Unified State Exam in Social Studies: analysis of assignments with a teacher. Unified State Exam in Social Studies: we analyze assignments with a teacher Decision of the exam in social studies

The manual contains 25 options for standard test tasks in social studies, as well as 80 additional tasks of part 2. All tasks are drawn up taking into account the features and requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2017.
The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of KIM in social studies, the degree of difficulty of tasks, a large number of various types of tasks to develop sustainable skills for their implementation.
The authors of the assignments are leading specialists who are directly involved in the development of the USE assignments and methodological materials for preparing for the implementation of control measuring materials.
The collection also contains:
answers to all variants of tests and tasks of part 2;
evaluation criteria for assignments in part 2;
samples of forms used on the exam to record answers.
The manual is addressed to teachers to prepare students for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, as well as high school students for self-preparation and self-control.

Choose the correct judgments about human activities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) Human activity has a constructive and transformative character.
2) Human activity is entirely determined by conditioned reflexes.
3) Unlike the behavior of animals, human activity is focused on meeting the needs acting at a given moment in time.
4) Human activity is caused by social needs.
5) Human activity is strong-willed and conscious.

The arms race has influenced the aggravation of the ecological and economic situation in the world. Select from the list below the global issues that are directly reflected in this causal relationship. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) the threat of a new world war
2) ecological crisis and its consequences
3) the lag of developing countries of the "third world" from developed countries
4) the demographic situation on the planet
5) alcoholism and drug addiction
6) international terrorism

Choose the right judgments about the subjects of banking and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) Commercial banks can be engaged in the production of wealth.
2) The Central Bank can accept deposits and issue loans.
3) The Central Bank can establish certain financial standards that all credit organizations must comply with.
4) Commercial banks can trade and insure property.
5) Commercial banks can be engaged in lending to enterprises, the state and the population.

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Download the book Unified State Exam 2017, Social Studies, 25 variants of typical test items and preparation for part 2, Lazebnikova A.Yu., Rutkovskaya E.L., Korolkova E.S. - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • Unified State Exam, 700 tasks in social studies with answers, All tasks, Closed segment, Lazebnikova A.Yu., Korolkova E.S., Rutkovskaya E.L., 2020
  • USE 2009, social studies, typical test items, Lazebnikova A.Yu., Rutkovskaya E.L., Gorodetskaya N.I., Korolkova E.S., 2009

Preparation for the exam and exam

Secondary general education

UMK line G. A. Bordovskiy. Social Studies (10-11)

UMK line G. A. Bordovskiy. Social Studies (6-9)

Unified State Exam in Social Studies: analysis of assignments with a teacher

We analyze the tasks and build answers to the questions of the social studies exam.

Every year, the USE in social studies is chosen by almost half of all Russian graduates - this is the most popular exam after the Russian language and mathematics. The reasons are clear - the results of this test are necessary for admission to many humanitarian specialties.

The exam consists of two parts, 29 tasks are presented in them: For the first 20 tasks (No. 1–20), you need to give a short answer - choose the right one from the proposed one, correlate the various options with each other, and put the missing word. The remaining 9 tasks (No. 21-29) must be answered in full.

You are given 235 minutes to complete the work.

Exam evaluation criteria. The passing score for the exam is 19 primary points, for this you need to accurately complete the first 13 tasks.

Despite the fact that when assessing the results, a hundred-point scale is used, many are interested in what grade he received on a five-point scale. Here is the equivalent: "satisfactory" - 42-54 points, "good" - 55-66 points, "excellent" - from 67 points.

Kis Romana Nikolaevna, teacher of history and social studies, work experience 20 years:
“Before starting the work, I recommend that my students read the entire text of the work in order to have a general idea of ​​the materials presented in the work. In the conditions of brainstorming, the internal resource of the body is activated and with the further completion of tasks, the effect of novelty will be eliminated, the student will be ready to accept each new task. As materials for work, we use a set of materials for training students in social studies FIPI USE 2017. Option number 7 ".

See also: USE in history: we analyze assignments with a teacher

When performing this task, you should always look at the name of the table. In this case, the table is called "Factors of production", it indicates one of the factors - the Earth, its characteristics are given. The main factors of production are known: land, labor, capital (physical and monetary), entrepreneurial ability and information. We look at the specified characteristic - the activities of people, the use of mental and physical abilities acquired in the learning process, etc. refer us to such a factor of production as work... It is important for students to remember about the factor income of each factor of production, this allows them to more accurately answer questions related to factors of production.

This task requires knowledge of the generic concept (in the question it sounds like a generalizing concept). In this case, we see: abilities as individual characteristics of a person; worldview as a system of views, concepts and ideas of a person about the world and its place in it; character as certain properties and qualities of a person that affect the behavior of a person; interest as a conscious need that characterizes people's attitude to objects and phenomena of reality. That is, when performing this task, it is recommended to mentally explain each concept. With this approach, it soon becomes clear that in this task the generic, i.e. generalizing for all these concepts, will be the concept personality- a set of socially significant properties and qualities, which will include abilities, interests, character and worldview.

In this task we are asked about Galina's social traits (qualities). We remember that a person is biosocial, we remember what traits of a person express his sociality (the most important personality traits: knowledge about the world and about himself, skills, social experience, moral values). Therefore - blonde hair and brown eyes show the natural, individual features of Galina. But the fact that she is kind and responsive is a socially significant property of her personality. Answer 2 is correct. The outward attractiveness of a girl also indicates her individual characteristics, given to her by nature, as well as her height. But the fact that Galina is an honest person, and is also friends with many of her classmates, shows how much she knows how to live and interact in society. Means: 2,5,6.

We remember that competition is an important element of market self-regulation, and we also do not forget the types of market competition and their essential characteristics (pure (free) competition, monopolistic, oligopoly, pure monopoly, monopsony). Considering first judgment, we cannot say unequivocally that monopoly has only disadvantages. On the one hand, yes - the market mechanism shows a tendency towards monopolization of production, since in order to protect against competitors, collusion and merger take place. But we know about the sanitizing or health-improving function of the market. In market conditions, unprofitable enterprises go bankrupt, the economy is freed from inefficient economic activities, more powerful industries are strengthened and flourish. Therefore, it is difficult to speak unequivocally about the shortcomings of the monopoly. Second judgment true, because a monopolist, having no competitors, independently sets prices for products. That is why the role of the state conducting antimonopoly policy is so important. Third judgment right. An oligopoly is characterized by the existence on the market of several large firms - from two to five, which control the bulk of the market. In the fourth proposition signs of pure (free) competition are given, when the price is established as a result of balancing supply and demand, and individual sellers cannot influence the price of goods, therefore the answer is incorrect. Fifth judgment- true, because in monopsony, the single buyer dictates the price and the volume of sales. Answer: 2,3,5.

Performing task 12 in the Unified State Examination in social studies, you need to carefully read the conditions of the sociological survey. In this case, we found out how many domestic and imported products are on the shelves of stores in their settlements. The chart shows data for 2005 and 2015. Before reading the presented judgments, you should carefully study the diagram yourself. In 2005, the share of domestic and imported products, according to the respondents, was the same, and 40% of the respondents think so. Next comes the position - domestic products - 30%. In 2015, half of the respondents chose the position - domestic products. The trend towards an increase in the share of domestic products was also observed in 2005. In both cases, the smallest choice of answer - I find it difficult to answer. Now we look at the judgments presented in the answer options. First answer corresponds to the tendency we have identified: the share of those who noted that there are more domestic goods in stores has increased over 10 years. The answer is correct. Second answer- No. The response rate for an increase in imported goods decreased rather than increased by 2015. Third answer correct, since the share of those who noted an equal number of domestic imported goods actually decreased. Fourth answer- incorrect, the share of those who found it difficult to answer is less in 2005 than the share of those who answered about the dominance of imported goods. AND fifth answer correct, since we immediately, when analyzing the materials, revealed this tendency - in 2015, half of the respondents answered that the share of domestic goods is higher than imported ones.

In carrying out task 16, it is necessary to recall the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and especially the characteristics of the principle of political pluralism (a ban on the establishment of an official ideology, political diversity, freedom of political opinion and action, opposition as the basis of a multiparty system). First position has nothing to do with political pluralism, since it reveals the principle of federalism in the Russian Federation - the equality of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Second, third and fourth provisions reveal the essence of the principle of political pluralism. Fifth position also reveals the principle of federalism of the Russian Federation - state integrity. Answer: 2, 3, 4.

Analyzing the materials of 17 assignments, we highlight the basic concepts and norms related to criminal law. Article 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation defines the tasks of criminal law. This is the protection of the most significant public relations (human rights and freedoms, property, public order and public safety, ensuring peace and human security from criminal encroachments). Means, first judgment about the protective function of criminal law will be true. Second judgment is also true, because a fine and life imprisonment are punishments provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Third judgment it is true that it reflects the main characteristics of criminal law as a branch of Russian law. Fourth judgment incorrect, since the principles of equality of the parties, property independence, independence, autonomy of will refer to private law - the Civil Law of the Russian Federation. Fifth judgment is incorrect - the business turnover as a source of law refers to the Civil law.

Task 18 is related to Labor Law. Here one of the aspects of labor relations is considered - the employer, his rights and obligations. The employer, concluding a collective agreement with employee representatives, is obliged to provide complete and reliable information necessary for concluding a collective agreement, reaching an agreement and monitoring their implementation. Answer A- responsibilities. The employer has the right to demand that employees perform their labor duties. Answer B- rights. Ensuring the working conditions stipulated by law, as well as compensating for harm caused to employees in connection with the performance of their labor duties (the employee's right to work safety) are the employer's obligations. Answers C, D- responsibilities. Answer D- it is the employer's right to bargain collectively and conclude collective agreements.

Task 19 requires a clear knowledge of the grounds for obtaining Russian citizenship on a general basis. Obtaining citizenship on a general basis means: continuous residence in the territory of the Russian Federation for 5 years, renunciation of the citizenship of another state (this position is indicated in the assignment - Jose Luis applied to the authorized body of state Z with an application to renounce citizenship), the presence of a legitimate source of funds livelihood, compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and legislation, knowledge of the Russian language. Thus, answers 2, 3, 5 are correct.

When completing 20 tasks, you first need to try to read the text and substitute the words yourself, this is how an understanding of the semantic content of the text is achieved, when you read it again, refer to the list of available words. We try to read by inserting words that are close in meaning, then choose from those available in the assignment.

“Social control is a mechanism by which society ensures compliance with certain rules, violation of (A) which damages the functioning of the social system (in this case, the observance of the rules, the violation of which is damaging shows the consequences of non-observance of the rules). In this capacity are morality and law, customs (B), administrative decisions, etc. (here is a list of types of social norms). The effect of social control is mainly reduced to the application of various sanctions (V) to violators of accepted social norms (it is logical that for violation of social norms there is a sanction - an element of social control). At the same time, social control involves rewarding compliance (G) social norms (signs of social control are indicated here - links with sanctions - punishments for violation of norms and rewards for their observance).

Social control acts as an element of any management system (D) social process, as a feedback mechanism that ensures the execution of the commands of the governing body (this reflects the regulatory function of social control).

Social control can be found in the earliest societies. With the development of productive forces and the division of labor, the role of social control increases, and its social structure becomes more complex. Social institutions emerge (E) engaged almost exclusively in social control (for example, the judiciary) ”.

When starting to perform tasks on the text 21-24, initially you should read the text very carefully and highlight the main semantic fragments of the text. Work the text with a pencil for maximum assimilation of the content.

Based on article 27, paragraph 2, the marriage is declared invalid by the court. According to paragraph 4 of Article 27, a marriage is recognized as invalid from the moment of its conclusion. A fictitious marriage is called if the spouses or one of them registered the marriage without the intention to start a family.

The title of the article: "Cases when an invalid marriage is recognized as valid."

When the assignment says to illustrate with an example, then it is necessary to give a specific example, a life situation.

Citizen N. and citizen D., having entered into a fictitious marriage, gave birth to a son, K. a year later, and together they are engaged in his upbringing, lead a joint life, and have a common family budget. They attend courses for young parents (in this example, we can observe how fictitious conditions of marriage grew into family ones).

The law considers a spouse whose rights have been violated by the conclusion of an invalid (fictitious) marriage to be a bona fide spouse. If we are asked to simulate a situation, it means that we must give specific examples illustrating the property rights of a bona fide spouse. Right to Receive Content. Citizen K., recognized by the court as a bona fide spouse after the court's decision to dissolve an invalid (fictitious) marriage, was assigned by the court maintenance in the amount of 30 thousand rubles a month from the person who entered into a fictitious marriage with her. Acceptance of the terms of the marriage contract. After the court recognized the marriage between citizen S. and citizen K. as invalid, citizen S., who was recognized by the court as a bona fide spouse, retained the right to shared ownership established under the terms of the marriage contract.

In order to answer the question posed, you need to understand what is the subject of family law: relations associated with marriage and termination of marriage; personal non-property and property relations between family members and here we will find a field for our assumption. Because the issues of raising children, acquiring and dividing property, providing assistance to disabled family members are important here; relations arising in connection with the placement in a family of children left without parental care.

1. Equality of rights of spouses in the realization of their interests. The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees men and women equal rights and freedoms and equal opportunities for their implementation. Therefore, when entering into a marriage, the state guarantees spouses equal opportunities in the implementation of family and marriage relations. For example, the conditions of marriage and the circumstances that prevent marriage.
2. Protection of the interests of disabled and minor family members. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, motherhood and childhood, the family are under the protection of the state. Therefore, in the event of a dissolution of a marriage in which the spouses have minor children, the marriage will be dissolved in court, under the control of state authorities.
3. Priority of parenting... The state prioritizes the obligation of parents to take care of the welfare and development of their children. In case of non-observance by the parents of the established procedure, the parents may be deprived of their parental rights, here state coercion comes into force.

This task can be successfully completed only with knowledge of the basic concepts of the course. A social institution is a historically established form of organizing joint activities of people, realizing socially useful functions. The main social institutions in the economic sphere are property, banks, firms. Social institutions - family, kindergarten, school perform the most important function of social institutions - to ensure the socialization of individuals.

1. Leads to monopolization of production because protection from competition encourages collusion and mergers. In this situation, the state can, by force of its coercion, prohibit merger agreements, adopt antitrust legislation or apply economic sanctions to monopolists.
2. Does not guarantee the solution of socio-economic problems: unemployment, inflation, the State takes measures to regulate the amount of money in circulation, sets the value of the interest rate, the volume of investments, the exchange rate. All these measures are aimed at combating inflation. To combat unemployment, the state sets the minimum wage, working hours and rest hours, freezes prices in order to reduce the level of social tension in society.
3. Distributes economic benefits based on the results of competition leading to social inequality. State support for small and medium-sized businesses, which will create a healthy competitive environment and many jobs, redistribution of income to eliminate excessive social inequality, leveling the level of socio-economic development of regions.

Read each episode carefully and immediately find a fragment related to the form of the state. The head of state is elected by popular vote - we are talking about the republic. Adhering to a generally binding ideology is a sign of totalitarianism. The constant control of the state over all spheres of society is a sign of totalitarianism. Extrajudicial persecution of opposition movements is a sign of totalitarianism. The state includes territories that do not have political independence - a sign of a unitary state. The components of the form of the state include: the form of government, the political regime and the state-territorial structure.

1. Form of government - republic (Head of state is elected by popular vote);
2. The political regime is totalitarian;

The state-territorial structure is a unitary state (the state includes territories that do not have political independence).

To write a plan for any of the social science topics, it is necessary to clearly understand the structure of the study of the topic. Since, the plan is aimed at recreating the structure of the theme. The writing of the plan also depends on the quality of assimilation of the material of the topic, understanding of its structure. In this case, the theme of the plan is clear and transparent. We are talking about the most important social science phenomenon - socialization. It is important to reveal such a topic through the very characteristics of socialization, then show the stages of socialization, agents of socialization, functions of socialization, touch on the issues of resocialization and desocialization and complete the plan with a problematic question regarding the topic of the plan.

1. Socialization as a process of assimilation by an individual of social norms and values ​​of society, which are necessary for a successful life in society.
2. Stages of socialization:
A) initial (child's socialization);
B) middle (school, university);
C) final (socialization of an adult, acquiring new social roles - husband, father, grandfather)
3. Socialization agents:
A) primary socialization (family, school, company of friends);
B) secondary socialization (university, army, church, media, etc.)
4. Socialization functions:
A) mastering the system of knowledge about the world, man, society;
B) gaining experience of interaction in society;
C) assimilation of moral norms and values;
D) mastering skills, skills, competencies
5. The processes of desocialization and resocialization.
6. The problem of the influence of the environment on the processes of socialization of the human personality.

When writing an essay, first of all, it is necessary to clearly understand the sphere of society to which the chosen topic belongs. You should carefully read the proposed topics, analyze your knowledge base, understand on which of the topics you have clearer ideas about the conceptual apparatus of the topic, for which of the topics you can give examples that are most relevant to the topic.

In this case, we select a topic from the economics section. We carefully read the quote. We understand that the problem of limited resources is immediately raised, with unlimited (endless) human needs. In fact, the main question of the economy sounds - how to satisfy the unlimited human needs with limited economic resources. The quote touches upon another problem - the impossibility of satisfying all human needs, which means the need to make a choice in favor of the most necessary goods. So, we come to the problem of a competent consumer.

Writing an essay:

In this statement, the authors raise the most important economic problem - the limited resources necessary for the production of material goods. As you know, there are very few free goods, unlimited and available to all who need them, in nature. Economic benefits - the means necessary to meet the needs of people and are at the disposal of society in a limited amount, cannot satisfy endless human desires in full. Here we come to the main question of economic theory: how to satisfy the endless and growing needs of the population with limited material resources? The problem of limited resources leads society to the need to make a choice. The choice is made by the producers of material goods, using the necessary resources, known to us as factors of production (land, labor, capital, entrepreneurial ability, information). Each of these production resources has its own limitations. So, labor, as a factor of production, associated with the activities of people in the production of goods and services through the use of their physical and intellectual capabilities, skills, can be limited by the size of the able-bodied population, territorial location or professional competencies. It is well known that the land, as a factor of production, including all types of natural resources available on the planet and suitable for the production of material goods, is limited by the natural relief, the amount of suitable land required for agriculture, or by the availability and development of minerals and their exhaustion. Physical capital will be limited by the level of scientific and technical development of society, and money capital - by the volume of money supply in circulation by the state and the level of inflation. Only 13% of the world's population have entrepreneurial skills, which shows the rarity of their talent. Information as a factor of production will be at least limited by the level of science and education in a particular economic system. In addition to the main factors of production, factors such as the general culture of production and consumption, science, the state of morality, and the level of legal awareness play an important role in economic life. The manufacturer, relying on the initial available economic benefits, taking into account the costs of production - the costs of the manufacturer for the acquisition and use of factors of production and the size of economic profit (the difference between the total revenue of the company and economic costs), which will allow assessing the possibility of the existence of the enterprise, will produce the product that will maximize it is beneficial for him in conditions of market competition.

An example is the Model N, the fifth model by Henry Ford, which has become a true bestseller in production and consumption. She was cheap and reliable, strong and unpretentious. For 1906, Ford managed to sell 2,194 copies - a huge success by the standards of the early twentieth century. In America at the time, 485 American companies were offering their products to consumers. The production technology was simple, but the average price of a car in the 1900s was $ 1000 - fantastic money for that time. Henry Ford understood even then that it was possible to win against competitors only if prices were reduced. And he succeeded, Ford created not only a cheap, but also a reliable car, which was in great demand among buyers. An example is the Mercedes company, which during the world economic crisis of 2008-2010 abandoned the mass production of expensive five-door models and switched to the production of three-door models, which allowed, first of all, to save jobs at the enterprise, not to close factories. located in the territories of other states. And save the consumer market.

Let us turn again to another part of the quote, which states that it is impossible to have everything that you want, so you have to choose. The problem of economic choice is important not only for the producer, but also for the consumer. The willingness to acquire goods has two sides: desire and opportunity. Opportunity is associated with such an economic concept as demand - the willingness of a buyer to purchase goods and services at a certain price at a certain point in time and in certain quantities. In other words, demand expresses the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity that buyers want and can buy. Non-price factors also have a great influence on the amount of demand. An example is the cosmetics market, which has traditionally been one of the most dynamic and profitable sectors of the economy.

It is known that the annual volume of the cosmetic market before the crisis in the summer of 1998 was estimated by experts at 3 billion US dollars. After the crisis, this amount has almost halved. However, the crisis made it possible for domestic producers to seize the lead. As a result, there was an almost complete import substitution of goods of the middle price category. The non-price factor played a role here. After the crisis, domestic manufacturers were able to overcome the consumer stereotype “only imported cosmetics can be good” by offering customers a high-quality product. Today, the Russian cosmetics industry has excellent preconditions for growth: the country has a developed chemical industry, a significant number of specialists and scientific laboratories. In addition, national traditions force women to spend significant amounts on maintaining beauty. The climatic conditions of Russia require special skin care, which creates additional opportunities for the manufacturer, but consumers always have the opportunity to make their choice.

* Since May 2017, the joint publishing group "DROFA-VENTANA" is included in. The corporation also includes the Astrel publishing house, the DROFA-new school equipment company for educational organizations and the LECTA digital educational platform. Alexander Brychkin, a graduate of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Ph.D. in Economics, head of innovative projects of the DROFA publishing house in the field of digital education (electronic forms of textbooks, Russian Electronic School, digital educational platform LECTA) has been appointed General Director. Prior to joining the DROFA publishing house, he held the position of Vice President for Strategic Development and Investments of the EKSMO-AST Publishing Holding. Today the publishing corporation "Russian Textbook" has the largest portfolio of textbooks included in the Federal List - 485 titles (approximately 40%, excluding textbooks for a special school). The corporation's publishing houses own the sets of textbooks most demanded by Russian schools on physics, drawing, biology, chemistry, technology, geography, astronomy - areas of knowledge that are needed to develop the country's production potential. The corporation's portfolio includes primary school textbooks and teaching aids that have received the President's Education Prize. These are textbooks and manuals on subject areas that are necessary for the development of the scientific, technical and production potential of Russia.

Unified State Exam 2017. Social Studies. 50 training options for examination papers. Baranov P.A., Shevchenko S.V.

M .: 2017 .-- 484 p.

50 training options for examinations in social studies is a unique manual for students in grades 10-11 and applicants, which allows you to successfully prepare for the unified state exam in the shortest possible time and without involving other manuals. Each option is compiled in full accordance with the requirements of the exam, includes tasks of different types and levels of complexity in all basic sciences, on the basis of which the course of social studies is formed: philosophy, economics, sociology, social psychology, political science, jurisprudence. A significant bank of examination materials (1350 tasks of part 1, 450 - part 2) provides an excellent opportunity for intensive training and mastering the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for successful passing of the Unified State Exam. At the end of the book, answers are given for self-examination for all the tasks of part 1, the main content of answers to the tasks of part 2 and recommendations for writing an essay.

Format: pdf

The size: 10.2 MB

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Foreword 4
Instructions for the implementation of the examination work 8
Option 1 9
Option 2 17
Option 3 24
Option 4 32
Option 5 40
Option 6 48
Option 7 56
Option 8 64
Option 9 72
Option 10 79
Option 11 86
Option 12 94
Option 13 102
Option 14 110
Option 15 118
Option 16 126
Option 17 134
Option 18 142
Option 19 150
Option 20 158
Option 21 166
Option 22 174
Option 23 182
Option 24 190
Option 25 198
Option 26 206
Option 27 213
Option 28 221
Option 29 229
Option 30 237
Option 31 245
Option 32 253
Option 33 261
Option 34 269
Option 35 277
Option 36 285
Option 37 293
Option 38 301
Option 39 309
Option 40 317
Option 41 325
Option 42 332
Option 43 340
Option 44 348
Option 45 356
Option 46 364
Option 47 372
Option 48 380
Option 49 388
Option 50 396
404 responses

Successful passing of the Unified State Exam (USE) in social studies requires from the examinees not only a deep knowledge of the educational material and the corresponding level of formation of leading skills, but also an understanding of the meaning of the tasks included in the examination work, the ability to build their mental activity in the right direction. In addition, you need to learn how to concentrate, be attentive to the details of the wording of tasks, and be able to correctly allocate your energy and time during the exam. Therefore, a systematic, systematic activity is needed to develop intelligence, creative and analytical abilities, which implies a certain training in performing tasks of various levels of complexity. Such training can be effective if the examinee is offered a bank of variable tasks, significant in volume, differing in the tested content, level of complexity and the form of presentation of the results of their implementation. For these purposes, this manual includes 50 options for written examination work in social studies (total: 1000 tasks with a short answer; 450 tasks with a detailed answer), which will not only form an idea of ​​its structure and content, but also control the level of mastering one or another a content block-module of the social studies course, to optimize the independent work of the examinees in preparation for the exam.
In order for this work to be more effective, the manual contains answers to all the tasks of the presented options, which makes it possible to check the answer of the examinee with the standard.

There is an opinion among schoolchildren that social studies is the simplest subject of the exam. Many people choose it for this very reason. But this is a delusion that leads away from serious preparation.

Changes in the KIM USE 2020 in social studies:

  • There are no changes in the structure and content of the CMM.
  • The wording of tasks 28, 29 has been detailed and corrections have been made to the system of their assessment.

How to start preparing the Unified State Exam in Social Studies?

1. Learn theory.

For this, theoretical material is selected for each task, which you need to know and take into account when completing the task. There will be questions with a philosophical bias (man and society) and sociological (relations in society). Remember that there are only 8 topics: society

  • human
  • cognition
  • spiritual sphere (culture)
  • social sphere
  • economy
  • politics
  • right

Indicate on what topics the survey will be in the tasks. Each topic has many small subtopics that you should pay attention to when studying.

To obtain a high result, the examinee must confidently operate the basic concepts and terms. Analyze the information provided in the form of graphics. Work with text. Competently reason within the framework of the problem posed, concisely express your thoughts in writing.

Important tip: when preparing, you should not use materials and manuals for 2016 and earlier, as they have lost compliance with the updated assignments.

2. Study well the structure of tasks, the system of their assessment.

The exam ticket is divided into two parts:

  1. Tasks from 1 to 20, requiring a short answer (word, phrase or number);
  2. Tasks from 21 to 29 - with a detailed answer and mini-essays.

The assessment of the Unified State Exam assignments in social studies was distributed as follows:

  • 1 point - for 1, 2, 3, 10, 12 tasks.
  • 2 points - 4-9, 11, 13-22.
  • 3 points - 23, 24, 26, 27.
  • 4 points - 25, 28.
  • 6 points - 29.

You can get a maximum of 65 points.
The minimum must be 43 total points.

Pay special attention to the tasks of the exam with a detailed answer in social studies.

3. Solving the tasks of the exam in social studies.

The more test tasks you complete, the stronger your knowledge will be. Tasks are formed on the basis of