in the variable

With changes approved and approved by the Decision of the Academic Council of the FSBEI VO MGIK Protocol 1 of 08/28/2017 With the changes approved and approved by the Decision of the Academic Council of the FSBEI VO MGIK of 01/30/2017

1. The name of the discipline Methodology for preparing a dissertation research on relations 2. The level of higher education Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school. 3. Direction of training,

Considered at a meeting of the teachers' council Approved by the order of the Alatyr agricultural director of the Alatyr technical school of the Ministry of Education of Chuvashia of the agricultural technical school Minutes of January 29, 2010 1

RUSSIAN FEDERATION Moscow State University and Philosophical Lomonosov APPROVED of the Faculty of Moscow State University, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor V.V. Mironov 2012 Industrial practice program

ABSTRACT Working program of the academic discipline THEORY AND METHODOLOGY OF TEACHING AND UPBRINGING Direction of training: 44.03.01 Pedagogical education (bachelor's level) Profile: Foreign language and second

CONTENTS Introduction. Goals and objectives of mastering the discipline ... 4 1. Thematic plan for mastering the discipline, taking into account the types of independent work ... 5 2. Recommendations for the implementation of independent work ... 6 3.

Private institution of higher education "INSTITUTE OF STATE ADMINISTRATION" Approved by the Dean of the Faculty of Law OA Sheenkov 20 g. METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR WRITING AND REGISTRATION OF ABSTRACTS

1. Objectives of mastering the discipline. The main objectives of the discipline The goal of mastering the discipline "Technology of vocational education" is the formation of a technological culture of teaching postgraduate students,

1 General characteristics of practice 1.1 Types of industrial practice. 1.2 Type of practice I practice. 1.3 Ways of conducting visiting. When determining the places of internship for students with disabilities

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky Faculty of Philosophy Working program of the discipline (module) Methodology and methods of scientific

I APPROVE the educational work of N.I. Arkhipova S? sr? 2018 Annotations of the practices of the educational bachelor's program in the direction 45.03.01- Philology, Orientation (profile) "Applied Philology (foreign


ANNOTATION of the working program of the educational "Pedagogy of higher education" Brief description Competencies formed as a result of mastering the educational Methods of teaching Expected learning outcomes Within the framework of the study "Pedagogy


1. General Provisions 1.1. Regulations on the working program of the discipline (module) for educational programs of higher education programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in (hereinafter referred to as the branch) was drawn up

Autonomous non-profit educational organization of higher education "European University at St. Petersburg" Faculty of Sociology and Philosophy ANNOTATIONS OF WORKING PROGRAMS educational program

APPROVED Dean of the Faculty of Sociology, Pedagogical program for students under the programs of training scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies Direction of training 39.06.01 Sociological

History teaching methodology as a science and academic subject. The subject and objectives of the teaching methods of history, the methods of scientific research used in methodological science.

The method of teaching history is a pedagogical science about the tasks, content and methods of teaching history. Explores the patterns of teaching history in order to improve its effectiveness and quality.

The subject of the methodology is history as a school discipline, the process of teaching history.

The main components are learning objectives, content and structure.

Provides answers to the questions of what to teach, why to teach and how to teach. Tasks: scientific and methodological organization of the educational process, the organization of the student's educational activities, learning outcomes.

Objectives: mastering by students the basics of knowledge about the historical process of the development of society from ancient times to the present day. The development of the ability to comprehend the events and phenomena of reality on the basis of historical knowledge, the formation of values ​​and beliefs of students based on the ideas of humanism, the experience of history, patriotism, the development of interest and respect for the history and culture of other peoples.

The tasks are to determine the content and structure of history education, which are enshrined in standards and programs and, on the basis of them, are set out in textbooks (selection of basic facts, terms, concepts).

Scientific and methodological organization of the learning process (forms, methods, methodological techniques, teaching and learning tools).

The development of the cognitive abilities of students (they develop in the process of teaching history, they learn to understand, assimilate and apply historical knowledge).

Methods of historical knowledge

Historical and genetic method. Epistemological essence and logical nature. Functions of the historical-genetic method in historical research. Specific traits. Descriptiveness, factography and empiricism. Application experience in concrete historical research.

Historical and comparative method. Understanding of historical development as a repetitive, internally conditioned, natural process. Cognitive value and possibilities of comparison as a method of scientific knowledge. Analogy as the logical basis of the historical-comparative method. The use of the historical-comparative method in the practice of concrete historical research. The role of the historical-comparative method in the formation of historical concepts.

Historical and typological method. The interrelation of the individual, the particular, the general and the universal in the historical process as the ontological basis of the historical-typological method. Typologization as a method of scientific knowledge and essential analysis. The experience of using the historical-typological method in historical research in domestic and foreign historiography.

Historical and systemic method. The systemic nature of the historical process. Causal and functional connections in the socio-historical process. Variants of determinism in social systems. The experience of using the historical-systemic method in concrete historical research.

Methodological foundations of history teaching methodology

The question of the scientific status of the methodology of teaching history, as well as the methodology of other academic subjects, was at the center of active pedagogical discussions in the 1950s – 1980s. last century. Then it was attributed to the number of both historical (A.I. Strazhev) and pedagogical (P.V. Gora, S.A. Ezhova, etc.) disciplines. In the modern pedagogical community, the second point of view dominates, but when discussions about history as an academic subject periodically arise, it seems that not all specialists have decided on the scientific status of the methodology of teaching history.

In close connection with the question of the scientific nature of the methodology of a particular academic subject, the question of its methodology is being resolved. So, for example, A.I. Strazhev, considering the methodology of teaching history to be both historical and pedagogical science, argued that it is guided by dialectical and historical materialism as a methodological basis. But at the same time, he showed the methodological significance of pedagogy in more detail and concretely in his works. Another well-known methodologist, V.G. Kartsov, rhetorically asked: "Isn't the methodology of teaching history supposed to be based on the methodology of historical science itself?" the object itself. " A.A. Vagin, consistently defending the pedagogical nature of the methodology, emphasized that "the direct methodological basis of the methodology of teaching history ... is the Marxist-Leninist pedagogical theory ...". All these ideas led to the conclusion that the methodology of teaching history is of a class, party nature (S.A. Ezhova and others).

In the 1990s. the methodology of not only the historical and pedagogical sciences, but also of private (subject) methods, especially the methodology of teaching history and social studies, has undergone a fundamental revision. “In teaching social disciplines, all the contradictions of Russian society, which is going through a transitional period of its development, are focused. The de-ideologization of school social science education in practice meant only its decommunization, the rejection of Marxist ideology. The crisis in society affected the state of social sciences, school social studies and did not allow formulating a new positive strategy for school social studies ... "(" Strategy for the development of historical and social science education in educational institutions ", No. 24/1 of 28.12.1994) This document was recommended to continue the development of a new concept of history education based on the achievements of modern science, historical synthesis, a combination of sociological, geographic-anthropological, cultural-psychological approaches.

In the modern archives of teaching methods, there is more than one project of concepts of the educational field "Social Studies", the academic subject "History" and individual courses, which for various reasons did not receive the status of an official document.

The theoretical and methodological basis of work in the field of school history education in recent years has been various conceptual approaches that synthesize the ideas of the philosophy of history and philosophy of education, humanistic pedagogy and psychology, the theory of upbringing, personality-oriented and developmental education. A new impetus to the development of scientific and methodological knowledge is given by specialists' appeal to the ideas of pedagogical axiology, pedagogical praxeology, and pedagogical mythology.

Functions of the methodology of teaching history as a science

There is a figurative definition of the methodology as a reliable "bridge from theory to practice."

An extremely important function of any science is to express its attitude to experience, to solved and especially unsolved problems of education from the perspective of its own, specific aspect vision. In this sense, any science begins with practice.

Therefore, the first function of science is descriptive, stating, focused on an objective presentation of the real facts of educational activity available for this science, empirical data of experience, practice.

But the empirical basis of science is not a simple set of facts, therefore the second most important function of science is diagnostic, contributing to the selective assessment of the obtained facts, their comparison, correlation with criteria, systematization, classification, etc.

The empirical basis of science can claim to a certain completeness only if the data of practical experience have received their own scientific explanation. It follows from this that the third function is explanatory, aimed at detecting cause-and-effect relationships in the phenomena under consideration, at identifying trends and certain patterns in them.

However, it is important not only to describe and explain this or that experience, which has a purely local significance, but also to substantiate the possibility of using this experience in new conditions, making it the property of more widespread practice. The transformation of practical experience and facts into abstracted knowledge, capable of discerning the typical, regular and regular in phenomena, leads to the formation of theoretical knowledge, theory. Theoretical knowledge accumulates data from different sciences, so any theory in the field of education is interdisciplinary. (Remember in this connection about the general theoretical foundations of the methodology and its dangerous connections with other sciences!)

Along with the inductive movement of knowledge (from practice to theory), a deductive flow of ideas and information is possible and urgently needed, which makes it possible to assimilate data from other sciences and a wide international experience in a particular educational theory. In this regard, the fourth function of science plays an important role - the predictive one, which makes it possible to foresee the possible consequences of the practical use of concepts, doctrines, and innovative technologies.

In turn, theoretical knowledge can and should be presented in practice not only in the form of strictly scientific texts, but also in the form of methodological knowledge adapted to it. It is wrong to believe that the transformation of scientific knowledge into methodical knowledge is a kind of purely mechanical, routine interpretation, devoid of creativity.

This process is associated with the following functions:

projective-constructive, with the help of which theoretical projects are translated into real educational constructions;

transformative - translating the parameters of practice, from which scientific research is based, to a higher quality level;

criterion-evaluative - engaged in the development of criteria and assessment of the changes that have taken place;

w correctional - ensuring the continuous development of educational and pedagogical activities.

The corrective-reflexive function of science, in essence, begins another, new cycle of movement of the entire system "practice - science - practice", sets the dynamics and vital energy to the entire educational process.

Hence it follows that it is deeply mistaken to evaluate methodological knowledge only as auxiliary, intermediate knowledge, necessary only for servicing the theory, translating it into the language of practice. The formation of workable methodological knowledge, according to B.S. Gershunsky, “requires the highest scientific qualifications, since a true methodologist is not only a specialist who knows the true and constantly evolving needs of practice, but is also capable of assessing the true capabilities of science, capable of“ joining ”scientific proposals with practical demand, to make them complementary and mutually enriching. "

Method - History teaching method -

subject of methodology Object

Key learning factors

learning outcomes.

1. History learning objectives

Methods for studying chronology.

The teacher helps students understand how people measure time. the teacher conducts a conversation, finding out what events the students remember from the past year, what has changed in the life of their family during that time. Then he brings them to an understanding of the length of their life - 10-12 years: what do you remember the very first thing in life, what was the most important thing that happened over the years?

The teacher draws on the blackboard time line. This is a straight line, divided into equal segments, meaning a certain number of years. This line marks the average life expectancy of students in the class. Pupils work with a timeline in their notebooks. Then the teacher turns to a conversation about the life expectancy of the student's parents: what do they know about the age of their parents, which of them is older, how much older the grandmother is than the mother. The average age of the parents is also marked on the timeline. At home, students should find out in what years the most memorable events in the life of their parents took place.

Having mastered the decades, the students move on to the centuries. The historical prescription of this period is measured by the number of generations that have changed during this time.

The teacher tells how to define the century.

While practicing the primary chronological skills, one should go not only from year to century (1540 - XVI century), but also from century to year. The teacher finds out with the students what events took place at the beginning, the first half, the second half, at the end of a century. Each new date is linked to the previous one. To do this, the teacher asks: “how many years have passed 6 ... ","when it was". Having named the year, the student explains to which age he belongs.

In the process of explaining the new, the main and key dates are fixed on the board. The main ones are recorded on a larger scale and are framed. Sequential dates are placed in a vertical column, and synchronous ones are recorded on the same horizontal level. Students write dates on chronological cards or compose chronological tables. The illustrated timeline was offered by I.V. Gittis. It looks like a wide strip, divided into segments (centuries), and within each of them - into five years. Slits are made on the tape of time, where in chronological order applications are inserted with the most striking facts of the century or the names of events and their dates.

Where computers are available, use is possible computer programs by chronology. Awareness of the duration of historical periods and the identification of common things help synchronic tables. They reflect the simultaneity (synchronicity) of events or phenomena of social life from the history of ancient civilizations. The teacher leads the explanation, and the students listen and fill out the table, that is, they work at a transformative level.

Chronology memorization techniques(main facts and associated historical dates). Memorization based on semantic connections (in essence) and connections with the event, when the date is memorized purely mechanically. With a good knowledge of the main facts and cause-and-effect relationships, students can easily place events in time that are not dated in history courses.

For better memorization, a connection is established between historical events and the age of the rulers who participated in them. The technique of matching the dates of events is applied. Another memorization technique is to set the duration of events. It is also possible to correlate events with internal communication. Memorization is aided by the verse form of presenting historical events given in a clear chronological sequence. All of these techniques help students master the knowledge of chronology. In the first stage of training, the sequence and duration of historical events is established based on their dates. Then the students get acquainted with Roman numerals, correlate the year with the century, learn about the events of our era and those that took place before our era, correlate the century with the millennium. In grades 6-7, they learn to set the duration and timing of events. In the senior grades, they relate historical processes with a period, an era based on the knowledge of the periodization of history courses. The development of skills of a chronological nature is facilitated by specially selected tasks and games.

Games, contests are held on the knowledge of historical dates: in the form of a relay race by dates

Cartographic games

When working with historical maps, it is possible to use games. So, during the game of "silence" one student silently shows the object on the map, the other silently raises his hand, goes to the board and writes the name of the object. If someone says a word, they are out of the game.

The development of cartographic knowledge is facilitated by teawords. These are strings of words, arranged so that the last letter of each word must be the same as the initial letter of the next word.

Computer programs.

The computer and computer programs, reproducing the most essential features of historical eras, socio-cultural complexes.

The computer provides tremendous opportunities for modeling historical processes, as well as for working with a database - a huge amount of information stored in a form suitable for automatic processing. It is easy for a student to search, organize and process historical information. In the process of work, events are easily remembered, as well as historical and geographical names, names, dates.

History cabinet.

Specialized room in the school, which should be secured: textbook. auxiliary literature, tso.

In the office, classes are conducted on the subject, electives, extracurricular work and methodological work with students.

Cabinet tasks:* Organization of the main and additional activities of students. * Methodical. And didactic support. The educational process. * Creation of the necessary conditions for high-quality teaching of the subject. * Improvement of pedagogical skills of a history teacher.

The cabinet works in accordance with the long-term plan and plan for the current year.

The office should have: Symbols, Curriculum and thematic plans, teaching method. complexes (textbooks, anthologies), methodological recommendation of the Ministry of Education. RB., Method. recommendations for political information., didactic material, TSO, visibility, maps, methodological development of the lesson, periodicals (BGCh, Gist. Prabl. Vykladannya), book fund (dictionaries, old textbooks), material about the area where the school is located, card index methodical. And didactic literature., The development of extracurricular activities, History weeks.

Cabinet requirements: Cabinet documentation (office work plan, schedule, inventory book (list of equipment kaab.), Passport kaab., Safety memo , and on the north side use. Museum, press department.

The subject and objectives of the teaching methodology of history.

"Technique" in translation from ancient Greek means "a way of knowing", "a way of research." Method - it is a way to achieve a goal, to solve a specific problem. History teaching method - it is a pedagogical science about the tasks, content and methods of teaching history. She studies and researches the laws of the history teaching process in order to increase its efficiency and quality. the technique is designed to improve the learning process, its organization and the main factors.

Methodist K.A. Ivanov noted that the most important tasks of the methodology are the identification, description and assessment of teaching methods that lead to a better formulation of this science as an academic subject. The methodology examines and explores questions about how history should be taught. subject of methodology is the pedagogical process of learning - teaching by the teacher and the study of history by students. Object there will be content, organization, forms and methods of teaching.

The process of educational work of a teacher and students is complex and multifaceted. Its effectiveness is determined by the nature of the students' activities. No matter how much the teacher knows his subject, if he has not managed to arouse interest and organize the creative activity of students, he will not achieve great success.

The methodology of the subject provides answers to the questions: why teach? What to teach? How to teach?

Key learning factors stories are associated with answers to these questions: goals determined by the state and society;

scientific and methodological organization of the learning process (forms, methods, methodological techniques, teaching and learning tools);

cognitive capabilities of students;

learning outcomes.

1. History learning objectives changed at different stages of the development of the Russian state. In the pre-revolutionary school, these were: the formation of a full-fledged historical consciousness of students; study of history in the process of development, evolution of society; assimilation of democratic values ​​and institutions; familiarity with the past in order to understand the present and anticipate the future; study of the cultural heritage of our ancestors and humanity in general; education in the learning process, the formation of civic skills (law-abiding subject) and the foundations of patriotism; development of interest in history as a science and a subject of study.

In our time, the goals of history education are also defined: mastering by students the basics of knowledge about the historical path of mankind from ancient times to the present day;

development of the ability to comprehend the events and phenomena of reality on the basis of historical knowledge;

the formation of value orientations and beliefs of students based on the ideas of humanism, the experience of history, patriotism;

development of interest and respect for the history and culture of peoples.

The development of history teaching goals continues. These include: to educate a person - a patriot of his country, respecting national and universal values, realizing the value of culture, nature and the need to protect the environment; to acquaint students with the life of society and humanity both in the past and in the present, to help them understand the social, moral experience of previous generations; to form a person who is integrated in modern society and aimed at improving it; to promote the integration of the individual into national and world culture; to defend the right of students to a free choice of opinions and beliefs, taking into account the diversity of worldview approaches, to orient them towards humanistic and democratic values;

to develop the ability to apply historical knowledge and techniques, to evaluate information analytically and critically, to analyze new sources of social thought, to argue their position.

The main factors of teaching history in the educational process are manifested in a complex, in the system. A system is a whole, consisting of parts, "a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other and form a certain integrity, unity" (91, p. 212). The property of the internal integrity of learning factors leads to the emergence of new qualities that have a positive effect on the learning process.

History teaching methodology as a science and academic subject. The subject and objectives of the teaching methods of history, the methods of scientific research used in methodological science.

The method of teaching history is a pedagogical science about the tasks, content and methods of teaching history. Explores the patterns of teaching history in order to improve its effectiveness and quality.

The subject of the methodology is history as a school discipline, the process of teaching history.

The main components are learning objectives, content and structure.

Provides answers to the questions of what to teach, why to teach and how to teach. Tasks: scientific and methodological organization of the educational process, the organization of the student's educational activities, learning outcomes.

Objectives: mastering by students the basics of knowledge about the historical process of the development of society from ancient times to the present day. The development of the ability to comprehend the events and phenomena of reality on the basis of historical knowledge, the formation of values ​​and beliefs of students based on the ideas of humanism, the experience of history, patriotism, the development of interest and respect for the history and culture of other peoples.

The tasks are to determine the content and structure of history education, which are enshrined in standards and programs and, on the basis of them, are set out in textbooks (selection of basic facts, terms, concepts).

Scientific and methodological organization of the learning process (forms, methods, methodological techniques, teaching and learning tools).

The development of the cognitive abilities of students (they develop in the process of teaching history, they learn to understand, assimilate and apply historical knowledge).

Methods of historical knowledge

Historical and genetic method. Epistemological essence and logical nature. Functions of the historical-genetic method in historical research. Specific traits. Descriptiveness, factography and empiricism. Application experience in concrete historical research.

Historical and comparative method. Understanding of historical development as a repetitive, internally conditioned, natural process. Cognitive value and possibilities of comparison as a method of scientific knowledge. Analogy as the logical basis of the historical-comparative method. The use of the historical-comparative method in the practice of concrete historical research. The role of the historical-comparative method in the formation of historical concepts.

Historical and typological method. The interrelation of the individual, the particular, the general and the universal in the historical process as the ontological basis of the historical-typological method. Typologization as a method of scientific knowledge and essential analysis. The experience of using the historical-typological method in historical research in domestic and foreign historiography.

Historical and systemic method. The systemic nature of the historical process. Causal and functional connections in the socio-historical process. Variants of determinism in social systems. The experience of using the historical-systemic method in concrete historical research.

Paradigm of education

Education is a process of mastering a system of knowledge, human culture as a whole, carried out in educational institutions or independently, the process of development and formation of an individual, as well as the result of this process - a certain level of mastery of culture (education), development of a personality in the context of culture.

The paradigm of education is an initial conceptual scheme, a model for posing problems and solving them, research methods that dominate the scientific community during a certain historical period.

Methodology [column methodike] - in the meaning we are interested in, it is "a branch of pedagogical science that studies the laws of teaching a certain subject"

The scientific status of the methods of teaching history. Object and subject of scientific research

Among some scientists and university history teachers there is a skeptical attitude towards methodology as a scientific theory. However, those who have dedicated their lives to it do not doubt its scientific status and the special sphere of its functioning.

The object of the study of the methodology is the learning process, and the subject is the internal laws of the interaction of the main factors of the process of teaching history as a subject.

In the first lecture, when characterizing the structure of school history education as a system, these factors were already named. The genesis of their content and interaction is disclosed in detail in our textbook, and consistently repeating connections that combine the main factors of the educational process into an organic and "living complex" are presented in Scheme 1.

Scheme 1 Main factors and patterns of the history teaching process

In connection with the question of the object and subject of methodology as a science, let us draw the attention of course participants to questions that are of fundamental importance in modern society:

The goals of teaching history or the goals of history education;

Learning outcomes of history or results of history education.

Without delving into a comparative analysis of the concepts and the learning and educational processes behind them6, we note that terminological difficulties with the leading concepts of general pedagogy and private methodologies require readers and users of teaching aids, in particular, in history, to always clearly define their methodological position. authors and self-determination in the object, goals and functions of the methodology.

Methodological foundations of history teaching methodology

The question of the scientific status of the methodology of teaching history, as well as the methodology of other academic subjects, was at the center of active pedagogical discussions in the 1950s – 1980s. last century. Then it was attributed to the number of both historical (A.I. Strazhev) and pedagogical (P.V. Gora, S.A. Ezhova, etc.) disciplines. In the modern pedagogical community, the second point of view dominates, but when discussions about history as an academic subject periodically arise, it seems that not all specialists have decided on the scientific status of the methodology of teaching history.

In close connection with the question of the scientific nature of the methodology of a particular academic subject, the question of its methodology is being resolved. So, for example, A.I. Strazhev, considering the methodology of teaching history to be both historical and pedagogical science, argued that it is guided by dialectical and historical materialism as a methodological basis. But at the same time, he showed the methodological significance of pedagogy in more detail and concretely in his works. Another well-known methodologist, V.G. Kartsov, rhetorically asked: "Isn't the methodology of teaching history supposed to be based on the methodology of historical science itself?" the object itself. " A.A. Vagin, consistently defending the pedagogical nature of the methodology, emphasized that "the direct methodological basis of the methodology of teaching history ... is the Marxist-Leninist pedagogical theory ...". All these ideas led to the conclusion that the methodology of teaching history is of a class, party nature (S.A. Ezhova and others).

In the 1990s. the methodology of not only the historical and pedagogical sciences, but also of private (subject) methods, especially the methodology of teaching history and social studies, has undergone a fundamental revision. “In teaching social disciplines, all the contradictions of Russian society, which is going through a transitional period of its development, are focused. The de-ideologization of school social science education in practice meant only its decommunization, the rejection of Marxist ideology. The crisis in society affected the state of social sciences, school social studies and did not allow formulating a new positive strategy for school social studies ... "(" Strategy for the development of historical and social science education in educational institutions ", No. 24/1 of 28.12.1994) This document was recommended to continue the development of a new concept of history education based on the achievements of modern science, historical synthesis, a combination of sociological, geographic-anthropological, cultural-psychological approaches.

In the modern archives of teaching methods, there is more than one project of concepts of the educational field "Social Studies", the academic subject "History" and individual courses, which for various reasons did not receive the status of an official document.

The theoretical and methodological basis of work in the field of school history education in recent years has been various conceptual approaches that synthesize the ideas of the philosophy of history and philosophy of education, humanistic pedagogy and psychology, the theory of upbringing, personality-oriented and developmental education. A new impetus to the development of scientific and methodological knowledge is given by specialists' appeal to the ideas of pedagogical axiology, pedagogical praxeology, and pedagogical mythology.

Functions of the methodology of teaching history as a science

There is a figurative definition of the methodology as a reliable "bridge from theory to practice."

An extremely important function of any science is to express its attitude to experience, to solved and especially unsolved problems of education from the perspective of its own, specific aspect vision. In this sense, any science begins with practice.

Therefore, the first function of science is descriptive, stating, focused on an objective presentation of the real facts of educational activity available for this science, empirical data of experience, practice.

But the empirical basis of science is not a simple set of facts, therefore the second most important function of science is diagnostic, contributing to the selective assessment of the obtained facts, their comparison, correlation with criteria, systematization, classification, etc.

The empirical basis of science can claim to a certain completeness only if the data of practical experience have received their own scientific explanation. It follows from this that the third function is explanatory, aimed at detecting cause-and-effect relationships in the phenomena under consideration, at identifying trends and certain patterns in them.

However, it is important not only to describe and explain this or that experience, which has a purely local significance, but also to substantiate the possibility of using this experience in new conditions, making it the property of more widespread practice. The transformation of practical experience and facts into abstracted knowledge, capable of discerning the typical, regular and regular in phenomena, leads to the formation of theoretical knowledge, theory. Theoretical knowledge accumulates data from different sciences, so any theory in the field of education is interdisciplinary. (Remember in this connection about the general theoretical foundations of the methodology and its dangerous connections with other sciences!)

Along with the inductive movement of knowledge (from practice to theory), a deductive flow of ideas and information is possible and urgently needed, which makes it possible to assimilate data from other sciences and a wide international experience in a particular educational theory. In this regard, the fourth function of science plays an important role - the predictive one, which makes it possible to foresee the possible consequences of the practical use of concepts, doctrines, and innovative technologies.

In turn, theoretical knowledge can and should be presented in practice not only in the form of strictly scientific texts, but also in the form of methodological knowledge adapted to it. It is wrong to believe that the transformation of scientific knowledge into methodical knowledge is a kind of purely mechanical, routine interpretation, devoid of creativity.

This process is associated with the following functions:

Projective-constructive, with the help of which theoretical projects are translated into real educational constructions;

Transformative - translating the parameters of practice, from which scientific research is based, to a higher quality level;

Criteria-evaluative - engaged in the development of criteria and assessment of the changes that have taken place;

w correctional - ensuring the continuous development of educational and pedagogical activities.

The corrective-reflexive function of science, in essence, begins another, new cycle of movement of the entire system "practice - science - practice", sets the dynamics and vital energy to the entire educational process.

Hence it follows that it is deeply mistaken to evaluate methodological knowledge only as auxiliary, intermediate knowledge, necessary only for servicing the theory, translating it into the language of practice. The formation of workable methodological knowledge, according to B.S. Gershunsky, “requires the highest scientific qualifications, since a true methodologist is not only a specialist who knows the true and constantly evolving needs of practice, but is also capable of assessing the true capabilities of science, capable of“ joining ”scientific proposals with practical demand, to make them complementary and mutually enriching. "

Method properties

In the praxeological (significant for practice) aspect, the essential characteristics of the technique are manifested in such properties as determinism, mass character, selectivity, efficiency, procedurality, variability and heuristicity.

The property of determinism means that the methodology consists of “elementary” operations (procedures) of pedagogical activity, for which the conditions for their implementation are known, as well as the unambiguous sequence of these procedures or acts of activity.

One of the properties of the technique is its massiveness. Each separate type of methodology of pedagogical activity, being by its nature an algorithm, is a solution to a typical problem that constantly exists in mass pedagogical practice and is characterized by certain parameters and their combinations.

Various combinations of parameters as initial data that determine the specifics of the pedagogical process form pedagogical tasks, in the solution of which the use of appropriate methods helps. The property of mass character has a methodological and praxeological consequence associated with the concept of selectivity.

The main praxeological property of the technique is its effectiveness. The question of the effectiveness of the methodology is the question of how much the use of the algorithm for the design of pedagogical activity makes it possible to achieve such a quality of its organization, which ensures optimal conditions for the formation of a personality.

The procedurality of the methodology is ensured by personalization, i.e. an indication of specific possible performers of certain actions.

Pedagogical activity is characterized by a constant desire to search for new, non-standard solutions, corresponding to the uniqueness of the moments of pedagogical activity. Hence, the methodological description assumes variability, the ability to improvise to a certain extent.

Variation in combination with expediency makes it possible for the practitioner to understand and realize the principle of selecting the most effective methods of action. The information inherent in methodological knowledge, being transformed in the consciousness of the person perceiving it, begins to produce generalized knowledge, which subsequently makes it possible to independently design the process of organizing activities in variable circumstances. This property can be designated as heuristic.

Finally, the technique is designed to be effective. Efficiency is understood as the ability to be directly guided in practice by the proposed model of activity with the expected minimum losses from the influence of introduced circumstances and subjective factors.

The properties listed here both bring the technique closer to technology, and at the same time distinguish it from technology as a system sequence of methods (in their applied meaning) that provide the most accurate, standardized transition from a goal to a planned result.

The methodology of pedagogical activity is subjective and subjective in nature. Speaking about it, we mean someone who directly designs, implements, organizes some kind of activity, to whom the instructions about it are addressed. The subjectivity of the methodology is manifested in the fact that each performer brings something of his own into its interpretation and implementation.

In general, we have to admit that in the pedagogical sciences and in the very methodology of teaching history, a variety of interpretations of its content and meanings remains due to the complex and multi-level nature of the phenomenon itself.

The relationship of teaching methods of history with other sciences

In connection with a significant renewal and expansion of the methodological base of methodological research, the question of the connection between the methods of teaching history and other sciences is subject to fundamental revision. In previous years, the circle of adjacent sciences was limited to history, pedagogy and psychology.

It is obvious that "the organic connection between the methodology of history and the essence of the subject being taught" (VG Kartsov) at any time will be carried out in the content of educational material, the formation of which is based on the data of historical science. At first, the Methodists denied that this connection also exists in the forms, methods and means of studying the historical process used by science and school. Later, under the influence of the idea of ​​“activating the educational process”, it was recognized that “the research method used in teaching history in high school allows, in accessible forms and forms, to partially introduce students to the scientist's laboratory” (S.A. Ezhova). Today, the interaction of the methodology of teaching history with fundamental science is considered much broader, extending to the conceptual foundations and methods of activity.

In the system of pedagogical sciences, methodology is closely related to didactics and is based on general provisions on the design of educational content, forms, methods, techniques and teaching aids. Based on the principles of education, the methodology reveals the goals of teaching a specific academic subject, its significance for the spiritual and moral formation of the student's personality. The methodology is also based on the data of educational psychology and physiology of higher nervous activity. When substantiating the system of school education in a specific subject, knowledge on the logic and history of the corresponding science, science of science is used.

Of course, this is not a complete list of sciences related to the methodology of teaching history in modern schools. For example, the appearance in the content of history courses of questions on the history and culture of the peoples of Russia, everyday life, religion, economics, social movements in different countries of the world and other things presupposes the establishment of links with ethnography and ethnology, religious studies, sociology, political science, economic theory and other sciences. Regionalization of school history education actualizes the appeal to the conceptual apparatus of regional studies and related sciences. Designing the content of history education at a specialized level further expands the range of sciences, the foundations of which are poured into its content.

Subject and objectives of the course "Methods of teaching history"

The word "technique" comes from the ancient Greek word "methodos", which means "way of research", "way of knowing." Its meaning was not always the same; it changed with the development of the methodology itself, with the formation of its scientific foundations.

The initial elements of the methodology of teaching history arose with the introduction of teaching the subject as an answer to practical questions about the goals of teaching, about the selection of historical material and methods of its disclosure. Methodology as a science has gone through a difficult path of development. The pre-revolutionary methodology developed a rich arsenal of methods for the teacher's work, created whole methodological systems that united individual methods with a common pedagogical idea. These are formal, real and laboratory methods. Soviet methodology has contributed to the development of a scientific system of knowledge about the process of teaching history, about the tasks, ways and means of its improvement; its goal was to educate the builders of communism.

The post-Soviet period set new tasks for the methodology and demanded from scientists, methodologists, and practicing teachers to rethink the main provisions of methodological science.

The educational system at the turn of the XX and XXI centuries. does not satisfy society. The discrepancy between objectives and learning outcomes became apparent. It took a reform of the entire education system, including the historical one. The teacher faced the question with renewed vigor: what and how to teach the child? How to scientifically determine the really necessary and expedient composition and volume of historical knowledge? It is impossible to confine oneself only to improving the content of education; one must strive to improve the cognitive process, relying on its internal laws.

Today, the question of whether or not a technique is a science is not relevant. It has been resolved in principle - the methodology of teaching history has its own subject. It is a scientific discipline that explores the process of teaching history in order to use its laws to improve the effectiveness of education, upbringing and development of the younger generation. The methodology develops the content, organization and methods of teaching history in accordance with the age characteristics of the students.

Teaching history at school is a complex, multifaceted, not always unambiguous pedagogical phenomenon. Its patterns are revealed on the basis of objective links that exist between education, development and upbringing of students. It is based on the teaching of schoolchildren. The methodology studies the educational activities of schoolchildren in connection with the goals and content of teaching history, methods of guiding the assimilation of educational material.

Teaching history, as already mentioned, is a complex process that includes interrelated and in motion components: the goals of learning, its content, the transfer of knowledge and guidance for its assimilation, the educational activities of schoolchildren, and learning outcomes.

The teaching objectives determine the content of the teaching. In accordance with the objectives and content, the optimal organization of teaching and learning is selected. The effectiveness of the organization of the pedagogical process is tested by the results of education, upbringing and development.

The components of the learning process are historical categories, they change with the development of society. The goals of history teaching tend to reflect the changes that are taking place in society. A clear definition of training goals is one of the conditions for its effectiveness. The definition of goals should take into account the general tasks of teaching history, the development of students, their knowledge and skills, ensuring the educational process, etc. The goals must be realistic for the conditions that exist in a particular school.

Content is an essential component of the learning process. The historically conditioned restructuring of goals also changes the content of training. The development of history, pedagogy and psychology, methodology also affects the content of teaching, its volume and depth. So, in teaching history in modern conditions, the civilizational approach prevails instead of the formational one, a lot of attention is paid to historical figures. The teacher teaches children to be able to distinguish between the process of learning the past and the process of moral assessment of people's actions, etc.

Movement in the learning process is carried out by overcoming internal contradictions. These include contradictions between learning objectives and results already achieved; between the optimal and applied in practice methods and means of teaching.

The process of teaching history aims to develop the individuality of the student, his personal qualities. It ensures the harmonious implementation of all its functions (development, training, education). The concept of upbringing education contains the concept of education, which lays the foundations for the independent thinking of students. The unity of teaching, upbringing, development is achieved only under the condition of activating the work of the students themselves at all stages of the learning process. Education has an educational character also in connection with the formation of value orientations and beliefs of students on the basis of personal understanding of the experience of history, perception of the ideas of humanism, respect for human rights and democratic values, patriotism and mutual understanding between peoples. The correct solution of the educational and upbringing tasks of school history teaching is impossible without taking into account the psychological and age characteristics of students at various concentra- tions.

Thus, a younger student seeks to accumulate historical knowledge, asks the teacher a lot. He is interested in the details of the clothes of knights, valor and courage in campaigns, they immediately start gladiatorial battles or knightly tournaments during breaks. A senior pupil seeks not so much to accumulate historical facts as to comprehend and generalize them; he seeks to establish logical connections between historical facts, to reveal patterns, and theoretical generalizations. In the senior grades, the proportion of knowledge that students acquire on their own is growing. This is due to the further development of logical thinking. At this age, there is a growing interest in those elements of knowledge that relate to issues of politics, morality, art. There is a differentiation of the interests of schoolchildren: some are interested in exact disciplines, others - in the humanities. Various types of educational institutions: gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, general education schools - realize this interest. At the same time, you need to be able to attract cognitively valuable material, supporting and developing the interest of schoolchildren.

Thus, in order to solve these problems, the teacher must systematically work on the development of students' historical thinking, on the development of their scientific understanding of history. When setting the teaching of history tasks - educational and educational, defining the content of history courses, outlining ways of transferring knowledge to schoolchildren, it is necessary to count on obtaining certain results: so that students learn historical material and they have developed their own attitude to historical facts and phenomena. All this is provided by the methodology of teaching history. When defining the tasks of the methodology of school history teaching, it is necessary to take into account that they follow from its content and place in the system of pedagogical sciences.

The methodology equips history teachers with content and pedagogical teaching aids, knowledge and skills necessary for effective history education, upbringing and development of students.

In modern conditions, when there is a complex, contradictory process of modernization of school history and social science education, the task is to further improve its structure and content. Among the problems, an important place is occupied by questions of the correlation of facts and theoretical generalizations, the formation of historical images and concepts, and the disclosure of the essence of the historical process.

As already mentioned, the most important task of teaching methods is the development of students' thinking as one of the goals and one of the conditions for teaching history. The tasks of developing students' historical thinking, the formation of their mental independence, also require appropriate methods, techniques and teaching aids.

One of the tasks is to reveal the methodological conditions for a successful solution in the unity of the main goals of upbringing, education and development in teaching history. Developing a system of teaching history, the methodology solves a number of practical questions: a) what goals (intended results) should and can be set before teaching history ?; b) what to teach? (course structure and material selection); c) what educational activities are needed for schoolchildren ?; d) what types of teaching aids and what their methodological structure contributes to the achievement of optimal results in learning ?; e) how to teach ?; f) how to take into account the learning outcome and use the information obtained to improve it ?; g) what intercourse and interdisciplinary connections are established in training?

Now, when history education in Russia is gradually becoming personality-oriented, pluralistic and diverse, the history teacher is faced with problems not only of a didactic or informational nature. The school independently overcomes the ideological and moral-value vacuum, participates in the search and formation of goals and priorities of educational policy. In recent years, the question of the right of teaching teams and teachers to be creative has been raised, innovative technologies have been developed that cover modern trends and directions of education development. In the last years of the XX century, the issue of the place and role of the history teacher in the educational process has been discussed. Many scholars believe that the main problem holding back reform is teacher training. (International Seminar of the Council of Europe, the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation, Department of Education of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region (Sverdlovsk, 1998); International Scientific Conference "The Place and Role of History Teachers in School and Their Training in Universities" (Vilnius, 1998. The ensuing discussion confirms the idea that the most difficult thing is to destroy the stable stereotypes of thinking and behavior that have developed in the conditions of unified education, authoritarian teaching, and directive control.

The methodology of teaching history operates with its own, inherent only to it laws. These patterns are discovered on the basis of identifying the links that exist between training and its results. And another regularity (unfortunately, it is completely insufficiently taken into account) is that in the cognition of its laws, the methodology cannot be limited only by its own framework. Methodological research, studying the process of teaching history, is based on related sciences, primarily history, pedagogy and psychology.

History as an academic subject is based on historical science, but it is not a diminished model of it. History as a school subject does not include absolutely all sections of historical science.

The teaching methodology has its own specific tasks: to select the basic data of historical science, to structure the teaching of history so that students, through the historical content, receive the most optimal and effective education, upbringing and development.

Gnoseology considers the formation of knowledge not as a one-time act that gives a finished, as it were, a photographic reflection of reality. The formation of knowledge is a process that has its own stages of consolidation, deepening, etc., and the teaching of history will be scientifically grounded and effective only if its entire structure, content and methodology correspond to this objective law of cognition.

Psychology has established the objective laws of development, functioning of various manifestations of consciousness, for example, remembering and forgetting material. Teaching will be scientifically based if its methodology complies with these laws. In this case, not only the strength of memorization is achieved, but also the successful development of the memory function. History cannot be assimilated by students if the logic of revealing the historical process and the laws of logic are not observed during teaching.

The subject of pedagogy is the study of the essence of the development and formation of a person and the definition on this basis of the theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing as a specially organized pedagogical process. Teaching history will not achieve its goal if it does not take into account the achievements of didactics.

As a branch of pedagogical science, enriching its general theory, the methodology of teaching history is directly based on this theory; thus, the unity of the theoretical basis and practical activity in teaching history is achieved.

Cognitive activity will turn out to be incomplete if the teaching of history does not correspond to the modern level of historical science and its methodology.

The methodology is designed to highlight and designate, process, synthesize the entire body of knowledge about the process of cognition and education and discover new patterns - patterns of teaching history. These are objective, essential, stable connections between tasks, content, ways, means of teaching, education and development, on the one hand, and learning outcomes, on the other.

Methodology as a science arises where there is evidence of links between the laws of cognition, teaching methods and the positive results achieved, which are manifested through the forms of educational work.

The methodology is faced with the tasks of studying the patterns of the process of teaching history with the aim of further improving it and increasing its effectiveness.