How to do self-development where to start. Where to start self-development? Step by step instructions for beginners! The beginning of the way

Female self-development- This is the development of a woman in the intellectual, spiritual, physical plane, as well as the realization of her Purpose.

"Feminine" - because it is significantly different from the male, and "self-development" - because it involves the development of one's own personality on its own. You can, of course, turn to the help of professionals (psychologists, coaches, etc.) along the way, but remember that no consultant can determine what you want and in what directions you need to develop.

Just as a diamond needs a cut in order to sparkle with unique facets, so female self-development allows you to see the best in yourself, get rid of the excess and get closer to your real one - to the Woman of Dreams who already lives in each of us.

How does female self-development differ from male self-development?

Let's start with the fact that the interests, priorities and perception of the world are still different for men and women. Here are some examples:

  • It is important for a woman to be well-groomed and attractive (for a man it can, too, but he is not ready to spend hours at the mirror and in a beauty salon on this).
  • The woman is the keeper of the family and home peace (despite gender disputes and discussions, the traditional role of a woman is still strong). All related topics (children, comfort, home) are in the orbit of female responsibility.
  • The woman is realized within the family, the man is in the outside world.
  • And finally the topic of combining career and relationships, self-realization and family interests is relevant specifically for women, which for some reason society forces to choose, sacrificing one thing for the other.

Who is the Dream Woman ?!

Each of us has a unique experience, views, ideals and aspirations, tastes and preferences. And, obviously, each of us has our own Dream Woman.

This is the inner ideal that you represent when you are asked a question. “Who is the Woman of Dreams for you? »

This is not a specific person whom you need to look up to - this is the one you dream to become, but in fact you already are. After all, we can become anyone and be anywhere - if we can imagine it for ourselves!

Try to describe your Dream Woman - what is she like, what she looks like, what character traits does she have, how she treats herself and those around her, what thoughts are in her head and what way of life does she lead, what does she strive for and what values ​​does she defend?

I deliberately will not write about my Woman of Dreams - so as not to impose on you, dear readers, my ideals. Because, as already said, each of us is unique, and each has its own unique path to its amazing Woman of Dreams! After all, it is important for every woman to understand what she wants herself and where she should go in her self-development.

But I think I won't be mistaken if I say that for most of us Dream Woman is a happy woman! Happy is already here and now - because the source of happiness is within her, and is not associated with external changeable circumstances, and even more so with specific people or their opinions.

In this sense, this is inner rod - to have a source of happiness and tranquility inside and emit light, near which someone else wants to warm up, and not set conditions for happiness or associate it with work, relationships, a man. After all, the world is so changeable, relationships and people are so fragile that it is very easy to lose balance if there is no “ground” under your feet.

Only faith in oneself, confidence in oneself, in one's own strengths and abilities can give a feeling of "ground underfoot" and "inner core".

People and scenery change in life - in fact, we own nothing but ourselves, therefore, the only meaning of existence is develop yourself, to accumulate knowledge and experience, moving from one stage of development to the next.

To become a Woman of Dreams, but whose dream ?!

I often come across articles calling to become a Woman of Dreams - in order to get a man. And I am sure that this is fundamentally wrong. As well as the fact that "I will be happy when I meet a man and marry him." And if you do not meet or he will leave ?! What is then the point of becoming someone for someone else's sake ?!

Only the desire for self-development in all spheres of life, the disclosure of one's potential and greatness can make a woman happy- and not the absence or presence of a man!

Even more: it is the inner state of a woman that determines her life situation. If a woman has internal problems, they will manifest themselves even more clearly in a relationship if they are not worked out and eliminated.

Therefore, you need to work on yourself and develop, regardless of whether you are in a relationship or not. And even more so not in order to get married or "return the former."

If you really decide to become a Woman of Dreams - then only your dreams , not someone else's.

Only a woman who knows herself well, loves and accepts, takes care of herself and her development, has an inner readiness for relationships, can choose a worthy man and build a long-term relationship with him.

Women's self-development plan and strategy

The Woman of Dreams is, of course, a metaphor, behind which is a call to understand yourself, explore your desires and become the best version of yourself.

Let's try to outline those areas in which one can develop and through which personal growth and improvement occurs.

1. Philosophy of life.

What concept of life are you implementing? Is life a series of suffering or happy accidents? What are your expectations from life? Do you think you truly deserve to be happy? What kind of life do you deserve?

  • analyze and look at the female destinies of your family - do you repeat the mistakes of your mother or grandmother?
  • let go of resentments, embrace frustrations, and make from previous experiences
  • rewrite about life, if any
  • make a creative plan-strategy for your development (what do you really want?) -
  • find your Destination and follow it.

2. Lifestyle.

How intense and vibrant is your life? Do not wait for invitations and "signs" from above - organize the events themselves, vivid impressions and shape your employment.

  • diversify your leisure time, attend cultural events and events of interest to you
  • travel! Get together finally in!
  • take care of your health, eat right and play sports
  • make up - be attractive and stylish
  • find the optimal balance between work and play
  • appreciate and control your time
  • competently plan your day, week, month, year (you can download the planners at)
  • devote enough time to family and friends, gather fun companies and create holidays.

3. Internal harmony and development of one's potential:

  • study yourself, try different ones to discover your abilities and talents;
  • develop new skills and good habits;
  • invest in your development and education;
  • list your priorities and values ​​- be guided by them in making important decisions;
  • stop waiting for gratitude and approval of others - put the source of approval inside (more about dependence on the opinions of others)
  • compose and practice them regularly (hobbies, hobbies)
  • track your emotions: live them and accept them, do not block them;
  • find
  • develop through the “right”: helpful books, inspirational blogs or magazines.
  • make a list of new sensations that you would like to experience, or things that you would like to try.
  • regularly make lists of your desires () and be sure to implement them!

As you can see, female self-development is a completely harmonious system according to which one can develop and move forward. Everything in life is interconnected - therefore, it is very important to develop all areas, improve external and internal beauty.

Set goals, plan your life, take action! And you will be surprised how much life can change if you take yourself seriously!

Remember no unsolvable problems - there are new directions for action !

Well, in my blog I will continue to share my path of movement towards inner and outer beauty!

Are you with me ?! I will be glad to meet new people!

Come to where I share personal experience of external transformation and developing self-love in practice. Or use one that will provide knowledge about self-care from trusted specialists (beautician, nutritionist, hairdresser, stylist) and help to put it into practice.

Sincerely yours,

Sasha Leonova

Let's get to know each other closer, come to me at

Self-development- This is an independent process of self-improvement, conditioned by the set goal, which is realized mainly by acquiring new and developing existing skills, as well as by overcoming bad habits.

Thus, self-development (self-improvement) is the path that leads you to a happy and healthy life.

Self-improvement helps you develop your personality so that even the people around you become happier.

If you nevertheless decide to change your “I” for the better, you should be prepared for various exhausting physical and emotional stress.

In order to, having passed your way, start living the life of your dreams, the life that you are proud of and enjoy, you need to become the best version of yourself, the person you should be.

The starting point for self-development is the choice made.

Then you need to follow the steps below to help you improve yourself.

As you move forward, your priorities and ways of personal development may change.

For example, at first you decide to study one type of activity, but as you deepen and gain professionalism, it is quite possible that you will realize that you actually have a passion for something else.

When you embark on the path of self-development, you will notice that people who are dissatisfied with themselves will oppose you, dissuade you from your plans or try to confuse you. Don't let them do that.

1. Decide what you want to achieve in life

What do you want from life? Perhaps this is one of the most important questions that every person should ask himself.

All people want something, but only a few have conscious goals and make meaningful plans.

However, the reality is that if you don’t decide for yourself what you want to achieve in life, someone else will do it for you.

There are always people next to you who will try to impose their own vision on this issue.

But only you can decide in which direction to move, and whether it is worth implementing the advice of others.

Everyone around you will relate to these people, however, the greatest influence on you will be, firstly, your parents, whose advice, most often, is based on their own experience.

Secondly, your friends, many of whom do not even know what they themselves want, and very often can only lead you astray.

In general, you certainly need to listen to the words of your environment. But do not forget that only you are the person who has the right to lead your life, in connection with which no one should be allowed to reshape your fate according to someone else's scenario. This is your choice and your life.

If you really do not want to enter the university for the specialty proposed by your parents, having well-founded reasons and a sincere unwillingness to engage in this type of activity, then you should not do this.

If you know what you have inclinations for, and can imagine at least in general terms how you will be able to realize them, then be sure to move in a direction close to your heart.

If you can imagine it, you can do it.
Walt Disney

It is very important to understand that “We become what we think”, and this expression is so true that it is even difficult to imagine.

This is the fundamental secret of the universe, which can be characterized in other words: "To receive something, you must first give."

The focus in this case is the focus of your attention. If you focus on negative thoughts, you will get negative results. By focusing on positive thinking, you will achieve positive results, at least sooner or later.

So take a very responsible approach and find out for yourself what you want to achieve in life, what do you want to do, who do you want to become?

2. Identify your problems and shortcomings that can be eliminated

Identify any negative or missing points in your life that you would like to correct.

For example, you might conclude that you go to bed late every day, smoke, drink alcohol, make little money, be overweight, feel bad, etc.

Having faced the truth, make a list of your problems and shortcomings. This list can be anything you like, but try to consider only the really pressing issues, and not just those that other people have mentioned.

To start self-development, you should understand what, in fact, you should develop in yourself.

For each item on your list, sketch out a small outline and a reason for correcting it.

As a way, you can mark the need to sign up for a gym or pool, do physical activities at home, or go outside for jogging.

Your mind is capable of rationalizing anything. Having explained to him the true state of affairs and the validity of the tasks that have arisen, he will become your faithful servant on the path of personal development.

Ask yourself the following questions:
  1. Is there something I would like to change?
    I don’t have my own apartment, I don’t like my job, my relationship with my girlfriend is on the edge, I am stressed or anxious, etc.
  2. Is there anything I would like to have?
    I have no relatives either, I have not traveled for a long time, there is no advancement in the career ladder, I do not earn much, I feel unhappy, etc.
  3. Is there anything I should give up?
    I drink too much alcohol, eat junk food, treat my parents badly, spend too much time on social media, I am too hot-tempered, etc.
  4. Am I doing what I like?
    Start planning your life, learn to prioritize, exercise, create a hobby, read books, find a better job, etc.
  5. Do I want to change?
    Change your bad mood, low self-esteem, dependence on others, your own laziness, anxiety, existing negativity, your fears, etc.
  6. Am I not realized?
    I'm not successful enough, I'm not smart enough, I'm overweight, I'm a loser, etc.

The answers to these questions will allow you to formulate your goals that need to be realized.

3. Make a plan for self-development

At this stage, you begin to detail how you can move towards your goal.

Creating a plan for self-development may seem like a daunting task, but there is nothing extra complicated about it.

The most important thing is over, because you have already realized your life guidelines. Once you understand what you want, let your mind determine the ways in which you can achieve your goals.

If you clearly imagine a self-development ship leaving the harbor with a crew on board and choosing the course of its voyage, 99 percent of the time out of 100 it will manage to reach its destination.

Along the way, your conqueror of the ocean of life's problems may face unforeseen obstacles, such as the emptying of fuel supplies and the need to replenish them.

He may have to anchor for a while and provide the crew with proper rest.

Despite all this, the captain of the ship will not forget about the laid route and, as a result, the destination will be reached.

To plan an action, study the information about the possible ways to achieve your goal. And the first thing you can do is find the information you need using search engines on the Internet.

Whether you want to start a business in your chosen niche, create a physical training plan at home, or develop a sense of style, do some research in your area of ​​interest.

Include in the plan the activities you need to do every day, every week, or every month to get things done.

4. Start moving towards your goal

You have already defined your goal, and now you know how to realize it, so start every day to take those actions that will bring you closer to it.

On the path of your self-development, you will find that you want to change other qualities in yourself, and this is wonderful.

For example, as you improve your dressing skills, you may find that your hairstyle also requires a change.

The self-development process is likely to be a difficult undertaking, however, almost any innovation in your life first leads to some confusion and confrontation with the usual foundations of your life.

And yet, remember that as long as you focus on your dream, nothing else matters.

5. Stay on the move

A self-help plan can help you expand your knowledge, develop new skills, or improve important areas of your life.

So what are the elements of a self-development plan?

1. Define your goals

The first step is to identify the goals that really matter to you.

They can be related to career, personal life, health, or a desire to acquire a new skill (for example, learn a foreign language).

What is important to you? What new skills do you want to learn? What achievements will make you happy? Do you have unfulfilled dreams? Do you want a better job?

Write down 5 to 10 goals that matter to you.

2. Prioritize

Of all the goals you have written down, which one do you think is the most important? It will become the main strategic task on which the focus of your attention should be concentrated.

Perhaps you want to pursue career development, get in better shape, or learn new skills.

Think of skills that, in addition to their immediate benefits, have a positive impact on other areas of life.

19. Learn to deal with “difficult” people

There are times when it is not possible to avoid unpleasant people in communication, for example, due to duty.

Learn how to deal with these “difficult” objects, as such people management skills will be a very useful tool for you throughout your life.

20. Learn to let go of the past.

Is there any resentment or unpleasant memory from the past that does not want to leave you? If so, it's time to let him go on all fours.

The death grip that your brain holds on this negative and at the same time vivid emotion prevents you from moving forward and becoming the best version of yourself.

Forgive yourself, forget about past events and continue on your way.

21. Rest

Have you worked too hard lately? In this case, you should take a break, you are not a robot with a perpetual motion machine.

Take some free time for yourself every week. Relax, be distracted, and as a result, you will receive a boost of energy to move on.

Reading time 10 minutes

Self-development where to start - we think, reflecting on the need for changes in life. In the article, we will consider the methods of self-development and how to correctly draw up your own program for personal improvement. Priorities and directions are determined based on the development goal. Each person has their own aspirations, the goal of self-development is career growth, peace of mind, harmony in life, the development of perseverance, confidence. Let's take a closer look at how to start self-development, change yourself, your attitude to life, and achieve more?

Where to start self-development?

Usually, thoughts about self-development and the need for changes arise in moments of despair, understanding the meaninglessness of life, and time slipping through our fingers. We feel that we can do more, we are wasting time. Self-development is an opportunity to bring one closer to the ideal "I", to reach new heights, to discover new opportunities that were previously only dreams.

So, self-development and self-improvement, where to start?

Write down the answers to a few questions and think about each of the points:

  1. What do I want in life most of all?
  2. What would you like to do if there were no restrictions? - salary, opinion of others.
  3. Why do I live in the world, what is my vocation, mission?
  4. How can I be realized in life?
  5. Who do I see myself in the future?
  6. What character traits are needed to achieve your goals?
  7. What are my strengths and weaknesses?
  8. What will I develop first?
  9. What knowledge is needed to transform life, yourself?

What thoughts prevent me from changing my life, starting self-development? After writing honest answers to questions, aspirations will be clearer, ideas that fill life with meaning, make my heart beat faster. We often strive for new horizons, but internal attitudes prevent us from starting the path or the opinion of parents and friends. It is important to define your aspirations, learn to feel the inner voice. After analyzing yourself, life, you can draw up a plan for self-development.

First steps in personal growth?

The procedure is approximately as follows:

  1. Define strategic and tactical goals: writing down the main goals in life, priorities. Later we break them down into smaller ones, leading to the necessary results. Goals can be written in different areas of life: health and energy, spiritual development, financial issues, intellectual development, building relationships, emotional peace, character, career and self-realization, the purpose of life.
    The goals will help determine the main directions in life, aspirations, help to understand where to go next, how to build a bridge to dreams. The most rational way is to change yourself, not life, circumstances change with the person.
  2. Working on thinking - we change negative attitudes to positive ones, instill confidence in ourselves, develop faith in ourselves, the possibility of changes for the better. It is useful to read about the successes of ordinary people, idols and their path to achievement. Thoughts are material, they help us achieve what we want or become an obstacle that cannot be bypassed even with a strong desire.
    Let the subconscious mind help in self-development, it is necessary to tune your conscious thinking and internal attitudes to the same wavelength. Self-hypnosis will help. We say important positive thoughts at least 20 times every morning after waking up.
  3. Determine ideal traits- how to approach the imaginary ideal I, what are the features of the personality, character? Often, to transform and implement new ideas, you need confidence, courage, perseverance, willpower, creativity, communication skills.
    Depending on the tasks in life, we begin to work on the minuses, turning them into strengths of the personality. How? There are several ways: to get used to the image or create a new image using experience, achievements, knowledge. Each person is worthy of respect, can be the best in his field, and persistence develops when there is a global goal for the sake of which it is worth overcoming obstacles. 4.
  4. Find information- having identified the goals and personality traits that require development, we proceed to practical actions: we are looking for literature, trainings, videos on the desired topic. We can master a new profession (copywriter, programmer, translator, photographer, etc.), develop abilities (playing musical instruments, vocals, working with programs, drawing), master new directions, having a great desire.
    Self-education and self-development are interconnected and go in one bundle, knowledge helps to better understand yourself, the world around you, and also to develop professionally.
  5. Forward movement- self-development should be done gradually, step by step. It is better to write down a sequence of actions, schedule a plan for the year and the next month. It is useful to develop mental development, cognition of new areas and skills against the background of general self-improvement.
    Every month you can set a specific task, gradually changing yourself, your life. This can be: new knowledge, skills and work on character traits. Internal development contributes to new achievements. It is very convenient to write an action plan, self-development tasks also for every day. It helps to track actions and results, builds organization, and fosters self-control.

For example, the plan for April:

  1. sign up for courses, sports activities;
  2. develop confidence (persistence);
  3. go to classes twice a week;
  4. read books on building confidence;
  5. perform practical exercises;
  6. keep a Success Diary, make notes every day.

Self-development and self-improvement, where to start? Distribute the main goals by month and gradually implement them. It is important to take control of the work on self-development, to believe: changes are possible, many successful people confirm: we create miracles ourselves (Michael Jordan, Schwarzenegger, Wil Smith, Merlin Monroe).

In a few months, confidence will appear - I can influence life, write my story, become a different person. The essence of self-development is the desire to develop personality traits, the creation of an ideal person, the ability to get closer to dreams.

Features of self-development of women

Self-development for a girl is an important decision, there is no limit to perfection, and work on oneself gives advantages in life and work. Self-development and self-improvement, where to start changes? It is very important for a woman to determine the ways of self-realization, to set priorities. The most important spheres of life: family, relationships and love, work and career, the realization of abilities, talents. There are some extremes: focusing only on family or focusing on career. For a harmonious life, it is important for a woman to combine love, career, hobbies.

How to find balance in life, start self-development?

Answer questions - What is missing for happiness? What abilities, character traits are worth developing for success in life? Often, low self-esteem is the cause of troubles on the personal front and in public life - we agree to any option so as not to be lonely or to less pay. It is important for a woman or a girl to learn to love, appreciate and accept herself, notice successes, and believe in the best.

  1. Develop abilities, talents- define the area of ​​interest that attracts the most. Creative realization - drawing, embroidery, music, help to find peace of mind, and sports - to strengthen health, increase vigor and energy.
  2. Happy mom- a happy family is a problem for many women, an excessive desire to be a better wife and mother. As a result, they forget about themselves, interests, needs. An active mother with versatile interests is a great example for children, you can go hiking, gym, singing, dancing together.
    Self-development and self-improvement, where to start? Find your area of ​​interest, constantly improve existing skills, master new things. Life is motion!
  3. Expand the scope of opportunities- often girls and women underestimate their talents, do not believe in the possibility of building a career, their own business. There are many examples of successful women around; you can reach any heights if you have aspiration, desire, faith. It is worth experimenting with different types of activities, looking for yourself, a vocation.
    Then work will be a joy, bring pleasure and material support.
  4. Goals, priorities- it is convenient to write down and fix desires, turning them into goals in life. By understanding what you are striving for, it is easier to find opportunities. He who seeks will find, says folk wisdom. Often, being interested in a particular sphere, information and people begin to meet themselves on the way, are attracted to life.
    A woman has much more goals and objectives in life, so it is worth organizing time correctly, using it as efficiently as possible to obtain results. The study of time management will help.
  5. Self-education and self-development- the problem of self-development is associated with knowing oneself and gaining knowledge. Education does not end with a school, an institute, for life it is necessary to constantly develop, learn new things. A woman plays several roles in society: mother, daughter, spouse, employee. For successful interaction with people, you need to develop communication skills, communication, learn to negotiate.

For personal and family life - to study the psychology of men and building relationships. For a career - gaining new knowledge in the professional field, possessing perseverance, willpower and striving for achievement. For female beauty - to be a personal stylist, make-up artist, be able to choose clothes, develop a sense of taste, harmony to create your own image.

So, self-development and self-improvement, where to start a girl? Women have their own tasks of self-development associated with social stress and implementation in the family. It is important to understand what skills and abilities require development. A versatile and educated girl striving for self-knowledge and self-development will always be more successful than the mediocre ones who float with the flow of life. And men love purposeful, feminine, pleasant and confident women. They attract attention like a magnet.

Self-development of men

Self-development for men is primarily associated with social implementation and career building.

So, self-development and self-improvement, where to start?

1. Define goals- what are you striving for, what kind of job do you dream of getting, in what area to be realized? What talents and abilities will help you achieve your goals? How to capitalize on existing hobbies, interests? The best job is a highly paid hobby! How to achieve the desired results?

2. Draw up an action plan- it is important to write down all ideas and methods of achievement for analysis and implementation. Think over how to act best, what talents and abilities to develop to get results? Where to find information, experienced people-mentors.

3. Get support- it is incredibly important, if you want to develop, to change your life, to feel the support of others, family, friends. Often, good intentions fail, the family is used to a lawyer dad, not a writer or musician, and why computer courses? Extra costs, parents think.
It is important to determine the area of ​​interest, to be able to substantiate your position, priorities, ideas.
It is good to find people with similar interests for joint activities, communication, exchange of experience. Initially, you can combine interests with work, and over time, choose the area of ​​development, self-realization.

4. We read for self-development- books and training materials will help you learn a lot of useful things in any area: on the development of personal qualities, professional. Achievements in life require persistence, courage, leadership, and the ability to communicate.
Think about what qualities you will develop first. You can work independently or take self-development courses. The main thing is to believe in your potential, to discover new opportunities and abilities. A genius lives in every person!

5. We act- having determined the main directions of development, it is important to immediately start acting. Find information, call about classes, draw up a schedule of activities, actions. Taking one step a day, you can walk 30 meters forward in a month. The main thing is from simple to complex, it is impossible to immediately swallow an elephant, it is better to break large tasks into small, achievable ones.

Self-development for men is an opportunity to gain self-confidence, discover inner potential, achieve more in life, and realize their own dreams. Why do some people act while others stop making plans? Determination and courage, the development of positive thinking will help to believe in their own strengths, to make changes in the existing way of life.

Self-improvement, where to start?

Personal self-improvement is the independent development of the necessary skills, abilities, character traits for personal purposes.

The desire for self-improvement is an incentive for constant development, improving the quality of one's own personality. While a person develops, strives forward, he lives, having stopped - he falls, degrades. It is impossible to know everything, even the great sages say after years: "I know that I do not know anything." There are always unexplored areas and directions of life. A person learns himself and the world around him, the laws of the universe, as a riddle, throughout his life.

Self-development and self-knowledge are similar concepts, it is impossible to engage in self-improvement without knowing your essence. Initial task: to understand yourself, your inner world, interests, aspirations. Conscious development occurs when we understand why we need to improve ourselves, if there is an incentive. You can live and not think about the progress of the individual, the acquisition of new qualities, but then the chances of success are sharply reduced, because other people are constantly developing, learning new things, which means they come forward.

Self-improvement needs: internal striving to be better, to catch up and overtake others. Although it's best to compete with yourself, everyone has their own path in life. If today is better than yesterday's "I", then there is progress and you will definitely achieve the desired goals. There are many examples of people in history who created themselves on their own: Suvorov, Lomonosov, Napoleon, Franklin, Lincoln.

Self-development and self-improvement, where to start? We looked at the main issues of development, and improvement is an endless process. A person creates himself, draws his image all his life.

How to start achieving perfection, upgrade?

  1. Determine the result- it is important to represent the image of an ideal person. It is useful to think over everything to the details, every day to scroll through the picture mentally, presenting the behavior, habits, skills and knowledge that are necessary to move to a new level.
    Visualization helps to tune in to development, to prepare at the subconscious level for changes in life. Thoughts are material, and thinking constantly in the right direction, we begin to act and introduce the necessary rules and habits into life, acquire new knowledge.
  2. Determine the order of work: the beginning of self-improvement is associated with a conscious decision - to change oneself. Further, it is important to determine, point by point, what needs to be changed, developed. The next step is an action plan. Realizing your shortcomings or realizing what qualities you lack, you can create a new image of your "I".
    Most often, people strive to become more decisive, more confident, stronger in spirit, to gain strength of character and invincibility in any life difficulties, to find harmony in themselves and the world around them, to learn mutual understanding, to improve social skills.
  3. First steps and implementation of plans- development and self-improvement requires a lot of effort, willpower, motivation. Think about why it is worth changing the usual way of life, what benefits will be in the end? A lofty goal gives rise to great actions and results.
    Prospects for new opportunities - career growth, easy communication with people, successful negotiations, a happy personal life, realizing potential, new opportunities in all spheres of life. Self-development and self-improvement, where to start? The main thing is desire, a positive attitude and faith, we begin the path forward to new horizons. Everything will work out! After all, talent and genius are dormant in a person, striving for freedom.

Discover your best sides, develop yourself and improve!

Hello everyone. In this article, we will figure out where to start self-development, what should be the starting point for personality development. If you asked yourself this question, then today you will receive an answer to it!

So this is where the start in development should go. You need to start with change your thinking! That is, for example, it is impossible to start any business if you are satisfied with working in a hired job, or it is unrealistic to go to dances if you are notorious and afraid that they will look at you.

If you want to somehow improve, then for this you need to understand yourself at the beginning of the path and understand in which directions you specifically need to develop. After all, there is no single concept "self-development is only a healthy lifestyle, quit smoking, drinking, and go to trainings on personal growth."

The Internet is simply full of such advice and these are fundamentally incorrect statements, then of course, it is great when you do not neglect these advice and lead the right lifestyle. But the fact is that for everyone the concept of "Correct" is individual.

So where to start self-development?

Council number 1. Understand yourself!

Understand what you want from life, what you want to do and in what directions to develop. I understand that for many this question is difficult, but nevertheless, if at this stage you are not able to decide, then you simply cannot go further, or you will go along a crooked road to nowhere.

By the way, not this topic is one excellent article "", so I highly recommend reading.

It took me a lot of time to determine, unfortunately. Although now I understand that there is nothing to regret, because now there is concrete clarity, and I know what I should and want to do in life, what is my vocation, what is my mission and main goal. There are two ways to figure it out;

  1. Just one by one try everything that life will offer and through who knows how many years to understand what is your true passion (not the best option, right?).
  2. Initially choose your passion, the business that brings you pleasure and fruits, both spiritual and material, and start to act in this direction.

I chose the second option and I do not regret it at all. If you still cannot understand what your true passion is, do the following:

  • Take a notebook and a pen and make a list of what you like to do, your hobbies or activities that bring pleasure and you do not get tired of them. The more the better (at least 10 different activities)
  • From the list, select the 5 best and closest to you.
  • Further, you can test each of these directions on yourself to understand what the desire is more for.
  • After the test, you will definitely understand what is closer to you, what you do better, and what you really want to do in life, and perhaps this is how you will find yours.

Something I got carried away with the choice of purpose, but also understandable. This is a very voluminous topic that cannot be covered in one article, so I will write in more detail about how to choose your destination in the following posts, I advise you not to miss it. We will continue!

Council number 2. Find relevant literature and start reading!

To begin to develop tightly in the direction you want, you need to be fueled by powerful knowledge in this area and nothing helps as much as. So go to a bookstore and find some useful material. of course, besides this, I advise you to take other books on the topic of personal growth, development, business, etc.

You definitely need to read books in different directions, so as not to get tired of the monotony and develop in different directions. When I started thinking about self-development, I went to the bookstore and picked up my first book, Stairway to Success, by Napoleon Hill. I will not say that it was my best choice, since I read more impressive ones further, but nevertheless a start was made.

By the way, I have already opened a new section on the site, where I will talk about useful books that everyone should read, I will give reviews on them and briefly explain what the book is about so that you can understand for yourself whether you need it or not, therefore - the first issues very soon.

Besides literature It will also be extremely useful to take additional courses, seminars and trainings on those topics that are interesting to you and you feel that you need to improve certain skills. Now I'm not talking about those where all sorts of gurus there will open the chakras and cleanse the body, but only those who help you fully reveal yourself in your favorite business and pump yourself up in this both physically and mentally.

For example: how to overcome laziness, how to put a good voice and diction, how to get rid of fears and phobias, how to use your time efficiently, how to learn to dance, how to find your purpose and work in life ... etc, etc. And now there is enough such good both on the Internet and offline. It all depends on what you need more at the moment.

For you I will find the most useful and sensible courses and post reviews on them on this site so that you do not suffer from the tone of water and immediately take and apply the best.

Council number 3. Think and act in the direction of your desires!

You already know about that? Or at least once heard about this theory, and maybe even felt it for yourself. I have no doubt about it, I have already experienced it.

So in order to give an impetus to your development, you need to think in this direction, think about how you develop, how you become better, the main thing is to concretely imagine what exactly you will become better in, how it will manifest itself in the external world and the environment how you will become a more authoritative and strong person in the eyes of other people!

Clear pepper, that the thoughts themselves will be few, and the skeptics of this theory can say that all this is nonsense, and nevertheless, in addition to thoughts, you need to constantly take certain actions in order to grow every day.

That is, if you want to become the best in dancing, or in psychology, or in boxing, or in business and sales, do this regularly. Every day, pump your skills, study books, courses, trainings and the most important thing - PRACTICE this knowledge, otherwise you will not budge!

Of course, this is far from all that I wanted to talk about within the framework of this topic, because the topic is quite voluminous, but today I wrote this foundation where to start self-development. I did just that, and then everything went up, so I advise you.

In the next article I will continue this topic and in the second part I will lay out the maximum of chips that will come in handy on the path of your improvement, therefore, in order not to miss it and soon you will receive it, as well as a number of useful things in the future.

Finally, I have prepared a useful video for you on this topic. We look:

That's all for today. See you later.

P.S. Write in the comments what you have already done for personal improvement? Where did you start or will you start?

Good day, dear readers of my blog! I think that we have already figured it out in the previous article: "" Therefore, in this article we will figure out how to work out a route to "our best", where to start moving and what to pay special attention to in order to get tangible results in the near future. A lot has been written about how to engage in self-development. I will try to choose the main thing, from my point of view, and present this main thing in the most accessible way.

So, we will start, perhaps, by studying the stages that a personality traditionally goes through in its development. After all, personal growth, like everything in this world, is not formed at one time, but goes through a number of phases in its development.

Self-development stages

  • Self-knowledge... Back in the IV century BC, seven ancient sages formulated and inscribed on the temple of the god Apollo in Delphi the absolute and universal truth: "Know thyself." A thinking person must clearly understand his life priorities, ideals, qualities that will allow him to move "forward and up." Only by giving an answer to the question: “Who am I in this world?”, One can try to look for landmarks and direction of movement.
  • Goal setting... Goals can be long-term or short-term, but in any case, they should be flexible and should not contradict each other. In addition, the result of goal-setting should be a specific result and a process - systematic exercises. In itself, the problem of setting life goals in the aspect of self-development is a very important and capacious topic that we will discuss in one of the following publications.
  • Ways to achieve the assigned tasks. Self-development is a very individual process. Therefore, there simply cannot be universal advice on achieving the heights of personal growth. The answer to the question about the way to improve oneself (physical, mental or spiritual) can be searched for a long time in smart books, or you can get, as they say, “just from heaven”. The story of the American businessman and gambler MC Davis comes to mind. Accidentally, due to a traffic jam, having got to a children's lecture on the destruction of wildlife, he suddenly found the meaning of his life. For twenty years, the businessman-philanthropist has invested in the Nokuse project, designed for three hundred years, ninety million dollars. As a result, eight million swamp pine seedlings were planted on the lands purchased from wood processing companies.
  • Action... My favorite expression: "The road will be mastered by the one walking." After all, only having begun to act, having taken at least one step towards the dream, one can hope to achieve a result.

The self-development program includes various areas, including character improvement, the formation of volitional qualities, the development of intelligence, spirituality, and physical fitness. In general, self-development is both a powerful factor in business success and success in the personal sphere of a person's life.

Self-development methods

  1. Select priorities... To go to the top without stopping or wandering, a person needs to clearly understand the direction of movement. Stephen Covey, a well-known coach and business consultant, drew attention to the fact that most people today choose the watch as the main metaphor of their life, while they should be guided, first of all, by the compass. The main task of an individual is to find his true path. The focus should not be on speed, plans and schedules, but on priorities.
  2. Awareness of the fullness of life... Often in the stream of life, a person perceives the world either as a gray viscous substance, or in the form of a motley chaotic kaleidoscope. To perceive the fullness of the moment, the harmony of the world and its versatility, it is worth applying the principle of “being here and now”. At any moment you can give yourself the command: “Stop. Realize. Feel. "
  3. Concentration of attention. The Indians have a story that the human brain is a little monkey. She constantly climbs somewhere, itches, examines something, chews, but she can be tamed. The same must be done with consciousness. When the mind jumps from thought to thought, from idea to idea, tell it, “Come back! Look here!" By the way, I want to assure you that this technique works flawlessly. I tested it on myself and came to the conclusion that with the help of self-control, you can completely focus on the task, discarding everything else. So I accumulate consciousness and the efficiency in the process becomes several times higher.
  4. Write down your thoughts. To form and strengthen any intention, I advise you to record all ingenious and not so great thoughts that pop up in your mind about a particular problem. Use a notebook, organizer or voice recorder for this. Having given the installation to your subconscious mind to generate ideas in a given direction, you will soon receive a lot of tips and understand what and how to do next. Also, when debriefing thoughts, pay attention to repetitive tasks. It is noticed that a task postponed three times is not worth the effort spent on its solution.
  5. Time. Take good care of such a valuable resource as time. Use time management techniques. It is worth learning arbitrary forgetfulness, since some of the problems are solved by themselves, and work on the ability to track and block the "time eaters": empty conversations, communication in networks, absorption and reaction to unnecessary information.
  6. Environment... Communication with people who can teach you something, inspire, lead you. At the same time, I advise you to limit interaction with those who drag you down, load you with whining and complaints.
  7. Movement towards the goal... Having mastered the art of small steps, you will be steadily moving towards your goal. The slightest movement in the delineated direction is already the result.
  8. Multi-vector... Ability to achieve several results in one unit of time. For example, standing on a treadmill, you can stick headphones with acidic music in your ears, or you can listen to an audiobook or repeat words of a foreign language. Which option is more efficient? Undoubtedly the second! But here you cannot get carried away, if the task is serious, it is better to fully concentrate on it.
  9. Stress. Tim Ferris, author of How to Work 4 Hours a Week, advises learning how to use stress. Sounds paradoxical. Is not it? But it is a certain level of stress that forms sufficient motivation in you. It turns out that there is so-called "good" stress - emotional outbursts (not always with a plus sign) that force you to leave your comfort zone.

Of course, this list does not exhaust the ways of self-development. Every spiritual practice, every psychology guru is likely to suggest many other ways for your attention. The ones described in this article seem to me to be the most versatile.

2 powerful techniques

And finally, I would like to make you, dear readers of my blog, a small gift. Two great exercises to help restore inner harmony and motivate yourself to actively move to the top.

A wonderful technique with which you can improve your life in an amazing way is described in a book by a Vietnamese spiritual leader and Zen master Tit Nat Hana "Peace at every step"... The author proposes to reconsider the attitude to reality. “We often ask ourselves the question: What is wrong? And a negative field is immediately formed around. What if we could learn to ask life: "What is it?" At the same time, to experience those sensations that are formed by the answer for a longer time. "

Power Hour, a technique developed by Anthony Robbins. At the heart of three pillars: planning the day (ten to fifteen minutes), focusing on goals and meaningful articulation of attitudes. Let's talk about attitudes, or they are also called affirmations. They are the ones who program the consciousness in a certain way. This is a very powerful tool that amazingly replenishes energy resources and works like a magnet that attracts resources, people and events. Here are some similar attitudes (affirmations).