History Olympiads 6. Assignments for the school stage of the History Olympiad (Grade 6)

Read the assignments carefully. Write down the ready-made answers and solutions in the answer form. If you are having difficulty, skip to the next question. All the work will take 45 minutes to complete. In tasks 1 to 9, there is only one correct answer.

The impetus for the Great Migration of Peoples was the invasion of nomads from the depths of Asia:

A. Vandals B. Ostrogoths V. Visigoths G. Franks D. Huns.

2. In what year was Charlemagne declared emperor?

A. in 780. B. in 910. V. in 800. G. in 810.

3. At what step of the feudal ladder were the peasants?

A. on the top B. on the lowest

V. did not enter the feudal staircase

4. The structure of a society in which the main groups are lords and peasants, and the land is in the hands of lords, is called ...

A. medieval civilization B. agrarian civilization

B. subsistence farming G. feudal social order

5. The Treaty of Verdun (843) secured:

A) the adoption of Christianity by the Franks B) the creation of the Frankish empire

C) the collapse of the Frankish Empire

6. Which Germanic tribe mainly inhabited the Scandinavian Peninsula:

A) Visigoths B) Ostrogoths C) Franks D) Normans

7. The main tower in the knight's castle:

A) refectory B) donjon C) town hall D) pagoda

8. All important issues in the Slavic tribe were resolved:

A) a national assembly - veche B) military leaders

C) the elders of the tribe D) the priests

9. Complete the catch phrases used by the people of the ancient world and the Middle Ages.

"Vassal of my vassal ___________________________."

"God, save us from the rage __________________________!"

"Traveler, tell the Spartans about our demise, faithful ____________________________________________________."

All roads lead to __________. "

10. Match the concepts and their definitions:

A) lands granted in hereditary possession by the lord to his vassal

B) forced labor of dependent peasants on the farm of the feudal lord

C) collection of food or money by the feudal lord from dependent peasants

3) corvee

1 1 ... Who are we talking about?

11.1. This man became the founder of a new religion and state. Who is he?

A. Muhammad B. Justinian W. Charlemagne

11.2. Read the text. What is the name of the ruler who asked for the golden cup in addition to his share? Do you remember how this story ended with the gold bowl from Soissons? Write down your answer.

“And so, arriving in Soissons, the king said, when he put all the booty in the middle:“ I ask you, brave warriors, do not refuse to give me at least this vessel out of the way ... ”When the king said this, those who had common sense, answered: “Everything that we see here, glorious king, belongs to you, just as we ourselves are subject to your rule. Do whatever you please, for no one can oppose your power. " ... Only one, frivolous with a loud cry raised the ax and cut the cup, saying: "You will not get anything from this, except what is due to you by lot." Everyone was amazed by this, but no one spoke a word, and the king suppressed the insult with meekness and patience. Hiding a hidden wound in his chest, he took the cup and handed it to the bishop's messenger.

Gregory. Toursky. "History of the Franks".

11. 3. Read the text. In medieval times, this people was called by different names. Remember and write down at least three names.

They were experienced shipbuilders who created the most advanced ships of their era. They named the ships: Long Serpent, Sea Bird, Waves Walker, Wind Eater, Wolf. They even wrote poems about their ships and carved their images on the stones. Long, graceful vessels, fast and reliable, easy to row or even carry on hands if necessary, were about 18 meters long and 2.6 meters wide. The bow of the ship was decorated with the head of a dragon. The seafarers themselves were skilled sailors. ... We could sail for many days away from the coast, without the aid of navigation devices. They were heading for the sun, moon and stars. The depth and temperature of the ocean water helped them determine their location. On the way from Norway to Greenland, the sailors kept a course for the movement of shoals of herring, cod or haddock.

They were also merciless warriors-conquerors who held the whole of Europe in fear in the Middle Ages.

12. Solve the crossword puzzle and find out the keyword.
1. "City of the Prophet"
2. Large landowner
3. Nomads from Asia, whose invasion triggered the migration of peoples
4. Normans from the south of Scandinavia, known in Russia under the name …….
5. War servant. Received land for service
6. Abbot of the monastery
7. Small landowner who did not have vassals

8. The tower from which the call to prayer sounds for Muslims

9. The language taught in medieval schools


Right answers



Job No.

Correct answer

Job No.

Correct answer


1. "My vassal's vassal is not my vassal!"

2. "God save us from the fury of the Normans!"

3. "Traveler, tell the Spartans about our demise, true

to our laws, here we have died with bones. "

4. All roads lead to Rome!

6 points for each correct statement, 24 in total

1B, 2A, 3B





Normans, Vikings, Varangians

9 l

6 a

2 f

3 g

5 in

8 about

4 in

7 p


Each word - 3 points, including the key

Total 30 points


IImunicipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the history of the academic year, grade 6

The maximum number of points is 38.

Complete test tasks

Please select one correct answer.

A1. Indicate to what period the settlement of the East European Plain by the Slavs belongs (1 point):

A) I-II centuries; B) III-V centuries; C) VI-VIII centuries; D) IX-X centuries.

A2. One of the reasons for the adoption of Christianity in Russia was (1 point):

A) the beginning of the fragmentation of Russian lands;

B) popular uprisings;

C) the need to strengthen the power of the Kiev prince;

D) the vocation of the Varangian princes by the Novgorodians.

A3. Which of the listed events refers to the XII century. (1 point)?

A) the battle on Kalka;

B) the unification of Kiev and Novgorod under the rule of Oleg;

C) the defeat of the Khazar Kaganate by Prince Svyatoslav;

D) writing "The Tale of Bygone Years".

A4. The Khan's charter, giving the Russian princes the right to rule in their principalities during the period of Horde rule in Russia, was called (1 point):

A) label; B) exit; C) the calendar; d) baskak.

A5. The following event is associated with the invasion of Batu into Russia (1 point):

A) the battle on Lake Peipsi;

B) the ruin of Ryazan;

C) standing on the Ugra river;

D) Battle of the Neva.

A6. Read a passage from the chronicle and indicate the name of the prince referred to in the document (1 point).

“He laid ˂ ... ˃ the great city (city walls) Kiev, near the same city the Golden Gate; founded the Church of St. Sophia, the Wisdom of God.

He loved books and, having written many of them, put them in the church of St. Sophia, which he himself created. He adorned it with priceless icons, both gold and silver, and church vessels, and in it they raise the prescribed hymns to God at the appointed time. "

A) Prince Oleg;

B) Vladimir Svyatoslavovich;

C) Yaroslav the Wise;

D) Mstislav the Great.

A7. Indicate one of the consequences of the Horde rule in Russia (1 point):

A) the beginning of political fragmentation in Russia;

B) the loss of many crafts;

C) complete extermination of the Orthodox clergy;

D) the final enslavement of the peasants.

A8. Republican form of government at the beginningXIIv. formed in (1 point):

A) Novgorod; B) Vladimir; C) Kiev; D) Moscow.

Please select several correct answers:

A9. Indicate the neighbors of the Eastern Slavs (2 points):

A) Finno-Ugric people;

B) francs;

C) the Khazars;

E) Visigoths.

A10. Select from the list and indicate works of culture related toXII- XIIIcc (2 points):

A) "The Word about Law and Grace" by Metropolitan Hilarion;

B) Church of the Tithes in Kiev;

C) "Teaching Children" by Vladimir Monomakh;

D) Church of the Intercession on the Nerl;

E) St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev.

B1. "Yes or no"? If you agree with the statement, write "yes", if you do not agree, write "no": (For each correct statement - 1 point)

A. In 980, Vladimir Svyatoslavovich carried out the first religious reform. ____________

B. Paintings made of glassy multi-colored stones pressed into the damp plaster are called frescoes. __________________

V. Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy was the grandson of Ivan Kalita. __________

D. In the Battle of the Neva, Prince Alexander fought with the Swedes. __________________________

B2. Arrange the following events in chronological order. Indicate the answer in the form of a sequence of letters in the table (No errors - 2 points, 1 error - 1 point):

A. Battle of the Ice

B. Baptism of Rus

V. Kulikovo battle

D. Battle on Kalka

D. Lyubech Congress of Princes

B3. What or who is superfluous in the row? Underline the excess and provide a brief rationale (what unites the rest of the concepts or names?).

For each correct answer 2 points (extra word and justification)

A. Polyana, Drevlyans, Ryadovichi, Dregovichi, Polochans. _____________________________________________________________________________

B. Yarilo, Perun, Stribog, Veles, Sineus.


B4. Establish a correspondence between the description of the jewelry technique of Ancient Rus and its name: (For each correct match - 1 point):

The ornament on the product is soldered in the form of small gold or silver balls

A pattern of gold or silver wire is soldered onto a metal background.

The product is fired, after which a gray or black pattern appears on the metal surface

Cloisonne enamel

The pattern is formed by thin metal partitions and is filled with enamel

B5. By what principle are the ranks formed? Give a short answer. (2 points each)

A. 1223, 1240, 1242, 1380, _____________________________________________________________________________

B. Posadnik, tysyatsky, archbishop, prince _____________________________________________________________________________

V. Purchase, serf, ryadovich _____________________________________________________________________________

Analysis of the historical situation.

The messenger delivered the Novgorod-Seversk prince Svyatoslav a message from his ally - the prince of Suzdal. In the message he was invited to a meeting for negotiations in a small town on the border of the Suzdal principality: "Come to me, brother, to Moscow."

C1. Indicate the name of the Suzdal prince who sent an invitation to meet with an ally in Moscow. - 2 points.

C2. Indicate the century or year when the described event occurred. - 2 points

C3. What is the name of the period in Russian history when this event took place? - 2 points

Answers to Olympiad tasks in history 6th grade.

One point for each correct answer.

Total - 12 points.

A - "yes"; B - "no"; B - "yes"; G - "yes". - 4 points.

B, D, D, A, C. If there are no errors - 2 points, one error - 1 point.

A. Ryadovichi, others, unions of Eastern Slavs. - 2 points, if only a word - 1 point

B. Sineus, the rest of the pagan gods of the Slavs. - 2 points, if only the word - 1 point

1B; 2A; 3G; 4B. - 4 points

A. Years of battles between Russian princes and invaders during the period of fragmentation of Russian lands - 2 points

B. Elected positions in Novgorod - 2 points;

C. Dependent population in Ancient Rus - 2 points

Total - 20 points

C1. - 2 points

C2. - XII century or 1147 - 2 points

C3. - The period of feudal fragmentation - 2 points.

Total - 6 points.

The maximum number of points is 38.


1. Danilov from ancient times to the end of the 16th century. Textbook for grade 6. SPHERES. M., "Education", 2011

2. FIPI. State final certification. Thematic and typical exam options. Ed. A, M., National Education, 2012

Here are the test tasks of the All-Russian Olympiad of the school stage in the history of Russia for grade 6 with answers to them.

The presented tasks can be used in class 6, providing students with the opportunity to better understand and update the previously passed material, as well as determine how well the students are ready for the Olympiad.

1. What was facilitated by the move of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church from Vladimir to Moscow?

  • A) the fall of the authority of the Moscow principality
  • B) the rise of Moscow
  • C) exacerbation of religious contradictions
  • D) the unification of the Russian lands

What Kiev prince's campaign against Constantinople is referred to in this passage from the Tale of Bygone Years?

In the year 6415 (907). I went ____ to the Greeks, leaving Igor in Kiev; And he took with him a multitude of Varangians, and Slavs, and Chudi, and Krivichi, and Meru, and Drevlyans, and Radimichs, and Polyans, and Northerners, and Vyatichi, and Croats, and Dulebs, and Tivertsy, known as Tolmachi: all of them were called Greeks "Great Scythia". And with all these he went _____ on horses and in ships; and there were 2,000 ships. And he came to Constantinople: the Greeks closed the Judgment, and the city was closed. And _____ went ashore, and began to fight, and he did many murders in the vicinity of the city to the Greeks, and they shattered many chambers, and burned the churches. And those who were captured, some were excised, others were tortured, some were shot, and some were thrown into the sea, and the Russians did a lot of other harm to the Greeks, as enemies usually do ... And ______ ordered his soldiers to make wheels and put ships on wheels. And when a fair wind blew, they raised sails in the field and went to the city. The Greeks, seeing this, were frightened and said, sending to _______: "Do not destroy the city, we will give you the tribute you want" ... And ordered _______ to give tribute for 2000 ships: 12 hryvnia per person, and there were 40 men in each ship ... And he hung his shield on the gates as a sign of victory, and went from Constantinople ...

  • A) Rurik
  • B) Oleg
  • C) Askold
  • D) Svyatoslav

3. What work is a monument of literature of the XIV century?

  • A) "The Tale of Bygone Years"
  • B) "Life of Boris and Gleb"
  • C) "Word of Law and Grace"
  • D) "Song of Shchelkan Dudentievich"

4. In the course of what natural events took place the formation of the state among the Eastern Slavs?

  • A) As a result of the decomposition of the feudal system
  • B) As a result of the decomposition of the tribal system
  • C) As a result of the decomposition of the primitive system

5. Eliminate the superfluous ruler.

  • A) Oleg
  • B) Yagailo
  • C) Svyatoslav
  • D) Vladimir

6. The activities of Prince Vladimir were aimed at:

  • A) strengthening of the princely power
  • B) prohibition of contacts with Byzantium
  • C) equalization in the rights of pagans and Christians
  • D) conducting campaigns against the Khazar Kaganate

7. At the congress of princes in Lyubech in 1097, a decision was made

  • A) Submit to the authority of the Kiev prince
  • B) Rule independently in the lands inherited by inheritance
  • C) Transfer to the veche part of the power in the lands-volosts
  • D) Create a council of princes to resolve controversial issues

8. Assumption and Archangel Cathedrals on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin were built during the reign of:

  • A) Alexander Nevsky
  • B) Yuri Dolgoruky
  • C) Dmitry Donskoy
  • D) Ivan Kalita

9. Which of these events happened in 1433?

  • A) The battle on the river. Klyazma
  • B) Accession of Pskov to the Moscow principality
  • C) Battle on the Kulikovo field
  • D) Convocation of the Zemsky Sobor

10. The introduction of St. George's Day meant ...

  • A) Restriction of the personal freedom of peasants
  • B) The establishment of the annual payment of peasants for living on the land of the feudal lord
  • C) Confirmation of the right of peasants at any time to transfer from one owner to another
  • D) Granting the peasants the right to enter military service

11. Who constituted the bulk of the population of Rus?

  • A) townspeople
  • B) vigilantes
  • C) communal peasants
  • D) artisans

12. People hunted together, were engaged in gathering, took care of children, protected themselves from strangers. They were all considered:

  • A) friends
  • B) neighbors
  • C) fellow citizens
  • D) relatives

13. The Copperstone Age is ...

  • A) Paleolithic
  • B) Mesolithic
  • C) Neolithic
  • D) Eneolithic

14. In what year did Prince Oleg make a campaign against Byzantium?

  • A) 907
  • B) 908
  • B) 910
  • D) 911

15. What was the significance of the reign of Ivan Kalita?

  • A) he destroyed the dependence of the Russian lands on the Golden Horde
  • B) he completed the process of unification of Russian lands
  • C) he secured the Moscow principality from the raids of the Horde
  • D) he concluded a union with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

16. Which of the following events took place in 1240?

  • A) Capture by the army of Batu Kozelsk
  • B) Capture of Kiev by Batu's army
  • C) Capture of Ryazan by Batu's army

17. When did the Slavs settle in Eastern Europe?

  • A) 40 thousand years ago
  • B) in the 7th - 6th centuries. BC.
  • C) in the VI - VIII centuries.
  • D) in the X century.

Answers to the All-Russian Olympiad in the history of Russia, grade 6

This table shows the answers to tests on the history of Russia for the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad

Job numberCorrect answer
1 B
2 B
3 G
4 B
5 B
6 A
7 B
8 G
9 A
10 A
11 V
12 G
13 G
14 A
15 V
16 B
17 V



School tour

Task number 1. Analyze the historical source and answer the question.

In which city did Pericles live? Why did he call this city "the school of all Hellas"? How could the inhabitants of this city prove themselves? (5 points)

Task number 2. Choose the correct answer(1 point each)

  1. The impetus for the Great Migration of Peoples was the invasion of nomads from the depths of Asia:

A. Vandals B. Ostrogoths V. Visigoths G. Franks D. Huns.

A. in 780 B. in 910 C. in 800 G. in 810

A. on the upper B. on the lowest V. did not enter the feudal staircase

B. subsistence farming G. feudal social order

A) the adoption of Christianity by the Franks B) the creation of the Frankish empire C) the collapse of the Frankish empire

A) Visigoths B) Ostrogoths C) Franks D) Normans

7. Match the concepts and their definitions:

3) corvee

Task number 3.

1. In which city was the largest and most beautiful temple of the early Middle Ages?

(1 point)

3. Could a baron who swore an oath of allegiance to a duke be considered a vassal of the king? (1 point)

Task number 4.

Alexander the Great



Octavian August



Prince Gautama

7. Military campaign to India

Qin Shihuang

Julius Caesar

9. Establishment of an empire

Task number 5.

(8 points)

Prophet Muhammad.




School tour

Task number 1. Analyze the historical source and answer the question.

The outstanding ancient Greek politician Pericles said about his city: "Our state is the school of the whole of Hellas, and each of us can easily express our personality in a variety of living conditions."

In which city did Pericles live? Why did he call this city "the school of all Hellas"? How could the inhabitants of this city prove themselves? (5 points) - Athens

Task number 2. Choose the correct answer.(1 point each)

1.The impetus for the Great Migration of Peoples was the invasion of nomads from the depths of Asia:

A. Vandals B. Ostrogoths V. Visigoths G. Franks D. Huns.

2. In what year was Charlemagne declared emperor?

A. in 780 B. in 910 B. in 800 G. in 810

3. At what step of the feudal ladder were the peasants?

A. on the top B. on the lowestV. did not enter the feudal staircase

4. The structure of a society in which the main groups are lords and peasants, and the land is in the hands of lords, is called ...

A. medieval civilization B. agrarian civilization

B. subsistence farmingG. feudal social order

5. The Treaty of Verdun (843) secured:

A) the adoption of Christianity by the Franks B) the creation of the Frankish empireC) the collapse of the Frankish Empire

6. Which Germanic tribe mainly inhabited the Scandinavian Peninsula:

A) Visigoths B) Ostrogoths C) Franks D) Normans

7. Match the concepts and their definitions: 3 points

1) quitrent A) lands granted in hereditary possession by the lord to his vassal

2) feud B) forced labor of dependent peasants on the farm of the feudal lord

3) corvee C) collection of food or money by the feudal lord from dependent peasants

1A, 2A, 3B

Task number 3. Answer the questions (1 point each)

1. In which city was the largest and most beautiful temple of the early Middle Ages? (Paris)

2. How did the Vikings differ from the Normans and Vikings? (1 point)

3. Could a baron who swore an oath of allegiance to a duke be considered a vassal of the king? (1 point) (No)

Task number 4. Relate the name of the ruler to the historical fact. (9 points)

Alexander the Great -7

1. Organization of a library of clay books

Ashurbanipal - 1

2. Creation of the oldest laws

Constantine - 8

3. Construction of the longest wall

Octavian August - 6

4. Creation of a new religion - Buddhism

Solomon - 5

5. Construction of the temple of the god Yahweh in Jerusalem

Hammurabi -2

6. The seizure of sole power in Rome

Prince Gautama -4

7. Military campaign to India

Qin Shihuang -3

8. Allowing Christians to Pray Openly

Julius Caesar -9

9. Establishment of an empire

Task number 5. Match the concepts and their meanings. Write the answer in the table.

(8 points)

1.Natural economy A. Speech on a religious and moral theme.

2. Sermon B. the era in the history of mankind between the ancient world and modern times

3. Middle Ages B. A farm in which everything you need is produced in a given area

and is spent on the own consumption of the population of a given area.

4. Islam G. A complex pattern created on the basis of mathematical calculation.

5. Fresco D. Painting made on the wall or ceiling of the temple on wet plaster.

6. Monastery E. North Germans, Norwegians, Swedes, Danes.

7. Normans J. Religion of many peoples of the East, associated with faith in Allah and his

Prophet Muhammad.

8. Arabesque Z. Residence of monks, a complex of buildings surrounded by a high wall.

Total points 34

The Olympics, which will make history closer and more understandable!

We are launching the next stage of the Olympiad in the history of Russia for pupils of grades 6-11 and students of I-II courses of secondary specialized educational institutions. The event is irreplaceable for those who wish to systematize the material covered.

How Russian history is taught at the Mega-Talent center: unique sets of assignments have been prepared for pupils and students based on the school curriculum. The tasks have several levels of difficulty. So nobody will be bored.

What themes are we repeating this season:

  • The appearance of man on the territory of Russia, the first tribes
  • Formation of the state
  • Russian empire in different centuries
  • The relationship of political, social and historical events
  • 20th century events
  • Contemporary history of Russia

The tasks of the Olympiad correspond to the Federal State Educational Standard and help:

  • Master basic historical knowledge.
  • To gain experience of the historical, cultural, civilizational approach to the assessment of social phenomena, modern global processes.
  • To form respect for the historical heritage of the peoples of Russia.

Separate awards await the organizer and parents

We will also send a separate thank you
admission to your educational institution

Also you will get

Gifts for all participants All participants receive a special "Table of achievements" in which you can enter information about the results of participation in our events and personal achievements.

Infographics Teachers who apply for 10 or more participants will be able to receive a personalized class rating in the form of infographics

Info poster announcement With the help of the information poster, you can easily start organizing our event in your educational institution Download info poster

  1. Register on the website site.
  2. Apply for participation indicating the number of participants.
  3. Confirm the application by paying for it in a way convenient for you.
  4. In one application, only one name of the Olympiad curator and one name of the educational institution can be indicated, which will be reflected in the award materials of the participants and the curator. You can submit multiple applications for the event if required.
  5. Use the received methodological materials for the Olympiad (methodological recommendations, tasks for each category of participants, answer forms).
  6. Upload student papers prior to debriefing.
  7. Download reward materials from your completed application after the day the results are posted.
  1. Students must solve all tasks on their own, without outside help.
  2. Be responsible for filling out the answer table - the result of the participant may depend on it!
  3. Please fill in all required fields correctly. The time to change the entered data is limited.
  4. Remember that registration fee will not be refunded for the entries not added in a timely manner!

Who can win the Olympiad?

Our methodologists prepare assignments that correspond to the school curriculum. They are simpler than at regional olympiads, but more interesting and more varied than at school tests. Excellent students and students who know the material at a sufficient level cope with our tasks. However, the experience of participating in the Olympiads is also interesting for students with a satisfactory level of knowledge.

We took part in the last season's Olympiad. Are the tasks the same in this Olympiad?

No, we are preparing new tasks for each season. Assignments for different seasons are based on different sections of the curriculum. You can take part in the Olympiad again.

What does the set of tasks for the Olympiad look like?

On the day the assignments are issued, all teachers who have paid for participation can download a set of materials for the Olympiad, which includes:

  • Methodical recommendations for the Olympiad.
  • Motivation letter to the participant from the director of the MDG "Mega-Talent".
  • A set of 15 tasks of various types.
  • Calendar of upcoming events.

How are the results of the Olympiad evaluated?

After you enter the answers in a special table on the site, they will be submitted for verification. For each correct answer, the student receives 2 points. If there are two possible answers to a test question and the student has correctly indicated only one answer, he will receive 1 point.

How are rewards distributed?

  • The participant of the Olympiad who received 30 points is awarded the highest award - a winner's diploma.
  • Participants who received 26-29 points are awarded 2nd and 3rd places and diplomas of prize-winners are issued.
  • All other participants receive personalized certificates.

The awards can be downloaded on the day of the debriefing.

How to pay for participation in the Olympiad?

To pay, use one of the proposed methods:

  • Bank card VISA / MasterCard / Maestro
  • QIWI Wallet
  • Yandex.Money wallet
  • Transfer through a bank or a branch of the Russian Post
  • Cash at self-service terminals

In order not to pay for each event separately and not to fill in all the data for payment each time, you can replenish your personal balance.

How can you save on paying for participation in the Olympiads?

We will compensate for the costs of holding the Olympiad. The more students are indicated in the application, the higher the percentage of compensation for teacher expenses.

You can also save money by replenishing the balance on the site. When you top up your balance, you will receive a bonus of 7–20%, depending on the amount of the top up.

Why do teachers choose Mega-Talent Olympiads?

  • Simple application form
  • Convenient access to teaching materials and awards
  • Self-entry of answers and work on errors
  • Reimbursement of the cost of printing assignments and reward materials
  • Unique and varied tasks

Photos of participants

Over 1000 reviews from satisfied teachers

I express my deep gratitude to the administration of the MDG Mega Talent, I and my daughter, a 1st grade student, really liked everything! Everything is fast, modern and up-to-date !!

Lilia Sharifullina

FKU IK-4 GUFSIN of Russia across the Chelyabinsk region

I liked the first day of the conference - thank you !!!

Thank you very much for this opportunity, we became participants in the International Art Olympiad. The guys liked it. The work of the site is excellent! Good luck.

Marina Marisova

Thank you very much for the competition. Students are happy to participate. The organization of the competition is very good. The support service works efficiently. We hope for further participation in your contests.

Olga Zhukova

branch MBOU Sosnovskaya secondary school № 2 in the village. Right Lamps

On behalf of the participants, thank you for the very interesting tasks. The assignments correspond to the age category. The children are very happy. We plan to continue to actively participate in the Olympiads. Marina Budantseva ....

Marina Budantseva


We participated in the conference for the first time. The students liked it. The organization of the Olympiad is good. Thanks so much for the opportunity for online events.

Igor Semenikhin

Taganrog College of Construction Industry and Technologies

Many thanks for organizing and conducting the Olympiad. Everything is very wonderful, efficient and organized. We will be happy to participate in other events.

Alexander Sklyar

Thank you for the opportunity to check what you have learned in such a vivid, attractive, simple way. Thanks even more for the independent assessment.

Galina Palaeva

It is not the first year that our students have been taking part in subject Olympiads in the subject "Music", they really like literally everything and tasks and gifts, we thank the organizers of such Olympiads, very ...

galina polyakova

Thank you, the tasks were interesting and understandable for the children. MKOU OOSH village of Kolyanur

Alevtina Kuzminykh


Thank you for organizing the Olympiad. The assignments are composed competently, taking into account the passage of the program. Good luck!

Elena Belozerova

MKOU "Kremenskaya secondary school"

Thanks for the events! We wish you every success! We will still participate!

Daria Pyannikova

Thank you very much for the competition. The students did it with pleasure. The organization of the competition is very good. The support service works efficiently. We hope that we will take part in your contests more than once.

Natalia Alova

MOU "Lomonosov gymnasium", Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia

We often participate in free contests on your site. Thank you very much for their holding and colorful diplomas! Children and parents love it!

Tatiana Lunegova

MAOU "Secondary School No. 132 with in-depth study of subjects of natural and ecological profile"

We took part in the Olympiad with 6th grade students. The questions are interesting, the students liked it. We plan to take part in the future. THANKS TO THE ORGANIZERS!

Tatiana Logacheva

"Mega-Talent" is an educational center that conducts distance Olympiads of the all-Russian and international level. Every season, more than two thousand students of grades 6-11 and students of I-II courses of secondary specialized educational institutions become participants of the Olympiads in the history of Russia. Participants of the Olympiads receive from us certificates or diplomas of I-III degrees. We issue a certificate and gratitude to the teachers who organized the Olympiad.

The results of our work for the year:

  • We expanded the list of Olympiad disciplines to 47 school subjects and held 400 distance Olympiads.
  • Helped more than 10,000 schoolchildren from 12 countries to prove themselves in the Olympiads on the history of Russia.
  • We paid the teachers 2,500,000 rubles to compensate for the costs of the Olympiad.
  • Earned the trust of the teachers. Having taken part in the Olympiad once, 98% of teachers become permanent organizers.

5 steps towards a teacher

We try to make cooperation with each teacher effective and comfortable. To do this, we follow 5 points.

  1. We open access to the Olympiad tasks for all classes through a personal account.
  2. We change the design of the awards every season to diversify the portfolio of students and teachers.
  3. We compensate teachers for expenses on printing assignments, diplomas and certificates.
  4. Every month we present gifts to active organizers of the Olympiad.
  5. We promptly answer the teacher's questions in online chat, mail and skype.

Advantages of distance Olympiads "Mega-Talent"

Distance Olympiad is an Olympiad that every teacher can organize. You independently choose the time and place for the educational event. Thus, students take part in the All-Russian or even international Olympiad, while not leaving the walls of their school.

In a familiar environment, the participants in the Olympiad are less nervous and worried. This means that they pay more attention to solving problems and can achieve a better result.

The tasks of the Mega-Talent Olympiads correspond to the Federal State Educational Standard and are compiled taking into account the content of the curriculum on the history of Russia.

The task sets for each class consist of 15 test questions of different types:

  • Questions with one correct answer.
  • Multiple-choice questions.
  • Analytical and chronological questions.
  • Tasks for correlating two data series.
  • Tasks for working with illustrative sources.

The cost of participation in olympiads in history

Pupils are admitted to the Olympiad after paying the registration fee. We return to the teacher up to 30% of each registration fee as compensation for the costs of the Olympiad. The final amount of compensation depends on the number of participants in the Olympiad. You can find out detailed terms of compensation after registration.
All teachers who organized and conducted the Olympiad go toteacher rating ... Every month we give gifts to the leaders of the rating - the teachers who attracted the largest number of students to participate in the Olympiad.

How often do we hold olympiads in Russian history?

Throughout the academic year, the Mega-Talent RTC holds 7 distance Olympiads: 3 All-Russian, which are held by seasons, 3 international, which are held during breaks between All-Russian, as well as the final Olympiad at the end of the academic year.

The tasks for each season of the Olympiads are changed and supplemented by the material of the sections of the curriculum, completed by the time of the Olympiad.

How do we check participants' responses?

Participants' answers are checked automatically. After the teacher has entered the answers to the site, they are automatically checked against the key added to the system. On the day of publication of the results, access to award materials is opened for participants and a teacher.

How to hold an Olympiad in Russian history?

  1. Register on the Mega-Talent website.
  2. Apply for participation, indicate the number of participants.
  3. Pay the registration fee to confirm your participation in the Olympiad.
  4. Download assignments and methodological recommendations, familiarize yourself with their content.
  5. Print the assignments and run the Olympiad.
  6. Enter the answers of the participants in the plate in the personal account on the website.
  7. On debriefing day, download certificates and diplomas for students, as well as your testimony and gratitude.

How to pay the registration fee for participation in the Olympiad in the history of Russia?

The following payment methods are available to you:

  • Payment by credit card (online);
  • Payment according to the receipt, at the Russian Post office;
  • Payment using electronic payment systems (online).

Can schoolchildren and students from outside Russia participate in the event?

We are glad that not only those who live on the territory of our country are interested in studying the history of Russia. Anyone can participate in the Mega-Talent Olympiads, regardless of geographic location. The only condition is knowledge of the Russian language at a level sufficient to understand the tasks of the Olympiad.

We have posted answers to other frequently asked questions here.