World Environment Day. World Environment Day

On June 5, World Environment Day is celebrated around the world. In Russia in 2017, on the occasion of this holiday, a number of actions and events are planned aimed at attracting public attention to environmental problems. The program of events also includes many excursions with environmental education programs, during which the topic of improving the environmental situation in the country will be discussed.

World Environment Day was proclaimed in 1972 by the UN General Assembly. Then the representative body of the United Nations passed a resolution calling for events to be held annually on this day throughout the world, confirming the desire of countries to preserve and improve the environment.

In Russia, June 5 is celebrated not only as World Environment Day, but also as Ecologist Day, which was introduced in 2007 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. On this day, all Russians are encouraged to take part in events that are held throughout the country. We are talking about environmental cleanups, during which areas are cleaned, or simply visiting National Parks and Nature Reserves.

World Environment Day 2017 in Russia is held according to a busy program. The Ministry of Natural Resources invited everyone to visit the Yugansky nature reserve, where on June 5 an exhibition will be opened that will introduce guests to the mysterious life of the swamps of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. On the occasion of World Environment Day, the Malaya Sosva State Nature Reserve will hold master classes on making crafts from waste materials.

The Tungussky National Park, located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, will organize tree planting on World Environment Day 2017, and the Ubsunur Basin Nature Reserve will hold a festival dedicated to the snow leopard.

People's health, economic prosperity, and quality of life depend on the environment. Human activities have a detrimental effect on living organisms, plants, landscapes, and water bodies. The soil, atmosphere, rivers and seas are polluted, populations are declining. To attract the attention of governments, society, and industrial enterprises to pressing environmental issues, an international holiday was created.

When it passes

World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5th. In 2020, the date is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries.

Who celebrates

The events are attended by activists of charitable organizations, employees of social movements, foundations, scientists, researchers, specialists in the field of environmental safety, and government agencies. Environmentalists, students, and teachers of specialized universities will join the celebrations.

History and traditions of the holiday

The event was established by the UN General Assembly at its 27th session by resolution No. A/RES/2994 (XXVII) of December 15, 1972. The date chosen has a symbolic meaning. It is timed to coincide with the start of the Stockholm Conference on Problems of the Human Environment.

The international forum examined the concept of sustainable development as a concept for human progress. The conference participants created the Stockholm Declaration. The document established 26 principles of environmental conservation and assigned responsibilities and obligations to states in environmental matters.

The festivities are accompanied by an annual theme that reflects pressing issues facing humanity. On this day, people plant trees, shrubs, and remove garbage. Educational lectures, conferences, seminars, and thematic classes are organized. Hearings are being held on reducing emissions of pollutants. Educational institutions discuss ways to carefully manage natural resources. Honors people who have made significant contributions to protecting the environment. Actions by environmental organizations are taking place. Figures of social movements attract the attention of society to pressing environmental issues through demonstrations, protests and flash mobs. Documentary and feature films about nature are broadcast on television and radio stations.

Greenpeace is an influential international environmental organization. Its actions are supported by activists around the world. The organization's activities are focused on protecting forests and water bodies, combating pollution, and nuclear disarmament. It is based on three principles: independence, non-violence, protest by action. Campaigns are funded by donations.

The UN Conference on Sustainable Development "Rio+20", which was held on June 20-22, 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, added principles of combating poverty and social problems to the provisions on environmental protection.

(World Environment Day). It was on this day that the UN Conference on the Human Environment opened in Stockholm.

As part of the struggle to restore the environment in the Russian Federation, a number of important state and federal target programs have been adopted.

The key themes of the Year of Ecology are the introduction of a new waste management system, the introduction of the best available technologies, the protection of the Baikal natural territory, the conservation of water and forest resources, the development of a nature reserve system and the conservation of biodiversity.

The events of the Year of Ecology are designed to improve the environmental situation in the country, which should affect not only the general state of natural resources and complexes, but also the attitude of citizens towards environmental problems.

The total amount of funding for the Year of Ecology is 347 billion rubles, including 238 billion rubles in 2017.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Environment Day

June 5th is World Environment Day. It was established by the UN General Assembly in 1972. The choice of date is due to the fact that on this day the UN Conference on the Problems of the Human Environment opened in Stockholm (Sweden).

The conference adopted a declaration containing 26 principles that should guide all states in their activities aimed at protecting the environment and rational use of natural resources. It declared for the first time that the protection and improvement of the environment for current and future generations is the primary task of humanity.

On December 15, 1972, a resolution of the UN General Assembly approved the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).

As the main UN body in the field of the environment, UNEP develops a global environmental program, promotes the implementation of the environmental component of sustainable development within the UN system, and advocates for the protection of the natural environment of the globe.

World Environment Day is one of the UN's main ways to raise global awareness of environmental issues and stimulate political interest and action.

Environmental protection is a system of state and public measures (technological, economic, administrative, legal, educational, international) aimed at the harmonious interaction of society and nature, the preservation and reproduction of existing ecological communities and natural resources for the sake of living and future generations. Today, environmental problems are among the most important and determine the level of well-being of the entire world civilization and, in particular, our country.

As part of the struggle to restore the environment in the Russian Federation, a number of important state and federal target programs have been adopted. The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2014 approved the state program of the Russian Federation "Environmental Protection" until 2020.

According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Russia, 2015 in the country was marked by a number of major positive achievements in the environmental sector. Among the positive results of the year, WWF highlights the growth in the number of the Amur tiger and the Far Eastern leopard, the creation of a new national park "Bikin" with untouched cedar-broad-leaved forests in the basin of the river of the same name in the north of Primorsky Krai, the introduction of a ban on the fishing of Pacific salmon using driftnet (floating) nets in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, development of documentation for the creation of an experimental model of a bottom trawl that would meet the interests of fishermen and have less impact on the seabed and its inhabitants.

As part of World Environment Day and Ecologist's Day, actions are organized annually in nature reserves and national parks to attract public attention to environmental problems. Excursions, cleaning events, environmental education programs, open days, and environmental cleanup days are held in specially protected areas.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 5, 2016, 2017 was declared the Year of Ecology in Russia. The Year of Ecology is intended to attract public attention to issues of environmental development of the Russian Federation and ensuring environmental safety.

The main directions in the preparation and implementation of the Year of Ecology will be the disposal of household waste, the development of specially protected natural areas, the conservation of rare species of wild animals, water bodies, the protection of the unique ecosystems of Lake Baikal, the preservation and restoration of forests, ensuring environmental safety in the Arctic and others.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

(World Environment Day). It was on this day that the UN Conference on the Human Environment opened in Stockholm.

As part of the struggle to restore the environment in the Russian Federation, a number of important state and federal target programs have been adopted.

The key themes of the Year of Ecology are the introduction of a new waste management system, the introduction of the best available technologies, the protection of the Baikal natural territory, the conservation of water and forest resources, the development of a nature reserve system and the conservation of biodiversity.

The events of the Year of Ecology are designed to improve the environmental situation in the country, which should affect not only the general state of natural resources and complexes, but also the attitude of citizens towards environmental problems.

The total amount of funding for the Year of Ecology is 347 billion rubles, including 238 billion rubles in 2017.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources