Translation of USE scores: A detailed description of the assessment system. How many points do you need to get on the exam in the Russian language? What is the passing score in social studies

Each graduate who wants to become a student of one of the universities of the Russian Federation in 2018 has a difficult task - to successfully pass the Unified State Exam, as well as to choose the right educational institution and faculty for submitting documents. Most 11th graders and their parents are faced with the final exam grading system for the first time and often find it difficult to find answers to the questions that arise. Therefore, we decided to shed some light on important points.

In 2017-2018, the basic rules for passing the exam will not be significantly changed. This means that for graduates, the 100-point grading system for final tests will also be relevant.

How is it going?

During the examination of the examination papers, for each correctly completed task, the graduate is credited with the so-called "primary points", which upon completion of the examination of the work are summed up and transferred to the "test score", which is indicated in the USE certificate.

Important! Since 2009, the scale of transferring the primary and test scores of the USE into the traditional school five-point grades has not been officially used, because in 2017 and 2018 the final exams are not included in the certificate.

Verification of work is carried out in two ways:

  • automatically (using special programs and technical means);
  • manually (the correctness of the detailed answers is checked by two independent experts).

It is quite difficult to dispute the result of an automatic check. If, when filling out the answer table, the basic rules were not followed, the computer may not protect the result, and only the graduate himself will be to blame for this, who has not followed a number of mandatory rules.

If controversial points arise during the expert review, a third specialist is involved, whose opinion will be decisive.

When to expect results?

The following time frames apply by law:

  • data processing (on compulsory subjects) in the RSCI should not last longer than 6 calendar days;
  • for data processing (optional subjects), the RCRO is given 4 days;
  • verification at the Federal Testing Center should take no more than 5 business days;
  • approval of the results by the State Examination Commission - 1 more day;
  • up to 3 days for sending the results to the USE participants.

In practice, it can take from 8 to 14 days from the moment of passing the exam to receiving the official result.

Converting USE scores into grades

Despite the fact that officially in 2018 the scale for converting points in USE subjects into a five-point assessment is not used, many still want to interpret their result in a more familiar "school" system. To do this, you can use special tables or online calculators.

Table for converting test scores of the OGE into grades

Russian language


Computer science

Social Studies

Foreign languages




The second method is a little easier and more convenient than searching for the required values ​​in the cells of a huge table. It is enough just to select a subject (mathematics, Russian, chemistry, physics, history, English, social studies ... and other subjects), enter the data and get the desired result in a matter of seconds.

We suggest trying how simple and convenient it is to use in practice online calculators of the USE score and its translation into a 5-point grade.

Transfer of points from primary to test

Converting USE scores into grades

Internet systems for applicants

The 2017-2018 academic year is over, the exam has been passed, the results are known, and even the interactive scale for translating primary points showed that the USE result was in a fairly good range ... But is this enough to enter the desired university?

Assess your real chances of joining based on test scores and the university's minimum passing threshold.

Important! The minimum passing score is formed by the university itself. It will directly depend on the points of applicants who apply in 2018. The more popular the specialty, the higher the passing score will be.

Often, even 100-point results are not enough for admission to the budget at TOP faculties. Chances to see their surname in the lists of those who entered such directions are only for the prize-winners of the Olympiads, who give significant additional points.

In 2018, the most popular services for selecting a university and monitoring the threshold of entrance points for various specialties will be:

  2. Apply online
  3. Higher School of Economics calculator
  5. Typical applicant

Finding these services is very easy. It is enough to enter their name into any search engine.

  • 0-35 points - assessment " 2 »,
  • 36-52 points - assessment " 3 »,
  • 53-67 points - assessment " 4 »,
  • 68 and above points - rating “ 5 »;

Distribution of points for each task of the exam in physics

  • 1 point- for 1-4, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27 tasks.
  • 2 points - 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 21, 24.
  • 3 points- 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 tasks with a detailed answer are evaluated according to the criteria from the FIPI (see below)

Total: 52 points.

  • The minimum test score of the exam is 36
  • Minimum primary USE score - 11

Primary score

Secondary (test) score
1 4
2 7
3 10
4 14
5 17
6 20
7 23
8 27
9 30
10 33
11 36
12 38
13 39
14 40
15 41
16 42
17 44
18 45
19 46
20 47
21 48
22 49
23 51
24 52
25 53
26 54
27 55
28 57
29 58
30 59
31 60
32 61
33 62
34 64
35 66
36 68
37 70
38 72
39 74
40 76
41 78
42 80
43 82
44 84
45 86
46 88
47 90
48 92
49 94
50 96
51 98
52 100

Evaluation criteria for items with a detailed answer

1 point

  • A solution is presented that corresponds to one of the following cases. The correct answer to the task question is given, and an explanation is given, but it does not indicate two phenomena or physical laws necessary for a complete correct explanation.
  • OR All the phenomena and laws, regularities necessary for the explanation are indicated, but the existing reasoning aimed at obtaining an answer to the task question has not been brought to the end.
  • OR All the phenomena and laws, regularities necessary for the explanation are indicated, but the existing reasoning leading to the answer contains errors.
  • OR Not all the phenomena and laws, regularities necessary for the explanation are indicated, but there are correct reasoning aimed at solving the problem.

0 points

Maximum score - 3

3 points -

  1. the law of conservation of momentum, the law of conservation of mechanical energy, Newton's second law for the motion of a body in a circle; it is taken into account that at the top point the tension force of the thread vanishes);
  2. (except for the designations of the constants indicated in the CMM version and the designations used in the problem statement);
  3. the necessary mathematical transformations and calculations were carried out, leading to the correct numerical answer (the solution "in parts" with intermediate calculations is allowed);
  4. the correct answer is presented, indicating the units of measurement of the required value.

2 points

  • All the necessary provisions of the theory, physical laws, laws have been correctly written down, and the necessary transformations have been carried out. But there are the following disadvantages.
  • OR In the solution, unnecessary entries that are not included in the solution (possibly incorrect) are not separated from the solution (not crossed out; not enclosed in brackets, a frame, etc.).
  • OR In the required mathematical transformations or calculations, mistakes were made, and / or the transformations / calculations were not completed.
  • OR .

1 point

  • Only the provisions and formulas that express physical laws, the application of which is necessary to solve the problem, are presented, without any transformations with their use, aimed at solving the problem and the answer.
  • OR The solution does not contain ONE of the original formulas necessary for solving the problem (or the statement underlying the solution), but there are logically correct transformations with the available formulas aimed at solving the problem.
  • OR ONE from the initial formulas necessary for solving the problem (or in the statement underlying the solution), an error was made, but there are logically correct transformations with the existing formulas aimed at solving the problem

0 points

  • All cases of decisions that do not meet the above criteria for scoring 1, 2, 3 points

Maximum score - 3

3 points - A complete solution is provided, including the following elements:

  1. written the provisions of the theory and physical laws, laws, the application of which is necessary to solve the problem in the chosen way (in this case: expression for the Archimedes force, the relationship between mass and density, the Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation, the condition for the ball to rise);
  2. all newly introduced letter designations of physical quantities are described
  3. the correct answer is presented, indicating the units of measurement of the desired value

2 points

  • The entries corresponding to point II are not presented in full or are missing.
  • AND (OR)
  • AND (OR)
  • AND (OR) Clause IV is missing or a mistake was made

1 point- Records are presented that correspond to one of the following cases.

  • OR
  • OR IN ONE from the initial formulas necessary to solve this problem (or in the statement underlying the solution), an error was made, but there are logically correct transformations with the available formulas aimed at solving the problem

0 points

Maximum score - 3

3 points - A complete solution is provided, including the following elements:

  1. written the provisions of the theory and physical laws, laws, the application of which is necessary to solve the problem in the chosen way (in this case: formulas for calculating electrical capacity, charge and voltage for series and parallel connected capacitors, determination of electrical capacity, formula for the energy of a charged capacitor);
  2. all newly introduced letter designations of physical quantities are described (with the exception of the designations of the constants indicated in the CMM version, the designations used in the problem statement, and the standard designations of quantities used in writing physical laws);
  3. the necessary mathematical transformations and calculations were carried out, leading to the correct numerical answer (the solution "in parts" with intermediate calculations is allowed);
  4. the correct answer is presented

2 points

  • All the necessary provisions of the theory, physical laws, laws have been correctly written down, and the necessary transformations have been carried out. However, there are one or more of the following disadvantages.
  • The entries corresponding to point II are not presented in full or are missing.
  • AND (OR) The solution contains unnecessary entries that are not included in the solution (possibly incorrect), which are not separated from the solution (not crossed out; not enclosed in brackets, a frame, etc.).
  • AND (OR) Necessary mathematical transformations or calculations have been erroneous and / or logically important steps have been omitted in mathematical transformations / calculations.
  • AND (OR) Clause IV is missing or a mistake was made

1 point- Records are presented that correspond to one of the following cases.

  • Only the provisions and formulas expressing physical laws are presented, the application of which is necessary and sufficient for solving this problem, without any transformations with their use, aimed at solving the problem.
  • OR The solution does not contain ONE of the original formulas necessary to solve this problem (or the statement underlying the solution), but there are logically correct transformations with the available formulas aimed at solving the problem.

0 points

  • All cases of decisions that do not meet the above criteria for scoring 1, 2, 3 points.

Maximum score - 3

3 points - A complete solution is provided, including the following elements:

  1. written the provisions of the theory and physical laws, laws, the application of which is necessary to solve the problem in the chosen way (in this case: thin lens formula, condition for equality of angular velocities of the source and its image, linear velocity formula);
  2. all newly introduced letter designations of physical quantities are described (with the exception of the designations of the constants indicated in the CMM version, the designations used in the problem statement, and the standard designations of quantities used in writing physical laws);
  3. the necessary mathematical transformations and calculations were carried out, leading to the correct numerical answer (the solution "in parts" with intermediate calculations is allowed);
  4. the correct answer is presented

2 points

  • All the necessary provisions of the theory, physical laws, laws have been correctly written down, and the necessary transformations have been carried out. However, there are one or more of the following disadvantages.
  • The entries corresponding to point II are not presented in full or are missing.
  • AND (OR) The solution contains unnecessary entries that are not included in the solution (possibly incorrect), which are not separated from the solution (not crossed out; not enclosed in brackets, a frame, etc.).
  • AND (OR) Necessary mathematical transformations or calculations have been erroneous and / or logically important steps have been omitted in mathematical transformations / calculations.
  • AND (OR) Clause IV is missing or a mistake was made

1 point- Records are presented that correspond to one of the following cases.

  • Only the provisions and formulas expressing physical laws are presented, the application of which is necessary and sufficient for solving this problem, without any transformations with their use, aimed at solving the problem.
  • OR The solution does not contain ONE of the original formulas necessary to solve this problem (or the statement underlying the solution), but there are logically correct transformations with the available formulas aimed at solving the problem.
  • OR IN ONE from the original formulas necessary to solve this problem (or in the statement underlying the solution), an error was made, but there are logically correct transformations with the existing formulas aimed at solving the problem.

0 points

  • All cases of decisions that do not meet the above criteria for scoring 1, 2, 3 points.

Maximum score - 3

Preparations for the upcoming USE 2019 are already in full swing in schools, and future graduates and parents are worried about how all the subjects of the Unified State Exam are assessed, what minimum and passing scores are set this year, and what result in exams can be considered satisfactory or good ...

Information on how the examination papers are assessed, as well as up-to-date tables for transferring points for certain subjects, will help navigate the difficult rules of the exam and optimally allocate time between tasks in the process of performing work.

Methods for evaluating the work of the exam 2019

The Ministry of Education and Science believes that the stage of active reform of the knowledge control system has been successfully completed, and in the near future they do not plan significant changes in the structure of KIMs and the norms for evaluating the work of the OGE and the Unified State Exam. As in the previous academic year, the 2019 exam papers will be checked in two ways:

  1. Test blocks, completing the tasks of which students fill out a special form, will be digitized and checked using a computer. This approach allows you to process forms really quickly, and also eliminates the human factor.
  2. Tasks with detailed answers will be checked by experts. Each work will be assessed according to uniform established criteria by two independent experts. In the event of a significant discrepancy between the points set, a third expert may be involved in the check, whose opinion will be decisive.

When evaluating work, they talk about different types of points, namely:

  • test scores;
  • primary scores;
  • attestation points;
  • minimum test scores;
  • minimum passing scores.

Let's figure out what all this means.

Test score

All Russian graduates know that the best USE score in any subject is 100 points! Stobalnik lists are adorned with news feeds every year during the introductory campaigns. To obtain a certificate for the exam in 2019, it is enough to score the minimum scores (corresponding to the grade "3") in all subjects selected for delivery.

But, few people ask the question of how the test points are calculated, which will subsequently be put on the certificate of the participant of the Unified State Exam, and how you can compare the points earned on the exam in 2019 with the school grade.

So, let's start from the very beginning - with the initial check of the examination paper and, accordingly, the initial points.

Primary score

In the process of checking the work, the commission calculates the so-called primary score by summing up the points for correctly completed tasks of the CMM. It is worth noting that the primary scores for different subjects differ significantly. Details about the principle of calculating the primary point can be found in the specifications for a particular subject, which FIPI publishes annually on its official website.

So, for the 2019 exam, the following boundaries of primary points have been established:

Please note that the primary score corresponds to the test only in foreign languages! In all other cases, an additional transfer from primary to test points is carried out.

Certification score

The concept of a certification score exists for the compulsory USE subjects. Until the threats to introduce history and a foreign language into the list of disciplines that must be passed are not implemented, the attestation score is separately calculated only for the Russian language and mathematics.

So, to obtain a certificate, graduates of 2019 will need to type:

  • 24 points in Russian;
  • 23 points in basic mathematics.

As you can see, for these two subjects, the certification score is even below the minimum primary. For other disciplines, certification is scored along the border of the officially established minimum test score.

Of course, such a level of training will not allow a graduate to enter a quoted university in Russia. The minimum thresholds are relevant for those who do not plan to compete for places in universities and will be happy that they will receive a certificate at all.

If the goal is higher education, it is necessary to focus on completely different parameters:

  1. Minimum passing grade in the subject.
  2. The minimum admission threshold in the university of interest.

Minimum passing score

It is quite natural that with an assessment corresponding to the boundaries of the "troika", there are very few prospects for entering a university. If we talk about joining Russian universities on the budget, which, naturally, all graduates strive for, then the minimum limit of the quoted USE result is within 65 out of a possible 100 test points.

Having typed 65-75 points in the subjects necessary for admission, you can try to enter the struggle for a budget place in one of the small regional universities. If your goal is to study in the capital, then on the exam you will need to demonstrate a result of at least 90 out of 100 possible points! For example, only really high passing scores in all necessary subjects on the Unified State Exam 2019 will allow you to become a student of such metropolitan universities.

Average USE score

MSTU them. N.E. Bauman

State IRYA them. A.S. Pushkin

YES Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

Information about the minimum passing threshold for the specialty must be sought on the website of the university whose student you dream of becoming, because this parameter depends on many factors, including:

  • the quotation of the educational institution;
  • the popularity of the chosen direction;
  • the level of training of applicants;
  • the number of budget places;
  • competition for one budget place.

Test scores and score

Officially, there is no concept of "Transferring the test score of the exam into the assessment", since it is the test score that is included in the certificate and it is also taken into account during the admission campaign. But, students, their parents and teachers are often interested in what school result the points earned on the USE correspond to - for this in 2019, the following approximate table of correspondence between points and grades will be used:

Now you know what minimum points you can focus on, and what results you need to strive for while preparing for the 2019 USE. We will also tell you more about how to prepare for mathematics, Russian language, social studies, physics and other subjects this year on the pages of our website.

dateUnified State Exam
Early period
March 20 (Fri)geography, literature
March 23 (Mon)Russian language
March 27 (Fri)mathematics B, P
March 30 (Wed)foreign languages ​​(except for the section "Speaking"), biology, physics
April 1 (Wed)
April 3 (Fri)social studies, informatics and ICT
April 6 (Mon)history, chemistry
April 8 (Wed)reserve: geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages ​​(section "Speaking"), history
April 10 (Fri)reserve: foreign languages ​​(except for the section "Speaking"), literature, physics, social studies, biology
April 13 (Mon)reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P
The main stage
May 25 (Mon)geography, literature, informatics and ICT
May 28 (Thu)Russian language
June 1 (Mon)mathematics B, P
June 4 (Thu)history, physics
June 8 (Mon)social science, chemistry
June 11 (Thu)foreign languages ​​(except for the section "Speaking"), biology
June 15 (Mon)foreign languages ​​(section "Speaking")
June 16 (Tue)foreign languages ​​(section "Speaking")
June 18 (Tue)reserve: history, physics
June 19 (Fri)reserve: geography, literature, informatics and ICT, foreign languages ​​(section "Speaking")
June 20 (Sat)reserve: foreign language (except for the section "Speaking"), biology
June 22 (Mon)reserve: Russian
June 23 (Tue)reserve: social science, chemistry
June 24 (Wed)reserve: history, physics
June 25 (Thu)reserve: mathematics B, P
June 29 (Mon)reserve: in all academic subjects

The number of participants in the Unified State Exam in Physics in 2018 (main day) was 150,650 people, including 99.1% of this year's graduates. The number of exam participants is comparable to the previous year (155,281 people), but lower than the number in 2016 (167,472 people). In percentage terms, the number of USE participants in physics was 23% of the total number of graduates, which is slightly lower than last year. A slight decrease in the number of those taking the exam in physics may be due to an increase in universities that accept computer science as an entrance test.

The largest number of participants in the Unified State Exam in physics is noted in Moscow (10 668), Moscow Region (6546), St. Petersburg (5652), Republic of Bashkortostan (5271) and Krasnodar Territory (5060).

The average USE score in physics in 2018 was 53.22, which is comparable to last year's indicator (53.16 test points). The maximum test score was scored by 269 exam participants from 44 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in the previous year there were 278 people with 100 points. The minimum USE score in physics in 2018, as in 2017, was 36 tb., But in the primary points this was 11 points, compared with 9 primary points in the previous year. The share of exam participants who did not exceed the minimum score in 2018 was 5.9%, which is slightly higher than those who did not reach the minimum score in 2017 (3.79%).

In comparison with the two previous years, the share of poorly trained participants has slightly increased (21-40 tb.). The share of high-scorers (61-100 tb) increased, reaching the maximum values ​​in three years. This allows us to speak of an increase in differentiation in the training of graduates and an increase in the quality of training of students studying a specialized course in physics.

In 2018, the share of exam participants who scored 81-100 points was 5.61%, which is higher than in 2017 (4.94%). For the USE in physics, the range from 61 to 100 test points is significant, which demonstrates the readiness of graduates to successfully continue their education in universities. This year, this group of graduates has increased in comparison with the previous year and amounted to 24.22%.

More detailed analytical and methodological materials of the USE 2018 are available here.

Our website contains about 3,000 tasks to prepare for the exam in physics in 2019. The general outline of the examination work is presented below.


Designation of the level of difficulty of the task: B - basic, P - increased, C - high.

Verifiable content items and activities

Difficulty level of the task

Maximum score for completing the task

Exercise 1. Uniform rectilinear movement, uniformly accelerated rectilinear movement, circular movement
Task 2. Newton's laws, universal gravitation law, Hooke's law, friction force
Task 3. Law of conservation of momentum, kinetic and potential energies, work and power of force, law of conservation of mechanical energy
Task 4. Equilibrium condition of a rigid body, Pascal's law, Archimedes force, mathematical and spring pendulums, mechanical waves, sound
Task 5. Mechanics (explanation of phenomena; interpretation of the results of experiments presented in the form of tables or graphs)
Task 6. Mechanics (change in physical quantities in processes)
Task 7. Mechanics (establishing correspondence between graphs and physical quantities; between physical quantities and formulas)
Task 8. Relationship between pressure and average kinetic energy, absolute temperature, relationship between temperature and average kinetic energy, Mendeleev - Clapeyron equation, isoprocesses
Task 9. Work in thermodynamics, the first law of thermodynamics, heat engine efficiency
Task 10. Relative air humidity, amount of heat
Task 11. MKT, thermodynamics (explanation of phenomena; interpretation of experimental results presented in the form of tables or graphs)
Task 12. MKT, thermodynamics (change in physical quantities in processes; establishing correspondence between graphs and physical quantities, between physical quantities and formulas)
Task 13. Principle of superposition of electric fields, magnetic field of a conductor with current, Ampere force, Lorentz force, Lenz rule (determination of direction)
Task 14. Electric charge conservation law, Coulomb's law, capacitor, current strength, Ohm's law for a section of a circuit, series and parallel connection of conductors, work and current power, Joule-Lenz law
Task 15. Flux of the vector of magnetic induction, Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, inductance, magnetic field energy of a coil with current, oscillatory circuit, laws of reflection and refraction of light, ray path in a lens
Task 16. Electrodynamics (explanation of phenomena; interpretation of the results of experiments presented in the form of tables or graphs)
Task 17. Electrodynamics (change in physical quantities in processes)
Task 18. Electrodynamics and the basics of SRT (establishing correspondence between graphs and physical quantities, between physical quantities and formulas)
Task 19. Planetary model of the atom. Nucleon model of the nucleus. Nuclear reactions.
Task 20. Photons, line spectra, the law of radioactive decay
Task 21. Quantum physics (change in physical quantities in processes; establishing correspondence between graphs and physical quantities, between physical quantities and formulas)
Task 22.
Task 23. Mechanics - quantum physics (methods of scientific knowledge)
Task 24. Elements of astrophysics: Solar system, stars, galaxies
Task 25. Mechanics, molecular physics (design problem)
Task 26. Molecular physics, electrodynamics (design problem)
Task 27.
Task 28 (C1). Mechanics - Quantum Physics (Qualitative Problem)
Task 29 (C2). Mechanics (design problem)
Task 30 (C3). Molecular physics (computational problem)
Task 31 (C4). Electrodynamics (design problem)
Task 32 (C5). Electrodynamics, quantum physics (computational problem)

Correspondence between the minimum primary scores and the minimum test scores of 2019. Order on amendments to Appendix No. 1 to the order of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.

After checking the USE assignments in the Russian language, a primary score is given for their completion: from 0 to 57. Each assignment is evaluated by a certain number of points: the more difficult the assignment, the more points you can get for it. For the correct completion of tasks in the exam in the Russian language, from 1 to 5 points are given, depending on the complexity of the task. In this case, for an essay, you can get from 0 to 24 points.

After that, the primary score is converted into a test score, which is indicated in the USE certificate. It is this point that is used for admission to higher educational institutions. Transfer of Unified State Exam points carried out using a special scale of points.

Also, according to the score for the exam, you can determine the approximate mark on a five-point scale that a student would receive for completing tasks in the Russian language on the exam.

Below is the scale for translating USE points in Russian: Primary scores, test scores and a rough estimate.

Unified State Exam points translation scale: Russian

The minimum test score for admission to higher educational institutions in the Russian language is 36.

Primary score Test score Grade
0 0 2
1 3
2 5
3 8
4 10
5 12
6 15
7 17
8 20
9 22
10 24 3
11 26
12 28
13 30
14 32
15 34
16 36
17 38
18 39
19 40
20 41
21 43
22 44
23 45
24 46
25 48
26 49
27 50
28 51
29 53
30 54
31 55
32 56
33 57 4
34 59
35 60
36 61
37 62
38 64
39 65
40 66
41 67
42 69
43 70
44 71
45 72 5
46 73
47 76
48 78
49 81
50 83
51 86
52 88
53 91
54 93
55 96
56 98
57 100