There is a problem in the spelling of dictionary words. Dictionary word "problem"


A small bird with gray-black plumage, usually living near residential buildings.

◊ Etymology

When you see how cleverly these smart birds carry the crumbs from clumsy pigeons, you will inevitably think: “sparrow” is simply “beat the thief.” But some scientists think differently. Word sparrow goes back to ancient origins thief-. From it words such as gate, fence. Probably, the sparrow got its name because it has long hovered around human habitation, sitting on gates and fences.

Different birds vocalize differently. From the sounds they make, many words-names of birds are formed. So, the sparrow is named after its chirping, from the onomatopoeic “thief”. The same basis is in the unpreserved “vork”, on the basis of which “coo” was formed, i.e. “to make iridescent sounds.” Sparrow - helper word for the first unstressed vowel “o” - thief, vork - “coos, makes iridescent sounds.”

Sparrow is the embodiment of optimism and patience.

☻ Similar words

Little sparrow, little sparrow, little sparrow, little sparrow, little sparrow, little little sparrow.

☺ Phraseologisms

Shot sparrow - an experienced, seasoned person who is difficult to deceive or deceive.

With a sparrow nose or shorter than a sparrow's nose - very small .

With a sparrow's step - small, short step.

Sparrow night - a short summer night, as well as a night with continuous thunderstorms and lightning.

Shoot sparrows from a cannon - about a useless matter.

◙ Proverbs and sayings

1. The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

2. The sparrow also chirps at the cat.

3. You can’t fool an old sparrow on chaff. ( Chaff– remains of ears, stems)

? Puzzles

1. I don’t fly to warm regions,

Tick-tweet, don't be shy!

I'm experienced...

2. Grabs crumbs on the fly

And he's only afraid of cats.

3. The small bird has legs, but cannot walk,

If he wants to take a step, it turns out to be a jump.

Write by inserting the missing letters. Determine the case of nouns.

A little boy in a gray army jacket scurries around the doors, picking up crumbs.

(Armyachishko is a caftan made of thick cloth.)

Copy it down and add the missing punctuation marks. Determine the verb conjugation.

What can I say about my life?

I don't like to complain:

I drink, I sing, I peck and I sleep

I don’t build nests and I don’t shed tears

I'm fighting with the crow,

In general, I’m not sad. (A. Usachev)

Read S. Cherny's poem about a sparrow. What image of a sparrow appears after reading? Find means of expression in the text.

My sparrow, little sparrow!

Gray, nimble, like a mouse.

Eyes - beads, paws - apart,

Paws - sideways, paws - askew...

Read the text. What new things have you learned about the life of sparrows?

Broods of sparrows gather on the path near the fence. When the big sparrows fly away for prey, the old sparrow remains to look after the young ones. Sparrows chirp, bathe in the sand, jump along the path, and the old sparrow sits on the highest branch and vigilantly watches for a bird of prey to appear. (M. Prishvin)

Read the story by I.S. Turgenev, give it a title. Answer the questions about the text.

I was returning from hunting and walking along the garden alley. The dog ran ahead of me. Suddenly she slowed down her steps and began to sneak around, as if sensing game in front of her. I looked along the alley and saw a young sparrow with yellowness around its beak and down on its head. He fell from the nest (the wind strongly shook the birch trees of the alley) and sat motionless, helplessly spreading his barely sprouted wings.

My dog ​​was slowly approaching him, when suddenly, falling from a nearby tree, an old black-breasted sparrow fell like a stone in front of her muzzle - and, all disheveled, distorted, with a desperate and pitiful squeak, he jumped a couple of times in the direction of the toothy open mouth.

He rushed to sleep, he shielded his brainchild with himself... but his whole small body trembled with horror, his voice grew wild and hoarse, he froze, he sacrificed himself!

What a huge monster the dog must have seemed to him! And yet he could not sit on his high, safe branch... A force stronger than his will threw him out of there.

My Trezor stopped, backed away... Apparently, he recognized this power. I hastened to call the embarrassed dog back and left in awe. Yes; do not laugh. I was in awe of that small, heroic bird, of its loving impulse.

Love, I thought, is stronger than death and the fear of death. Only by her, only by love does life hold and move. .

▪ What is the theme and main idea of ​​the text?

Vocabulary and spelling work - studying the spelling of words that are not checked by rules, difficult to spell or little known to schoolchildren in meaning: memorizing their letter composition, pronunciation, sound-letter analysis, recording, composing sentences with them, including them in dictionaries, compiling wall tables of difficult words. From a spelling point of view, the composition of words with unverifiable spellings is heterogeneous.

Spelling differences give reason to divide words into: 1. Words with unstressed vowels: Dog Tomato 2. Words with double consonants: Saturday Story Class 3. Words with voiced and voiceless consonants: Station Suddenly 4. Words with unpronounceable consonants: Stairs

Currently, the main technique is mechanical memorization of the graphic appearance of a word. The disadvantage of this technique is that it does not activate the mental activity of students. There is a problem of teaching primary schoolchildren how to spell words with untestable spelling patterns. Work on unverifiable spellings can be rationalized.

Techniques for memorizing vocabulary words that activate the mental activity and memory of students: 1. Reliance on a complex of analyzers (orthographic pronunciation) 2. Mnemonic techniques that facilitate memorizing the external appearance of “difficult” words through the formation of associations. 3. Selection of compound words with the same root. 4. Etymological analysis. Techniques 1, 2, 3 – relying on mechanical memorization And technique 4 – relying on consciousness

Memo for students to memorize untestable words. 1. Read the word carefully to yourself and out loud. 2. Find out the meaning of the word (dictionaries). 3. Read the word syllable by syllable and write it down. 4. Underline the part of the word that you are trying to remember. 5. Check in the dictionary to see if you have written the word correctly, pronouncing it syllable by syllable. 6. Choose several related words and write the word 2-3 times...

B) Vocabulary and spelling work can be built based on the child’s associative memory. Requirements for an associative image: 1. An associative image must be associated with a dictionary word by a common feature: color, shape, action, material, quantity... 2. An associative image must have in its writing an undoubted letter, which is doubtful in the dictionary word.

Etymological analysis when working with words with unverifiable spellings puts learning on a scientific basis. It should be used as an auxiliary technique for spelling, lexical and other practical purposes. Tasks of etymological analysis: 1. Determination of the original or borrowed nature of the word (with a given meaning and structure) 2. Clarification of the image (representation) underlying the word as the name of an object of reality. 3. Establishing when the word appeared in the language and how, on the basis of what and with the help of what method of word formation it arose. 4. Reconstruction of its original form and old meaning.

During etymological analysis, students realize that the spelling of a word reflects its meaning, and when writing, they begin to look for support in the semantic side of the word. The habit of finding the root, relying on such an important linguistic factor as the semantics of the morpheme, having become involuntary, increases students’ vigilance for spelling difficult places in a word and their attentiveness when performing any written work. Students assimilate words both in meaning and spelling.

What is the difference in the spelling of the words charm and smell? (differences in origin and historical morphemic structure) Charm - charm, attractive force. The etymological root -ba-, which was in the ancient verb -bayat-. To charm is to bewitch with words. From him came the words: fable, tale, bye-bye. Olfaction is the ability to perceive odors. Derived from the verb stink (to smell). When writing a word, it retains the graphic appearance of the root stench (smell).

Tasks for working on words with unverifiable spellings. 1. Working with a dictionary. - write down 5 words starting with a certain letter - write down words with “b” in the middle of the word 2. Grouping and writing words according to spelling characteristics. (writing words alphabetically, in groups in accordance with spelling features) 3. Exercises that promote the development of speech culture. (correct stress in words, composing sentences with these words) 4. Selective dictation. (the teacher reads the text aloud, students write down the words found in it with the given spellings)

5. Dictation from a picture (cards) 6. Dictation from memory. (remember the words written on the board for a certain time, after which the words are closed, and you need to reproduce them from memory) 7. Dictation with commentary. (students comment on the spelling of words) 8. Dictation using riddles. (the teacher reads riddles, the answers to which are “difficult” words) 9. Exercises to activate and enrich students’ vocabulary. (choose words with the same root for the words “tractor”, “station”) 10. Creative tasks. (compilation of a creative dictionary, in which you need to select pictures, riddles, proverbs, tongue twisters, excerpts from children's books to match the dictionary words, or write riddles and poems yourself)

Etymological analysis of a word improves students' spelling literacy, and their vocabulary is enriched based on etymology. An idea of ​​language as a developing phenomenon, of the connection of language with the history of the country and people is formed. The foundation of linguistic thinking is laid. Students develop logical thinking, cognitive processes are activated, and interest in language is fostered.

Skill formation

Spelling words with


Unstressed vowels.

Problem: School-age children make mistakes when writing vocabulary words.

Target: teach your child to write these words without mistakes.

The program of primary education in the Russian language for each class provides for the mandatory acquisition of a number of words, the spelling of which is not checked by the rules. These are the so-called dictionary words. Solid mastery of their writing is achieved through frequent use in various tasks and exercises, if possible related to the topic being studied in the lesson.

“Vocabulary work is not an episode in the teacher’s work, but a systematic, well-organized, pedagogically appropriately structured work related to all sections of the Russian language course, it is conducted from grades 1 to 10,” wrote the famous scientist and methodologist A.V. Tekuchev .

The basis for the formation of spelling skills when studying words with untestable spellings should be the active work of students, the regularity of tasks and exercises, and repeated (5-8 times) reference to the studied vocabulary words (in the daily five-minute spelling class).

In the work of mastering words with unverifiable spelling, a variety of methods and techniques that promote durable memorization of the correct spelling acquires particular relevance.

^ Types of dictations of vocabulary words

The most common type of vocabulary and spelling exercises are dictations. Vocabulary dictations can be considered both as a teaching and as a controlling type of work on difficult words.

Visual dictation.

Students pronounce the difficult word written on the card with the unstressed vowel highlighted orthographically and orthoepicically and write it down from memory.

Picture dictation.

1. The teacher shows a card - a picture, the children name the depicted object, explain the spelling of the unstressed vowel in the word and write it down;

2. The teacher shows a card - a picture, the children write down the word on their own.

Selective dictation.

(picture, auditory, visual)

The teacher offers the children tasks:

1. write in the first column the words - the names of animals, in the second - the names of plants;

2. write down in the first column words in the spelling of which you should remember the vowel e, in the second - words in which you need to remember the vowel o;

3. write down words from the dictionary on a specific topic.

Dictation with commentary.

The teacher names a vocabulary word or words with the same root, one student comments on the spelling, and the rest of the children write these words in a notebook.

^ 1. Write a word in alphabetical order.

Having written several words on the board with an untestable vowel (felt boots, calendar, bus, store, rocket, etc.), the teacher suggests rewriting these words in a notebook, arranging them alphabetically.

^ 2. Selective dictation.

The teacher reads aloud a text that contains words with unverifiable spellings, and the students, after listening to the sentence, write down the words with the given spelling found in it.


Winter came. The frost was crackling. The boy put on his coat, took his skates and went to the skating rink. There are a lot of guys from his class there. Everyone is having fun.

^ 3. Grouping and recording words according to spelling characteristics.

Students write down the words dictated or shown on the board in groups in accordance with the spelling features of the words. So, the teacher gives words with untestable unstressed vowels (sofa, pencil case, newspaper, raspberry, lilac, notebook, victory, commander, etc.) and suggests writing them in columns: in one - with unstressed a, in the other - with o, in the third - s and, in the fourth - s e.

^ 4. Selection of words with the same root with different morphemes.

Frost, frosty, frosty, frosty, frosty.

5. Selection and recording of synonyms and antonyms.

Blizzard - blizzard, storm, blizzard, blizzard.

South - north, west - east, behind - in front, left - right, coward - hero, fast - slow, defeat - victory, gloomy - friendly, limitation - freedom.

^ 6. Compose sentences with given words.

For example, the words are given: carrots, cabbage, peas. Students make up a sentence: Carrots, cabbage and peas grow in the garden.

^ 7. An essay on a given topic using reference words.

In the garden.

Harvest, carrots, cabbage, tomato, peas, beets, cucumber.

8. Compiling a story based on key words and titling it.

9. Adding spelling tables.

To consolidate unverifiable spellings, the method of adding tables can be used.

Straw, vegetable garden, etc. etc.

^ 10. Selection and recording of words by topic.

“School” (teacher, guys, pencil case, pencil, class, notebook, friend, textbook, duty officer, etc.), “Transport”, “Travel”, “Vegetable garden”, “Plants”, “Days of the week”, “Months”, “Numbers”, “Animals”, “Professions”, “Magic words”, “Colors”, etc.

^ 11. Replacing descriptive phrases with words - synonyms.

Box for pens and pencils (pencil case).

12.Answers and questions.

These tasks are performed in different ways:

a) the teacher dictates questions, students write only answers;

b) the teacher dictates or reads questions written on the board, students write complete answers.

Who lives in the forest? (Hare, bear, fox, she-bear, etc.)

^ 13. Complementing sentences with words.

They chirp merrily... (sparrows).

14.Game tasks.

Name (write) words that begin with the letter d, etc.: road,

duty officer, girl, December, etc.

Guess the words.

The beginning of the word ka- is given. Children write words starting with these letters:

cabbage, calendar, potatoes, pencils, painting.

A chain of words.

The teacher names the first word, the children continue the chain: each subsequent word must begin with the last letter of the previous one.

Collect words from syllables.

ro ag nom (agronomist)

then av bill mo (car)

Replace numbers with letters of the alphabet: 31 12 19 12 21 18 19 10 33 (excursion)

Find the extra word: car, harvest, tram, plane.

^ 15. Games - competitions . These can be puzzles, crosswords. The guessed words must contain the spellings being studied.

16.When studying program material, you can offer the following task.

Topic "Parts of speech".

Students write down phrases: lovely daisies, green the street, walked on the sand, vociferous nightingale, take care of plants, bright fire - and complete the tasks: adjectives - sorted by composition, conjugations of verbs determined; explain the spelling of unstressed vowels; determine the cases of nouns.

^ 17. Compilation of an etymological dictionary of words with unverifiable spelling.

RASPBERRY - the name was based on the characteristic of the berry fruit, consisting of small parts. The word raspberry is derived from the word small - “small”. Raspberry – small – “consisting of small parts.”

^ 18.Write spellings by analogy with the appearance of the object.

dandelion to drink

Pug Vitsa R Masha

19. Proverbs with missing letters.

Not great... but my nose turns red.

……. loves cleanliness.

Foreign viburnum, homeland - .....

20.Words are written on the board. The children read them carefully. Then the words are closed and the teacher says: “Now I will show the pictures. If the name of the object shown in the picture coincides with the word written on the board, then write this word in your notebook.”

Game form of presenting the material 8. The composition of the numbers was studied,

consists of three structural components: Seven entered into eight.

rhyming lines to vocabulary word, eight seven

unusual meaning of rhymes, emphasis

letter entry in a word with a spelling. 9. This word is champion,

Rhyming helps establish meaning - It is pole vaulting.

the relationship between the word and the highlighted one – sixteen six

nal letter notation, indicates op -

fogram, and most importantly contributes to the production – 10. – Drip, drip, drip, -

free memorization of word spelling - cabbage whispers.

boiled words. Pupils in the future - I’m very bored without rain!

they operate with rhyme like a cabbage drop algorithm.

to remember spelling.

11. The fox and the vixen are brother and sister.

Here are the main components of this fox fox

I. Highlighting a word within a word. 12. The Union lives in a dwelling,

1. There are words like a bird, Let's find it.

Croak on a dictionary page. home or

Kar - ton kar! 13. – Kwa! - apartment suddenly

Man said.

2. Look, children, cancer is flying in a rocket. Scared the kids.

rocket cancer apartment kva!

3. Beautiful city 14. There is an eye in the apple,

In this word there is, With a high look at the world.

To be there is like an apple's eye.

A huge honor! You can use strings from

Twelve Vienna (Vienna) poems by famous writers,

For example:

4.The plane is a secret, - On the last day of school

And the secret is in the ticket. Who will I give lilacs to?

Ticket il (Il) lilac ire (Ire)

5.Rov hid in the bed.

He wanted to sleep.

Bed moat

6. Grief began to burn,

We won't talk about him

We are sorry.

burn grief

7. The artist revealed a secret to me:

“I included a large port in the portrait.”

Portrait port

II. Isolating a syllable in a word.

1. I write the word “good”.

And in every syllable the letter O!

2. With the syllable MO - I am an evil frost,

And without him, I have a lot of roses.

3. The note RE began to sing

Addressed skillfully.

4. We studied the words

With the letter A written.

The address will be familiar to everyone,

The first syllable for the letter is house.

What? Who?

work people

5.And in these words

lives without dispute

combination -ORO-.

Who? What? How?

forty city soon

crow road

III. Isolating a letter in a word.

1. There is a huge notebook,

In which you can draw.

And it's called

Let me remind you: starting with the letter A.

2.The letter O lives in the fire.

And, imagine, he’s not afraid,

Does not burn or smoke.

3.Saying a nice word:


And it’s easy to remember:

The letter A, two Ks and O!


4. "Miracle - the river."

bear pencil case

rooster notebook

Let's write with the letter E!

From a dictionary word

The result was “Miracle River.”

It flows between words

He carries the letter E with him.

5. Key words are important.

They are friends with the letter O!

6. Look, guys,

With the letter O growing in the garden.

Well, where does cabbage grow?


The place is empty.

I, friends, will tell you:

“The writing is a mystery,

There’s another bed with the letter A!”


Everything is fine with us now!

In a student notebook

O and A are growing in the garden!

The dictionary page looks like this:

Important people on the street

We were able to settle in calmly.

The correct spelling of the dictionary word "problem", which contains a foreign root, with questionable letters:


It should be remembered that the dictionary word "about problem" is written with the letter " O".

Image words to remember:

complexity - about the problem
question with - about the problem
zagvo zda - about the problem

In image words, the letter that is questionable in the dictionary word “problem” is stressed. Therefore, in order to correctly write the dictionary word “problem”, you need to remember the image word “complexity” and other similar image words.

Phrases and sentences with other words:

He might have problems when checking documents.
Just doing something did not mean there were no problems.
In the vastness of his homeland, he began to have serious problems.

Combining a dictionary word into phrases and sentences with other dictionary words for which the same letter is questionable allows you to remember the spelling of several words at once.

Phraseologisms and quotes with vocabulary words:

There are no unsolvable problems, but there is already success in creating them! (Aphorism,

You will never solve a problem until you admit that you have one. (Aphorism,

Each solved problem gives rise to a new unsolvable problem. (Law formulated by US Department of Labor officials)

Phraseologisms and quotes with the word “problem” help you remember the spelling of a vocabulary word in an interesting expression.

Poems with vocabulary words to memorize:

How you sometimes want to forget about all your problems.
How I want to forget about the vanity of people.
How I wish I didn’t know about malice and self-interest
And about the “knives” that everyone hides behind their back.

(Poem by Irina Kameneva)

We give birth to ideas, children and problems,
And we endure all the pain, partings, betrayals...
We are waiting for a miracle, weather and flights,
We look at the sky, at the departing rails...

(Poem by Marina Boykova)

Let us all be a little crazy
Lord, forgive us this sin.
How will I live - my problems,
But always keep IT on the road.

(Poem by Natalia Nepetrova)

Reading poems using a vocabulary word with a foreign root is a fun way to memorize the spelling of a word.

See also in the spelling dictionary:

The problem is how to spell the word, placement of stress
spelling or how to correctly write a word, stressed and unstressed vowels in it, different forms of the word “Problem”

See also in the explanatory dictionary:

Problem - what does the word mean, its interpretation and meaning
definition and meaning, explanation of the meaning and what the word means
Problem, -s, feminine 1. Difficult question, task, problem...

Other vocabulary words on the topic "state".

“We memorize vocabulary words. Today, the problem of developing spelling vigilance is becoming increasingly relevant. As you know, literacy..."

Memorize vocabulary words.

Today, the problem of developing spelling vigilance is becoming increasingly

greater relevance. As is known, the literacy rate of school graduates is declining,

although students learn rules and teachers use a variety of methods

and techniques. And every teacher knows how difficult it is to learn vocabulary words, how

Children quickly get tired of monotonous repetition, and they are reluctant to look at

the last page of the textbook in the dictionary.

It is known that in the Russian language there are many words whose spelling does not obey the rules of verification. It is necessary to develop all types of memory in schoolchildren: auditory, visual, emotional, tactile. The task remains to make the process of learning vocabulary words interesting and educational, as well as to reduce children’s anxiety before writing a vocabulary dictation.

Consequently, we need new pedagogical technologies that will not only provide a high level of knowledge for students, but also create conditions for psychological comfort. “Vocabulary work is not an episode in the teacher’s work, but a systematic, well-organized, pedagogically appropriately structured work related to all sections of the Russian language course,” wrote the famous scientist and methodologist A.V. Tekuchev.

The skills of writing vocabulary words, on the one hand, largely depend on the vocabulary capabilities of children, their active vocabulary; on the other hand, studying such words and conducting vocabulary and spelling exercises should help activate the vocabulary of younger schoolchildren.

Vocabulary words, like the multiplication table, must be known by heart. But the multiplication table fits on half a notebook page, and the vocabulary words are a huge thick dictionary, and the writing of these words defies any logic. They must be taught and taught, often returning to the same word. It’s good if the child reads a lot and has developed intuition. What if he hasn’t been able to remember the spelling of the words “coat” and “work” for several years now?

The work of spelling vocabulary words continues from lesson to lesson, remaining in the students’ memory after the teacher uses special techniques.

From the huge list of vocabulary words, the following groups can be distinguished according to the method of memorization: full consonance, word formation, associative method, etymological reference method, checking by strong and weak positions, mechanical memorization.

Full agreement.

Sparrow Milk Straw Crow Hammer Currant City Frost good Peas Near Road Vegetable garden cow Soon + pencil Word formation.

Sparrow = thief + beat + interfix -oGirl = suffix -pointsBear =honey + ved (to know) - fusion of basics Boy = suffix -chickPeople = prefix na- + clan (Homeland, spring, harvest, parents) Homeland = clan + suffix –inCurrant = currant + suffix – inPrazdnik = holiday + suffix -nick Friendly = suffix –LivRussian = Rus' + suffix –skUchitel = suffix – telCheck.

Fun - cheerful See you (soon) - see you Yellow - yellow Hello - health Strawberries - lands Skates - horses West - fall Capital - throne Skating rink - rolls Fox - foxes Father - father, Fatherland Rooster - sing Student - teaching, scientist. Textbook Black - black Association Watermelon - scarlet Moon - clear Birch - white Cloud - cotton wool Together - and written together Pencil case - feathers Girl - braids, fashion Holiday - gifts, joy Duty - chalk Wheat - mill, dough, bread Village - built from wood Guys - children Woodpecker - hollows a tree Drawing - leaf, brushes Breakfast - porridge, tea, butter Sugar - sweet Frost - snow North - snow, deer Picture - frame, paints Dog - tail, watchman Bed - sleep Soldier - battle , form Camp - summer Tit - wings cast in blue Stairs - steps, railings Street - faces Lemon - sour Hockey - goal Shovel - mole Tongue - sneak Raspberry - small parts Carrot, apple, tomato - juice

Etymology (from the Latin “ethimos” - truth, beginning)

Word Borrowing language Translation Additional words West Slavic (padati) Quickly go down Strawberry Slavic Prostrate down, bend down to the ground Cabbage Latin (kaput) Head Captain hood Corporal Pencil Turkic Black stone Doodle hag Picture Italian (charter) Thin elegant paper Cardboard (thick paper ) Ship Greek (bark, leather) Shuttle made of twigs, covered with leather Trough Basket Box rocker Shovel Slavic (lop) Wide leaf Burdock Minute Greek (minus) A period of time that is less than an hour Moscow Old Slavonic (motskaya) Small, small Moshka pug About Slavic ( colo) Circle Wheel Kolobok Chain mail Track Ring Carriage Cloud Latin Shell, envelop on all sides Slavic scarf (plate) Piece of fabric Dress patch Slavic utensils (vessel) Utensils were made in the form of a vessel, hence: sudok. Place in vessels Indian sugar (Sahara) Sand, small particles of solid minerals Italian soldier (soldo) A person who receives money for service (soldo) Thank you Old Church Slavonic God save you Notebook Greek (tetras) Sheet folded in four Thursday Four Ax Slavic Stomp, knock , beat Old Russian Street (ul) Empty, trumpet-shaped snail It is difficult for schoolchildren to memorize spellings that defy logic. From lesson to lesson, students repeat already known vocabulary words and learn new ones. The work of spelling dictionary words is complex and painstaking. But this work can also be made interesting and exciting.

Work on learning vocabulary words should be carried out systematically:

You should exercise for 15-20 minutes daily. It is worth taking from 5 to 20 words per week to memorize.

During the initial acquaintance with the word, thorough work is carried out:

1. read the word, pronounce it syllable by syllable;

2. explain its meaning (if we don’t know the meaning of a word, turn to an explanatory dictionary);

3. put emphasis, highlight the difficult letter in a different color, divide the words into syllables and syllables for transfer;

4. select words with the same root, make up phrases, sentences with this word, select synonyms, antonyms, riddles, sayings, poems with this word;

5. write down the words in a spelling dictionary.

This is a standard work with a word that helps to learn it. This is how vocabulary words are taught at school, but this is often not enough for memorization. To captivate the child and facilitate the process of learning vocabulary words, many teachers suggest using the following techniques.

Picture dictation: using pictures depicting objects, the child writes down the names of the objects depicted in the picture. This method is the most effective, since vocabulary words remain in the child’s memory for a long time.

You can write down words in different orders: in ascending order of syllables or vice versa, by gender, by number, by part of speech, etc.

Parsing a word according to its composition, composing word-formation chains and forming new words from the given one.

Changing a word by case.

The mnemonic method is associative memorization of words. Difficult spelling must be associated with a vivid associative image that is remembered when writing a given vocabulary word. The image should help you write the spelling correctly. To do this, we write down a vocabulary word, highlight in a different color (underline, circle) the syllable that causes difficulties when writing.

We find an associative image associated with a dictionary word and write it opposite the dictionary word:

–  –  –

Please note that the associative image must be associated with the vocabulary word by some common feature: similarity in color, shape, location, sound, taste, action, material, purpose, quantity, etc.

When writing an associative image, the accent should be on the letter that is questionable in the dictionary word:

You can use poems or draw mnemonic pictures on colorful sticky notes and stick them in prominent places in your room. They will constantly catch your eye, which will help you quickly remember vocabulary words.

To master words with unverifiable spellings, you can use special literature that will help diversify the lessons on memorizing vocabulary words. The use of ICT also makes classes more engaging and promotes meaningful learning among students.


1. Ageeva I. D. Entertaining dictionary. S-P., 1999.

2. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1986.

3. Uspensky L.V. A word about words. M., 1954.

4. Shansky N. M., Ivanov V. V., Shanskaya T. V. Brief etymological dictionary

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“MOU Undorovsky General Education Lyceum Methodological development of the class hour “Your health is in your hands” Class teacher of grade 7b Balakina Lyudmila Pavlovna 2010 Goal: to form a healthy lifestyle in students. Progress of the class hour Teacher: Many people ask themselves the question: “How to live without getting old...”

“ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY OF RUBTSOVSK MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION “GYMNASIA No. 11” Considered at a meeting of the Moscow Region Agreed I APPROVED primary school teachers Deputy. Director for Water Resources Director of MBOU "Gymnasium No. 11" Minutes No. 1 of 08.26.2016 G.N.Shustrova A.V.Martinyuk Head of the Ministry of Defense Order No. 1..."

“in order to optimize professionally oriented activities by determining the social, didactic and psychological foundations of the use of information technology in the educational process, ensuring that training is focused on the formation of an information basis for activities based on taking into account the identified psycholog...”

“Formation of communicative competence among speech therapist students Zhulina E. V.1, Barabanova L. B.2 Zhulina Elena Viktorovna / Zhulina Elena Victorovna Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor; Barabanova Larisa Borisovna / Barabanova Larisa Borisovna – master’s student, k...”

2017 - “Free electronic library - various documents”

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