Help of lshk on the results of interim certification.


based on the results of the interim (annual) certification of students in grades 1-8

2014 - 2015 academic year

In accordance with the order for the school dated 04.16.2015, No. 20, in the period from 13 to 26 May 2015, intermediate attestation of students in grades 2, 3, 5-8 was carried out.


Determination of the actual level of knowledge of schoolchildren in certain subjects, identification of the effectiveness and degree of training of schoolchildren.

When conducting the intermediate certification of students, the school was guided by the Regulations on the intermediate (annual) certification of students, by the decision of the pedagogical council of 16.02.2015 (protocol No. 1), where the subjects and forms of intermediate certification were approved.

By the decision of the pedagogical council, the interim (annual) certification included knowledge testing on:

    Russian language (2, 5 grades);

    German language (6th grade)

    mathematics (2, 5, 8 grades);

    biology (grade 7);

    complex control work (3 cl.)

    social studies (grade 7);

    literature (6 cl.);

    geography (grade 8);

    checking the reading technique of students (grades 4-8).

Diagnostic materials for intermediate certification in grades 2-3 were developed by primary school teachers, in grades 5-8 - by subject teachers. KIMs were considered and approved at a meeting of the school's methodological council (minutes No. 2 of 20.04.2015). Intermediate certification in the 2nd grade was carried out in the form of tests, in the 3rd grade - in the form of a comprehensive examination, in grades 5-8 - in the form of diagnostic tests. Two weeks before it started, a schedule was drawn up. Students and parents were familiarized with the schedule and procedure for class and parent meetings.

Number of classes

Number of students

at the end of the year

Number of students admitted to intermediate certification

37 students of grades 2-3, 5-8 passed the intermediate certification.

21 people completed the academic year with “4” and “5” (57% of the certified), which is 4% higher than in the last academic year; 7 of them are excellent marks.

Four students were awarded a Certificate of Merit for Excellent Learning Achievement.

Results of interim (annual) certification in subjects









quality of knowledge


grade 2 teacher

Russian language









Russian language


































Social Studies
















in comparison with the results of the final marks of students in the subjects,

included in the interim (annual) certification

2nd grade

Grade 5

6th grade

7th grade

8th grade

Most of the students showed good and satisfactory knowledge at the intermediate (annual) certification.

Results of control and diagnostic work in grades 2.5-8 showed that the level of training was 100% in the 5th grade in Russian and mathematics, in the 7th grade in biology and social studies, which corresponds to the results of the academic year. The indicators of the quality of knowledge correspond to the indicators of annual marks in the 5th grade in Russian language and mathematics, in the 6th grade in literature, in the 7th grade in biology and social studies, in the 8th grade in geography.

The students showed the highest percentage of the quality of knowledge:

    7th grade in biology - 86%, in social studies - 71%;

    5th grade in Russian language and mathematics - 67%;

    6th grade in literature - 67%;

    Grade 8 in geography - 67%.

However, the level of education and the indicator of the quality of knowledge in the 8th grade in mathematics is 29% lower than the annual one, which indicates insufficient preparation of students for the intermediate (annual) certification.

Students who showed unsatisfactory results at the intermediate (annual) certification: student of grade 2. ( PMPK reference) in Russian language and mathematics, two students of grade 8 in mathematics - after analyzing the work, eliminating gaps in knowledge, they did the work again.

In Russian:

    2 cl.- skipping letters, distorting words, replacing letters in a word (67%);

Errors in diagnostic tests mathematics:

    2 cl.- addition of numbers within 100 (67%);

    5 cl.- arithmetic operations with decimal fractions (67%), percentages, finding a percentage of the value (50%).

    8 cl.- systems of inequalities (71%), quadratic equation (71%), parallelogram area (86%), middle line of a triangle (57%), word problem (71%).

Errors in diagnostic tests on literature:

    6 cl.- in 2 parts: determining the type of rhyme (50%), establishing the correspondence between the work, the author and the character of the work (50%), analyzing the poem (67%); in 3 parts of the work: spelling errors (50%).

Errors in diagnostic tests in German:

    6 cl.- in the section "Vocabulary and grammar": the use of modal verbs (67%), the use of pronouns (50%), declension of nouns (50%); in the section "Listening": full understanding of what he heard (83%).

Errors in diagnostic tests in biology:

    7 cl.- identification of multicellular organisms (72%), the external structure of insects (58%), the development of insects with incomplete transformation (86%), reproduction and development of reptiles (86%), the circulatory system of fish (63%).

Errors in diagnostic tests in social studies:

    7 cl.- tasks of increased complexity: knowledge of the age at which the responsibility for theft comes (57%).

Errors in diagnostic tests by geography:

    8 cl.- precipitation (86%), soil fertility (57%).

Students' reading technique (%)





Reading method

Reading accuracy

Mindfulness of reading

Reading pace


syllables and words

the words-













The best reading technique results were in the 3rd grade, in the 8th grade and in the 1st grade. Compared to the previous academic year, there is an improvement in the reading technique of students. Trying to increase the quantitative result, students forget about the expressiveness and error-free reading. It is necessary to work on the reading technique for three students in grades 2 and 7, one student for grades 5, 6 and 8.


1. Most of the students showed good and satisfactory knowledge at the intermediate (annual) certification. The works rated as unsatisfactory grade were analyzed and re-performed.

2. The level of education in all subjects was basically 100%, which corresponds to the results of the academic year. However, the indicators of the quality of knowledge in some subjects are lower than the indicators of the annual marks. This suggests that teachers in these classes were not able to optimally organize individual preparatory work with low-performing students, as well as insufficient preparation for the intermediate (annual) certification of the students themselves.

The results of the implementation of complex test work in grade 3

In accordance with the plan of intraschool control and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOE, in the period from May 19 in the 3rd grade, the final comprehensive control work was carried out.

Targetan integratedtest workdetermination of the level of formation of metasubject results of grade 3 students based on the results of mastering the program for grade 3 of primary school.

Tasks of an integrated controlwork - Establishing the level of mastery of key skills (formation of reading skills, ability to work with text, understand and follow instructions), allowing you to successfully advance in mastering the educational material at the next stage of training.

The complex work consisted of two parts: the main part, which checked the formation of metasubject results at the basic level, and an additional part, which checked the formation of metasubject results at an advanced level.

The maximum score for completing all the work in grade 3 is 34 points (for tasks of the basic level of difficulty - 22, of increased difficulty - 12 points). For independent performance of the work, an additional 0 to 2 points were given.

The results of performing complex work in grade 3

Final complex work


scored points

Number of students

Main part

Additional part

Independence of execution

Additional part

General results of complex work

Controlled item

Grade 3

Wrote the work

Have mastered the basic level

Completed the tasks of an increased level without errors in the complex work

Have mastered the basic and advanced levels

Have not mastered the basic level

Received additional points for doing work independently

The tables show that all students showed a high level of formation of metasubject results. There are no students who have not coped with the complex work.

Four pupils of the 3rd grade showed a high degree of independence in performing complex work.


Thus, the analysis of the results of completing the final and complex work showed a high level of assimilation of the educational program by grade 3 students. There are no students who have not coped with the complex work. The teacher competently implemented the system-activity approach to teaching, which contributed to the formation of subject and metasubject results inherent in the programs of the third year of study.

1. Analyze the results of intermediate certification at meetings of the pedagogical council of the school, school methodological associations, take into account the results of certification when planning work for the 2015-2016 academic year, outline ways of correction.

Term: until 31.08.2015

Responsible: Deputy Director for OIA

2. To inform the parents about the problems identified during the midterm (annual) certification.

Term: until June 10, 2015

Responsible: class teachers

3. Subject teachers to use forms and methods of optimization and activation of cognitive activity in the organization of individual preparatory work with students in preparation for the intermediate (annual) certification.

Term: during the 2015-2016 academic year.

Responsible: subject teachers

4. Teachers of primary grades, Russian language and literature include exercises for speed reading and accuracy in reading and literature lessons.



in MBOU NSOSH number 30

academic year

The school charter provides for the intermediate final certification of students in grades 2-8 as one of the components of the system for determining the quality of education at school, the most important form of control over the level of mastering educational programs.

Guided by the Regulation on

intermediate certification and transfer of students, the teaching staff carried out the following activities:

· The meetings of the MS and the teachers' council were held to organize the completion of the academic year, the preparation and conduct of the interim final attestation;

· The work of subject teachers, class teachers of grades 2-8 was carried out to realize the right of students to choose exams, their forms for intermediate certification;

· Compiled and approved measuring instruments for written examinations;

· The terms, the procedure for conducting written examinations have been determined;

· The examination of the examination material has been carried out;

· Developed criteria for assessing examination papers at various levels of complexity;

· The schedule of intermediate certification was drawn up and brought to the attention of the participants of the educational process;

· Analysis of examination papers;

· Analysis of the results of interim certification.

The midterm certification at the school was carried out from May 22 to May 28. There were no violations of the procedure. During the certification, all provisions of the administrative documents for the school were observed:

"On the order of the end of the academic year and the timing of intermediate certification in grades 2-8."

"On the approval of the schedule of transfer exams, the form of final certification and the composition of the examination commissions in grades 2-8 in the academic year."

"On the transfer of students in grades 2-8, 10 based on the results of intermediate certification."

Pedagogical Council No. 7 of 13.y. it was decided:

To admit to the intermediate final certification of all students in grades 2-8;

In accordance with clause 3.4 of the Regulation onrating system, forms, order, frequency

intermediate certification and transfer of students (intermediate certification of students who are absent for more than 50% of the study time for a good reason (sports competitions, training camps, etc.) attestation) to the 8th grade student Sergey Semenko to assign credits, control and test papers on the topics missed during the 4th quarter in the subjects - Russian, algebra, geometry, English, physics, computer science, chemistry, biology;

Exempt from the interim (annual) certification on the basis of medical certificates of the 3rd grade student Nikita Velichko, who is undergoing treatment;

Exempt from intermediate (annual) certification of students with excellent annual marks in all subjects: Pigunova Ksenia, Gridyakina Victoria, Reutskaya Kristina,

Savchenko Ekaterina, Tsokolova Irina, Moroz Xenia;

For the intermediate final certification of students in grades 2-8, at the suggestion of the MS of the school, the following exams were taken:

2-4 grades - mathematics

Grade 8 - algebra and life safety.

A positive aspect of the 2012 interim attestation was the fact that, in comparison with the annual assessments, the results are stable in terms of OE (%) - in all subjects submitted for the interim attestation. Positive dynamics of CO (%) is noted in the following subjects: mathematics of grade 4 - by 20%, life safety of grade 8 - by 6%. Negative dynamics is noted in the 8th grade in algebra, respectively - by 17%, in computer science in grade 5 - by 15%, in mathematics in grade 2 - by 20%, which indicates that the students in the process of intermediate certification did not confirm the results of the year. The annual grades were confirmed by 6th grade students in Russian language and geography, 7th grade students in physics.

Key findings from a qualitative analysis of midterm examinations:

1. Test work in mathematics in grade 2 consisted of 5 tasks aimed at checking the assimilation of tabular addition cases and the corresponding subtraction cases, the ability to compare multi-digit numbers, the ability to operate with mathematical terminology, the ability to solve problems, master the key phrases "increase by", "increase in "," reduce by ". All students coped with the proposed text. Computational errors were made, as well as when performing a task to increase (decrease) a segment several times. KO (%) - 60%, UR (%) - 100%.

2.Analysis of the test in grade 3 showed that all students confirmed their annual grades. The examination test checked the knowledge of the computational techniques of multiplication and division, addition and subtraction of multidigit numbers, the ability to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle, and the ability to solve problems. Students generally made computational errors when finding the value of an expression and in the written subtraction algorithm.

3. At 4 in mathematics, all students have mastered the compulsory minimum of the content of education. Knowledge control was carried out in two stages: Stage 1 - tested the ability to solve equations, compare values, find the value of an expression with multi-digit numbers; Stage 2 - tested the ability to solve problems for movement, for finding the area and perimeter of a rectangle, problems with values. Students made computational errors when solving equations and comparing quantities. When solving problems, students did not make gross mistakes. The CR (%) of the exam was 90%, the CV (%) - 100%.

4. In the 5th grade in computer science, the students coped best with the tasks "storage media" and "drawing in Paint". Students found it difficult to format the document.

5. In the 6th grade in the Russian language, all students mastered the program in accordance with the state standard of general education and confirmed their annual marks. The topics "Syntax" and "Punctuation" are well mastered. When writing the test, the students most often made mistakes in the spelling of the checked unstressed vowel at the root of the word (3 people), in the phonetic parsing of words (3 people), in the morphemic composition of the verb and its special forms, and in the morphological parsing of words (4 people). , parsing a sentence (3 people).

6. In the 6th grade in geography, 5 students confirmed their annual grades (), below the annual they wrote works and mistakes were made in geographical terms, when solving problems and when working with the map.

7. The analysis of the physics exam in the 7th grade showed that the students had mastered the following topics well: "Introduction", "Movement and interaction of bodies", "Sound phenomena", "Mechanical vibrations". The students scored the lowest number of points in the test part of the exam on the topic "Light phenomena". Students showed in the exam knowledge of the formulas of rectilinear uniform motion, density of matter, friction and gravity forces, mechanical work and power, the ability to switch from non-systemic units of measurement to system ones, to solve calculation problems for the indirect application of the formula. The greatest difficulties for the students were caused by: the problem of applying Hooke's law (to determine the spring stiffness and the elongation of the spring), the problem of finding the distance to the obstacle (sound reflection), the problem of finding the optical power of the lens, the problem of constructing the beam path in the diffusing lens. In the course of the practical part of the exam, it was revealed: 3 out of 14 students do not know how to determine the division price of the device and the measurement error, 2 students were not able to independently draw a conclusion from the experiments.

8. The 7th grade physical education exam was conducted in two stages: at the first stage, students

showed their theoretical knowledge in the field of physical education and sports. The answers of Stanislav Kirnos and Fedor Kozhnikov were especially distinguished. The guys not only showed good theoretical knowledge, but also expressed their understanding of the importance of sports and a healthy lifestyle in the life of every person. At the second stage, the students completed practical tasks: jumping, running, pulling up. The best were Andrey Bedrik, Ilya Soroka, Stanislav Kirnos, who confidently confirmed their annual marks of “excellent”. KO (%) in the exam - 86%, EE (%) - 100%.

9. In the 8th grade, a low level of quality of mathematical training is noted both according to the results of the year and according to the results of intermediate certification among 44% of eighth-graders who will take part in the state final certification (GIA - 2013). Students make mistakes in the algorithm for solving an inequality that is reduced to a linear one in recording the answer in the form of a number interval. 55% of eighth-graders did not start solving the problem.

Recommendations: during the academic year, systematically conduct classes with low-performing students on the repetition of the program material on the following topics - “Quadratic function. Its properties and schedule ”,“ Inequalities. Solving linear and square inequalities "," Solving problems using equations. "

10.Exam in grade 8 on life safety showed that students have mastered the compulsory minimum of education in the subject. The topics are well mastered: "Rules of conduct during accidents at HOO", "Rules of conduct in case of accidents at radiation facilities", "Personal protective equipment", "First aid in case of contact with the skin of chemicals." Errors were made in the following questions: sources of pollution of water, atmosphere, soil, do not know the causes and stages of development of technical accidents, confuse the procedure for evacuation in case of accidents at hydroelectric power plants.

The educational and material base of the school allows you to conduct educational work with students in an organized, at a modern level. However, the percentage of success in individual classes remains insufficiently high. This is explained by the fact that in these classes there are children with a low level of opportunities, there are students with "3" in one subject. This fact speaks of insufficiently close contacts between class teachers and subject teachers, the need to use an individual approach in assessing students' ZUN and more rational use of additional hours for individual work with promising students.

Annual analysis of academic performance in subjects:

academic year


1 quarter

2 quarter

3 quarter

4th quarter

In a year











Russian language




















Computer science













life safety fundamentals






Social Studies










Physical education









1. The interim final certification as a whole showed stable results in teaching students in grades 2-8.

2. The interim final certification was carried out in an organized manner in accordance with the approved schedule. No discipline violations were noted.

1. Administration to hold a meeting of the pedagogical council of the school, at which to analyze the results of the interim (annual) certification.

2. Subject methodological associations to study and use in their work normative documents governing the requirements for the level of preparation of students in the subjects of the curriculum.

3. Subject school MOs to analyze the results of the interim (annual) certification and, at the August meetings, take into account the certification results when planning work for the academic year, outline ways of correction.

4. For subject teachers, use the forms and methods of optimization and activation of cognitive activity when organizing individual preparatory work with students in preparation for the intermediate (annual) certification.

5. The school administration and the heads of subject SHMOs, when accumulating a bank of meters, draw up individual tasks for students with a low level of opportunity.

6. School administrations and heads of subject MOs, when accumulating a bank of meters, make more extensive use of test materials in preparation for the Unified State Exam, GIA, as well as a new form of assessment system within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard of IEO.

Deputy OIA Director: ______________

Analytical reference

based on the results of the interim (annual)

certification in the 2010-2011 academic year.

In accordance with clause 16. Art. 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" as amended, entered into force on January 15, 1996, No. 12-F3, as amended on August 22, 2004,Charter of the school, Regulations on the intermediate (annual) certification of students of transfer classes, annual calendar schedules for 2010-2011 academic year. year, approved by the pedagogical council of the school (minutes No. 1, dated August 30, 2010) from 15.05 to 28.05.2011, intermediate (annual) certification of students in grades 2-8.10 was carried out at the educational institution.

The following persons were admitted to the interim (annual) certification (see the minutes of the pedagogical council of 05.24.11 No. 9):

  • students of the 1st stage - 227 people.
  • 2nd level students - 319 people
  • grade 10 students - 48 people.

Pedagogical council №9 from 24.05. 2011 it was decided:

Exempt from interim (annual) certification on the basis of medical certificates of the following students under treatment:

7-b grade Samorukova Elena

8-b class Dmitry Kulikov

10-b class Alexey Kazakov

Exempt students with excellent annual marks in all subjects from intermediate (annual) attestation:

Grade 7a - Anastasia Titov;

Grade 8b - Ekaterina Gorpolskaya;

8c class - Natalia Oleinikova;

8c class - Blatman Rostislav;

Grade 10a - to Ilyin Valery;

Grade 10b - Edward Sargsyan;

10b class of Sergey Chernyshov.

In accordance with the Charter of the school, clause 4 of the Regulations on intermediate (annual) attestation, to exempt from intermediate (annual) attestation of students in grades 7,8,10, Winners and awardees of the All-Russian Subject Olympiad for schoolchildren of all levels (municipal, regional, All-Russian)

Kupriyanova Maria; Krishchenko Sergey.

Pedagogical council № 9 from 24.05. 2011 it was decided:

Not admit to the intermediate (annual) certification (in the form of exams) and leave for the autumn re-examination of students who have one or two unsatisfactory marks at the end of the year:

7-b grade Voitov Artem (algebra, geography)

Glukhova Maxim (algebra, geometry)

Sergey Moiseev (algebra, geometry)

8th grade Ermakova Evgeniya (algebra, geometry)

Grade 8 Korobko Angelica (Russian)

Do not admit to the intermediate (annual) certification and leave for a second course of study students who have three or more unsatisfactory marks at the end of the year:

Grade 8 - Gozhi Denis

According to the results of the year, leave the following students for a second course of study:

2nd class Vladislav Marchenko

5-b grade Kirill Shmakov

6-b grade Alexander Pechenevsky

Interim certification was carried out in the form of:

Control works:

  • in grades 2 - 4 - Russian language, mathematics, reading technique;
  • in grades 5-7 - Russian, mathematics;

In 8th grade - algebra;

  • in the 10th grade - algebra and the beginning of analysis (based on the USE materials) (2 hours), Russian (2 hours) (based on the USE materials).


School Choice Exam:

  • 7а - history (by tickets)
  • 7b - biology (with tickets)
  • 7c - social studies (by tickets)

One of the examsstudents' choice: 8a, 8b, 8c, 10 grades.

227 students of the 1st stage were admitted to the intermediate (annual) certification.

Pupils of the 1st grades were not certified, where a mark-free system of work is allowed. However, all these classes were given cross-sectional tests in the Russian language, mathematics, and reading in order to check the mastery of the standard.

Intermediate (annual) certification in the 2nd - 4th gradeswas carried out in the form:

Test papers in the Russian language, mathematics, reading technique.

The statistical report on the results of administrative control works (see Appendix No. 1) showed:

  • The quality of training is higher at intermediate certification than the results of the year (by 10% or more):

In Russian

Grade 2b (teacher Zinchenko A.S.) + 17%


Grade 2a (teacher Grishanov N.B.) + 18%

4th grade (teacher Garmatina V.A.) + 10%


Grade 3b (teacher Kulikova N.V.) + 11%

  • at intermediate certification, in comparison with the results of the year (more than 10%):

In Russian

2nd grade (teacher Babich K.N.) - 24%


Grade 3a (teacher Zhirnova G.N.) - 22%

2nd grade (teacher Babich K.N.) - 15%

3rd grade (teacher Salnikova L.V.) -12%


Grade 3a (teacher Zhirnova G.N.) - 16%

4th grade (teacher Garmatina V.A.) - 13%

Grade 4b (teacher Zhirnova G.N.) - 24%

4th grade (teacher Pshenichnova O.V.) - 18%

This suggests that teachers were not able to optimally organize individual preparatory work with poorly performing students, as well as insufficient preparation for the intermediate (annual) certification of the students themselves. It should also be taken into account that in the middle of the school year, teachers were replaced in the 2nd grade, in the 3rd grade. Perhaps the adaptation period has not yet ended, which has led to a decrease in the quality of teaching in subjects.

Confirmed the high level of training quality

In Russian

Grade 2a (teacher Grishanova N.B.) 62%

3b (teacher Kulikova N.V.) 82%

3rd grade (teacher Salnikova L.V.) 73%

4th grade (teacher Pshenichnova O.V.) 71%


Grade 2b (teacher Zinchenko A.S.) 61%

Grade 3b (teacher Kulikova N.V.) 86%

Grade 4b (teacher Zhirnova G.N.) 74%

4th grade (teacher Pshenichnova O.V.) 68%


Grade 2a (teacher Grishanova N.B.) 92%

2nd grade (teacher Babich K.N.) 84%

Grade 3 (teacher Salnikova L.V.) 89%

Statistical report on the results of control works

(see Appendix No. 2) showed:

  • the quality of training is higher at intermediate certification than the results of the year (10% or more):

5-b grade in mathematics (teacher Grigorieva N.M.) + 10%

8th grade in algebra (teacher Grigorieva N.M.) + 12%

This became possible due to the use by teachers of various forms and methods of individual work with low-performing students in preparation for the intermediate (annual) certification.

  • Did not confirm the results of the quality of trainingat intermediate certification, in comparison with the results of the year:

6th grade in Russian (teacher Lymareva R.S.) -13%

Grade 7 in Russian (teacher Kolesnikova T.P.) -14%

10th grade in Russian (teacher Burlakova O.V.) -13%

Grade 10 in Russian (teacher Burlakova O.V.) -12%

6th grade in mathematics (teacher Grigorieva N.M.) - 30%

This suggests that teachers in these classes were not able to optimally organize individual preparatory work with low-performing students, as well as insufficient preparation for the intermediate (annual) certification of the students themselves.

The quality of training remained at the same high level (60% or more), in comparison with the results of the year:

5th grade in Russian (teacher Burlakova O.V.) 65%

5th grade in mathematics (teacher Afonina N.E.) 70%

7th grade in algebra (teacher Denisova V.V.) 79%

Grade 8 in algebra (teacher Denisova V.V.) 78%

10th grade in algebra (teacher Denisova V.V.) 68%

Analyzing the results of intermediate attestation in the form of control works UO-82% KO-53% in comparison with the results of the year UO-98% KO-57%, one should pay attention to the negative dynamics of EE and KO, which indicates a biased assessment of students' knowledge. The negative dynamics of EE on test papers is explained by the fact that children with a low level of opportunities are taught in each class, individual work is carried out with these children throughout the school time, by teachers, a psychologist, a social teacher, in order to teach this category of students to the standard. In addition, it should be borne in mind that throughout the school year there is a movement of children living in the GU RO SRC, who, as a rule, do not attend school for a long time, and therefore do not fulfill the educational standard.

A statistical report on the results of compulsory exams at the choice of a school (see Appendix No. 3.4) showed:

  • the quality of training is lower at intermediate certification than the results of the year:

7th grade in history (teacher Kerentseva N.G.) - 4%

7th grade in biology (teacher Chernyshova I.E.) -19%

7b class in social studies (teacher Kirilina N.I.) - 9%

This suggests that teachers in these classes were not able to optimally organize individual preparatory work with poorly performing students, as well as insufficient preparation for the intermediate (annual) certification of the students themselves. 7th grade students for the first time underwent intermediate (annual) oral certification (with tickets).

A statistical report on the results of exams at the choice of students (see Appendix No. 3.4) showed:

  • confirmed a high level of training quality (100%):

Grade 8 in geography (teacher Perlova E.A.)

Grade 8 in Russian (teacher Yusina A.P.)

8-a, in the Russian language class (teacher Chernikova A.N.)

8-a, b, in chemistry class (teacher Kovalenko O.N.)

Grade 8 in biology (teacher Chernyshova I.E.)

8th grade in English (teacher Permyakova T.N.)

10th grade in biology (teacher Shkondina O.I.)

10-b grade in biology (teacher Chernyshova I.E.)

10-b grade in geography (teacher Perlova E.A.)

10th grade in history (teacher Eliseeva S.V.)

10-a, b grade in chemistry (teacher Kovalenko O.N.)

10-a, b class in computer science (teacher Kovalenko E.G.)

  • remained at the same level, i.e. confirmed the results of the year:

8-a, b, in history class (teacher Kerentseva N.G.) 66%

8-a, b, in social studies class (teacher Kerentseva N.G.) 50%

8th grade in biology (teacher Shkondina O.I.) 43%

8-a, b, in physics class (teacher Konkova E.V.) 67%

Grade 8 in geometry (teacher Denisova V.V.) 75%

10a, b class in social studies (teacher Skvortsova Z.E.) 88%

Grade 10 in Russian (teacher Burlakova O.V.) 60%

10-a, b class in physics (teacher Kon'kova E.V.) 75%

This became possible thanks to the ability of these teachers to properly plan the preparatory work for the intermediate (annual) certification, using individual forms and methods of working with students, as well as a responsible attitude towards preparing for students' exams.

The most popular subjects for intermediate (annual) certification in the 2010-2011 academic year were:

Social studies 10th grade (teacher Skvortsova Z.E.) - 16 people (33%)

Physics 8th grade (teacher Kon'kova E.V.) - 15 people. (23%)

Subject teachers need to more actively use the forms and methods of optimization and activation of cognitive activity when organizing individual preparatory work with students in preparation for the intermediate (annual) certification.

In accordance with the Charter of the school, with the Procedure for the intermediate (annual) certification of students in grades 2-8, 10 grades, students who completed the 2010-2011 academic year with excellent marks were awarded:

Bocharova Valeria

Olga Pigareva

Grechkina Sophia

Semenova Alena

Baigin Inel

Averchenko Ekaterina

Vovk Alina

Kulikova Anastasia

Shlyakhov Alexander

Neklyudova Ekaterina

Potselueva Tatiana

Marchenko Anastasia

Poddubskaya Ekaterina

Muntyan Ilya

Shchulkin Ilya

Filippova Arina

Vdovenko Anastasia

Gorbunov Victor

Alexey Gumenyuk

Kirill Lebedev

Popova Elena

White Catherine

Pronchenko Sophia

Prokhorova Valentina

Kapchunova Maria

Lebedeva Anastasia

Bratchikova Elena

Bezborodko Ekaterina

Zharkova Sophia

Goleusova Irina

Yulia Kovalchuk

Alibaev Alexander

Titova Anastasia

Biryukova Natalia

Pavlovskaya Olesya

Gorpolskaya Ekaterina

Oleinikova Natalia

Blatman Rostislav


Ilyina Valeria


Sargsyan Eduard

Chernyshov Sergey

The educational and material base of the school allows you to conduct educational work with students in an organized, at a modern level. However, the percentage of success in individual classes remains insufficiently high. This is because these classes are attended by children with a low level of opportunity.

Many students have a “3” in one subject. This fact speaks of insufficiently close contacts between class teachers and subject teachers, the need to use an individual approach in assessing students' ZUN and more rational use of additional hours for individual work with promising students.

The annual analysis of academic performance in the subjects allowed us to determine their ranking:


UO (%)

NS (%)

Computer science

Physical Education




life safety fundamentals

Reading (

Natural history (




Social Studies



Mathematics (



Foreign language

Russian language (



Russian language

Mathematics, algebra


Based on the above:

  1. Administration to hold a meeting of the pedagogical council of the school, at which to analyze the results of the interim (annual) certification.
  2. Subject methodological associations to study and use in their work normative documents governing the requirements for the level of preparation of students in the subjects of the curriculum.
  3. Subject school m / s to analyze the results of the interim (annual) certification and at the August meetings to take into account the certification results when planning work for the 2011-2012 academic year, to outline ways of correction.
  4. For subject teachers, use the forms and methods of optimization and activation of cognitive activity when organizing individual preparatory work with students in preparation for the intermediate (annual) certification.
  5. The school administration and the heads of subject SHMOs, when accumulating a bank of meters, draw up individual tasks for students with a low level of opportunity.
  6. School administrations and heads of subject m / s, when accumulating a bank of meters, make more extensive use of test materials in preparation for the Unified State Exam, GIA, as well as a new form of passing exams in the final grades (grade 4).

The report was compiled by the deputy. Director for Water Resources Management, MOU Secondary School No. 17

I.E. Chernyshova and Eliseeva C.The.